Any ideas of how to get into melee combat turn 1.
I want to see the look of my opponents face as I smash into fire warriors before they get a chance to glance my metal boxes to death.
Any ideas of how to get into melee combat turn 1.
I want to see the look of my opponents face as I smash into fire warriors before they get a chance to glance my metal boxes to death.
I thought that the game was by design not be able to assault first turn. Otherwise I guess most armies would never be able to get shots in before crumbling to melee.
This is part of why sweeping assault in to assaults were removed as well.
Anything with crazy speed and no reliance on Scout, Infiltrate or DS.
> World Eaters
> Stormboyz
> Genestealer Cult
Shifting Worldscape is the only way for vanilla marines to do it.
One of the 3-4 good things to come from their 7e codex: Grey Knights.
They got deepstrike shenanigans that let you DS on turn 1, run & shoot (in either order), and charge from DS.
Ah, having my baby carrier pop in to ass rape a land raider was good fun. too bad his death company returned the favor at I5
World Eaters can let you move an absurd amount (48" iirc) on the first turn with your berserkers using certain wargear/formation if you get lucky rolls. That includes charge distance i think
Skitarii Sicarians have the Dunestrider rule which adds +3" to all moves, runs, and charges. Bring a few in a Skitarii maniple so that they have Crusader and Scouts. Infiltrate one or two units, move them 9", then need only 6+ on rerollable 2d6 for charge range (if you didn't infiltrate right. If you did it well enough, you'all be close enough to auto-pass charge).
If you don't want to charge, hope for them to deploy on front lines and bring a formation called a Sicarian Killcade, giving your Ruststalkers the ability to Waaagh! 9" move + 4-9" run + 5-15" charge. If you roll all 3s on your dice, you can charge their front lines on turn 1.
> Scout
I remember the glory days of dark eldar (rulewise, the old models mostly looked like shit) where we could relatively reliably get into melee on turn 1.
These days we just fly up and down a bit tickling people until they shoot us down.
I think the reasoning is more that Tau wouldn't sell so many battlesuits if you could assault them before they get a chance to wipe your army.
As if Tau are the only army that would suffer from T1 charges.
>Rites of Teleportation: Instead of making Reserve Rolls from the start of your turn two,
you can make Reserve Rolls for any unit in this Detachment that is placed in Deep Strike
Reserve from the start of your turn one. These units will arrive from Deep Strike Reserve on
turn one on the roll of 3+. In addition, all units from this Detachment can both Run and
Shoot, in any order, in the same turn that they arrive from Deep Strike Reserve.
Deep strike turn one yes, assault from deep strike no.
unless I missed something.
No turn 1 assault and no sweeping advance make sense, separately. So many armies folded to turn 1 assaults because of sweeping advance, so they got rid of both and added overwatch for good measure, now you have to be an idiot to consider assaulting or have a formation that lets you break the rules anyways.
Then maybe they should have made their auxiliaries actually useful, so having Kroot or Vespid for assaults is an actually decent option. And give us our demiurge space dwarfs already.
Are you shitting me!? How did I miss that!? Well what's the goddamn point!? Jesus, I'm glad I never played against strangers in a game store. I just don't fucking know anymore. That's it, Grey Knights are irredeemable garbage in 7e.
It's like they really do want you to spam purifiers, they give you 4 fucking elite slots!
Scout/vanguard formation allows you to charge out of deepstrike and choose when you want to arrive from reserves. So turn one or two no roll required, if you land within 9 inches of two scout squads from the formation you don't scatter, and you can charge turn one. Plus they're vanguard units so you can give them whatever power weapons you want.
Tyranids should be able to assault from Deep Striking desu.
World Eaters are pretty reliable way of doing it, genestealer cults can too
What nids need is fun cc, orks have high toughness and attacks, give nids lower WS but more attacks and initative, like a feral beast
Turn 2 unless you're playing Raven Guard in a talon strike force. It lets you auto-pass or fail reserves, not choose an ineligible turn.
Current valid ways of T1 assault:
>RG shadow strike KT
>masque of slaanesh detachment
>sky hammer annihilation force
>BA terminator formation (disordered)
>seizing on an opponent or playing against someone that infiltrated way too close
>playing against someone where both armies are on the razor edge of no-mans land exactly opposite and rolling boxcars for charge range
For codex Marines, try the Skyhammer annihilation force. Pic related looks like it could splash so well into any army.
Well that escalated quickly