How do I convince an extremely picky and reserved person to come out of her shell and at least TRY a tabletop game...

How do I convince an extremely picky and reserved person to come out of her shell and at least TRY a tabletop game, when I know she'd love one if she tried, but she had a completely botched first taste and it will be an ordeal to convince her it's actually fun?

>Hey, so I'm getting together with some friends to play an RPG. I have a lot of fun with these and I would love for you to come.

All you really need to say. She might say no, she might say yes. If she says no, try again later. She just might not be that interested and you shouldn't pester.

We've been playing together with this bunch of folks that she knows and trusts for months now, but she prefers thinking that the rules are too confusing and insisting that she wouldn't know how to play.


You don't. You keep her as fucking far away from your table as fucking possible.

Invite her along just to hang out then. Invite her to play but don't force it if she says no. Tell her you'd love her to play and there's a spot open if she wants i. At the very least she's there and observing and hanging out.

I wish I had more but frankly I caution you against taking too much advice from the internet. Real communication happens in speaking, not typing.

have you fucked

60% of the fucking table is female.

She's watched one session once, but I don't think that's sufficient.

And considering that she literally weights over twice me, no.


Don't do that to your group, her refusal to read a single rule and constant rape accusations will tear your group apart.

T. (You) farmers and/or people who've never socialized with women

This thread can go nowhere good

You monster.

Funny, but no.

Women are people, whether you like it or not, and most of them are right in disliking and distrusting you.

Likewise, most people are fucking awful and I'm right for not trusting most women.

Hey man, I just made a joke. I get along with women just fine.

If she doesn't want to, she doesn't want to. Trying to coerce her into trying it is likely only going to prompt a stronger negative reaction.
We're spiteful like that.

One of your bros identifies as a female now? Good on him!


Haha no.

Come on dude, women are like retarded people at least.

True, but if we say int 3 and above is a person we need to qualify most other species too

ask the other players to try to go easy and focus on having fun and including her.

Hell even some plants

She can lift twice what you can? Either you have osteoporosis or she's a keeper!

If there's a man who's remotely capable of roleplaying, I've yet to meet him. Letting them play is just an invitation for rollplay and murderhobos. If you're lucky he'll play a self-insert with no personality beyond "my character does what I would do." That's your best-case scenario.

Do a one-shot. Tell her if she doesn't like it after the first session she can walk away, but if she has fun, you'll be meeting again next week and you'd love to have her.

Tell her that she should give it a try, and it's not as hard as it looks. Then whop her with twilight imperium and devestate her feeble attempt at defending her juicy planets.