Never played dnd before, have no one irl to play with or teach me

Never played dnd before, have no one irl to play with or teach me
I would really appreciate it if someone would give me a link to a guide or forum or something to learn the basics or where to go

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I'm almost positive the Sun would win. No Lion could ever get close enough to attack, and the innermost lions would combust, creating a hazard for the lions behind them.

Just look at the site for a while
5e is a good place to start

Now the sun has to deal with a trillion flaming lions. How is it going to do that?

By waiting.

Then again, if it's a battle to the death, the Lions win by default, since the Sun is not alive to begin with.

isn't a trillion flaming lions really just the same thing as the sun?

A trillion lions in space might create their own gravitational field and intense heat and pressure, resulting in nuclear fusion.

So the real question is who would win: the sun, or a sun made of lions? I know who I'd bet on.

That's what it wants you to think.

>The sun is fire
The sun is an ongoing nuclear reaction, basically a turbonuke. Flaming Lions =/= nuclear reaction.

Just saying, a Lion the size of the Sun would produce far, FAR more heat than the Sun does.

You idiot. Average mass of a lion is 420 lb. The mass of the sun is 4*10^30 lbs. A trillion lbs is 10^12. You get where I'm going here?

A trillion lions is at best like 200 trillion kg, which is 17 orders of magnitude less than the minimum mass required to support nuclear fusion.

Why would the lions and the sun fight? Why wouldn't they combine?

Not if we go by long

Also, we can reasonably assume we are given the strongest and largest lions, not the average ones.

You should phrase things more carefully. You've just implied nuclear fusion missiles have the same reaction mass as the sun.

They'd combine into: the Sun. Or if you let it combine somewhere else you'd get a large planet made out of bubbling oil(gotta exchange the heat of decomposition and the residual body temeprature of a trillion lions somehow) surrounded by an atmosphere of methane. Maybe it would have some sort of calcified core made out of bones and teeth, fuck knows how they would decompose.

To start, read the players handbook, cover to cover.

Also, what time are the lions attacking? If it was night the sun would have lost the passive burny aura, leading to a quick victory on the part of the lions.

What city/country you in mate? I would play with you if you're close.

How many earths it would require to raise up an army of a trillion lions? Whats is the natural lion capacity of earth?

Please don't derail the thread m8, we are trying to have a discussion here.

buy the rulebook
buy dice
buy miniatures and a mat
hire prostitutes to play dnd with

how would you sustain enough oxygen for 1 trillion lions? How would you get them to attack the sun? It's not a matter of will, but feasibility. It never matters how strong your fists are, you can never hit a bird if doesn't land.


Dinosaurs, duh.

Barney would eat them alive.

Not only do the teletubbies out number Barney and friends but just look at their faces.

They have seen death before.

Or the sun automatically wins you know... the lions dead and all.

Did teletubbies have lasers or was that just the care bears?

cool bike

>Flaming Lions =/= nuclear reaction.

Says you maybe, how many balls of a trillion flaming lions have you seen?

they had television sets in their stomachs if i understand correctly.


this this this

the sun

>OP enters the board. He looks around nonchalantly. Unsure whether to commit to outright trolling or beg for companionship, OP asks for someone to teach him DnD.

Roll initiative.

Is pokemon ripping off Zoids now?

They are one step away from fusions and we can safely call it digimon.

Pfft, a lion is not even a grain of sand compared to our vast sun. They would all be burned to ash upon its surface, and create the Lionash beach.

Then again, maybe victory was not the point for lionhood. Perhaps to stand and fight is itself proof of their nobility.

The mass of one lion is *very* optimistically 200kg. 1 trillion gives 2E14 kg, which is 15 orders of magnitude less massive than the earth. Consider the size of the earth compared to that of the sun. The lions lose


Rolled 13 + 8 (1d20 + 8)

Sorry, correction, it's only 10 order of magnitude less massive than the Earth.

Point still stands.

>not using the european definition of "trillion" that is 10^18 instead of 10^12.

A trillion europeans lions would win easy.

A European lion maybe, but not an African lion, that's my point.

>The mass of one lion is *very* optimistically 200kg.

Holy shit, factcheck before you QED you baptist fuck.

>Nowak indicates the typical weight range of lions as 150 to 250 kg (331 to 551 lb) for males and 120 to 185 kg (265 to 408 lb) for females.[4] The size of adult lions varies across their range with those from the southern African populations in Zimbabwe, the Kalahari and Kruger Park averaging around 189.6 kg (418 lb) and 126.9 kg (280 lb) in males and females respectively compared to 174.9 kg (386 lb) and 119.5 kg (263 lb) of male and female lions from East Africa.[56]

Also, you could very reasonably assume we are given large and powerful lions to fight, not weak or even average ones.

Is it a racial thing again?

Is it still a pride of lions if it's enough of a pile of cute, strong kitties to blot out and eventually enshroud the sun in a manner that each and everyone can get a perfect sunning position? Does it hunt as a group, chasing down comets and meteorites like giant red dots in the sky? Or has it achieved such a critical mass of cat-dom that ti is instead a massive hyper-predator, a trillion purring hyper-violent hunters turning their very sights to the stars above?

>A European lion
I've never seen such a beast.
What is the exchange rate for a Euro lion to African lion?

I don't think you need to account for the weight difference between sexes, as female lions are generally referred to as lioness', so we can assume all trillion lions are male.

the lions would win if they attacked at night

It's a male lion on OP's image.

You seem to confuse fission and fusion.

This discussion is dumb. Where did the lions come from? Way down the line, the motherfucking Sun. The Sun has made itself an adversary, it can remove it again. PRAISE THE FUCKING SUN

How powerful would a trillion trillions of lions be?

guys, guys what if the lions just have to blot out the sun to win?

can 1 trillion lions can cover the sun so the earth is permamently dark? whats thei surface area of a trillon lions?

I'm not sure there would be enough Lion even if the lions were stretched out into a single atom's thickness across the surface. I might be wrong, but the sun is a big boy.

>If you kill your enemies, they win
thus, the lions win

Don't play D&D. It will permanently damage your brain in a way that makes real roleplaying near impossible. Play something, hell - anything - else.

I will gladly teach a newfag a game online, hmu and I'll Discord you.

Lions would win. Have you ever seen a burning lion? I certainly haven't, so I doubt they exist. As such, lions can easily close distance with the sun and maim it!

They don't have to cover the sun, just cover the part of it that would shine on the earth, kind of like Mr Burns sun blocker for Springfield.

Perhaps if we attached the trillion lions to a giant arm like that, and put it on top of a hill.

More importantly, what is their average velocity when unladen?

Would mundane steel be enough to hold so many lions?

You're right, make the arm out of lions too.

Please play something other than deendee, I sincerely want you to broaden your understanding of gaming so that you'll be a better, more interesting person.

>using imperial and short scale
>calling other idiots
Why are burgers so comically rude?

Lion are pretty clever, I could see them attacking at night.

Pic related.
No, you couldn't see them, because it's night.

I thought if you killed your enemy, you are just like him. So the Sun becomes a lion?

Better a day as a lion than a hundred as a... sun?

Better a day as a sun than a trillion as a lion.
Doesn't a day for a sun last for its entire life?

>implying they wouldn't attack at night

Right, so I dreww up an extremely rushed and inaccurate diagram to show the size comparison.

Lions win hands down if and only if they attack at night, otherwise the decision is unclear.

Here is a link to the OGL

It's all the rules in the Fifth edition (5e) Player's Handbook, Dungeon Master's Guide, and Monster Manual. Unfortunately, there's no art or lore in it, which is personally my favorite part.

You can also get the D&D starter set for pretty cheap, comes with a fun adventure.

>forgot to say pic unrelated
You poor fool.
Definitely the lions. What's the sun going to do, give them a tan?

It's still much less massive than the sun.

That's still a hell of a lot smaller than the sun.

Even if the Lions attacked at night, the radiant heat of the Sun would prevent the Lions from approaching. Even a sleeping Sun is really, really hot.

in a war of attrition there is a chance that lions would evolve to the point to leave the solar system and to be sustainable without the sun.

that is their only winning move.
having a trillion of them though, thats more like a recipe for extinction.
tough to say.

the person who played babybop actually went to jail for murder
so im going to go with the barney CREW

>Is pokemon ripping off Zoids now?


Except it's still around 10,000,000,000,000,000,000 times bigger than the lions. And that's if they're large lions.

The sun is so fucking massive.

Eh, I've seen bigger.

It probably wouldn't decompose I think.

That link is talking about a planet of meat about 1,000,000,000 more massive than the lions would form. A trillion lions is really pretty lightweight in our solar system

For you

Honestly it all comes down to one thing, are they normal lions or are they variant lions?

Right math time children. Here we have 4 unknown
Which definition of "Trillion are we using?" and "How much does an average lion weigh?" and "How much does the Sun weigh?" and finaly "How do you put out a fire?"
1st: We will be giving the lions a fair chance so lets use the European definition of 10^18
2nd: As pointed out ~200gk would be reasonable
3rd: The mass of the sun is exactly 1 Solar Mass (yes that is an insult to all you solar exalts out there deal with it) Which is roughly 2*10^30
4th. You cut off it's fuel supply .

So in short you will have a mass of
200 000 000 000 000 000 000kg of lions against the mass of a
2 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 kg of sun
this would be enough to disrupt it's nuclear fusion core mixing the hydrogen with...Well lion so there you have it.

TL;DR: Math says lions win.

I suspect that, even should they manage to put the sun out, the lions are unlikely to survive the process, making it more of a draw via mutual kill.


God, I missed this sort of autism

really, really hot

Pokemon has already done fusion.

It decomposes because it has organic matter, water and and oxygen(in the lions lungs and hair and dissolved in their bloodstream) It would eventually break down into simple carbohydrates.

just attack at night

That's still only just around 10 billionths worth of lion compared to the suns mass. Is that really enough to affect the fusion reaction?

Nah, he is just bullshitting you. You cant "cut off the fuel suppy" of a star because they are literally made out of fuel.