Will binance fuck me? Where can I learn how to securely trade cryptocurrencies?
Will binance fuck me? Where can I learn how to securely trade cryptocurrencies?
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binance is fine unles youre a fucking idiot like me who loses ~ 50% of his initial investment
Binance is fine
Use 2fa
Use separate passwords
Dont click any retarded links and dont accept files from anyone
***also binance has some coins that other exchanges dont and vice verse
Is it advisable to leave small amounts of coins on the exchange between transactions, or do people generally move everything back to a wallet.
Binance is the best shitcoin exchange at the moment just make sure you get 2FA working 100% before depositing anything.
leaving small amounts is fine. Trust the chink.
How exactly do they want me to link my bank account on Coinbase? Do they really want my bank account password?
send btc from anywhere to binance unverified account and youre good to go with 2BTC daily withdrawl limits lol easy as fuck m8s
No, they won't scam you of your $100 investment plan. Calm down
M-muh security
Why? Does google have problems with it not working sometimes?
If you aren’t on binance yet lad pls sign up using this link and help a poorfag out
I’ll send u $1 of bitcoin ;)
not even binance will fuck OP
You need something on hand for fast deals.
Though I usually lose money on fast deals.
chinance will literally lock you out of your account so their bots can short your coins. i haven't been able to access my account for 4 months while i watch my coins transfer from wallet to wallet
Enjoy your ban
Shamelessly posting my referral code: 13138193
Been using since it first came out.
Was told i was going to lose all my btc ect ect. Fud, pure bullshit. The best fucking coins are on binance. Back in sept, wtc a fucking monster. X8 in a weeks time. Powr, wabi, need i say more?
Some people have had trouble with getting it working (not sure if it's Binances fault or their own) and you can't withdraw without 2FA, so then you get into a situation where your coins are stuck until support helps you.
I use WinAuth for 2FA with Binance and I've never had a problem setting it up, logging in, or withdrawing.
That sergey isn't the zodiac killer
> waiting for link to dip before I go in missed it at .12 going to get in at 34 floor hopefully