We are on the offensive! With a surprise attack, we have stormed their defenses! The Grey Knights, Ultramarines...

We are on the offensive! With a surprise attack, we have stormed their defenses! The Grey Knights, Ultramarines, Black Templars, and another chapter have been mobilized against us. We must strike. Meanwhile, we are finding new scientific discoveries. I call this session of the Galactic Federation War Council to a start.

Yes. The colony of Juevis prime, an important research center and food production plant has been taken, along with several other worlds. We are beggining an offensive to take over the "Forge World" of Meldia.

Stop encouraging the 40kids to invade fucking everything. Half the board should be enough for those faggots

"I repeat our forces are on the ground"
"We are engaging the enemy, taking heavy fire!"
"Requesting a bombing run on sector X-17"

"This is the 69th airborne, and the 23rd death guard. We are taking extreme casualties. We need reinforcements and a bombardment on sector x-60! Now! We're being swarmedby Death Korps Of Krieg."

"We've landed on the ground! The Airbornes have set up a base for the time being!, But we are being overrun. Most of the gunships didn't make it! We need a bombing run! After that, we will make a push to the capitol"
-General-Regent Inyr


"Sector X-17 to x-60 is being touched by the gods divine will as I speak gentlemen. 101 squadron will help General-Regent Inyr forces to push towards the capital" - General Volk-Tor III

Why did the picture not go through? Weird.


"Copy. I repeat...
>A private arrives and says HOLY SHIT!
"What the hell, holy mother of god... The Ultramarines have arrived! I repeat! Code red! Get defenses ready. We need the 101 squadron right now! Shoot down those pods and shuttles!
Damn! One landed right in our base!"

We are part of ORDER AVES. Yes, ambassador, you can sit. How much are you willing to contribute? We need more men on the front.

We are part of ORDER REPTILIA. Of course you can sit down on this ambassador. As I speak the 101 squadron is fighting off Ultramarines while are new Acheron Classed AA guns are tearing their pods and shuttles out of the sky. Those apes think they know shock and awe, we'll show them otherwise.

"I repeat. We are code red! We are fighting desperatley. We are being ambushed by terminators!
>Fires Gun
The marine's dead! Yes! I need some more support. Were in a desperate battle!

I repeat, the new proto-types are working wonderfully and they're coming to bolster the 101 squadron.

The order cainus is already on the front lines
In fact, more of the elite guard should be arriving
But we have two major matters at hand
The training of the wizards are almost complete, birthing the order magus, but where are we to send them?
Next is how to deal with these astartes, we currently have no equivelent
Finally, after the crushing losses order mollusca faced, we require more men on the front line, which is why i nominate order plante

I General Volk-Tor III agree with the nomination of Order Plante. I also say send Order Magus as support towards my and General-Regent Inyr's men. The 101 squadron has taken a beaten but they're pushing the so called marines and death korps out of newly placed base. We'll gather strength and then push for the capital. the 203 and the 304 squadrons will be landing shortly and more interceptor ships are coming to clear the skies for us.

Yes. They use a gyrojet gun, and have armor which can resist rocket launcher shells. I suggest adding an increase in the number of LMG's and HMG's, along with heavier weaponry and tanks to combat this threat.

Yes. Our forces are taking over the three major industrial cities, the fourth army which landed in for military policing the Human population has come as well. Armored regiments and cavalry (it is primitive, but the planet provides difficulties to armor sometimes) have come to support us. Also, marine's and special Op's have made raids on POW camps (more like death camps) and other centers. However, General Tor-Mol died yesterday from an assassin.

But, they have made a comback from the fourth one. They found some stockpiles of nuclear weapons, as our spies tell us. They plan on using it, and we should target it now! Before we are vaporized into oblivion.

order insectimn present
the imprium is starting to suspect that their moles in there ranks
i can't say much without giving away my position, but this marine force is only a vanguard

Yes. Now, for anyone who doesn't know, the orders are compirsed of nations of the same species type.

Good. I suggest you get the hell out of there, as we are going to bombard it and invade. Find any transportation out of the city.

>>incoming transmission:

//start transcript

[THESE {apes} ARE UNWORTHY OFFERINGS TO MY FESTULITUDE. THEY ARE NOW {repurposed? conscripted? translation error}


A {split, damaged?} DRAGON GROWS TWO HEADS]

//transmission end

Imminent threat detected. Course of action: Launch drones. Send into swarm formation
-Swarm Command.

God dammit! Tor-Mol was a good man. Our mechs seem to working well with the terrain, and I'm getting reports our heavy tanks are pushing through tough defenses. I believe the humans would call this war tactic "Blitzkreig", but it's working very well. We should be in the Capital by the evening.

Yes. But we have reports from a secret military installation that they have nuclear weapons and will launch and use them. This isn't a simple one. We're talking about hundrends of megatons of power here.

This Commander Fark-Shi, the nuclear warheads have been dealt with, and human dissidents, have been dealt with for the time being. Requesting more policing forces, before the human populace tries a stunt like this again.

>>incoming transmission:

//start transcript

[THE TWICE-DEAD WILL {feast, ravage}.

{translation error; creature speaks for some time. Keywords scanned: dead, humans, bio-chemical warfare. Keyword scan complete. Returned: 14 variables}


Really. Wait a minute... They launched one! The bastards! It's heading towards the 3rd... INDUSTRIAL CITY! ALL STARFIGHTER FORCES! INTERCEPT!

Interceptors have taken out the nuclear warhead! Sadly, I can't keep air superiority anymore Gentlemen, the nuclear warhead did too much damage to the interceptor division. General Volk-Tor III out.


Pirates, or traitors? We may have a mole in our ranks gentlemen, if one of the human's nuclear warheads was taken from underneath our noses.

Copy that. We are leading the charge with the remaining armies to storm the capitol, and it'll be over. They have no MWD capabilities, and Gamma fleet is above protecting the system. We've been bombaring the capitol for 6 months already. It's time. The city is guarded by a commissar named Ciaphas Cain.

Ciaphas Cain, hmmmm. A strong name. I hope he fights well. 203 and 304 squadrons right behind you. We're going to take this damn capital and we're going to show this damnable hairless apes that we the Galactic Federation will not be cowed! Commander Fark-Shi out.

>Signals the men
Lets go.

Alright. Our first plan is to storm from all sides, and bring in the marines with the gunships to take down the main power generators. Also, bombardments will be unavailable, as there is a marine fleet approaching us, and is being battled by gamma fleet. Who's ready!

So I just missed the last....3? meetings what did I miss?

Oh. Sorry, I forgot the links. They are in the archives and you can check them out. We got a war declared with the Imperium Of Man, and are in a massive clusterfuck.

>war declared by the imperium of man
Did you try send their whole nation into another dimension?

203 and 304 Squadron are behind you! There's also around 300 Hover Komodo Tank X-3's and 200 Proto-type Weebo mechs under you command for this battle. Our Acheron Classed AA guns will keep the bombers out your hair.

Good. We have our regiments of Death Guard, Normal Infantry. Marines, and 500 X-25 tanks, FT-50 Flamer tanks (400), and 200 X-30 tanks. there are 600 AX-60 APC's, and 50 of the new X-35 superheavy tanks.

No, we are attacking Ultima Segmentum. We also discovered chaos in the last meeting. In the words of the ploraxians "Photonic life-forms led by one chief lifeform which have extreme psionic capabilities and are capable of controlling organic life forms. They are split into several factions.

A more proper description is complete utter madmen with very dangerous magic powers .


Good news Gentlemen, A 3 divisions of the Thanatos Dreadnoughts have integrated with Gamma fleet and even better news, Gamma fleet is pushing the Imperium fleet back for the moment.

Excellent. Also, we have heard that they have a fleet of 6 emperor class battleships arriving in.

Dammit. Emperor class battleships are nothing to laugh about. I pray to the gods that the other 10 divisions of Thanatos Dreadnoughts get their in time to help Gamma Fleet. I'm also getting reports that our men are doing well in the siege against the Capital. This is going to a hard fight, Gentlemen..no my brothers in arms, so lets make this day known to all till the ends of time.

Good. Some Behemoths of Battlefleet Orisi have arrived for our fleet. I ocunt... three?

Three? Well, three Behemoths are better then nothing, and should at least keep those dammed apes wary till their battleships come.

I bear bad news
Because of how focused we have been on the war with the imperium, the pirate mence has grown
They have obtained nukes and destroyed agriworld 8-5E and industrial city 9-2A
5 ambassadors were killed in these attacks
Order cainus has decided too split up there main force, but have the majority of blood hound maruaders on the front lines of the imperial war

Yeah. Trust me, they are very powerful . Another 5 divisions of dreadnoughts from our fleets have arrived.

Most of my military is at the front lines pushing forward, but I think I can spare some forces to go after the pirates. How does 50 X-7 fighters and a division of my men under your command to stop these pirates sound. I'll also help fund any para-military or militia group that any of the ambassadors are willing to spare for the pirates. This war may be running me dry, but by the glory of the gods, we will win this war!

I can spare some forces. We will give you Hawk, Sparrow, and Eagle wings and seven Cruisers and three Battlecruisers.

With my forces, your forces, and Oder Canius' forces, these disgusting pirates will be taken care off. I'm also getting reports that....I believe the Capital is ours!?! The reports are quite fuzzy and there's still lots of fighting happening, but I believe that the Capital will be completely under our control by the end of the night.

>54 replies
>5 posters
what is this

It's more like 4 since I only posted like 3 times
And this is an intergalactic meeting

was having fun, because I'm bored, but I will admit this few of people to talk to is not as fun as multiple people. But I'm lonely and I've got nothing else to do for the moment. Don't judge me you fucking skeleton, the only friends I have are my parents and nameless user's who may or may not hate me.

It belongs on .