Net neutrality

If net neutrality got removed how much do you think it would affect our coins?

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pictures on 4 chan will probably start loading like a 56k modem

>Veeky Forums was rooting for a movement that will probably kill it
bravo /pol/tards. you showed the libruhls who's boss

It already got removed

It didn't you fucking mongs
read the fucking documents

I get my isp blocked with most postings since NN started. It's a crap shoot for this to make it through.

feels bad man
anything to spite le leftist cucks

This could be a moment for self-reflection from supposedly intelligent people who managed to make themselves so insufferable others would rather vote against their interests.

Or they could double down on being haughty and condescending seeing as that worked so well so far.

>mfw dale carnegie gave everyone the keys 80 years ago
>mfw this book is still shilled to this day as the baseline for good business practices
>mfw "smart" people can't even read a book written for the lowest common denominator

Pretty sure the only era where websites were killed for their ideology was during net neutrality, which, through the help of information warfare act, allows the government to control internet like never before.

ISPs have no incentive to kill 4 chan, we make the internet better, governments on the other hand...

Your leftist scaremongering doesn't work here, we know how to read unlike in your usual circlejerks.

all consumers are probably getting fucked though, not just the left wing ones
what are you talking about? net neutrality has been happening for the most part since the start of the internet. when has the government ever "controlled the internet"? isps have a tonne of incentive to kill or at the very least paywall Veeky Forums (which would probably kill it because let's be honest who would willingly pay to come on Veeky Forums)
>Veeky Forums makes the internet better
probably the most newfag thing I've read on this entire website

You fucking retard
Net neutrality = govt control
No net neutrality = free market

Which one do you trust to give you the most freedom?

>net neutrality has been happening for the most part since the start of the internet.

If so, what is the problem of reverting back to 2015?

If according to you then we had net neutrality...

>when has the government ever "controlled the internet"?

Where is dailystormer nowadays? You do understand that when you search daily stormer you get "Veeky Forums"in related searches? How long before they applied the same filter, all thanks to fucking sneaky Obama and his infowars act.

>isps have a tonne of incentive to kill or at the very least paywall Veeky Forums

No they don't. Veeky Forums is not a broadband hog unlike netflix or jewtube. Veeky Forums does nothing to harm ISPs and our ideological tendencies don't get in the way of their business.

>probably the most newfag thing I've read on this entire website

Probably the worst arguments I've read on this entire website.

I dont know if you realized but you're in a board full of people who are burnt out of centralized currencies, this is the last place you will find sympathy for a centralized internet.

>durr it's da libuhrels fault

Shilling for the fact that companies could block every wallet site if they wanted to.

>if they wanted to.
And why exactly would they do that, you retard?
The government has way more reasons to block wallet/crypto websites than ISPs ever would. There's nothing in it but pissing off their clients, and those clients would run off to the ISP that didn't block the websites.
If the government were to blanket ban all those websites, you'd have nowhere safe to go.

You're being fucking retarded. At least get proper arguments.

Net neutrality would make it impossible for the government to block wallet sites. Please at least know what you are shilling for.

First off:

Second, you still haven't explained why the fuck ISPs would want to block wallet sites, or any site at all. Net neutrality started to get "threatened" when ISPs were throttling speeds on Netflix due to it being such a big resource hog. Not because people were scared ISPs would freely block websites at their will. That shit never happened in the past 40 years, and isn't going to start happening now.
If anything, your government is FAR more likely to ban and block websites (thus, enforcing ISPs to cooperate or be shutdown).
That shit happens all over Europe with piracy websites. TPB has been blocked for years in most of the EU, along with other websites of the likes.
But yeah, keep making up bullshit "what-if" scenarios that would never come true.

Then how did the government shutdown Try going there in your browser right now. With NN in place, it was censored.

> isps have a tonne of incentive to kill or at the very least paywall Veeky Forums
> could block every wallet site if they wanted to
Why are you people even allowed to breathe?

What the fuck are you spewing you drooling brainlet?

You understand that act II allows the government to distribute and revoke licenses for ISPs with no clear guidelines?

You understand that adding tons of red tape bs limits the capability of small ISPs to get off the ground, thus limiting market options?

You come here with all the reddit talking points and you're clearly not prepared for spreading this information.