Ethereum following Buttcoin like a true companion should

Ethereum following Buttcoin like a true companion should

mfw all in on ETH

feels comfy as fuck

the only reason this happens is because you have to cash out to ethereum then transfer to normiebase or whatever exchanges to actually cash out.

Otherwise you wait for like 2 weeks for btc to confirm and by then the bubble is already over


Literally a genius.

Doesn't that just show how bad BTC is? That people convert their BTC to ETH to cash out.

Never ever sell ETH. Sell your shBitcoins, sell your alts but ETH is way too valuable. You should only be holding it, trading it for alts or buying more.

I still dont get how FUDing isnt bannable

Don't care what anyone else says, right now ethereum is a safe haven... possibly xmr too... eth hasnt gone nearly as ballistic as btc and some shitcoins and people take note of this when shit hits the fan

jej the assblasted bitcoiners already out on damage control. ETH will recover, bitcoin won't.

Boo hoo. Boo hoo. People saying mean things.

>BTC moons, ETH tanks
>BTC tanks, ETH tanks right along with it
F-flippining any day now! BTC maximalists gonna g-get rekt!

this is fact, check out ethereum on binance
I bought in at 645 USDT, sold before at 690. Feeling comfy as fuck aswell.

because we have freedom of speech ahole

This is the internet faggot, FUDing should be a form of spam

nah, it's because ETH had a 15k buy wall protecting it for a while
then it got breached, so ETH/BTC is falling as well

>brainlet can't understand why ETH is going down also


>mfw only in pre moon low cost coins

Ethereum will crash hard when all those ICO scams crumble.

tfw ETH being the least hurt cause it was the least gaining

Considering erc20s make up almost 50% of the top 100 coins by market cap, do you think all of crypto is a scam? All of this fud towards eth is why it will moon beyond everyone's expectations like it did last January

Anyone looking to accumulate a coin they plan on holding long-term has good reason to drive down the prices any way they can. Not sure why so many people here have trouble grasping this.
Sure bud.

All of crypto is not a a scam, blockchain tech is here to stay. What is a scam are all these ICOs. All these guys will cash out sooner or later.

The scammy ICOs will only remain profitable until they are not, efficient market theories will show this to be the case... this is just a sign of a growing market

ETH/USDT on Binance represents 0.9% of ETH volume. Nobody cares.

Fuck eth for mooning so hard when i wasnt in it but dipping hard af when i was


>remain profitable
ICOs are going to lead to a crash. It will be like the dotcom bubble. The tech (internet) did grow, but many of the stupid companies did die. Blockchain will make trillions, but a correction to drain the swamp will have to happen eventually.

So it sounds like you and I are on the same page then? I too am hesitant of many ICOs which is why I am primarily invested in ether ... the good ICOs will stay and they will need to use ether to power their apps driving up the price of ether... not even shilling anymore since it sounds like you can't be convinced but the logic works for me and I have money where my mouth is... time will tell who is right

Holy shit people who understand, finally!
The best way not to die in the crash is by not buying into the biggest shitcoins or useless fucks. And sadly, Bitcoin is one of those useless fucks. If they (the bitcoin community) can't find a good solution to their problems (scaling, fees, slow network), they'll end up in the shitter like 95% of the coins.
And with bitcoin, the good coins automatically crash too.