so me and my friends got into board games,and i think of getting myfarog because of the meme man burzum.
problem is we have no prior experience with d&d kind of games.
is it a good game for beginners?
So me and my friends got into board games,and i think of getting myfarog because of the meme man burzum
It is not a good game for anyone.
The mechanics are flawed.
The book is a disaster.
The setting is kinda bland, with some interesting ideas.
Its a shit poorly written meme game.
It has too many tables and the crunch is all retarded and bloated.
>is it a good game for beginners?
I couldn't think of a worse one, honestly; except maybe the shit-tier early-80's Palladium titles that it resembles in design.
Go get something cosy like AFF or one of the simple OSR games instead.
why the fuck does this stupid meme game keep popping up?
Its a shit game designed around the idea that being white is the greatest fucking thing ever. I'm white and it honestly fucking bores me.
Its just a crappy OD&D clone with obtuse rants on race superiority translated into gameplay stats.
The OP said it himself
>meme man burzum
If anyone else had made it, it would have disappeared without a trace, except for occasional ridicule on a par with FATAL or Synnibarr. But because it's Varg's pet, and he has a bunch of fanboys who'd buy his shit-smeared toilet paper if he boxed and sold it, then they push it every chance they get. Certainly no-one would buy it on its own merits. I'm surprised they haven't rushed in to defend it already.
Please explain why Synnibarr is shit, I don't want to read miles long articles written by self-important neckbeards.
Fuck off back to /pol/ Varg.
The same reason as this and FATAL and its ilk. Pointless unwieldy crunch, sloppy design, an autistic obsession with "realism" that achieves anything but, and an 80's edgelord mentality that's both cringeworthy and hilarious.
>Can't even get the Fuck Off memes right
You need to leave, Christian.
>80's edgelord mentality
Edgelord mentality is a very 90's thing.
The WoD style, yeah. I'm meaning the kind of faux-Satanist, heavy metal/goth thing you got with all the Richard Ramirez fanboys.
But it had flying bears shooting lasers out of their eyes. No setting that has them can be that bad.
Rifts has the same thing, so yeah.
I really wanted it to be a nice game, because I like Varg, he seems like a nice guy and felt he deserved this.
Then I started reading the thing and hoped for it to be at least playable.
It isn't. Stay away from this shit. Specially if you're new to rpgs (a bad impression can keep a group from playing games again).
Go away, Christian.
1. Only Christian calls himself "Varg," because he's a faggot who hates his own name.
2. Only Christian would bump and make this same shitty thread every few days.
3. Only Christian gives a shit about Christian. There is absolutely no reason to pay attention to that spamming attention whore.
4. Only Christian would disagree with any of this.
5. Quit being a ban-dodging egomanic, you shilling faggot.
> Being a butthurt faggot
Go away, Christian.
Varg has nothing to do with these threads. You are the sole reason they get created by different people, because each time a MYFAROG thread goes up, you chimp out and fill it with your rage.
Same shit with BBEG shitposter. People started copycatting him, because of how much attention Veeky Forums gives him every time.
Buy it
Scan it
Upload as PDF to Veeky Forums
Be a hero for eternity
It's OK honestly, most of the criticism is unfounded
You forget "Alignment Thread" guy and "I want to run a campaign where racial segregation is a thing" guy. I'm pretty sure these are the same two (three maximum) retards from /pol/ who keep throwing bait around here and then samefag all over to bump themselves. Then Veeky Forums gets salty.
He made it for his kid son, so you should be fine starting out with it. It's pretty much AD&D but using 3d6.
>page 10 bump
This is how everyone knows you're an irredeemable faggot, Christian.
Veeky Forums is full of effeminate beardless nu-male virgins who play Magic the gathering and World of Darkness, they are virgins, out of shape and weird. Worst place to ask on a game created by a normal human being who isn't into being cucked.
The game has nothing interesting about it other than being written by a memelord. It isn't even particularly bad. It's just bland as fuck.
I'd shoot Varg Vikernes' kids in front of him, and then bury him alive. Pagan LARPers deserve the noose.
Protip: It's Kristian.
just look around at what kind of threads pop up on this board, and the generals.
MYFAROG is good
Most people in this thread have never even read the book and just chimp out because of the author. I'll give my honest opinion about v. 2.6 of the game:
It's very similar to D&D 3.5, with a more complex combat system and lot of tables and modifiers for every situation, so it's a bit crunchy. If you want a really rules-light game I would recommend Barbarians of Lemuria. If you don't mind the crunchiness, give MYFAROG a try since the books are very cheap. If you want a really top notch fantasy game and like some complexiness and simulationist combat system, i recommend Mythras/RuneQuest6.
That's all.
>because of the author
Try because of the constant spam. And because the few pages we DO have are pretty fucking bad, whereas all of you who say it's decent have no scans to back it up, yet constantly suggest people go out and buy it "to see for themselves." Which sounds like shilling to me.
Also, "Shut up Varg/Christian/Kristian" is a meme, you're are not supposed to take it seriously. (And when I say you, I'm including the guy who's overdoing it.)
>he posts as he bumps the thread
>'Normal human being'.
You mean 'Convicted murdering coward who had to get his mum to help him break out of an open prison'. I wouldn't exactly call that 'normal', so: FUCK OFF CHRISTIAN!
It was not on page 10 and it was going to be bumped sooner or later.
>giving up on Veeky Forums
Well, if you must. Hell, the mods seem to have given up on getting rid of this shit.
>retardation is a meme, you're not supposed to take it seriously
It's not a good first game but it is worth a try down the line if you think it looks interesting because it is very cheap and a lot the fat has been trimmed in the latest versions
for example has been gone for a whiel
I'm not Varg you faggot
>I couldn't think of a worse one, honestly; except maybe the shit-tier early-80's Palladium titles that it resembles in design.
3-Racial Holy war
4-That rpg made by a guy that never played tabletop rpgs, where you can't kill, steal the guy that sell you things. Have 2 pages of rules on how to roll the dice
I am. Plz buy game, French welfare sucks.
I have not given up on Veeky Forums I just know this thread is going to stick around as these kind of threads are still Veeky Forums stuff and the mods are only going to delete it if really goes off track.
Give us a PDF or fuck off
They used to delete them with extreme prejudice, which was nice because they never produce anything besides endless shitposting and "teehee this is a good game but I can't post anything to back that up plz buy it!" horseshit. It just goes around in circles and ought to be pruned.
People invented "shut up Varg" as a way to shut down the threads, and it seemed to work for about six months there, but now that's not working any more than the mods are.
>delete threads about games I don't like so we can have more meme threads
>this is for the quality of the board
This IS a meme thread, dumbass.
You don't see any in-depth rules discussion or actual play storytime, do you? No, of course not! It's all "this game is good, buy it and see" and "shut up varg" back and forth for 50 posts, just like the last one, and the one before that, and every week prior for the past year and a half.
I'm only in here so that I can be there on the day someone actually posts a scan and we all rip it apart and this stupid shit finally ends.
This shit game is a meme at this point. And it will stay a meme until someone posts a PDF and we really see how shit it is.
Hybrid isn't actually a game, or an RPG, it's just the demented ravings of somebody who is literally insane.
>And it will stay a meme until someone posts a PDF
Doesn't exist, no PDF version has ever been released
>You don't see any in-depth rules discussion or actual play storytime, do you?
This wouldn't be a problem if people who haven't played it (you) didn't post.
I'm going to have to scan my copy when it comes in for you queers just to end this flavor of shitposting
>Doesn't exist, no PDF version has ever been released
you realise there's such a thing as scanning, right?
And here goes yet another promise to scan which won't ever happen, just like the last five times. You forgot to subtly imply that maybe people should buy it and see for themselves, though. Also, you didn't wait until it was on page 10 to bump, so we haven't got MYFARGO yet.
We're close, though, we've got all but that one now!
If a PDF existed someone would posted it by now you fag lord.
No one has played this shit game as far as we know and the only reason these threads exist at all is because Varg or some /pol/ retards keep making them.
Inb4 he never posts a scan.
>If a PDF existed someone would posted it by now you fag lord.
That's what my post says you autist
No, it said you like it in the butt.
Does this game even really exist?
>Does this game even really exist?
Sure, in the same sense that FATAL exists. Unfortunately, whenever someone claims to own a copy, they always have a reason why they can't scan it or take pictures of the rules.
Oh yeah, it's hard to scan it, but the game's pretty good you guys, not bad like all those (((reviewers))) say, trust me, you should check it out! And by check it out I mean buy my game
FATAL PDF is 20MB. It's not surprising that it's not posted here often.
I wish the Darkthrone lads would make an RPG full of Satanism, alcohol, drugs, zombies, hooker skanks, punks, Scandinavian landscapes and beating tryhard black metal posers to death with baseball bats.
It keeps coming up because anytime it comes up someone throws a fit about it.
The controversy generates interest in an otherwise uninteresting game.
Nah man. It's reactions like this one that generate interest. People like you make others (me included) want to see it for thrmselves, and if it weren't for that review I found that has that awful swimming table, I would have bought the PDF like 2 weeks ago.
Apparently the book is no longer in papyrus. Dunno what else has changed since first edition.
Also, surprised it got a 2nd edition.
This autistic screeching makes people want to see it for themselves, and makes these threads more likely to occur. It also keeps these threads from dying, as responding to the autistic screeching to see people sperg out gets turned into a fun game.
>I come here because I hate the people who come here!
>Negative blanket statements I shortsightedly apply to everyone on Veeky Forums! (Which obviously includes myself, because I'm here too.)
Good job.
"Shut up varg" is why these threads keep happening.
People post links to RPGs all the time. You don't need to upload it to Veeky Forums. People dont post fatal because fatal is terrible.
sage still works you dingus
Shut the fuck up Kristian, especially with your bullshit reverse psychology. No one's gonna stop telling you to fuck off until you finally fuck off.
The only thing these threads have ever been good for is getting you banned, and I'm actually hoping that the mods stop playing around and finally just ban all of your attention-whore spamming from every board but /b/.
>Shut the fuck up Kristian, especially with your bullshit reverse psychology. No one's gonna stop telling you to fuck off until you finally fuck off.
No one's gonna stop making these threads until you retards stop drumming up curiosity and turning these threads into an easy "how to get retards to throw a fit", or until someone scans their copy of this shitty game.
>The only thing these threads have ever been good for is getting you banned, and I'm actually hoping that the mods stop playing around and finally just ban all of your attention-whore spamming from every board but /b/.
If that were true, and it was more than autists screeching and perpetuating ridiculous memes, we wouldn't see so many threads about this game.
Shut the fuck up, Kristian.
>If that were true, and it was more than autists screeching and perpetuating ridiculous memes, we wouldn't see so many threads about this game.
The spamming predates the memes, retard. If you want to read about the game, there's about a hundred and fifty of these worthless threads in the catalog going over every tiny bit of factual information we have about the game, with a fine-toothed comb, over and over again.
At this point there's nothing left but shitposting and waiting for a scan that will never come because these threads are nothing but shilling and memes.
>in the catalog
In the archive, I mean. It's not that bad yet.
You fucking moron. You really think that telling people "Until you stop complaining about these threads, I'll keep making them" will get them to stop complaining? Hell, by your own logic, everyone is just going to be more encouraged to tell you to get the fuck out.
So, fuck off. I know you enjoy being an attention whore, and you have no problem dodging bans, but at least know that the only thing you're achieving is getting all the people who enjoy flinging shit on these threads an opportunity to do so, all while you make yourself out to look like even more of a jackass by trying to defend what is nothing more than a perpetuation of a sick man's disease.
You sure showed me. I've been convinced to no longer comment on your bad trolling memes, and also I must be Kristian.
Good job.
The irony of your hypocrisy, and your blindness to it, was amusing for about ten of these threads. Not for a hundred.
I'm glad to see that you're at least absolutely buttfucked in this argument and forced to admit you're just a dumb troll though.
How do I convince my group to give this a try
>You made this thread
>You made other threads about MYFAROG
>You've posted in more than two MYFAROG threads
Keep telling yourself that buddy. It's just you, against a horde of Kristian clones. You can do it.
You keep having spastic attacks on Veeky Forums, and people are gonna keep making threads about this shitty retroclone out of morbid curiosity (or to troll you), and then other people will continue to keep them alive because you guys act like retards whenever one of these threads is around.
The more effort you put in trolling like this, the sadder you appear.
Trip up. I'm sure you think plenty of people would love to hear more of your ideas.
>How do I convince my group to give this a try
They might get triggered if they're manlets
Say "hey, we're going to try a one shot of a game I hear it's awful, and can see for myself it's racist and poorly written with awful English".
And either they will be interested in watching your train wreck or they won't.
As opposed to you, who trolls everyone with a hearty "fuck off Kristian" like that will change anything, and claims to have actually subjected themselves to more than 10 of these things. Don't you get bored?
I would never have a need for any other system.
I'm not reading this shitflinging, I know this exists because I like Burzum, despite Varg Varging around (his ambient prison albums are great for CoS in 5E, for instance, and even new stuff like Belus isn't bad). What's the most metal tabletop you fuckers have played? I'm new to the genre in general
Probably Stormbringer (BRP).
CJ Carla's witchcraft was somewhat metal too though, as was Armageddon (also classic Unisystem).
That's likely a subject worthy of its own thread though.
This is why these threads are really just nothing but shit.
They're just for Christian to spam about himself and pretend he has any fans, because even he can't pretend to care about his game for the entirety of a thread.
>Everyone but "shut up Christian" is a single person!
This meme is stale.
>What's the most metal tabletop you fuckers have played?
Lamentations of the Flame Princess is pretty fucking metal. A lot of their artwork is done by prominent metal artists, it was named after a metal zine the creator used to run, and Dave Brockie of GWAR made a pretty good module for it called Towers Two.
Oh and, unlike this Myfarog shit, it's actually really tightly designed. I would actually USE its encumbrance system, unlike pretty much every other encumbrance system out there.
Did I mention the art is great?