

I bought verge way back

I'm a nocoiner and I've spent the last 3-4 days posting cryptotips on Veeky Forums

I made 3 million this year and still feel like killing myself

i just bought ICX at 910

pls dont rape me father

I fell for the scam

I believe in adoption of Cardano long term

I sold my 1000 VTC I bought at 90 cents, to all-in on LINK at 26 cents. VTC proceeded to pump to 8 dollars or something. LINK is in the toilet.

fuck all catholicuck fake christians

My friends keep asking for help on how to get started on crypto, I purposefully avoid them as I want to be one to be stupid rich. I know I'll get there too as I doubled my stack this week, sorry friends.

I've made 50$ off a 500 dollar investment... Where the fuck is my 5~1.5x...

Swing traded REQ and lost 3k of them

Sold 2 million dgb for 100k milocoins, it doubled at first but dgb 50xed on me and Milo dumped to zero. You never knew how fucking mad i was

After making fun of stinky linkies for months i finally became one and bought some today.


I’ve been using credit card dumps to increase my own wealth

I can’t stop

same user don’t feel bad

tony is our robin hood

Bought 7800 EMC2 for $15 when no one knew about it, sold all of it while it was still under 1 cent.

i like poopypeepeecoin

once you go tonydumper,
you become a wallet pumper

nice confession
mind helping a poorfag?

What is this heresy.

>I've made 50$ off a 500 dollar investment... Where the fuck is my 5~1.5x...

Where are you from? The $ sign after the number really sticks out to me. I see people doing it a lot.

don’t ask for handouts, pajeet

thank me later

Get the fuck out of here

I bought 20k Verge at 90 sat and sold at 60.

Link is 50% up from 26, y u mad?

Every time I try to sell btc to buy lower I fail, I did it around 20 times and always had to buy back higher.

But I still keep doing it.

Bought SIA and Im all in

I have 6 figures now but I'm still sad because I just want someone to love me

Bruv I can improve your like immeasurably for a modest 5% of your gains.

(Forreal tho don't end it, especially when you got mad stacks now.)

Sister desperately needed 2 grand for her ambulance bill, had more then enough but i didnt help her. Used that money and put it in Antshares.
laughed to the fucking bank a month later though.


My friends know about my crypto gains and want my "expert" advice.
I tell my friends/family to buy shitcoins I know will fuck them because I want to stay ahead of them.

I have a (tested) IQ of 106 and understand almost none of crypto's science/math.

I bought BTC and LTC because they were simple to understand in terms of the "gold" and "silver" analogies (and blockchain, consensus, etc. are all terms I understand vaguely).

I bought XMR because of the fact that it is mined by literal criminals and used by literal criminals, which seems like one of the main reason cryptocurrency became popular.

I am so interested in smart contracts, web 3.0, the internet of things but cannot understand what any of those words actually means in terms of this thing and cannot determine which coin will break out and rule them all.

Thank God this site is anonymous.

I have a gf that loves me deeply but it doesn't help me feel better about my crypto losses and the fact I'm not rich when I bought coins in 2013.

I'd trade her for a 1M+ portfolio.

I would trade a 200k portfolio for her. Let's do this, user.

I’m about to go on a 4 day cruise completely free as a gift and all I want to do is stay home and make crypto plays

Oh yeah? Well I would trade a $100 portfolio for a girl like that!

basically my confession kek

I feel no guilt though. Am I becoming evil?

I am getting ready to cash out several bitcoin wallets usong information from personal computers that I installed remote access on a few years ago.

I have zero emotional issues about stealing from fat, stupid normies. I am confessing because I am sure somebody else will find it amusing.

America o: west coast. Our education system fucked.

I started with 100 and lost 20$ from buying eth at ath and just not even moving it because I had no idea what to do. Made it back though +5$

Someone walk me through this tonydumper thing. What's the likelihood of getting caught in US?

I also buy shitcoins based on how trendy they sound and how cool the icon is. Made 2x with that strat.

If someone makes some sort of blockchain token linked to a CCG with anime tiddie artwork, they will be an instant millionaire. Or just some sort of tiddie gatcha game.

I got into crytpo because of my boomer dad. A year ago I talked him out of buying any.

Hopefully you don't go into jail

I sold my BTC at 1000 dollars

My buys are based on whatever Veeky Forums memes are trending

I just got in. Bought BTC and XRP at their all time high on credit card, although not much (£750 in BTC and £200 in XRP).

I'm not even that mad, just a little bit stupid.

Credot card fraud is a crime in the usa, and one that is seriously investigated. If you really want to run the stolen card gig then travel outside the usa, set up shop with entirely new hardware that you can dispose of, then go to town.

Move every couple of weeks, and carefully launder your tokena through a couple different exchanges.

If you visited TD on a bare IP you already fucked up.

Oh and his portfolio has done better than mine even though I invested 4x more money.

I decided to sleep on mainly fiat tonight because of futures

Kek maybe you should develop more respect for pops, kiddo.

Rat paying off. Shit like that makes me want to get back in the game - but I've been gone so long I don't know how anymore

I sold a bitcoin for £300 to pay for my girlfriend to have lip fillers.

I'm barely a coiner and I post pink wojak threads for shits and giggles.

I just want a normal job

Same, I'm just in it for the memes now

I sold all mine at 3k.

The crypto community fears IOTA because it would make so many coins irrelevant

I only have 50 dogecoins and feel like I'm filthy rich making 20% a trade.

she better suck your dick with those lips

I'm working on this tony meme and idk if it's working

DELETE THIS! Anzu doesn't smoke!

nah it’s tumblr

just send btc from an exchange and use vpn when downloading

btc is sent out from exchanges in batches of like 25 btc so you never really know who is who.

It’s how money launderers work

came to post this

Just got one user, after years of trying hard entreprenuerially. Many benefits, god speed, youll make it.

i fud chainlink for fun
stinky linky poo in loo boo boo hooo

Because I would've made 8x if i held VTC. only problem is i can't imagine myself NOT buying LINK. it looks so promising and i was more of a longterm nigger early on

I learned about Credit Card dumps on this thread and posted the Tumblr link to the FBI.

>TFW ive accumulated more money than I've ever had in my life
>Not an ounce happier
Guess I'll just keep at it until I'm a millionaire or something

>Sold 11k Lumens which I bought at 2c for a loss
>Dumped eth at a loss at 250
>Dumped Trig at a loss right before the massive moon
I just can't hodl im too much of a bitch. I should be x5 up from where i am now (below initial investment)

Go explore the world OP.
Learn through experience.

are you past the euphoria phase, or did you not have one? for me the euphoria ended months ago and now I watch the bull rally with a feeling of dread

Also keeping myself "busy" doing unimportant stuff is important. travelling doesnt help like I thought it would. If i insist on sitting in a chair with no real friends, coworkers, or anticipated social interactions to do unimportant things with, things turn dark pretty quick.

a hero world deserves