ITT "Oh yeah, that happened"
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In Chronicles of Darkness, Gamergate was caused by a drider-like creature called Null Snyper who gets off on spewing online hatred
>adolescent man-children
teenage adult-kids
As wholly as I disapprove of and cringe at this shit in RPG rulebooks, this also contains one of the most objective and succinct summation of Goobergait I've ever seen.
Still has no place in a sourcebook though, very unprofessional and not contributing to the discussion just the circle jerk of those who already agree or who won't be open to changing their mind to something coming from this space.
You know, what surprises me is that they never make these terrifying. Like, it's the World of DARKNESS. Shouldn't Gamergate be, like, fearsome masked killers who are like the droogs from A Clockwork Orange? You know, gleeful murderers whose exploits get cheered on by the public?
>user describes usable-if-zany antagonists for a WoD campaign
>implying they created this content to contribute to the games people are purchasing this material to run
>further implying they're not just using it as a platform for "political 'satire.' "
Why can't people leave tabletop games alone? We don't need genderfluid pansexual monkeycats or übermensch aryan jewhunters with a bonus to gas.
that's racist and transphobic, user. Don't play Gatekeeper for your community, be more inclusive
Literally one of the worst planeswalkers ever printed. I remember all you fags being like "w-well B/W needs a blink walker, trust me, it'll be expensive guys!" I have never seen anyone play this card.
How dare you insult a strong, independent Womyn of Colour that needs no players
Sorry mate but I have to ban religious, racial, orientation, and gender minorities plus women for the safety of myself and my group.
This is a recent thing, by the way.
See, I don't care about any of "that". If it was a good card, I'd play it, and that's all there is to it. If I was a strong independent black genderfluid pansexual, I'd be more pissed that I'm being represented poorly on shitty cardboard then by not being represented in the game at all.
Nerdshit is 90% Gatekeeping revolving around whether or not you can spare an hour to memorize how to role dice and obtain the derived stats of your characters. At least in the tabletop scene.
I've been in games where we gloss over buying shit and go slaughter trash mobs and then spend time sorting out loot to min/max to the extreme and focus on dungeon crawling with social shit being glossed over in favor of collecting goblin skulls.
I've been in games where we spend a whole session buying trucks and have a hyper lethal engagement with a scout force from an invading army and loose half our cohort and all the fucking combat is like that so we try to avoid it as much as possible and stack things in our favor.
If you want a group you can game with you fucking gatekeep and kick out anyone who fucks with your fun.
>this also contains one of the most objective and succinct summation of Goobergait I've ever seen.
0/10. I thought "gamergate" was dumb, but calling that anything but a one-sided self delusion is the kind of bullshit that was half of what made gamergate gain momentum in the first place.
>fuck your cool and good flicker commander nerds!
>enjoy this unplayable mess of a shitty character who is hollier than thou
>they also tried to act like she was the first black walker until people remembered tezzeret and koth
>also btw she cant even mechanically deal with brago fuck you
I mean, the card was a decent exploration of planeswaker mechanics but it was just poorly realised, like whenever new ground is broken
>explore equipment
>its great
>explore vehicles
>its great
>make a walker than can reset itself
>there is no design space for it so its god awful
She's still expensive though, or was when i sold my foil
>explore equipment
>it's a great idea but massive mistakes are made that ruin the meta for a while
>explore vehicles
>it's a great idea but a massive mistake runs standard for a while
>explore a walker with a unique ability
>it's cool but really underpowered and kind of dissapointing
Would you rather she was the next Mindsculptor or Lili of the Veil?
A+ writing. 2e WoD sure is a gem.
You mean the ultra super duper secret rare ghost alternate art foil? Ya, I can see that being expensive.
She isnt exploring anything, stop trying to grasp for straws to defend your failure waifu. No card you play can hurt you more than this shit, even one with nothing has a use.
I'm sorry, I must have missed the previous planeswalker that flickered itself? I'm not even saying the card is good, I just think that it was cool how they found a new design direction for walkers and made a walker that has no plus ability but is still very distinct from Sarkhan the mad
>they also tried to act like she was the first black walker until people remembered tezzeret and koth
And Teferi, for that matter...
Wait, is Tezzert black? He doesn't look black.
Yeah, she's really...lackluster. Maybe if she had a proper Ultimate, or if her 0 ability could be used at Instant speed (but still only 1/turn).
It's not like there was a normal foil.
It's just a shitty planeswalker, but foil, same rarity as other foil walkers from unpopular sets
>I'm sorry, I must have missed the previous planeswalker that flickered itself?
Venser the Sojourner.
>Black women in a non-plot relevant set.
Call me when she joins the justice league and kills Bolas, then I'll be upset.
There are 10,000 better ways to write a more interesting antagonist. Tzeentch with internet access would have been awesome, instead we get cringe worthy political commentary.
>Don't play Gatekeeper for your community
I fucking love that card though.
>Wait, is Tezzert black? He doesn't look black.
Blame WotC homogenized but still random as fuck art.
He looks a lot less black on his first card than he does on the newest card, but a few walkers have gone through that sort of process. I guess since he has dreadlocks?
hes half black
She was designed for multiplayer and all she does it paint a target on your head and hurt you, shes a durdley bulk mythic that just happens to be a planeswalker.
I always thought that Tezzeret looked like Jason Momoa with a somewhat less scraggly appearance. Momoa is a mix of European (of various flavors) and Hawaiian.
Venser is clearly a different design space than whats-her-name and doesn't even flicker in the same way
that and there is almost zero reason to ever have him flicker himself
I'm just saying, it feels like they're missing the point.
In the World of DARKNESS, social justice is not going to work. Like, the Technocracy fucking hunts down and kills/converts Mages, even those who do things like heal people with holistic treatments. Wouldn't the Syndicate and the Progenitors actively wipe out people like that, for views that are not conducive to True Progress?
I mean, if this is a gothic-punk realm of horror, things are supposed to be WORSE than our real world. You'd have stuff like neo-Nazis having enthusiastic support, vampires actively targeting those who can't defend themselves, and any attempt at resistance or pushing for social justice would be met with gunfire.
For instance, Standing Rock protestors versus Pentex? The bodies would hit the fucking floooorrrrrrrrrr. Or, I don't know, nerd gamers create virtual avatars to rape and murder helpless gamer-girls at will. (You know, like the Virtual Adept Marauders from the Book of Madness.)
>Venser is clearly a different design space than whats-her-name and doesn't even flicker in the same way
And this, children, is what we call "moving the goalpost".
His dad was a white sculler and his mom was black and died.
Jesus Christ I hope you're trolling and not really this stupid
>waaaaah im wrong
What if you made your dudes unblockable, he tanked a hit and then you flicker him to full hp without losing two life like a fucking retard
I don't know why they felt the 0 had to cost life.
I want you to take a goooooood long look at the text on the card and then find me a single reasonable situation where it would be correct to flicker Venser rather than another permanent you own
Kaya's flicker protects her while giving her more loyalty while her other ability gets the 2 life back anyway, you could see what sort of value engine they were going for but it just didn't quite work
No, I'm not trolling. I'm pointing out that you, rather flippantly, tried to suggest that Kaya is the first planeswalker capable of flickering herself, and are now getting buttblasted that you're wrong on that count.
Even if Kaya "occupies a different design space", that doesn't mean that you weren't wrong. It also doesn't change the fact that Kaya occupies a rather useless design space, whereas people actually play Venser because he can do things that actually directly lead you to win the game.
But mostly the first point: You suggested Kaya was somehow unique in her ability to flicker herself. She isn't.
>I want you to take a goooooood long look at the text on the card and then find me a single reasonable situation where it would be correct to flicker Venser rather than another permanent you own
You know your opponent is running Vampire Hexmage, don't have a way to counter if if your opponent plays it on his next turn, and want to protect Venser for the turn because his -1 ability is more useful to you at the moment than his Ultimate.
*Whoops, that doesn't work, it's the beginning of the next End Step. Mea culpa.
Okay, then, everything I said, but also you've managed to activate Teferi's Ultimate.
that doesn't work
Cast thine eyes 'pon the very next post, sirrah.
Just because you CAN doesn't mean you will, you're just avoiding the obvious intent of my argument because you know you're wrong.
We don't really know if the design space is useful or not because we've only ever seen one card that utilises it, and it was poorly realised
ahhhh, teferi feels like cheating, but you see my point?
When you play teferi, deepglowskate and then ult teferi.
cast thine upon post times
>his mom was black and died.
>you're just avoiding the obvious intent of my argument
It was a pretty shitty argument wholly based around the idea that Kaya is somehow doing something no planeswalker has done before. I pointed out you're wrong, and you shifted the goalpost.
That's the sum total of what's happened.
>but you see my point?
No, because that's just off the top of my head. I don't exactly have tens of thousands of cards memorized and, despite playing Magic since 1997, I'm not actually all that great at the game. I DO know, however, that I have run Venser, mostly in EDH, and there have been several times that it's been in my interest to flicker him.
Well its what happens to everyone in tezzerets familiy, even tezzeret.
Kaya's flicker doesn't give her more loyalty.
but flickering Venser is clearly an exception to the rule rather than the entire point of the card. I don't even know what the point of this argument is any more because you insist on just arguing semantics. I don't even think the card is good or anything, I just like the design space for fuck's sake
Stop posting, its not an exception youre just wrong and too stubborn to admit it. You've got pedro over there saying you can dodge vampire hexmages and shit without teferis emblem.
>I don't even know what the point of this argument is any more
Hopefully, it's taught you to think and do some simple fact-checking before making a sweeping generalization, lest that sweeping generalization be proven false.
There is nothing I hate more than misinformation, even if was only an accident.
No it's just taught not to get into arguments with strong headed twats on Veeky Forums who can't admit something that is clearly true
Keep in mind that you are trying to refute my point of saying that Kaya is new design space for a planeswalker by saying that that space has already been explored by Venser, which anyone can see it clearly isn't.
Stop posting
What a bro!
You said,
>I'm sorry, I must have missed the previous planeswalker that flickered itself?
I provided Venser, which does exactly what you described, and you started getting flippant.
You moved the goalpost. Admit it.
I wouldn't really call it 'moving the goalposts' as much as you being 'technically correct'
Yes vensir can flicker himself but it's nothing like the way Kaya does
For the record, by the way, Karn's middle ability can also be used to exile himself, although that is mostly only useful if you have turned Karn into a creature and have Experiment Kraj on the field, then stack the activation of Kraj's stolen abilities from Karn such that Karn is exiled and then Kraj restarts the game.
It was more a bunch of anons who filed complaints but jumped at shadows, screamed about the shill bogeyman, and shouted down anyone who pointed out they could gather up legit sexism and racism and fight against those. Now? Movement is fucking dead because they drove everyone off. The worst enemy of GG was GG themselves.
Signed - One of the early diggers
But that's not what you said. You said, or rather flippantly implied, that Kaya is unique in her ability to exile herself. She doesn't. And while she is a little different from Venser, that doesn't somehow make her totally new and unexplored ground. More to the point, Venser is *actually useful* thanks to the minor differences in how he functions, which is more than Kaya can claim.
Also, there's no such thing as "technically" correct. I'm either right or I'm wrong, and in this case, I'm right.
>We don't need genderfluid pansexual monkeycats or übermensch aryan jewhunters with a bonus to gas.
Yeah, but they need more placed to fight.
you must be fun at parties
>snowflakes, foreigners and women
one too many dumpster fires, eh?
you have to get better at extreme vetting.
>that time Men At Work released a rpg set in the 80s Australian music industry scene
>Oingo Boingo is DEMONS
>that's mean and mean
who cares? A game will play better when you bother to build a group of people who are capable of cooperating. Cohesion is based on exclusion.
It's more that I've had more than one issue where someone tried to threaten me into compliance or else they'd accuse me of being bigoted. After a while I said "Fuck it, only white men at the table."
I totally get that. That's one of the reasons why I don't DM public games anymore.
I used to dm 10+people games in the mall and got the "oh its because im a woman/black/gay" thing whenever I would mess up initiative or call them by the wrong name.
and I messed up pretty frequently because of the high amount of players and the pretty high turn over rate.
Why does my faggoty nerd shit always get infested by politics? I guess I should just abandon hobbies all together.
Man, I remember when people were spamming this card on Veeky Forums four or five times a day. Everybody was super butthurt about a black lady on a Magic card.
What happened? Someone use a funny pronoun on the Wizards website and took the attention off of OP pic related?
I think we were less concerned over a black lady on a Magic card, at least in my case, more concerned with how much of a big deal Wizards were trying to treat it as being, as though we had never had black people on Magic cards before. As though Mirage, Visions, and Prophecy never happened.
...actually, can we make that last one real? That Prophecy never happened? Please?
You're forgetting that she has so many internet trolls at her command that she can foil the activities of military generals and government officials. Somehow.
Belt-Buckles McAlcoholism over here passed the Test of the Starstone on a drunken bet, and blacked out his entire memory of it.
Yeah, but that's kinda' funny and awesome in its own way, and actually sounds like something that player characters would do.
I forgot: Why where we supposed to be upset that in a multiverse with countless different world a character was black?
No one was upset that she was black. People were upset that wizards was trying to make a huge deal about it to try to show off how "progressive" they were to appeal to the tumblrcunts and that really annoyed the people who actually play the game.
they also want the underage bestiality crowd which I totally get
No one cares that they made another nog planeswalker, it was the insufferable virtue signaling around it that pissed people off.
>No one was upset that she was black
Except of course the /pol/ crossboarders, but they're always mad about everything.
Also the fact that in comics they're putting minorities under established names. It just sends the message of "You negroes have to piggyback off a white man's accomplishments" which is not a message I want my kids to grow up with
> MUH /pol/!
/pol/ doesn't give a shit about what ends up on a card, they care about the fact that wizards was pandering to progressives by playing up the fact that they printed another nog planeswalker like it was something important. Cards with nogs on them isn't the problem, the problem is if people hand even more power to SJWs and their ilk by trying to appease them.
Ignore and deny your money to companies that get too political.
It sucks that you had to do that, but as much as I would like diversity I know that implementing and maintaining diversity is difficult due to substantial differences in communication, backgrounds and values.
Why did they try to browbeat you?
My problem with GG is that it was so disorganized that it was easy for the most retarded to become the face of it.
In my view, GG was not just about game journalism, but about Left-Wing politics in vidya. I share some of the grief against the Left, but I also thought that the Left wasn't always wrong. I was also concerned that the Left's poisoning of the well would result in GG being drawn in by the Right-Wing rather than avoid political alignment.
What is weird to me that even though GG is dead, Left-Winged organizations and individuals like to blame them on a bunch of things, such as Ghostbusters and the 2016 election. I think all three of those events had one thing in common: the Left's alienation biting them in the ass.
Really, I hope that the SJWs and the Alt-Right fuck off. The SJWs are heretics who make me embarrassed to be a liberal (apparently I am one) and the Alt-Right overvalue their hyper-nationalistic ideals over pragmatics and facts.
I'm worried my apathy will overtake me and I will start to enjoy the drama and lose my sense of right.
>Also the fact that in comics they're putting minorities under established names. It just sends the message of "You negroes have to piggyback off a white man's accomplishments" which is not a message I want my kids to grow up with
Yeah, things were different when you were a kid. The comics industry never pulled any of this "change some aspect of a widely-recognized character to bring in a larger market share" bullshit prior to 2007.
> I also thought that the Left wasn't always wrong
Name a single example of this.
Holy shit, you don't know fucking anything about GamerGate.
>It was more a bunch of anons
No, not "anons," people. It was made by a bunch of people. Right from the start you try to discount GamerGate and the people making it up. Still, it's better than calling everyone trolls, which is what nearly everyone in the media and on the anti side seemed to be doing.
>shill bogeyman
I assume here you're talking about how GG contacted the advertisers for websites. I don't know what your argument is here, these websites published hit pieces on gamers, and GG just let the advertisers know how much these sites were shitting on their target audience.
>shouted down anyone who pointed out they could gather up legit sexism and racism and fight against those
The problem being there is so little legit sexism and racism actually going on in gaming. One of the biggest points of GG was the anti side calling gamers racists and sexists and telling everyone how horrible they are, and gamers defending themselves and saying they aren't. Really, the racism and sexism seemed to almost always be coming from the anti side. Just look at how the anti side talked down to #NotYourShield, saying everyone involved was just a sockpuppet, discounting the very people they say they represent because they didn't go along with the narrative of talking about how shitty gamers are. I'll also point out how GamerGate donated money to a group called The Fine Young Capitalists, which was doing a project to make women more involved in the video game industry. Who were then attacked by the anti side.
Also, you don't seem to realize how a movement works, it doesn't just last for as long as possible, it just lasts until it fulfills its goals. GamerGate fulfilled its goals, which is why it's not a thing anymore. This is one of the reasons people say Feminism is like a religion. It doesn't have any tangible, achievable goals, it just wants to convert as many people to Feminism as possible.
The comics industry didn't. Hollywood, however, has always been a bunch of racebaiting kikes.
>The comics industry
>Pic is from a TV show
>The comics industry didn't.
Whatever you say user
>Why does my faggoty nerd shit always get infested by politics? I guess I should just abandon hobbies all together.
Because you, me, we all started giving people a platform by caring what internet celebrities or random internet people think about the things we like to do.
Fight back by just playing with your friends who are on the same page as you and not giving more spotlight to talking heads on twitch or playing with random strangers in dork containment stores.
Liberals have always been telling minorities to be content leeching off of whites and going nowhere with their lives, that's nothing new. Entire generations of nogs have already grown up with that.
>Why did they try to browbeat you?
because I was a sloppy dm, in a public game where of the 10 playes maybe 5 of them were regulars. Each week we would have at least 2 people who never played before show up. It was a shit show and they took mistakes personally. I understand that it sucks to get skipped in combat but given the circumstances it was way out of line to accuse me of prejudice.
>GG was not just about game journalism, but about Left-Wing politics in vidya
Well, GG did fight back against a lot of Left-wing politics in the video game industry, but that's because they were the ones fucking up.
Because shitlibs need to sneak their message into popular media in order to have any chance. They can't hold up in a rational debate, so they try to infect the culture with their ideology and avoid any sort of debate or reflection by making their ideology a base line that no one questions.
>Now? Movement is fucking dead because they drove everyone off.
You'd think so, but apparently they put Trump in the Whitehouse, I guess? I feel like the tales of GGs demise have been greatly exaggerated, but the tales of their success have also been greatly exaggerated. It's weird to look into.
The fact that WOTC hired a fucking consultant on black women to write her speaks leagues on their inadequacy to write in general.
Diversity is for faggots. If I had to pick a side - SJW or Nazi - I pick Nazi. That's why I voted Trump.
That's why America picked Trump.
>nazi:winners until real countries show up
>sjw:born losers who cry and get their asses fucked
Nobody wants to be a loser, its not a fair comparison.
Pic related, basically. But if you want to get more in-depth about it, I think at least with things like hobbies, it all comes down to moral arguments. This is immoral because it teaches children to be killers, that is immoral because it teaches children to be sexist. From either side, it all comes down to moralizing bullshit, and it probably always will.