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/gurpsgen/ for gurps fags
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Always bump with CONTENT dude, otherwise you're just being desperate.
So I my newest game, it's the Firefly 'Verse
To accommodate the in universe wealth disparity, I'm using a modified version of the After the End rules. Everything has the same costs up to TL6, then there's a flat doubling of gurp$ per TL increase.
This ensures the highest tech is quite valuable, while encouraging smart use of lower tech.
As well, the players (especially one) are keen on seeing space guns that look like the old ones, much like how in the show there were real world props about. The modifier I cooked up for that is
>Push TL up 2, to a maximum of 10
>Add an armor divisor (2)
>Drop damage type a step on the Pi scale
>Add a battery
>Quadruple ammo capacity in the mag/drum (representing Gauss stacks)
>Add smart electronics if they were absent (basic set bonuses, +1 to most things)
Sounds about right, though it's been a while since I was a browncoat. You using LC to manipulate the prices too?
How's ship building working for you?
If you are going to put them in player's hands you might want to figure out a cost. I'm going to guess lots.
>For GURPS fags
In most settings it's just a -1 Reputation, recognized about 1/2 the time and effecting about half of people.
In others you go to full on Social Stigma (Minority Group), of course.
In truly egalitarian societies you could just treat sexuality as a quirk.
Real min-maxes are either bisexual for maximum chances to get Allies and Contacts, or Asexual to minimize vulnerability to seduction.
Both rules interact
So take a 250$ tl7 gun
Space teching it makes it TL9
So base price is 250, x8 for the TL difference, 2000$
simple but good. Not a bad way to do it.
Hard to justify the extra cost if armor isn't common.
Yeah and on that note, mostly limited to the Alliance military, so you won't see it much in play. Kinda like a real western, guns ruled the day as a defacto trump.
I mean to say, ARMOR of the type that can stop bullets tends to be in the hands of the military. Failed to type my full thought.
>>For GURPS fags
>In most settings it's just a -1 Reputation, recognized about 1/2 the time and effecting about half of people.
>In others you go to full on Social Stigma (Minority Group), of course.
>In truly egalitarian societies you could just treat sexuality as a quirk.
>Real min-maxes are either bisexual for maximum chances to get Allies and Contacts, or Asexual to minimize vulnerability to seduction.
A+ post.
Okay, I have 145/50 to spend. How do I make a sharpshooter gunslinguer that will never miss a shot? Should I buy Extra Attack? Should I buy it twice?
>How do I make a sharpshooter gunslinguer that will never miss a shot?
Piercing innate attack with No Roll Required and No Active Defense Allowed, both from Power-Ups Enhancements.
Obscure (Memory) from Pyramid #3/97 Strange Powers in the article "Mask of Humanity." An earlier issue handled it with Zeroed and a +300% Cosmic enhancement to keep it "active."
Neat solution. Obviously for a powered up game though, right?
And how much would it cost? I'm a new player, so I'm kind of lost here. Can I link this ability to a revolver, or to the limitation of having to use a gun?
Also we may find alien guns in our game, so I hope to use it's abilities.
Super Luck (One Skill Only, -80%) [20] lets you dictate the results of your attack roll; as long as your final skill level is 3 or higher, you will not only succeed but critically succeed.
A 3d Pi+ attack is a base of 18 points before modifiers. So it's a nice investment
Yeah but it is limited to once a hour, no? My GM really likes combat, so it's a huge drawback for me.
Shouldn't I be better buying Extra Attack and simply trying again if I miss while also having the possibility of shooting two targets at once?
Planning on running a pirate game using Swashbuckler, and I am wondering if there are any other books I should look at for sea travel, sea combat, and honestly any advice on how to make players who do not want to use swords to be included since Swashbuckler stresses sword combat and I've explained how it makes anything else not as good.
DESU This is the first GURPS game I am running, so any advice for that is also helpful, but I've been pretty thorough with the Basic Set and feel like I have it down pretty well.
A great point.
Is it a better investment to have more attacks, or a single attack that is guaranteed to hit with a cool down?
How do I make a rain dance ability? No damage, no nothing, just rain. Duration and affected area may vary.
Seriously guys I need this.
Pic related. Its actual cost should be [65] for a 9mm Auto Pistol from B278 (Basic Set, pg. 278). Very expensive advantage.
A more serious answer would be to get Gunslinger from High-Tech or Gun Fu and invest 16~24 points in Guns (Pistols). Then buy up Targeted Attack (Guns (Pistol) Shoot/Skull). It's found on MA68 (Martial Arts, pg. 68). You'll have a skill level of 15 to 17 base, +2 for your pistol's accuracy, and be shooting at the skull with out -3 (if the targeted attach technique is bought up fully). At 60~ points invested, that is, Gunslinger, Pistols DX+7, and TA (Pistols Shoot/Skull), you'll have 19 to-hit and be able to shoot for the skill with a skill level of 16, meaning you will reliably be popping skulls up to 10 yards away, which gives you a -4 range penalty (SL-12 has 75%~ to succeed). Put some points into fast-draw and get combat reflexes and luck. The rest is gravy.
Of you need suggestions nerfing guns?
>Unreliable powder
>Unreliable weapons
>Don't allow gunslinger
>Over enforce gun handling rules
>Over enforce gun maintenance
>Oversaturate melee encounter distances
I guess you're right, I really like the badass gunslinger cowboy archetype, quickly hitting multiple targets with a revolver. I will see what I can do. I guess it shouldn't be a problem, as it is the only thing I really care about for my character.
Control (Precipitation), P90-92.
Don't become a one trick pony though. Have backup skills and talents after that complement you when KILLIN isn't the best answer.
The Tough Guy talent goes great with stone cold killers and gives you out-of-combat utility. It's in Power-Ups Talents. You could also go for something like Stalker, or Crafty for a more sociable sort.
>Unreliable powder
I am definitely going to catch them with this. I have two players, one who is the ships doctor who only uses guns, and the other is playing a character who makes their own grenades.
Sure, that won't be a problem. I'm more afraid of having lots of abilities I'm not all that good at and not really have anything I'm actually needed for.
I'm tempted to extrapolate the (admittedly clunky) rules for modifying ST-based damage. Cosmic (No Attack Roll) and Cosmic (No Defense Roll) collectively add +400%. The most damaging pistol in the Basic Set is 3d pi+; that costs 18 points as mentions. Applying the Cosmic suite to that 3d pi+ innate attack would increase the cost by 72 points. In other words, the ability to not miss and not allow defenses against any standard pistol shot is worth roughly 72 points. I say round it up to 75 to keep with the standard GURPS cost pattern of multiples of 5 and throw in some side benefits. Really though, this is a steal, as pistols also have *much* better range than the default Innate Attack and higher RoF, but they do require cash, can be stolen, need to be reloaded, etc. and I'm feeling lazy, so whatever, I'll call it a wash.
As for picking up alien blasters later in the game, do the same thing but with the higher damage values. Until you buy the enhanced version, your PC is not yet familiar enough with the alien tech to shoot so perfectly.
That one powerup will eat up a *huge* portion of your point value, though, so I'd recommend slapping some limitations on it; it's also really powerful and will likely unbalance the game as-is, so yeah, go with limitations. Takes Recharge is great; the 15-second level makes it once per battle in most cases, a perfect ace-in-the-hole/"ult." Takes Extra Time is a runner-up as you will have to aim/charge/whatever your unerring shot, both cutting your DPS and giving *smart* enemies a chance to hide/interrupt. Costs Fatigue and Limited use are both classic as well.
I'm thinking about running a milsci-fi campaign in the same vein as Halo or Starship Troopers. Mechanics-wise I've got everything down more or less; I mostly intend on starting with GURPS Lite and just adding on from there.
What I need advice on is how to actually do a military-focused game and keep it interesting. Are there any books worth checking out on the matter? Any anecdotes from some helpful anons they'd be willing to share? Anything would help really.
A series of escalating events, with little to limited backup, sparse ammunition stores, and variety of deployment of mostly static enemy forces.
Reverse comparability with enemy weapons is a must.
>How do I make a rain dance ability? No damage, no nothing, just rain. Duration and affected area may vary.
>Seriously guys I need this.
>Control (Precipitation), P90-92.
This is why I fucking love GURPS.
Anyways, guys, I got a friend who is willing to do a one on one with me as the GM. I really want to because I want to break her from the vile grip of Pathfinder.
I'm tempted to just suggest some damn Dungeon Fantasy, but that doesn't really sell GURPS at it's best, you know?
You could try running games you could never do in Pathfinder (fantasy, modern, ancient, murder/mustery, sci-fi, supers, anything fun). Is she interested in anything that isn't medieval high fantasy?
It gets GURPS's foot in the door, and honestly that's the most important part. From there, you're free to get as GURPSy as you can manage, but starting in familiar territory is very important for first impressions with people that have only played one thing ever.
On that note, do an established setting from a favorite world. It helps.
I got introduced to the game with an adaption of outlaw Star/ cowboy Bebop. We had anime level adventure and it had a framework to conceptualize around. Very newbie friendly
>You could try running games you could never do in Pathfinder (fantasy, modern, ancient, murder/mustery, sci-fi, supers, anything fun). Is she interested in anything that isn't medieval high fantasy?
Poking them about it. I tailored a setting to them but they were like...ehhhhhh.
Big fan of DBZ, and I'm tempted to throw it together no matter how much of a headache it would be.
>but starting in familiar territory is very important for first impressions with people that have only played one thing ever.
That's a good point. So far I've been trying to figure out how to show off the flexibility, rather than showing off how much better GURPS is.
Got a reply back that a fish out of water sort of thing would be good, because that way both the character and player would be getting their feet.
Seems like they've played WoD, a game with mage, Vampire, and werewolf
Now I'm semi leaning towards an urban fantasy with the players occasionally wandering into faerie without intending to. Seeing fair folk and needing to avoid being seen, but also needing to interact. Delicate balance.
I would've thought you needed nothing more than highlighting the egregious reload times early firearms have to advise against exclusively gunfighting characters.
I suppose you can carry several loaded pistols, but there's no way you'd have more guns than enemies even if you managed to land constant kill shots. Someone will inevitably get through and you'll be defenseless.
Let's hope your players don't get pissy when they realize their overly modern mentality doesn't get along very well with the concept of piratical swashbuckling.
Here's a rundown on how a military game ran for me..
Session 1: Ordered to march 15 kilometers from a forward base to a large hill or small mountain as a reconnaissance in force. We hit minimal resistance and were able to reach the top of the hill, enjoy the view, and call back to the forward base.
Session 2: Ordered to secure the west side of the hill, watch for hostiles and hold pending new orders.Engaged a patrol and drove them off, spotted at least six heavy trucks on the road about a kilometer away. Reported contact.
Session 3: Told to clear a landing field large enough for a helicopter on the hill within the next three hours, call in when finished and mark with blue smoke. Briefly discuss the wisdom of this, as we had previously maintained a comparatively low profile and camouflaged fighting positions.
Orders are orders. We clear some brush and rocks out of a more or less level field, call it in and mark with smoke.. then hold on tight as lots of opposing force are attracted by the activity and we have to fight. Reinforcements arrive by chopper in the form of a weapons squad, 2 81mm mortars and a 7.62mm GPMG.
They set up higher on the hill then us and provide fire support.
Session 4: We survive a push by what feels like about a platoon, maybe more, with the support. The supplies the helicopter dropped off replace the ammunition we'd already expended, a couple Jerry cans of water and a box of rations. Nobody is very happy to see that, because it foreshadows our new orders..
Hold until revealed, continue to report on activity on the road.
First night on the hill we have infiltrators trying to creep close or get past the line three times along with some badly aimed artillery fire.
It only got worse from there.
I think that it's bound to happen. Especially from the guy who plays a doctor when he realizes that major injuries take weeks if not months instead of days, and that's if he doesn't amputate.
Anyone got the Gurps Vehicle Builder software?
Judo Question
Can you use "Throw from Lock" and "Throwing for damage" on the same attack? IE: If I have someone in an Arm Lock, and do the "Throw for damage" option of Judo Throw to say, slam them onto their torso, can I still inflict the arm damage for throwing them out of a lock as well?
99% sure throwing from lock is throwing for damage.
Doesn't mention it as being that type of action, and the damage comes from two different sources: Throw from Lock damages by torquing the limb, and throw for damage does damage by, well, slamming the motherfucker into the ground. They're not mutually exclusive, fluff-wise. Though again, not sure about crunch.
Obviously it goes without saying the penalty for throwing for damage still applies
What are you doing for ship building?
mostly handwavium, with some guidelines from the Spaceships series.
I am certainly not throwing "eggshells with hammers" into the fray. More like tortoises with Bowie knives" or "old man kick fights, devolving into boarding actions"
I dont want the entire party to be obliterated by one near hit missile blowout that takes their entire vessel out in 1dx100 damage. Quite the non sequitur to the game
I'm workign on cooking something up expanded from a modern fantasy setting they like. Still studying it.
I need...lower powered RPM, I think, fo this. Ritualized spells that aren't flashy, and throw in some degrading rolls that change the effect over time. Anyone play with something like that?
Any cool or useful stuff to do with 3 points?
Prehensile penis?
Power-Ups 2: Perks
Personally, I really like those social perks that let you make some influence rolls without actually talking.
Also, Shtick and similar stuff to show off.
>I really like those social perks that let you make some influence rolls without actually talking.
My fucking brother. The convincing nod one is my favorite.
Titanfall-style mecha. What source should I draw from mechanically? Spaceships mecha, or what? Compatibility with Pulver's biomecha appreciated.
Star ships really has some bad rules
How would you realistic gundam?
I'd go with spaceships-style Mecha. The rules are quite a bit tighter then what you get in Spaceships itself.
As for realistic, I assume you mean still a bit fantastic, like 08th MS Team? I'd mostly do it by giving the PC's machines that are only a bit better then the foes they face and avoiding crazier stuff.
Are you using third edition (which Swashbucklers was written for)? The realistic sword skills on page 19-20 of swashbucklers nerf fencing quite a bit, although axes and so on sucked hard in third edition.
Armour was kind of awesome in third edition though; the passive defence it gave meant that a heavily armoured spearman or similar would have pretty much as good a parry as an unarmoured fencer (and armour mixed badly with fencing, since you need light encumbrance to use it). Making armour cheaper would probably help.
If you're using fourth edition, other weapons are much more balanced against fencing swords already. Just use the rules in Martial Arts for more detail.
How would you make Rin from katawa shoujo work? No fine manipulator seems too limiting seeing her feet
Basic Set, page 53, under Extra Arms, see Foot Manipulators and Modifying Beings with One or Two Arms. She probably also has the Bad Grip and Ham-Fisted disadvantages, since even well trained feet are not as good as hands.
Modular mechs was a great article
So what do you guys think an advantage allowing Martial Arts Man to continue concentrating on his chi powers while he's punching a fucker would cost? Starting with Compartmentalized Mind (No Seperation -20%) as a base, what would you call the limitation to only focus on chi abilities, one at a time?
About -10%
I've had this same flavor of CM used for mages. It's pretty powerful. You're essentially buying off his need to concentrate, so don't let him pay too cheaply
Been asking this most threads, with no joy :(
Well, truth be told, it's 3e era software. Is it available on e23 for under ten bucks?
>Supporting SJGames
What are you, a idiot ?
shit, is there something gurps can't do?
How hard is it to convert already fully statted 3e vehicles from the books, like the Char Bis in Return to Honor, to 4e?
I have never done anything with vehicles before. I have yet to find need to even pull up the stats for one before.
>when one of your players creates a character who is Dead Broke, but spends several points on Signature Gear to have a ridiculously expensive custom ruggedized/waterproofed/styled huge knapsack with hidden compartments and a bunch of other shit
>it's the only thing he owns besides clothes
>he's a massive not!Viking with gigantism
Dis gon' be weird.
Not hard, very little conversion is necessary.
Excellent. Those WW2 books have practically everything I need then.
Same user with another question. Should the Duty disadvantage be allowed in a military campaign, or should I factor it into the players' allowed points from the start?
If all PCs must have it for a given campaign, it's just a campaign switch/feature. If they don't all necessarily work for the same organizational body, though, it may still be useful to write it on the sheets to distinguish that.
Also take a look at Social Engineering: Pulling Rank.
Didn't firearm damage get reworked between 3e and 4e? Not just damage types, but values too. And DR because they dropped PD.
The biggest hurdles are basically the guns and the armor. Armor is updated easily enough, the guns might take a bit more effort to get them "accurate" by 4e standards (or you can just leave them the same and handwave it).
The vehicles themselves are very straightforward.
You are correct, guns are what would take the most rework, but those aren't too difficult. If you don't want to put the effort in yourself I would imagine you could ask for conversions on the sjgames forum and have new statlines really quick.
Luckily, High Tech provided very accurate statblocks for a slew of WW2 era firearms. And they're all appropriately named historically, give or take a model name here and there. My favorite book for this reason
Good point, I always forget about those. A few good examples/baselines of artillery and cannons too, if I remember correctly.
>shit, is there something gurps can't do?
Invulnerability Advantage
Balanced in points and ability High Level Super Campaign with varying archetypes
Reduce bookkeeping needed.
Holy Balls; between roll20 and image transparencies, i am done with anything gaming for the next little while
I love symmetry as much as everyone but can't help but see a lot of wasted hallway space. Getting rid of the walls to the rec room and the port side bunk room hallway would open the living spaces a lot by letting bedrooms open directly into a much larger rec room. The starboard hall is retained and allows a path to the engine room. Even more space could be stolen from bunkrooms by cutting them back until they hold only the bunk with the lockers acessed from the hallway/ expanded rec room.
One thing that always confused me is that there's no advantage for being straight up immune to certain damage types, at least not in the basic set. It seems like such a basic thing.
feel free to edit the map and re-upload it?
It's because of scaling, essentially. X amount od defense costs X*Y points
Unlimited defense costs unlimited points.
In some ways it's good, in a no fiat Bastard! sort of way, you CAN kill an efreet by being even better at fire than it is.
I think you could probably manage something using Cosmic modifiers and the Immortality Advantage, though
how is it?
I've been looking to convert stats from it to 4e for my upcoming sci-fi campaign.
I came up with a sort-of workaround.
-9 HP [-18] + Supernatural Durability [150] + Unkillable 2 [100] + Regeneration (Extreme, 10/second) [150].
You have 1 HP and cannot fall below -10; you also cannot die or fall unconscious, and you heal 10 HP/turn. This means you will never start your turn at less than 0 HP, which thanks to Supernatural Durability, means you maintain full Move and cannot be crippled. This isn't perfect, though; if you're under continual damage that deals more than 10 injury/second, you're trapped.
This is honestly pretty horrifying.
How would you build a magma elemental, something that heals from fire damage rather than being damaged by it?
Yeah, that's indestructibility.
DR 50 (Burning Only, -40%; Absorption, Heals HP Only, +80%) [350]
Powers puts immersion in magma as 8d+2 (p. P117), and DR 50 is enough to cancel that out; additionally, up to 50 "points" are stored due to the Absorption modifier, which grants the elemental a maximum of 25 points of healing every turn if immersed in lava.
But if you hit it for more than 50, it starts being harmed by fire, despite being made of magma?
Yes, and? It's far beyond anything natural on earth. Pretty sure magma is going to be wrecked by sun fire.
Too much of a good thing is still dangerous; just because people need to eat food to survive doesn't mean we won't die from a 20-lb. turkey leg caving our skull in. Also I don't think you understand how much 50 burning damage is; at that point, you're causing as much injury as full immersion in lava. Flesh ignites at that heat--not our body hair or top layer of skin, but the flesh itself.
On top of everything else, like I said you get temporary points for taking burn damage that are put towards healing. The above example lets you take up to 75 points of burn damage without issue because, assuming your aren't instantly killed/ko'd, you can instantly heal the 25 injury that got through. If that's still not enough, Powers also talks about Injury Tolerance (Damage Reduction) which divides post-DR injury; you can apply the same (Burning Only, -40%) limitation to that as well.
Not sure how I feel about this. I think I like my fire and magma elementals to be healed by burning, not just by lower temperature burning.
Is there a number for how much damage you take on the surface of the sun?
How resistant would Sunfire elementals need to be?
It automates everything from Vehicles, so that's pretty nice. Don't think I ever had problems with it that didn't stem from problems in Vehicles itself.
Fair point.
How much fire damage can PCs typically do?
Ordinary flame is like 1d-3 to 1d-1 per second, depending how "on fire" you are. Dragon's breath is usually statted as 3d to 5d on the high end.
It really depends on your campaign/game world, and what is possible from a PC perspective. If you let someone make Cyclops from x-men with the serials filed off, you may need to recalibrate how much DR is effectively "immune to fire/lasers" for that campaign.
As a previous user stated, though, you can actually get around this pretty easily if you absolutely need an "immune to x" power, between aspected DR and aspected IT: Damage Reduction (dividing damage by up to 100).
Depends on the setting
Realistically, actual fire deals anywhere from 1-point follow-up (e.g. smacking someone with a lit torch) to I think 1d-1 for standing in a bonfire. Molten metal or a furnace deals about 3d (keep in mind this is enough to melt Arnie in Terminator 2!). If magic is in, the most powerful magical spells tend to cap out at around 2d to 4d either due to how the system is set up or because the GM is following standard guidelines for limiting Innate Attacks. Things get more extreme in sci-fi games; damage caps out at 8d burn for man-portable weapons (ignoring the TL9^ heavy plasma flamer at 6dx3 because it's superscience) but mounted weapons get really insane with the most insane being the TL11 Blaster Cannon that dead 5dx20 at point-blank range and is meant to take out starships.
Oh and P.S.: nothing in GURPS needs traditionally statted abilities like the PCs.
There is literally nothing stopping you from saying "yeah, elementals are rotally immune to their own damage type" or giving a monster some weird ability that is totally homegrown.
The only reason to "stat" something through the normal channels is if it's a PC, or an Ally/Enemy of a PC (and sometimes not even then), or as a thought exercise. Anything else, just decide what you want the ability/power/whatever to do, write that doen, and you're done.
"This monster spits corrosive acid that does 2d and requires an HT check to not hallucinate if it touches your skin."
"This monster can swallow you if you fail an opposed ST roll after a successful bite, and when you're in its stomach you take 1 corrosion damage per second and must make a ST check or take 1d-2 crushing from its stomach muscles."
Yes, you COULD stat these out if you had to, but otherwise there is literally no benefit to doing so except as practicing your mechanics skills.
Make up what sounds reasonable, and that's how it is. Boom. Easy.
Exhaustively statted abilities are for PCs.
Not actual lasers.
[Spoiler]Microscopic particles from another plane which can't survive in our dimension for long, especially once they lose momentum. His eyes are literally magic portals. It's not a heat thing. It's like getting shot by bullets or punched.[/spoiler]
Yes, I know. Pretty dumb? awesome?
I did not know that. Super weird and kinda neat, thanks for the info.
They wanted to justify his powers in a way that didn't require him to cut people in half when he hit them. So they made them concussive force. He can cut things by focusing more, or pound things by focusing less, but he's cutting things like a knife, or a finely controlled string of dissolving bullets, not like a laser.