>we're going to be playing a low fantasy setting of political intrigue, kind of like game of thrones
Cool, are you using the Song of Fire and Ice RPG?
>no we're playing Pathfinder
>we're going to be playing a low fantasy setting of political intrigue, kind of like game of thrones
Cool, are you using the Song of Fire and Ice RPG?
>no we're playing Pathfinder
>character dies due to the decision of someone who isnt the characters creator
This is why GURPS is the greatest system on the market.
You can do whatever the fuck you want with ease.
Fight me you niggers
Your game is shit, you are a faggot, GURPs' conflict resolution system is boring, low-input and unsatisfying. The writing is also tedious and its fanbase are uniformly cancerous homos. Oh wow I roll 1d20 and add some shit to it, this is different from D&D because xfgsdgfgdsfgsdfg Go fuck yourself. Dice Pools or go home.
>Low quality bait.
GURPS is 3d6.
If you're gonna shit talk, it's more effective if you have some idea about what the fuck your shittalking.
GURPS is an awful, autistic system with incoherent design.
>Song of Fire and Ice RPG?
That's an objectively worse game than even Pathfinder.
Nobody actually PLAYS gurps.
This. It's just a meme to trick people into playing a bad game before going off to try something good.
>>we're going to be playing a low fantasy setting of political intrigue, kind of like game of thrones
>Cool, are you using the Song of Fire and Ice RPG?
I'd suggest Burning Wheel at that point.
Of course I'd suggest Burning Wheel at many other points too.
I mean, D&D+Path isn't the worst suited game for this role as it has all the built in functions divided among its many splats, but you certainly need to learn the mechanics of the game to make it work as a DM: a starting PC politics noble and a starting PC murderhobo warrior should not begin with the same equipment.
How viable are nobles in this scenario? They certainly should have something up their sleeves to explain why they aren't all bards, rogues, or cavaliers instead.
Song of Swords, GURPS, Runquest 6 and Burning Wheel could have done low fantasy effectively.
But that's *every* game except the only one I like, user!
Personally, I'd use that as an opportunity to try Fantasy Craft. Sure, it's typically more combat-focused, but even skimming it there's obviously firm support for intrigue and politicking. It'd be a very good opportunity to feel out the system without being quite so inundated with its more fiddly and specific combat rules.
Please stop making GURPSfags look like a bunch of fags.
4e is pretty coherent and consistent.
You have anything specific to call out?
Or do you just mean "I'm confused by having to choose which subsystems fit my campaign"?
t. Faggot
t. Baitposter
t. Pathfinder players
Other than the gibberish social combat due to an awful fucking misprint its pretty good.
Pf could do it (badly) so long as you play no higher than level 6, restrict classes and magic items, and limit the monsters you can use significantly and build a lot of NPCs.
WHY you would use Pathfinder is beyond me, but technically you *could*.
The magic won't match up with the magic in SoIF though.
Why would you pick a system to play and then proceed to not use 90% of it?
3.x absolutely IS the worst system someone might realistically pick for that kind of game.
GURPS 4e that is, just in case someone doesn't bother to check the post I'm responding to and thinks I mean D&D 4e
People like you should stop posting. And I say that as someone who has been playing/running GURPS over 15 years.
> Other than the gibberish social combat due to an awful fucking misprint its pretty good.
It's an all-or-nothing system we attempted to play with twice. It makes DnD / Pathfinder's min/maxing look tame, even though it has a meta-currency. And it makes the still capable elderly living gods on the battlefield.
The only redeeming aspect is how poison and medicine works, and how a well-versed medicineman can get you killed with the right concoction of drugs.
I'd go DP9' Silhouette or friggin' NWoD before Pathfinder or Song of Ice and Fire. Heck, I'd try and pick up a GURP rulebook before PF/SoIF.
>we're going to shitpost on Veeky Forums using the same thread over and over
Yeah I made this mistake once. Never again.
As a matter of fact I completely swore off D&D because those systems never melded well with the types of games I run anyways. Turns out FATE is more my style.
An old-school grognard friend of mine is put off by how much homework he perceives it as having for him for him to feel informed or knowledgeable about the system. It doesn't strike him as being comfortable at all when he can get similar gameplay and character-building in other systems which are more self-contained.
That's also why he doesn't like 3.PF or 4e: he didn't get in on the ground floor of either, so it's mountains of cruft to him.
The one franchise (so far as I know) that he really likes that has that sort of fuck-huge corpus is Battletech/Mechwarrior, but he's also had his foot in the door on that for at least a decade.
Not the guy you're responding to, but I think that's a pretty fair gripe/perspective. Fundamentally all GURPS boils down to "3d6 roll under", but if I understand the comment correctly, it seems like he really wants to "understand" and "dig into" the system to comprehend and truly feel knowledgeable about the entirety of its workings and internal subtleties/mechanical interactions. That, certainly, takes some effort and it's understandable to me why he would favor other stuff (from the sound of it, probably OSR stuff?) if his goal is to be "totally informed and comfortable" with all aspects of a given system before play.
Anyway, while I disagree that you need to know much or use much about GURPS beyond the basics in order to enjoy it (and then being able to expand from there), I certainly understand that kind of position. It is a toolkit system after all, which by its very nature puts some people off.
It does have a lot of subsystems.
At this point I grab basic set + powers + supers + thaumatology + t.(sorcery) + low tech, and I might use fantasy or dungeon fantasy for example templates and lenses to use when coming up with my own.
But if I wanted to run a different genre I'd go to the GURPS forums or GURPS general and ask people for suggestions on what to use, and check that out.
I haven't been playing GURPS for that long, and am not yet familiar with the whole collection.
>Fundamentally all GURPS boils down to "3d6 roll under"
This is true. I really like digging down and building my campaigns from scratch. My players however are often quite uninvested outside of the characters/story/events of the current session.
This makes GURPS perfect. I can spend time picking what rules I want and the players can play it since it's literally just roll under target number. The only thing I wish GURPS would do better is character creation.
GURPS has gotten me to hate any system where you can't just jump in and out of combat whenever it's appropriate. Rolling for initiative is the stupidest shit ever.
I do get that GURPS is not for everyone though.
Burning Wheel is genuinely good, yes.
to be fair the Song of Ice and Fire RPG is somehow more shit than pathfinder so there's that
Wrong, F.A.T.A.L.
Burning wheel is the best choice for shit like this
>like game of thrones
I would drop a group right there if that's their example of low fantasy or political intrigue.
Same. GURPS just meshes with my GM'ing style perfectly, and from the player side it's super simple (and the GM side too, once the game starts rolling).
I've played a lot of different games, and found a lot of neat stuff I enjoyed, but I always end up going back to GURPS. It just hits the "right buttons" for me, there's something 'magic' about it that no other game has ever quite captured for me. That said, I do like learning things from other games I encounter/play from time to time; mechanics, GM styles, game philosophies, etc. and stealing them shamelessly for use in my own campaigns. Never hurts to have an open mind and experiment a little, IMO.
>That pic
Triggered hard, literally biting my knuckles angrily
What kind of shitcunt DM doesn't retcon that shit?
This. I love how it has rules that actually encourage roleplaying among other things.
To be fair, he did say "realistically".