Wizards are so powerful and omnipotent in DnD, because it's a power fantasy for nerds. Sure, Chad Thundercock might bully them in school, but at tabletop, he's stupid and ineffective!
You literally can't disprove this.
Wizards are so powerful and omnipotent in DnD, because it's a power fantasy for nerds. Sure...
Remember, the other guy can't be wrong if you keep replying until you get the last word.
Have fun flinging Shit.
No it's because with magic you can do absolutely anything whereas fighters have limited potential by design. A fighter who can surpass those limits qualifies as "magic" so they might as well be a wizard who fights well.
Obviously people who are magical in a magical world will excel much like fish are more likely to survive in the water than an ape.
>People still complain about this topic because they're sad, lonely individuals who can only derive any sense of purpose from shit posting
You literally cannot disprove this
>You literally can't disprove this.
That's not how it works.
You made the hypothesis,
You find the evidence.
Is that kid wearing a polo shirt with a denim collar?
>not knowing sea monkeys exist
Gary Gygax didn't want to put casters in the game at all, and didn't understand why someone would want to play as gandalf instead of conan. Tim Trask had to convince him, and there's an interview online where he says as much.
>because with magic you can do absolutely anything
Which is why you should put RESTRAINT in your design of magic or not outright limit something that potent to one fucking class option.
>Muh game balance
maybe its not meant to be balanced...
But I am Chad Thundercock
Prove it.
> Maybe wits and study are SUPPOSED to be more useful than gym and college football!
And? What are nerds supposed to do? Just embrace the horrible reality of their lives?
>You don't get it, the game's SUPPOSED to be inherently flawed!
Having a stupid goal does not excuse accomplishing said goal. Then the game is just a bad game, but a purposefully bad one.
>Is that kid wearing a polo shirt with a denim collar?
What are you gonna do about it, cry?
That's what pisses me the most - I'm not a nerd, I just have this hobby.
That's why I don't want to see that shit as a direction in game design. I want balanced game.
Stop being so pathetic and start lifting?
I mean, real life also sucks for most of those who rely on their own physical prowess. The greatest warriors aren't front-line cannon fodder; they're commanders smart enough to let someone else do the dying. And it's the same in peacetime. You don't get rich by putting your body to work; you do it by using your mind to trick others into working for you.
>this is what conventional officers actually tell themselves to feel better at night
I don't think it's about power fantasies, so much as poor game design and a lack of focus of what player characters are and how they integrate with the setting.
Ignorance and incompetence before malevolence if you see what I mean.
That's not how it is.
Wizards have always been powerful in fantasy, ever since Odin in Norse myth. Your copypasta is ineffective.
Yes, they were in style for about twelve seconds sometime in the 90'ies.
>Darth Vader is named after a former class companion who probably bullied George Lucas when he was young.
How's it going Monte?
>a bit bigger of a paycheck and a reduced chance of death/injury when casualties in the past 16 years are low as fuck already compared to the ludicrously huge enemy casualties
>worth expensive cool guy training and the excitement, adventure, and satisfaction of doing cool guy shit being traded for admin bullshit, political dick sucking and backstabbing, and probably becoming further and further deluded and divorced from the reality of war the further you go up
There's nothing inherently wrong with being an officer or whatever, I know several good ones, and it's a matter of personal taste, but don't pretend like you understand shit about what a "great warrior" objectively is you squirmy weasely fuck.
A "great warrior" does what he does because it's both his passion that satisfies him and because he does it well, whether that means being a good trigger puller doing cool guy shit, one of the good officers that refuses to become a piece of shit by O-4, a good wrench-turner, or otherwise. The paycheck is just a bonus.
>Wizards are a power fantasy for nerds
>Barbarians are a power fantasy for jocks
>Clerics are a power fantasy for the religious
>Paladins are a power fantasy for /pol/
>Female knights are simultaneously a power fantasy for stronk independent womyn who don't need no men and a sexual fantasy of the evil white christian male ciscentric transphobic patriarchy
Everything is a power fantasy, a sexual fantasy or both at the same time.
>implying there is any hope
Some folk just ain't cut out for it. What separates us from the beasts is that we don't leave them to die because they came out wrong. We try an' find something else for them to do.
Ever hear the old Sumerian legend where Enki and Ninmah had a contest of creating people? Ninmah made a blind man, a man with tiny arms, a barren woman, and a sexless being, and Enki found uses for all of them. To, therefore, find alternate uses for those who would seem inadequate is an act the ancients, at least, considered worthy of recognition.
What about thieves?
power fantasy for edgelords
thanks for this. Never seen these. is there any more old interviews like these hidden around?
t. cannon fodder
Blame Monte Cuck and his "Ivory Tower game design".
Caster supremacy is a feature of D&D, not a bug.
>with magic you can do absolutely anything
Yeah, in every singel game I play all magic users always start out completely omnipotent, anything else would be unrealistic.
If you don't let your level 20 fighter have a decent chance to split a mountain then you're running wrong.
Why has no one made a Hollywood High School fantasy setting?
>Nerds are the wizards/alchemist guild
>Athletes are knights
>Cheerleaders are clerics
>Preps are the aristocracy
>Everyone else are commoners and slum scum.
>That one kid who sells shit like soda is part of the thieves guild as a smuggler
>Teachers are part of some Senate type of government
>Jock Knights swear fealty to their Campus, which are represented on their flags with animals
>Pep rallies are pretty much military parades
>Goths are those foreigners no one trusts but are ultimately harmless
Damn this shit writes itself
Magic really interests me because it's linked with knowledge, and I couldn't possibly enjoy being dumb. Being smart doesn't mean that you can't also be tuff.
Probably like every bitter kid DM in the 70s and 80s if not later. 2000s kids are all about those Japanese high schools.
I like playing as fighters and thieves because I always kind of thought of magic as the easy way out of things while rogues and co. actually had to be clever to get by.
What system let's me be a Thunderbolt Fantasy character?
That was Sean K Reynolds's reasoning for keeping martials down.