WIP - Painting/Converting/Sculpting General

Work In Progess "Now with Flesh Eaters Johnny!" Edition

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>Fuckin Magnets how do they work?

>List of mini manufacturers for converting and proxy

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>On the consequences of insufficient ventilation

>We stood at the edge of destruction, and would have fallen... if not for the might of The God-Emperor and his Angels of Death.

>Previous Threads:

You could do with filling in some of the other colours, you're missing black in quite a few areas and it appears monotone as it is now.

So working on my Baal Predator and just gonna do a quick job on the inside before closing it all up and working on the outer layer. I'm just stuck on how much detail I should put into this thing. Goal is that when you look into it it actually looks like troops have been in and out of this thing so I was thinking of some Stirland Mud. Also looking for some thoughts on what else I can do with it to make it look swanky. I'm considering maybe changing the bench colours to black or metal. Maybe even put in some insignias an purity seals.

>Flesh Eater Johnny
Who made him? Where are you brother?!

So I'm thinking of mixing and matching parts from a Sternguard squad, some Tac Marine pieces, and a Mor Deythan squad to make a more unique-looking Sternguard squad. Yea or nay?

I wouldn't go nuts with mud inside unless you're doing a muddy theme, maybe just weathering powder to make it seems dirty.

And speaking of weathering, some chipping on the floor and bench would be cool, and maybe even areas of worn out paint and bare metal where the asses would normally be.

For a predator it should have spare ammo boxes, fuel, and/or an upgraded engine for the sponsons and the main turret.
For a transport I like having jerry cans, ammo boxes, or grenade boxes, and usually a techmarine's.
Put some paint chipping where the most footsteps would be, make the seats black or dark brown. Those doors should be gunmetal

*usually a techmarine's helmet lying around

Nice, will see if I can find some stuff I can use for ammo boxes and such. Or at least learn how to make them. Doors will be an issue as it's hard to reach in that far with a brush, awkward angle. Was gonna do the rear door with a hazard pattern on the frame.

Chipping I can do.

Finally got some bases for my new terminators!

Don't think he's around anymore

Thanks for the tips, I'll go back in to add more shadows/black

Took me a second, good kek user

>finally found that bit I lost a month ago

forgot pic in excitement

Oh boy I'm having fun with this.

>having fun

That's the spirit!

>more unique-looking Sternguard squad

That's the name of the game, user. Sternguard are veterans of countless battles, entrusted with the artifacts of their chapters and bearing armour embellished by the chapter's artificers over decades or even centuries of heroic service. Every one of those ladz should look mighty special!

>order $5 worth of magnets
>$12 shipping

What the actual fuck? Is it always like this? Where do you guy get magnets?

finished my pond and took a daylight photo pic. before

I'm sorry I'm not sorry.


can we get some xenos inquisitor tryouts?

If I had any on hand, we most certainly would. My friend has some Eldar and another has some 'nids.
Before my time is up, both a Broodlord and Eldrad will try out for the Inquisiton. Give me time though.

Think I am happy with thise for now, will just do a little more on the panel. Tried to give this thing a little more personality. Does anyone have a tutorial on how to make ammo crates and flamer tanks?

My auspex tells me he's close, watching us.

Would Ironjawz with charcoal skin and this color green armor be cool, or no?

I think you'll be getting some Salamanders "KANGZ" memes.

So it's a good idea, is what you're saying?

>Salamander Orruks

Do it. You can add Seraphon lizard scale bits to them too.

Needs a black background instead of white, since the photos are a bit dark.

WIP im stumped, im going to convert some cowboy themed flash gitz and Ive got everything covered except what to use for an appropriate gun.

Any any appropriate sized steampunk or western themed guns that may be useful as a starting point?

Why not just greenstuff a revolver spinning chamber on the big shoota?

I think anvil industries has some very large revolvers

i have to say that hat is less "its high noon" and more "top of the morning to ye, guvner'

Inspired by a thread, I'd like to convert some IG dudes in feudal looking guardsmen.
Any tips on the bits?

Another Pic

maybe scion bodies with Skitarii Vanguard heads?

That makes something much more like Arbites unfortunately.

If Brets weren't discontinued I'd suggest them.
Empire bits work ok if you don't mind them looking more renaissance than medieval.
There might be a few other medieval or fantasy 28mm games you could use though.

Im really trying not to get to that point if i dont have to.

>anvil industries
Those are perfect for the bandolers of pistols.

And after some quick checking those are perfect oversized pistols to work off of for the larger guns.

Thanks anons, I was worried I wouldnt find the right bits, ill post pics in the future when I start them.

man looks baller but not what we're going for, Maybe Frostgrave soldiers could work? they look a little more ramshackle, might work for conscripts

I made a handful of pic related out of Perry Miniatures and cadians bits. The proportions aren't perfect but no worse than a lot of 40k and if you got hold of smaller arms (like death korps for example) they would be better. Overall I think they look good but I got distracted with other projects.

Does anybody have both VMC Dark Sea Blue and P3 Coal Black and could post a side by side comparison of them?

From the internet for $17 including shipping and handling.

But you could try to look for a supplier local to you; even if you are in the states your odds arent great. We're the only people shopping for this stuff in non-industrial quantities.

I actually found 200 3mm/1mm magnets on ebay for $1.50. They're from china, but even if they're shit, I only paid $1.50.

Working on some rocky terrain pieces. The boulders are pine bark with some heavy dry brushing, I'm pretty happy with how they're coming along

That guy on the far left looks like his feet hurt.

i like the slight discolouration you've added with the warm tones

Lovely hat you got there mate.

Damn that looks great. Where the legs from?

I'd take some Genestealers Cult legs, they even have some padding.

Is it true that primer needs to be left to cure for a day otherwise the evaporating solvents will fuck up the paint's adhesion?

And done for now. Can't decide if I want to add some areas with grass/flock or not

depends on the primer and the environment but generally it doesn't take a full day. If you use an airbrush to primer instead of a rattlecan it dries very very fast (5 minutes at most) and there are less fumes.


question from someone new to Veeky Forums and unfamiliar with the board culture
what is johnny? what's behind the meme
is is just a particularly silly classic sculpt that became a meme?

Forced meme shit, just ignore it.

>huge arms and hands
>chicken legs with dainty little feet

>is is just a particularly silly classic sculpt that became a meme?
Basically. Thanks to the limitations of shitty 1980s sculpting technology, he's holding the magazine for his bolter up to his ear. People thought it made him look like a psychotic who thought the mag was talking to him, hence Johnny.

The name could be a reference to the "Here's Johnny!" scene in The Shining, since psychotic killer and whatnot.

My first Custodes Warder. It's only in the basecoat phase. What colour lens and gems should I do?


is he riding a used condom spraypainted black

has he been fighting slaanesh daemons?

Mate I posted it as a suggestion and acknowledged they need smaller arms and even suggested what smaller arms could be used. They aren't even wip I haven't touched anything IG in months. Thanks for the feedback though.

I get what you're saying, but why the fuck not just use smaller arms?

Haha no just poster tack, because I'm doing the base seperate.

Wellparts of Zuzzy magnets.

Because it was 5 guys made as a test with parts I already owned. And actually they look okay in person. Not everything matters, there's no reason at all to fixate on it.

Have you seen the stuff made by Anvil Industry? They sell sci-fi "Medieval", "gothic" and will soon "WW1" bits.

Here is a quick mash up of their bits from their Regiments Designer . I think it looks close to the artwork you posted.

My buddy is getting me the Secutarii Hoplites upgrade kit as a birthday present. I've never worked with FW resin, or resin at all for that matter. What do I need to know?

>actually doing the inside

If you're going gold on black: blue glowing

Im building an army that is supposed to be slavers and slaves. Does anyone have some good miniatures for the slavers? Im thinking guys with chains and whips. That kind of stuff?


Wash it in warm soapy water first, or paint might not stick proerly later on.

If any things bent or warped, hold it over steam, or dip it in very hot but not boiling water, and quickly reshape it.

If you have to convert it or cut any resin, wear a mask.

Other than that it's like working with plastic.

unless you're imagining these are on a rad blasted, venus tier hot, atmosphereless planet... then yes, they would be covered in lichen, moss, small tufts of grass yes.

just don't go overboard

What kind of mask? I'm assuming I'll need one to get the bits off their sprues and trim mold lines, yes?

>The name could be a reference to the "Here's Johnny!" scene in The Shining, since psychotic killer and whatnot.

Johnny 2x4 from Ed' Edd and Eddy. Johnny talks to an inanimate plank of wood, simply called Plank.

I think that's a bit of an exaggeration. Not every rock outcropping on earth has shit growing on it.

Just a dust mask will be fine I think, or just do it right next to a fan and have it blowing away from you.

Okay, thanks.

I'm looking forward to it, the hoplite models look fantastic and I hope I do them justice! I need to use super glue to attach resin to plastic, right?


"Because it's there."


Seriously though ,look at that benevolent smile, LOOK AT IT!

Someone on a "professional" painters salary in Nottingham can afford to holiday in Australia.


He was sent on a mission by GW to enlighten the locals in the southern hemisphere of the good news about using multiple thin coats and smooth clean lines.

If you book in advance you can get a ticket for about £600 ~ £700 return. Its not that hard to save money if you plan with your finances.

I'm on minimum wage currently and still have money to go on holiday.

If a person can afford Warhammer then he can afford a trip to Australia. Trips are only expensive if you're a doofus.

>If a person can afford Warhammer then he can afford a trip to Australia.
As long as he doesn't actually plan on buying any GW products IN Australia.

We don't deserve Duncan.

Wait, are you telling us that Bluhd Rehvens are descended from Flesh Eaters now?

currently contracted 12 hours a week and been in Australia since December. Saving and planning m8

FW Renegade Enforcers kit came with a whip iirc. If you can find them the first (as in RT era) plastic IG had one legs/body that was hunched over, and the HW arms particularly suited a 'chain pulling' pose I remember seeing a diorama way back wher the modeller had ten of them pulling a rhino with a marine atop whipping them.

Maybe he's running a sideline smuggling minis to the antipodes in empty paint cases...

>he doesn't spend all his vacation money to poofters, sheilas and shitty beer

Try dark elf corsairs. Got some whiplike implements, chain-swords (a sword that is literally a chain) and so on. Dark eldar might also have something.

Empire greatswords have sallets helmets
You can find medieval helmets in the free company box and the bretonnian man-at-arms box
Empire handgunners can give you some bullets and medieval-ish guns to convert

Some progress on the Knight-Questor for the local Hinterlands campaign.

Still a bit of work to do, obviously, but I'm pretty happy with the pose now. Many thanks to that user that suggested twisting his leg around. That took some effort and a good amount of greenstuff, but it improved the pusture considerably.

I dread working on the cape. I don't do well when it comes to flowing materials like that...

I'm totally doing that to all my scions!

Would it be gauche to kitbash a Johnny out of modern plastics, /wip/?

Progress on my Skaven team. 2nd Gutter-runner done.

Scout torsos are good for arbite conversions too.

Bretonnian helmets might be your best bet though as suggests, but coming into them is hard going at the moment. I happened to get a bunch of them in a bitz haul I picked up on eBay, but they were mislabelled as empire parts. I'm also thinking of doing a feudal world guard conversion, so if you hang around this thread often I might be able to keep you updated with how it goes.