How is this literal shitcoin worth 300 dollars

How is this literal shitcoin worth 300 dollars

How is it that you are still poor mohammed?

>how is dis litel shicoun bwofh feehanded dallas?

About 1/4th of Bitcoin cash seems like a reasonable price to me. Could go higher than $300 easily

>based on Bitcoin's technology
>2.5 minute confirmation time
>low transaction fees
>scrypt instead of sha256
>Charlie Lee is awesome
>one of the first to implement segwit
>working on Lightning Network including cross-chain transactions with Bitcoin's blockchain
>widely available through exchanges. Can be bought on Coinbase without first converting from Bitcoin
>been around since 2011; not a newcomer trying to jump on the bandwagon

It's not the most innovative coin, but it has some strong fundamentals. It doesn't widely depart from Bitcoin's core technology and try to do unproven things like IOTA's "tangle" which seems super sketchy from a security point of view. It's been able to evolve and implement newer technology without the political infighting and constant hard forks that Bitcoin has had. It's a pretty solid coin.

Likely 1000 by end of january

Why do you say that?

Lightening network.
Atomic swaps
Coinbase normie coin
Proven track record
Low fees
High speed
I have 9,000 light coins
When it hits $1000. I'm out of crypto like a lite.

How is any crypto worth anything?

that is all

It is terrifying that this could all come crashing down in an instance..

Mhm yes iktf. I’ve always been bearish in this market... only ever invested less than 2k so I may be kicking myself if it doesn’t



But the FOMO is backed by a huge amount of debt. It's an endless cycle that can only spin out of control in an upwards motion, never crashing unless it becomes illegal but even then it might fuel the shitspiral even more. Who knows?

$400 soon fucking brainlets

Why would it? It hasn’t moved for a week

Why would it reach 200? It hasn't moved for 4 fucking years? Stay poor, brainlet!

shitcoin get out

$500 this week

More like tomorrow lad. We’ve bought the only coin worth shit

Like almost everyone on this site, they're just making numbers up out of nowhere

LTC is the best coin

What the fuck man.
When does it stop going below 320...

>Lost -4$ on a LTC position
>Quickly reinvest it on BCH
>It actually moons

feels good man

Fuuuuuck go back up I need funds!! I will never ever hold only LTC fucking shitcoin

Also the first to ever make a lightning network transaction