Lord Inquisitor is here, tell me your darkest secret.
Lord Inquisitor is here, tell me your darkest secret
sisters are a failed design because they don't appeal to their target market and instead appeal to perverts
>I beat my dog every day because I love the squealing sound it makes and that gives me a sense of control and power.
I play not one, but TWO Space Wolves.
I am heretic.
I am racist.
That's because their target market either goes Eldar (because elves) or Nids (because they're perverts)
War is for boys only. Even HTE EMPORAHHH said it himself.
war is for boys only even the big emporah said himself.
Then fight for the EMPROAH with even twice as much effort.
I once beat a Farseer to death with my dick. It took 4 hours and two doses of Viagra
Fuck you
>two doses of Viagra
You couldn't keep it up while beating a vile xeno to death?
>I also choked one of my pet rats to death because it was annoying me.
I masturbate three to four times per day.
You're on Veeky Forums, that's normal here.
I might be a heretic.
I like you
I miss Squats.
But commissar, I broke my dick halfway through, and hate was no longer enough to keep it up!
Hmm... very well guardsman, I shall award you a badge of bravery and send you on your way. But you had better prepare yourself next time so this does not happen again.
>I'm also a closet pedophile who likes rape and bestiality.
>Preferably a mix.
>muh doggos
It ain't rape if you kill'm first.
Wow this is getting really dark and off topic...
What have you done!
>asked for darkest secrets on Veeky Forums
My face when these memeing edgelords think I'm not being serious.
Same, desu. On days I don't have access to lewd threads for reasons that are whatever I actually masturbate more because I start thinking and then can't stop thinking about porn since I notice it's absence as opposed to it just being there in the background.
>This one is for (You).
I don't think I'm getting it.
More edge?
Yeah, especially the anti-doggo sentiment. Really rustles the jim-jams in this place. They care more about shitty pets than humans, bunch of hideous misanthropes.
I'm and .
Honestly, I'd kick the shit in of anybody who hurt an animal in front of me, and I can't stand seeing animal abuse if it's a cat, specifically. But me? Shit, I beat my dog and it feels good, I torture bugs and I'm fine with that. I watch videos sometimes of dogs being tortured and beaten, I like it. Then other times, mercy-killing a mouse or a dragonfly ruins the rest of my day.
Like, wtf?
Also, SOME types of torture are okay and others aren't. Like that whole "crush" thing is the most repulsive shit ever, it makes me almost physically sick to watch it. Anything short of that, including dying, I enjoy.
Even weirder, at least to me since I've heard animal abuse is the gateway to murder, people being tortured is usually not okay with me. Makes me feel almost sick, too - it doesn't matter what type of torture. But, then again, seeing pictures of some one just plain suffering, that amuses me. Like Holocaust pictures - and I'm even fucking Jewish, my family tree got visibly pruned in the 30's and 40's. I saw a little kid one time, like six, crying because he didn't want to go into a clinic for dialysis again (some chronic disease, he had to go every week), and I had to cover my mouth with a shirt to keep them from seeing my huge smile.
I play 40k on tabletop simulator with my friend and I've never owned a single figurine myself.
kill u are self
I think I triggered some one! Guys! Guys! Admitting my literal deepest darkest secret of being an insane bipolar psychopath has triggered some one! I did it!
I gave you what you asked for, OP, I just don't think you fully understood what it was you asked.
>admits to being jewish
I'm a Heretek who knows how to program abominable intelligences.
Mate, you gave your confession in your first post. Stop replying to yourself over and over again in order about to talk about it when no one's really asking you anything.
Sorry? How else do I unload these memes and talk about my personal problems without a therapist?
I don't know. /adv/ is awful, but given the kind of things you want to get off your chest, the kind of listening I think you're looking for is not something Veeky Forums can provide. Even in confessional threads, the most you're going to get is a few (you)s and occasional commiseration, and commiseration is hard to come by if you don't post classic stuff like "tfw my players ditched me again".
I only play the FFG rpgs because I can't play the tabletop game ;_;
Eh, this was actually pretty okay. I'm not really looking for commiseration or a lot of (You)s, mainly just a place to write it out. I don't like people being overly sympathetic or caring as a rule, so getting shitposts directed at me like is actually refreshing and feels great... oddly. So at least this time Veeky Forums suited my purpose better than /adv/'s love spamming.