Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

>Denial thread
>Dank Daily Duncan

>40k rules reference in wiki format. 204% Organized

>Rules and such. Use Readium for epubs. Sorry, it's shit, but it'll read 3s.

>Latest GW teases

>Latest GW attempts to fuck up your list

>40K 7th Edition Quick Reference Sheets:


>Forge World Book Index:

>The Black Library (Harlequin spiked the pieeeeeee! I think I got really hiiiiiigh! I just came to look! For a book! Now I'm bleeding rainbooooooooooows.)

Other urls found in this thread:


First for the Dark Eldar! Long live the Eternal City!

First for happy Aeldari!

First for ork buffs

I Remembered the Daily But Forgot the Edition edition

Will you be "that guy" if you spam an army of warp smithes, cultists, obliterators, daemon engines, helbrutes and artillery?

>Melee race

>we heard that a colossal faggot in blue armor is returning to the galaxy
>we're glad you aren't having any thoughts about siding with him or buying his dumb model, Veeky Forums
>otherwise your delicious mortal soul might suffer a few nasty... accidents
>we're watching you, kiddo


Death waifu

Bitter aggression Without?

Horatio, the most beautiful thing in the universe. Horatio.

I don't think so.

Word Bearers love them some daemons

Those are some nice dudes, fellow bearer of the word!

Sounds fun

What if I wanted to buy his model to convert into a Daemon Prince?

Sad times user.

>Guilliman has the Burning Blade
>so does literally every other chapter, including his own

If you really like them, just go with it. If you ignore the fluff and want to build a pure WAAC list, you can do it and your Skyhammer might even be stronger than in some other SM chapters, due to your Assault squads having a chance to be melee buffed.

Going with a fluff friendly list, Black Tide is probably not going to win you anything apart from maybe against orks (and even their meta builds with bikes and walkers can win against it) and Tyranids (which can then beat you with Flyrants) but mirror matches will often look dire.

Your best bet on a balance between fluff and crunch is most likely something with a few Vindicators, one Land Raider for your boss' squad, maybe a bike squad/footslog blob and some kind of dreadnought. Can also argue Skyhammer as "fluff", since it at least has people charging in while angry, though BTs don't use traditional Assault and Devastator teams, only really giving jump packs to their Swordbrothers/Veteran Sergeants.

I want to run a UM captain with this alongisde Guilliman.

>Who's got the real Burning Blade?

And may it forever be so!

No. But I am thinking about bringing a warpsmith with mutilators


>unknown to few scholars outside the Ultramarines Librarius, during his fateful encounter with Horus, the Emperor was wielding TWO blades, both of which were burning

Take advantage of the Mark of Slaanesh on everything in the unit for rending?


That is neither two-handed nor a Specialist Weapon.

Well, I guess Guilliman is holding it right, then!

now we know how darth horus took one of the emprah's arms

Slaanesh only gives rending to daemonettes and similar, marines get +1 initiative instead

>Unbeknownst to few scholars outside the Librarii of the Adeptus Astartes, during his faithful encounter with Horus, the Emperor was wielding ONE THOUSAND blades, all of which were burning.

whats the worse army to transport?

>parking lot guard gives me fits transporting boxes and boxes of tanks and usually a hundred troops thrown on top but i know theres worse out there


its two handed for anyone but a primarch

>niggas 12 feet tall

I just realized I wrote that wrong, it should be "unknown to MOST scholars"

theme song me Veeky Forums


>Covered in spikes
>Lots of weird hooks and whips for things to get stuck on
>Boats with flimsy sails

It's a joke about how the Burning Blade is a relic that you can use in your army, and it's description implies it's the one that the Emperor used. user pointed out that you could theoretically have both Guilliman and a Captain/CM with the Burning Blade, then pointed out that you could have one for every chapter in the Imperium. Of which there are 1,000.

I don't see the USR for Two-handed on it's rules, user.

>A billion flight stands

This ok for a 750 point Salamanders Space Marine list?

Librarian - 65

3x 5 man tactical squad, flamer, drop pod - 330

Dreadnought w/missile launcher, lascannon - 125

2x Land speeders w/assaust cannon, heavy flamers - 130

Thunderfire cannon - 100

having to transport a billion flight stands is bad karma received for playing scatbikes


>Pain Engines

I was going to have assault terminators in an LRC with a 1:1 ratio of shooty to slashy crusader squads in drop pods or rhinos and just bring as many crusaders as I can.

fucking Baltimore

i mean really should i have expected anything else?

You know I've been wondering.

What the fuck is that gun on the Hand of Domination? It has the magazine belt of a bolter but the torch of a flamer. So which is it?
>yfw it's both and also a combi-melta, gifted by Celestine to make him like her


Reposting because I think more people should watch these.


These things are so comfy to watch. They should do it more often.

Yeah. At least we know there's going to be one for guilliman.

You're right, it's probably a combi-weapon of some kind. Maybe the Heavy Bolter/Heavy Flamer combo that the Deathwatch have.

Ancient sacred Hellfire Heavy-Bolter where the bolts were literally set on fire.

Useful for fighting against MEQ Initiative and at the same time as Eldar Initiative then?


Yeah, Mark of Slaanesh is great for fighting other marines. It can help prevent a lot of damage if you get into an assault.

>t.Hammers of Dorn

so have the rules for the grey knight come out?

>let me guess, he's overpriced and doesnt even psyker as well as an ultramarine pleb



>The marines of the XVth Legion suddenly stagger backwards, before rallying around Ahriman with the discipline of the Legiones Astartes. “Ahzek, is that you brother?” they call out, “What in the name of Magnus is going on? Why are we fighting Eldar?” Ahriman is stunned, shaking uncontrollably with emotion

Jes is the guy behind the space marine look, and guilliman is basically just a big space marine. You know it's going to be comfy.

they've also got cypher in there for spice



So, when's the hatefuck?

>not even posting word for word
Stay bitter chaosfags

>that hair and long dress getting caught on everything and stuck in doors

>washing that hair, the split ends

>spike crown bumping light fixtures and low ceilings

id want to kill someone after going a week in that

so Gyrinx is code for vagina right?

>Can't start with 40k because 8e is coming and everything can change so it's pointless to buy boxes right now
>Can't buy any new AoS army because there are rumours about GW releasing Dwarf boxes in march which are my top1 faction

>Ahriman Sacrificing himself to make Magnus and the TSONS loyalist and free of corruption soon, because he always cared for them as a big bro, and because Tzeentch had Enough with magnus yelling JUST AS PLANNED on his ears all time.

I'm going to buy Guilliman just so I can paint the dead faggot on his base as a Word Bearer

Her clothes are designed to fall off mid-battle to prevent her getting tangled in them. She swanks around casting psychic powers then strips off when it's time for fisticuffs.

>not just buying the boxes you like the look of for the army you enjoy the fluff and a e s t h e t i c s of
I want WAACfags to leave.

What a faggot

>returning to the galaxy
he never left the galaxy, unlike the entirety of the word bearer's legion

holy shit is this an accurate claim? because she's pretty badass now

>walking around in pimp attire only to throw it off when things get serious
>is she piccolo?

Why would a potential edition change do anything to your physical model purchases user

You wouldn't be buying things you don't like just to win harder, would you?

>tfw you awaken 10,000 years later as if no time has passed, but your bro has been waiting for you all this time

Phil Kelly mentions it in the video where he talks about her. She would enter Commoragh's arenas dressed up in all her finery, and it would fall off when the fighting actually started. I imagine it's the same deal.

>tfw your Badab War Siege Assault Vanguard army sucked shit in 5E and continued to suck shit for 6+ years and 2+ editions

Feels M E D I O C R E

I just see no point in buying models right now because I like to many factions. Tau and Crons will not change but if there is a slight chance that Orks will have new models I would go with them. Also new edition can bring us a new and maybe even better deals than boxes right now

>tfw you spend 10,000 years trying to fix your mistakes only for an Elf slut to casually undo it then kill your bros immediately

Around elves watch yourselves

that really hit me I can only imagine how fucked up that is, how your second most important objective ever is finally there and you can touch it

If Ahriman even can I'm sure that at least a single tear would be shed

Hm it seems that she doesnt have the power to undo the rubric but reverse life itself so she makes them as if the rubric never happened in the first place

this literally makes no sense

>you want to play space marines
>standard tactical and rhinos will never not be good so get those first
>if you like a model just buy and paint it, if it gets nerfed it gets nerfed, just don't buy like ten of them
>do not just buy the models for the sky hammer because you wanna cheese

>you want to play necrons
>standard warriors and ghost arks will never not be good so get those first
>if you like a model just buy and paint it, if it gets nerfed it gets nerfed, just don't buy like ten of them
>do not just buy the models for destroyer cult because you wanna cheese

literally copy pasta this for whatever army you're building

>"playing" aos
>wanting to buy the ugly ass aos dwarf models

Link for the new Fracture of Biel Tan pdf ?

Hold up.

So Ahriman locked the Ynnead trio inside a warp bubble, Yvraine pleaded to her god to help by restoring the Rubrics to life to convince Ahriman to let her go, Ynnead does just that, Ahriman is overcome with emotions and releases the trio since they brought back his boys and Yvraine then orders the Yncarne to tear a hole into space and suck the resurrected Rubrics into it while they were still confused?

That is cold as fuck even against chaos.

Want to start 40k.
Sell me your faction

>You've spent ten thousand years trying to undo the Rhubric
>Some space elf does it like it's nothing
>Then kills them

Gonna need some porn of that.

>That is Eldar as fuck

no pdf just spoilers/individual scans as far as I know

>That is cold as fuck even against chaos.

Ahriman isn't some misunderstood anti-hero. He's a deluded villain perfectly willing to massacre anyone who gets in the way of his goals, and that's included a lot of Eldar over the centuries. He's been trying to bust into the Black Library for a long time. He deserves everything he gets.

fuck off we still don't even have CelestineXgreyfax yuri yet


Is he?

Calm yer tits, the drawfags on the other thread has a lot of requests and one of them is the sailor celestine

Why would that make him loyalist?

Just because he wants to fix his mistakes and still has a bond to his fellow legionaires doesn't make his loyal, especially after thousands of years of slaughtering everything in his path to get to that goal.


Not particularly. He is a bad person who does bad things, even if him wanting to get his bros back to meat bodies isn't.

Ahriman isn't a loyalist. He doesn't deliberately serve Tzeentch, but he isn't a secret double-traitor who wants to return to the Imperium. At best he's an independent rogue agent, but given that Tzeentch deliberately stopped Magnus killing him, it's likely Tzeentch is actively manipulating Ahriman as a pawn.

Secretly loyalist because he feels guilty for turning his brothers into dust? No.

no cannoness no