Get the fuck in this shit is mooning, we are at $0.50 and fucking climbing

get the fuck in this shit is mooning, we are at $0.50 and fucking climbing.

>website relaunch in the next 2 weeks
>product launch FEB 2018
>ebay but with Crypto which means easy pz normie buy in
>$1 EOY ez mission

get in or stay poor cunts

Hodling 100k+ sys

Should I masternode up or just sell?

you missed the 1900sat masternode build mission, we are at 2800sats now and shooting for 4000. you may have fucked up already. i'd hold.


I'm confused. You only need 100k for a masternode right? I have enough for it

oh, i thought you were being a greedy cunt and wanted a second. WTF, of course yes.

Sell. Syscoin as a coin is just a bitcoin fork, and the frontend of their "product" is closed source (pic related). Their market are also fully moderated, not anonymous and use middlemen escrows which is not better than centralization (you give to a third party power over your money and freedom). Without counting they are constantly lying, like for example they claim to be "pegged", while in fact they are not, it is just that those fuckers choose for marketing purpose to call price tracking "a peg" which makes no fucking sense. Price tracking is just realtime converting of the value of a currency to another (to know how much the currency is worth in another so that people get how much coins is worth is USD for example), while pegging is a whole another world, it's manipulating the price value of the currency like for example Tether did by doing what is called an "hard peg" to the dollar's value (it's backed by Tether's economical assets).

TL;DR Syscoin is shit. It has literally no reasons to have its own coin in the first place. It's just a p2p version of openbazaar but worst.

well shiiiieeeeeeet. Guess I'm all in on Bay after this moons

> but worst

Nice shill pajeet. SYS is up 200sats since I posted this thread. Your loss.

> i said shill instead of fud

i'm not pajeet i swear. this shit is still going strong, i expect 3200 sats in the next 4 hours then a push for 4000 in the next 24. your call biz.

I wish you luck for your trades. Bay is a wise choice. The only thing that is holding it back is its old as fuck GUI but it's scheduled to be updated for early 2018 and there's tons of good stuff coming. Contrary to syscoin, Bayhas a legitimate reason to have its own coin because it's a PoS 3.0 currency which is an enormous improvement over Bitcoin and especially as they plan to release a dynamic peg (real peg) for Bitbay which will act as a decentralized way of keeping the value stable (pegging) while still allowing growth. Basically like a decentralized Tether that has enormous growth potential because it allows decentralized user markets and smart contracting. They are the first to do that and Tether's cap right now 1.15 BILLIONS. Gonna be good. Pic related roadmap.

inb4 SYSsies-shills in denial

I'm just saying Syscoin is shit, not that you can't make money with it. Look at Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the biggest shitcoin of all, yet there's good money to make with it. It's just that the altcoins that will stay will be good altcoins, not shitcoins like sys.

Although enjoy your short term gains. Just don't get burned on the long term.

It's already been pumped, now it's gonna be dumped.
What said is only a glimpse of the disgusting truth about syscoin.

Mate this is barely a pump. Can bay shills cool their autism?

What pump are you talking about? You calm your autism! This is nothing in comparison to what's coming.

I'll calm my autism if you calm yours

Keep calm and hodl, we will both make it.If the dynamic peg is done right, BAYwill without a doubt be the best performing altcoin in 2018. And damn I am very confident in the bitbay's team will deliver since they never disappointed me this whole year. Here we are at 162m market cap while in January of this year it was only 1m. Hail crypto!

*that bitbay's team
Sorry wrote too fast. Also we ain't at 162m, we at 173m market cap right now. The ride is too tight, I regret not having bought more...

Nigga it's at .50 and you think $1 by EOY but saying get in or stay poor?


we are now at 3000sats; we were at 2650sats at the time of posting. what the fuck are you waiting for boys? 4000 in 24 hours. believe it cunts.

Strap yourself. Next moon mission up 500 sats!

you motherfuckers, i said 3200sats in 4 hours. we may just hit that within 2 hours. we are sitting at 3150sats!

if you aren't in yet there's still time to board an easy ride to 4000sats.

weak hands are being shaken in real time. excellent entry point right now.

This coin moves too slow for my liking. I want that fast money!

This masternode is going to make me a millionaire. The 100k coins alone will be worth one million in a year or two.