New game is pulling together

>new game is pulling together
>no one really wants to do D&D epic fantasy again
>hey guys, since I'm DMing anyways, what about my homebrew system?
>It's a cyberpunk run and gun, real rules light
>They all get on board with it
>Go back to find my system
>Realize I still have to do the hacking system
>And the cybernetics catalog
>And the implant catalog
>And the VR system
>And the explosives catalog
>And the body armor catalog
>And the car catalog
>And the drone catalog
I have made promises I should not have.

Other urls found in this thread:

Wing it. Faking competence is how i GM all the time.

Either pretend it's finished and improvise or just bring some basic retool of CP2020

you vainglorious cunt.

okay, here's what you do

assuming you have the base mechanics:
>steal (port) stuff from other books
>start with the most basic things they'll have available on their level - you only need the very basic implants, hacking might be merely plugging an usb stick and furiously mashing the keyboard keys and a test

build up bigger things between sessions

Can't, I have to make all of these, except maybe the drone catalog, before they make characters so they know what their options are

I can only pretend so long as I have the hacking system watertight, which requires me to make all the hacking gear and tech and gadgets

>rules light
>And the cybernetics catalog
>And the implant catalog
>And the VR system
>And the explosives catalog
>And the body armor catalog
>And the car catalog
>And the drone catalog

I'm getting mixed signals here.

>as I have the hacking system watertight
But you don't need to. Roll a D100, arbitrate whether it succeeded or not.
If it's a hard hack, further technobabble and rolls are required.

It's not like they'll know.

>rules light
>8 catalogs
>plus whatever character system you have
>plus any additional rules you haven't mentioned

Doesn't really look that rules light to me.

You can condense cybernetics and implants into a skeleton of basic general rulesets. Same with gear (weapons, armor, explosives) and vehicles (cars, aircraft, drones).

Honestly this looks like a day or two of work tops, unless you don't have the basic resolution rules or system mathematics worked out. Even then, if you keep it simple stupid, it's still four or five days max.

Well seeing how he mentioned playing only d&d high fantasy before, he probably means under 50 pages. Rules Normal if you will

>Well seeing how he mentioned playing only d&d high fantasy before
He did not, actually.
There is just a very strong implication to that effect in the post.

Use Mindjammer and knock off for a smoke.
They'll never know the difference.

Item lists, they're just collections of bonuses and penalties. The core rules to be a guy that runs around shooting people could fit on an index card (and I probably will print them off on index cards)

I probably will for hacking static systems, but I already told them that hacking in combat is supposed to be a thing, and it's supposed to be essentially CC "magic" to use against drones and robots.


But because I'm a stuck up faggot, I'm trying to give the armory options flavor. There's going to be 8 "top of the line" cybernetic arms for example, named after the Knights of the Round Table, made by Pendragon corp.

I, myself, have dabbled in better things, but not the player base

>Realize I still have to do the hacking system

You can quietly skip over a system that's all about having one guy play and the others spectate

I pitched it to them as combat hacking, the hackers are the wizard equivalent because they do things like jam communications so they can force control misfires and lock up weapons and all that jazz

Steal/crib from the gurps pryramid magazine premade stuff
It's all available in the gurps general OP.

>Item lists, they're just collections of bonuses and penalties
So you only need to do the hacking and VR system, and from then on it's all content creation? Come on now. You can shit out fifty different drones stats in an hour and balance them on the fly.

Play Shadowrun instead

>tied to an official setting
>elves and orcs and magic
>100x more pages of rules than current system

Steal cryptomancers' cryptography focused hacking system.

Also, maybe if you say you are making a lightweight system, make an actual lightweight system instead of one that needs equipment catalogs.

So? Hacking is a skill challenge like any other, and can be used to create temporary buffs in combat. Done and done.

>want to play Wargames
>Can't because when I was young my dad though it was to throw a telescope standard towards me
>It hit my throat and I barely have any control over my cords since then.
I don't really like my life.

Thought it was funny*

Steal all the items from shadowrun or a similar game.

Play on the internet.

Have you considered GURPS?

I know the feeling. Have my homebrew set up basic system-wise, but I still need to develop all the races, spells and combat tricks. One day I'll get there...

You said rules light, that sounds pretty light.

Adapt Apocalypse World. Replace Weird with Wired, which represents your ability to tap into the Matrix / Net / Whatever to do research and perhaps represents the maximum number of useful cybernetics you can have installed and/or active at a given time. Instead of the Brainer add the Decker, people who specialize in entering the Matrix / Net using neural interface hardware. Let them do cool stuff like jack into people's senses, possibly messing with or enhancing them, and let them control drones and/or security systems to help when they're not on-site. You can use neural feedback and killer ICE programs to make them take damage if they screw up, just like any other class.

If you're not familiar with 'World' games, they're very simple. You have 5 or 6 stats, ranging from -1 to +2 at character creation, though they can go up to +3. When a character tries to do something you check the general category of action, whether it be melee combat, dodging a hazard, investigating your surroundings, and so forth. They roll 2d6 and add their stat plus any modifiers. If they get a 10+ they succeed, a 7-9 is a partial success or one with a cost, and a 6 or less is a failure BUT they also gain experience points they can spend later to improve their character.

It's a good system if you want rules-light low-powered heroes and you don't plan on having them advance beyond that. It's not good for high-level play or extended campaigns, I'd say that 15 sessions is about the limit.

Don't do catalogs. Do a generator rule that yields stuff as you need it with and without random variation.

I'm not going super in depth with them. The gun catalog is only like 8 guns long. I plan to flesh it out as I need to stat things, but need to have enough of a framework that they can you know, make characters.

You know, I'll just post the link. Someone might have insight for me.

>rules light
>all them catalogues

I'd hate to play a rules heavy system with you. It'd be like a book club.