Missed out on bitcoin . Ok

Missed out on bitcoin . Ok
What about this shit though? I'm bout to go all in

This and ltc are secretly climbing up the ladder why people fud that they will dip

Bitcoin was 700$ this time last year and eth has had much faster growth, 2018 is gonna be a good year.

If you're going all in at least wait for a dip you fucking mong

Safe to say it'll go to 1k. Beyond that?

eth to be 20k eoy 2019

Do it. You will make money. But if you want my advice, go like 70% ltc, then some eth

Xlm will replace it

How much of a newfag you have to be to think you're still early for ethereum?

Stupid advice. Buy land and wait, don't wait and buy land.

said /biz in 2014 about BTC when it was 700$ back then

I mean, it has a lot more growth potential than Bitcoin at least and will probably still be heavily used ten years from now, I don't feel comfortable saying the same about Bitcoin.

>its going to dip
>t. missed gains

Comfy 50/50 holder here

There's a lot more ETH in circulation so I don't think it will ever hit 10k unless they go full proof of stake and deflate the circulating supply which I don't think is ever going to happen or the intention of ETH. But it should still hit 3-5k in the next few years I think.

The dip was Thursday to $620. $700 is the new floor and it will be 1k EOY.

Comfy all in holder here.

Go in now dude.

I felt bad back at 330 for going all in there but it jumped like 60% over night

You shouldvr seen the shill threads for ethnic back in 2015 - the glory days

feeling absolutely comfortable, went all in on ethereum and litecoin today

gods speed anons

The chinks need to get on board if it's ever going to get bigger.

Fuck buying the dip, eth will be thousands of dollars apiece within a year, just get it and hold it. Do it NOW, not next week or tomorrow

I went all in last week, sitting comfy af - be $1500 at LEAST soon.

Litecoin, eth and monero should be everyone's portfolio

>missed out on BTC
>when it was $1
>when it was $100
>when it was $1000
>when it was $10000
>when it was $100000
>when it was $1000000

Keep missing out.
Stay poor my friend.

People are already switching to Stellar.

$1000-$1800 in Q1 2018

I'm still buying bitcoin too. Just not as much as I hoped. I had some but sold it off like a dumbass, definitely picking up some eth and ltc now. Can't see them not going past atleast 1k