How would a dragon capable of accelerated evolution adapt to better protect itself from adventurers?
How would a dragon capable of accelerated evolution adapt to better protect itself from adventurers?
Live near a bunch of crystals or diamonds, and become one with them.
Stop looking like a dragon
Sprout wings to fly away.
Regeneration that can only be stopped by non-standard means.
An aura that destroys magic items.
>inb4 "shitty autistic /x/ dropouts"
tbqh, even its attitude towards humans would probably be fair game after enough """"encounters""""
Hardend skin
Anti magic field
By being friendly.
Deadman trigger spell that kills the princess and turns the gold hoard into a pile of shit in case of getting killed.
It would evolve to survive in the vacuum of space
Nah, some sicko or group of sickos would probably kill it for its skin or something weird like that, and since it's friendly it wouldn't be good enough at combat to deter them
Works out pretty well, as long as you keep your primordial crystal in a safe place.
Looking like a human.
Yeah great idea
link and pic related are the embodyment of what you are looking for.
Potential ways for beating goodie two shoe types would be to graft orphans you kidnaped onto your body and use them as hostages/shields.
Easy, it becomes an adventurer. Complete with a little helmet-shaped tail tip to disguise itself with.
Rust monster powers. Wouldn't be able to touch it's own hoard, but at least it's safe from most weapons
Diamond is hard, but brittle is fuck. You can shatter it with a spoon.
Metal or goop would do a lot more for its survivability.
Maneuver itself into a position/state of being where its death would have severe negative or destructive consequences for the entire world.
Developing a taste for something other than expensive treasure and princesses.
Like this.
Stop keeping a hoard of treasure and kidnapping princesses
Diamonds are the hardest metal known to man.
if you strike a diamond with a hammer, it will shatter into a million pieces
while very hard, it is very brittle
Adopt a vow of poverty.
>accelerated evolution
Not a thing.
What you're looking for is DCs Doomsday.
Creature that is killed and revived with the weakness that resulted in his death fixed. It gets stronger each resurrection.