Would it be evil to force all living skaven to suddenly feel empathy and compassion for all life?
Would it be evil to force all living skaven to suddenly feel empathy and compassion for all life?
Other urls found in this thread:
>skaven suddenly become empathic and compassionate
>skaven suddenly stop their backstabbing egomaniac spree
>old wolrd swarmed by billions of highly disciplined rat-men seeking to expand their country and bring the word of the Horned One to the poor uneducated masses
For contest, got a plot-device that utilizes warp-fuckery designed to do just this, used as a threat against the clans to keep them off of an objective.
Well, then they would explode. Literally explode. And you just turned a race of horrible rat people into a race of even more horrible EXPLODING rat people, Dwarf Fortress style.
So yea, pretty evil.
More importantly, would it make them pettable?
You know, forcing an amoral malevolent monster that has spent it's entire life torturing and murdering... to suddenly feel remorseful and recognize all the pain and suffering it has caused others... is probably a fate worse than death. You could make it really, really hate itself and hurt it more than any physical wound. The ultimate penance.
Might use this.
you mean like real rats?
No more evil than just killing them outright.
They stop backstabbing. lots of them commit suicide on the spot and their inocent children are the ones who inherit the world after a short period of rebuilding their civilization. their decendants asswipe everyone else in the setting and generally fix everyone else's problems.
Rats are adorable. Are there any fantasy ratfolk that behave like actual rats and aren't just Chaotic Evil dickbags?
The secret of nimh's rats.
Pathfinder's ratfolk.
The evolded rats from "In our shadow" webcomic.
Every. single. redwall. fanfic. ever.
It is just a matter of un cramming the bastards and on a generation you should have cooperative rats.
How are you suppose to do that?
Well I know there's a spell (or spell effect) that can change alignment. Just get a bunch of high level spellcasters... yeah there's no way it will work.
Stormcast Eternal miracles duh.
Convince a chaos god it would be funny?
Heck, they run off emotion. A few billion despairing ratmen? They might like that.
Guild wars skritt. They're adorable, but quite stupid.
>I for one embrace our new rat overlords
why would they explode?
Angel from Buffy the vampire slayer
If they suddently learned how to value life, they would be far more dangerous as now they would have incentitive to adopt tactics as modern as their weapons and you've got trench warfare versus early handgonnes.
Actually, lets just leave them as they are.
What would the new "great horned god" be like
And how would the real big daddy rat react to this?
Yeah but they're sort of a long-term investment now, bringing endless misery. They'd need to be pretty desperate to cash in that investment.
Tari from ad&d
but it's followed by massive amounts of compassion.
"I know this hurt-hurts you Shepard-thing."
So Tau rats?
That was over fast.
Good job Veeky Forums
They'd have to be a chaos god that feeds more off of compassion than whatever ratmen are good for. I guess that'd be nurgle either way? Probably a wash, but you might convince him it's funny.