A terrible disease rips through the world, causing painful, nightmarish transformations in its victims, often turning them into monsters.
How does the plague spread?
What does it turn you into?
Can it be cured?
A terrible disease rips through the world, causing painful, nightmarish transformations in its victims, often turning them into monsters.
How does the plague spread?
What does it turn you into?
Can it be cured?
Way to go user! You Kronenburged the whole planet!
Do I win a prize?
The plague turns everyone into happy, cute bunnies, and is spread through hugs.
Fuck I remember that thread, thanks for the trigger asshole.
What the FUCK?
Scorn, last I checked it was on steam greenlight.
Did that shit finally go somewhere?
A week or so ago it was announced that it was being published by Humble Bundle or some shit, so the probability of it finally coming out is at about 70-ish%, so yea, its finally going somewhere.
In the most fucked up way, that gave me an erection.
user pls no I already have my setting stuffed to the brim with my TF fetish it can't take any more
Give in user. You know you must!
I blame K. A. Applegate for this shit
Do you ever think Jake fucked Cassie mid morph with some massive animal dick.
I haven't read a single animorphs book and what I hear about them paints them as either "oh ONLY turning into X animal can solve convoluted Y issue" to some edgy shittery.
My TF fetish lies solely on the shoulders of that magnificent fucking bastard modeseven.
Jake is a proud jew, I don't think he would sully his seed on a goyim, even in animal form
Fucking wizards.
>implying he and Cassie didn't SMASH
Not even G-D's chosen can resist the allure of psychopathic but demure black farmgirls.
I thought the blonde was the psychopath?
Why reinvent the wheel? The Thing and Dead Space already got it right.
Viral infection that spreads through infected water and contact with bodily fluids of infected individuals. The virus hijacks cells and rewrites their DNA to become a different sort of organism entirely. Each can operate individually on a cellular level, but they conglomerate to form monstrous creatures designed to do two things:
1. Spread the infection.
2. Gather biomass to form bigger monsters
Can be cured in early stages using advanced nanotechnology or extremely powerful magic. Early symptoms of infection in humanoids include fever, organ failure, and dementia. Once the infection takes over a majority of the cells in the body, rapid and violent changes of the physical form occurs.
But for the love of God, this stuff can't break the laws of thermodynamics. One infected person can't spontaneously gain 300lbs of biomass when mutating into a Kronenburg beast, and he sure as hell can't turn into a building-sized pile of flesh like Tetsuo. The virus can only work with what it is given.
After a certain percentage of the population is infected, pic related rapidly becomes the most attractive option.
Rachel is nothing compared to Cassie.
>Hey guys, how about we give crippled children the ability to morph and use them as cannon fodder
Such an infection should be met with nothing less than nuclear hellfire, anything less should be considered criminally negligent for leaving even the possibility of such a thing existing.
Reminds me of that one time a recipe I tried called for beef chuck. I bought suppenfleisch thinking it was the same thing and spent 45 minutes trying to cut that globster of unidentifyable animal tissue into bite-sized pieces. I almost turned vegetarian on that day.
>But for the love of God, this stuff can't break the laws of thermodynamics.
Magic violates conservation of mass/energy all the time (that's pretty much what makes it magic). If the disease is magical in nature then there's absolutely no reason why it wouldn't be able to work under whatever principles magic does in the setting.
>Magic violates conservation of mass/energy all the time (that's pretty much what makes it magic)
You know that saying? "Depends on the setting" it goes.
You should, since you are invoking it. Yet you are violating it's logic
Naw man, Jake had a case of jungle fever, and had it BAD, since like book one
Bumping with more pics
>Can it be cured?
How badly do you want the cure?
any more?
It spreads through Dreams.
The Dreamer must awake!
>You know that saying? "Depends on the setting" it goes.
Uh, pretty much EVERY setting has magic violate thermodynamics as we know them every time a wizard casts fireball.
Now, sure, there's also always the background logic that magic is it's own energy resource that simply converts from that to heat and shit.
But magic creating energy and even mass out of nowhere is a naerly-universal trait.
So... This is inspired by Beksinski? I feel like a lot of the themes are there.
what if magic utilizes a a number of localized wormholes to transfer energy and matter from an undisclosed space and time in order to create an icicle to throw at a goblin? completely scientifically possible imo
Uh uh yeah and moving things and creating wormholes is totally absolutely energyless process.
Yep, the creators pretty much confirmed him, HR Geiger, and David Cronenberg as their inspiration for it
well there's no reason a wormhole couldn't spontaneously form out of thin air due to some random universal occurrence. it just happens that they randomly form whenever a mage tries to cast a spell of the corresponding type. kind of weird but thats how it works
I kinda like all the "organic technology" going on. The guns, the ship that kinda reminds me of a cross between Farscape and Alien. I really want to see the "backstory" and the lore of the world. Going to be some crazy shit.
You know, one of my favorite kinds of "transformations" from a horror-bent standpoint is the way Alien 9 did it. You retain the same outward appearance essentially but... there's something subtly off. You're not really you anymore, and everyone can tell. Maybe inside you're basically spaghetti, or maybe you're even biologically the same but the way your brain is wired is completely off deep down, and it only surfaces occasionally. That's scary in a body snatcher sorta way but also hearkens back to the good old conundrum of "what makes you, you", or even "how much of you IS you at the end of the day".
Fuck that noise tho I just wanna turn into a dragon.
That thread was the best thread.
>How does the plague spread.
I think by the slightest scratch, but the change time should vary from near-instant to months.
>What does it turn you into?
Generic fantasy monsters, for the hell of it.
>Can it be cured?
Link to the thread in question, if you've got it? I'm not familiar.
>What does it turn you into?
What are the criteria?
Magic lready did it. LAME
Campbell ALREADY did it. Lame
Magic did it way better infecting all classic monsters and even divine beings while your shitty Carpenter's abomination couldn't even get off Anatarctica.
>someone did a thing
>nobody is ever allowed to use the same basic concept ever again
We had an afflicted character in a game, but it it never got the chance to spread because she just absorbed anyone who transmitted it. Pretty gross after awhile, she turned into a huge blobula.
''thank you for not aborting me, user''
Thanks, user! Here's a rabbit for your trouble.
Bumping with Videodrome
I wrote a short 20k dark fantasy story along those lines. It was spread like a zombie infection, where any bite would turn them, and then it slowly twisted them into masses of knotted flesh and torn skin called ghouls. There's no cure, but they're deathly allergic to rain and runoff. The city was sealed and the inhabitants were left for dead, so the plague had no chance to escape into the rest of the world. The only people left are barricaded on a hilltop separated from the rest of the city by a broken bridge, along with a single undead amnesiac, who lives in the sewers of the city.
That was good. Discover a couple nice videos and settings in the process.
I remember a french comic where aliens steal the bodies/transform all humans on the planet into perfectly identical monsters. It talked a lot about the loss of identity and people trying to carry on with their life. The only person that the protagonist can recognize is her boss because he has a severe case of halitosis.
I like this too much
Google "corruption of kissi" and behold.
Have a link to that?
It's the boggy pox.
It turns people into boggies.
There are worse fates.
Being changed into a creature unable to feel anger is nothing to like
Anything to calm the seething rage I generally feel and hate myself for.
Name pls
>bunnycop can't be mad without forcing it
Come on, how has no one posted this yet?
the laws of physics are more what you'd call "guidelines" than actual laws
t. captain Barbossa of the Red Corsairs
On a more serious note, those "laws" are just our observations of the universe we live in. There is no reason for them to be valid in universes of imagination, they are not binding.
>there are people out there that make /d/ look tasteful
Dear me, look at all these sick, twisted patiants, and such a wide variety of diseases!
Fortunately for you all we have a cure! It is, however, a little bit...
Pretty sure that won't cure boggy pox.
You just end up with boggies hopping around the hospital, dressed in white coats, trying to eat the medical supplies and make "powerful mummies" out of gauze and reluctant patients.
What the fuck.
The first thing I think of is Leprosy and Leper colonies, especially middle-ages period, where we had little to no understanding of what it was.
The only solution
H.R. Geiger made a video game?
It's been a while. I will look for it.
What happend here?
I don't watch that show so I don't get the reference.
The guys still alive fucked up their reality, so they jumped to an alt relaty where they just got exploded. the younger one didnt realise this would be the case, and is freaking out
I understand the danger of getting too deeply into this, so I'll be sparing with the details.
The disease works by tapping into people's subconscious and using the thing they feel most strongly about as the base for the transformation.
People who're afraid when they're infected will turn into what they most fear, people who're worked up will probably Hulk out and start wreaking havoc, and God knows you want to stay away from the red-light district or that municipal housing block filled with sexually frustrated nerdlings.
The transformation can be "cured" if you manage to catch the infected just after the physical transformation but before the mental elements start to kick in (the conscious mind resists, but the subconscious goes its merry way) and talk them into another mood, which causes a new physical transformation, but there's no known cure as of yet.
A zombie infection will get people to band up, but an infection which turns people into something they actually desire to be on a subconscious level would tear up all organization, cooperation and loyalty, even if the mental changes were total to the point where the /cyoag/ would start crying "identity death", and the few who've become what they most fear would cause enough pity to really hurt morale.
Those threads have led to me replacing halflings with adorable bunnyfolk and introducing cursed items that turn people into said bunnyfolk.
This is pretty good. Almost every person will be afraid of their exterior reflecting their desires, and its a good way to shock the survivors.
This is probably the best strategy for a ttrpg. You can make whatever monster is needed right now and change the town to mote light-hearted super heroes figthing bad guys and monsters if the playersprefer that.
And if you want to really fuck them them up you can have them meet some of us anonymous abominations.
Everyone becomes a cute/sexy monstergirl or handsome monsterboy.
I become a qt slime girl.
Damn, I like this. It can even be repurposed as a character device or a plot device for people who desire to be something that's actually helpful at a given moment.
Of course, that's only a possibility, so it's got a big risk.
>head hips
I feel like there's some joke I'm not getting here.
I have never understood this fetish
The joke is the artist.
A combination of autism, no real interaction with women, no sex life, Nipponese cartoons and a complete lack of input from normal social interaction tends to cause fetishes like this, where the furry (because it's always a fucking furry in the end) fails to connect small turn-ons to the underlying fetish and then barfs it out all over the Internet.