Song of Swords: New Tournament!

Last time on Song of Swords:
17000 Stretch goal met. Let your dreams come true
New Tournament is Beginning! Winning character is added to the book!
Opaque is marketing everywhere

The KS link & Opaque's website

Song of Swords is a a tabletop RPG centered around realistic medieval fightan' with a ludicrous variety of weapons and fighting styles, centered around a dice pool system. It's currently in beta, and can be used for both fantasy and historical games. Kickstarter is happening NOW we are kicking ass baby!

Call of the Void: Ballad of the Laser Whales is a pulpy sci-fi tabletop RPG about fighting space-nazis and hunting giant whales with harpoons made out of the moon. Its combat system is more modern, based in the early 20th century, but can probably handle combat up to the present day.

MEGA folder containing current version of the game and all supplementary materials.
Note that the latest version of the game is v1.9.9 but with additional supplements. It's NOT what's currently on Opaque's website, because Jimmy is Jimmy.!S89jTT7J!ozFi9GvzaFGHfBa59Ik2-Q

Here's a wiki detailing SoS's fantasy setting, getting filled up bit by bit as Jimmy reveals more details:

We also have a Discord now, at
Come join us if you wanna ask a question or have a friendly fecht, or shitpost at Jimmy in real-time

>There's also a roll20 room where new players are encouraged to try the rules, test new rules, and find game breaking issues:
>The room might be empty, but the people who teach the game still browse the thread frequently. If you're looking to learn, post here in the thread. We also play Guy Windsor's card game Audatia in the room.


Other urls found in this thread:

Here are the rules so far for the tournament. More may be added later, and these may be removed if enough people don't want it or can make a good argument against it.

Use v1.9.9 in the OP. Use the Equipment Update and the Grappling Update PDFs.

The ostensible prize for the tournament is to be added to the game as a Visionary Noble PLUS+ commission, offered by user. But even if user chooses to use that for himself (a right he possesses, since it's his money he donated), we're going to have a great time. New players will learn the game & we'll all get to enjoy stabbing each other in the dick.

It is intended to be a 1v1 melee tournament on foot. No guns allowed, no ranged weapons allowed. The reason for this restriction is because defending against a Melee Shoot is difficult and it's often an instant win for the shooter, especially if you use such things as wheellocks and Shot ammo. These make it not fun for the player getting shot, since they don't get to interact with the opponent like they do in a normal melee fight.

26 PCP, max 8 per category. Races are capped at Tier 3 or lower: that is, no Ascended, no Star Vampires, no Orredin. All of these beings have ways to win 1v1 fights no problem. Can't forbid pistols but all Orredin eye lasers, you know?

Orichalcum and Silversteel weapons and armor are not allowed either. These materials are typically in the hands of the Ascended.

Magic is not allowed. Your Magic PCP will be 0.

No mounts are allowed. Fighters will be on foot. Mounts they rely on the Bystander Phase and also Trample is an instant win.

Make your character like an actual character. A murderhobo with no skills is going to have a hard time existing in actual canon. So would a hemophiliac blind Burdinadin with two halberds in his arms and a third in his chest. Make your character real. Give them Arcs!

The date of the tournament itself will be determined later. What we need right now are characters! Make them and post them in the thread for all to see.

>Magic is not allowed. Your Magic PCP will be 0.
What does Magic even affect in the core book?

>No guns allowed

There goes my human machine-gun.

Weren't we going to use 1.2 since that's easier for the plebs on the kickstarter?


No. v1.2 is wildly outdated. Hopefully Opaque will be updating that version shortly. v1.9.9 with the Equipment and Grappling supplements is the latest version of the rules and we will be using that. Unfortunately, if you've made a character in v1.2, you'll need to remake it in v1.9.9.

Nothing. It was only added in as a supplement PDF, in the one about Star Vampires.

It might be a good idea to direct people in the various marketing threads to the roll20, so they can see the tournament for themselves.

I dunno about you, but I'd get hooked right in if someone sold this as an arena fight.

I wonder if sneaky stabby could actually work, try to pry into some people's armor and such. I might try that, but idk.

>. v1.9.9 with the Equipment and Grappling supplements
That's the ones in the Mega that are #[SoS]XXX, yeah? Are we using he Chapter 12 Combat Update?

Livestream it on Twitch or Youtube or something? I think those can record for posterity.

Isn't 1.2 the latest rules, and opaque just fucked up the numbering for who knows what reason?

No, Jimbojambo himself stated the 1.2 is wildly outdted.

Nah, but it might be cool to create some kind of trailer from the fighting. Just picking apart all the cool stories created, all the highlights, like some arena episode in an anime.

But that'd take a lot of time. I think it'd have to be fan created, and I personally am too lazy.

What about throwing weapons?

From their in house rules, not the published ones.

Maybe wait for Jimmy to wake up and shit and try to get a clarification?

Only for a very specific purpose. The combat update applies primarily to the Bystander phase. However, towards the end (pg 15-17), there are Battlefield Terrain TNs, Outflanking, and Back Attacks. These are used for Mobility maneuvers. I think only one or two of them apply in a 1v1 fight, but just in case they're used, those Terrain TNs will be used.

No. v1.2 is most definitely not the latest rules. v1.9.9 is. Jimmy is free to call me a faggot if I'm wrong.

You can throw your melee weapon with Weapon Throw. This is different from Melee Shoot because throwing weapons are much weaker than bullets or shot, and can't be optimized like guns can be. You also have to draw new weapons as a general action, and risk being unarmed if you fail.
If you want to fight with a bayonetted musket and just never fire it, that's fine too.

>I'd get hooked right in if someone sold this as an arena fight.
I've got good news for you then!
Remember to tell Opaque what you want as stretch goals!

I don't know if you're checking the Kickstarter updates, but vote in this poll for NPC deck characters!

>Choose Your Leaders! - NPC Army Deck Poll

>Our first stretch goal opens up an additional NPC Army Deck. As promised, the leaders of these armies will be voted on by you!

>Go here to cast your vote for your top three choices:

Look at the kickstarter for the link

>The poll will be open until Sunday, February 26th, at 9pm PST

>The deck will have three armies, each with 20 unique cards: 60 cards in total. What's included in an army? Well!

>1x Leader: One of the leaders up for vote!
>2x Lieutenants: Uniquely named, very strong NPCs
>7x Elite Units: Unnamed, strong NPCs
>10x Common Units: Unnamed, regular NPCs

>All units (named or otherwise) reflect the theme of the leader. For example, a Marju leader (sadly not up for vote, here!) may have Marju Outriders and Marju Bloodsworn in their army.

Voting for dwarves and goblins here would be pretty great for getting a better idea of their fighting qualities.

Dwarves, goblins, and undead?

I don't think any of those leaders uses undead though.

>he doesn't know

Yeah I'd go with two supernaturals (Eskarne + Gobbo? I can't remember if Eskarne actually uses Din or not), because I think I can get a handle of normal folk. But one ~normal person would be good (may as well be Gizka).
I don't know. Is that the rat thing?
Last entry in the list.

Oh sweet. I hope he and gobbo make it.

Do we know who the leaders are for NPC Deck 1?

I need a quick rundown on different nations in Vosca where characters may be from. Does anyone have a list of places and their cultures? Any lore dumps from Jimmy?

>not voting Sark, King, Gizka in that order

>voting King after Jimmy said he doesn't want him to win.

There's a Regions section on the website, but I don't know how complete it is.

Hey, Jimmy. I remember you saying that King's seal holds more and more power as you go up in the chain of hierarchy of men. Does King's Seal hold any power among any of the elves or dwarves?

Here is the official tier list, please do not argue against it as it is very bad form to argue against official lists:

Eskarne (provides the rag-tag rabble that would be very useful for actual campaigns)

Sulla or Gizka (provides a good base-line army with infantry and guns)

Wild Card: any of the weirder ones. These give you a taste of what other strange mixes you could make-up and throw at your players. The dwarf (tunnel fighting), Kal'Ceska (allsorts with cavalry) and Sark (pirates) seem like the best of them.

King is similar to Eskarne but less useful, Joan D'Arc is like a less exotic Kal'Ceska, the goblin doesn't really give direction even if it is interesting, and Wilhelm sounds like hell for newer players.

Goblins, Romans, and Stronk Knights


I voted for Crécerelle as my 1st because she's cute and there's nothing you can do about it.

Eskarne is right on the money though.

I am judging you both for having a waifu and for having such a vanilla waifu.

I bet you think Lilly's Best Girl.

More of a Yan-fan to be honest, Crécerelle is just a nice girl and deserves some recognition.

I really do want to see the flower of Gallian chivalry.

Fucking communists. We could have a culture amidst us with thousands of years of history. Instead we have communists. And not even pure communists, at that.

Yeah those damn patriotic Communists really ruined China's now inaccessible culture.

Communist purges of Mao were the greatest crime against living culture we have had in this world.

But the destruction of Chinese culture is an integral part of Chinese culture.
>living culture
Personally I'm a bit more averse to the destruction of living people.

Who was talking about lives the fat fuck destroyed? I meant the martial arts, schools and weapons.

>But the destruction of Chinese culture is an integral part of Chinese culture
Yeah. But at least it was limited against schools of thought before Mao "Look at all these Fucking Furnaces" Zedong decided the "old four" needed to be replaced with destruction of everything.

Mao really didn't do much. It's quite hard for one person to actually fuck up a whole culture. Even full-on invasions and ethnic supplanting can't destroy a culture.

His cultural revolution is hugely overrated. Including the impact on martial arts and weapons.

>Who was talking about lives the fat fuck destroyed? I meant the martial arts, schools and weapons.
That was the point you dongle.

Are Epic Arcs meant to be easier or harder to actually complete than Saga Arcs?

It really depends. Generally, Saga is the reason you're a party so the conclusion of that arc is the end of the campaign or at least the end of the arc. I generally have my players make epics be the reason they would retire from adventuring, and include small steps to it during the campaign.

So I may be the dumbest person in this thread, but do you need to know the SoS rules to run ballad, or am I just missing something?

SoS rules are required for any melee stuff you might want to do.

are they needed for rolling and damage as well, sorry if these are stupid questions, but this is like the only place I can ask them.

>I can't remember if Eskarne actually uses Din or not

Are there any rules for a retinue?


Kickstarter 1.2 = Veeky Forums 1.2 from a year ago that continued to be edited by the Australian editor.

1.9.9 is the most up to date.

I voted for Gizka, for the Reclaimer since Goblins are underloved, and for Sulla because fuck yeah.

In my opinion, Eskarne and Sedeas shouldn't be up there since they don't lead troops.

I feel that this Australian should be replaced. A year is far too long.

Possibly. But a lot of stuff goes on behind the scenes. I'd bet they were working part-time or something, and that Jimmy didn't really want it done that quickly (possibly because he was still working on the rules).

>Oh hey, Bones has a message for you guys. Apparently his suggestion box has been stuffed full, he's really glad to hear from you guys, and he'd like to discuss some stuff like, potentially, your guys' stretch goal desires and the future of the game.

i sent my suggestions today. does that mean he won't read it jimmy? ;____;

He's not reading any of them. He saw how many there were and decided to make a thread on reddit instead since nobody really uses that so he'll have hardly anything to go through.

woah you got inside his mind. you'd make a great general but do you know yourself


jimmy please have bones read my old suggestions

He'll probably read it. He just needs to explain directly that they can't feasibly make the molds for silicone replicas of the penises of everyone in Opaque, since Jimmy refuses to allow anyone but Galt to access his Sin Zone.

You asked for that too?

We all did.

For the Burdinadin Natural Philosophy ability, it says it can take quite a long time for devices of significant complexity. How contiguous does that need to be? On a related note, how long does it take The Eye to lose interest in the Burd once they stop using NP?

Say I'm trying to analyse a grandfather clock, and it's going to take 12 hours. Can I go for three hours, making checks at RS1, 2, and 3, then go and do something else for an hour, then continue at RS?

>then continue at RS?
RS1, I mean.

I'm... not actually sure. I have internalized the rules enough that I never stopped to think if they were actually in Ballad.

Where are your problems? Maybe we can give you the rules.

Yes. There's a Boon called exactly that.

Rammstein Deluxe set Style? Dildo replicas of the Opaque members members, lube, authentically made bondage rope and Song of Swords: Core Rulebook?

Galt's dick is actually mounted on the front cover, right where Gizka's would be, so that you can properly enjoy the game.

Anybody feel like helping me learn the ropes in the roll20?

Any tips for chargen? I don't mean the mechanics, I mean -- which chargen categories to emphasise and which to dump, which attributes can you safely dump and which should you boost, which weapon proficiencies are advisable, that kind of thing.

Just advice for your character build. Stuff you'd need to have full knowledge of the system to understand.

It matters what you are trying to build. Do you have a character concept in mind?

I'm in.

There's no useless category when you're making a character. Everything helps except for magic. I do suggest, however, having a high proficiency score at the start of the game.

What I definitely learned from playing in the ballad tournament is that the HLT stat is quite important. I had only 3 HLT and think I only survived as long as I did because of a lucky bleeding roll.
I'm not very firm on the rules, but what HLT is used for is rolling against bleed.

You roll your HLT dice pool against bleeding, and if you fail your HLT decreases, making further checks more difficult.

So, yeah. That's a stat I totally ignored and just got to know how important it is after playing. If you read more in depth than I did before my introduction to combat you probably already know that though.

That's what I mean. The kind of info you'd need to know to decide what stats to give a certain character concept.

For example, whether proficiencies have more of an effect on combat than attributes.
>I do suggest, however, having a high proficiency score at the start of the game.
How come?
Thanks. I did know that, but didn't know its importance.

Health almost never comes up, but when it does come up you will never find a more important stat in the game.

Well, the PCP character creation is a little difficult to me but I think that is me just having trouble reading it. How is damage calculated? and blood loss and missle pool rules can be found in SoS right?

Damage is the bullet plus any bonus successes if you're firing a single shot, and the bullet plus half the damage of any other bullets that hit that target location if you're firing a burst or fully automatic fire.

Subtract the Armor Piercing of your round from whatever the target is wearing, down to Zero. Then add whatever is left to the target's toughness. If your damage exceeds that number, you have wounded them. One level of wound for every point of damage more than their toughness.

Blood loss is in SoS, but the missile pool rules aren't. By default, your MP is equal to your Proficiency in the gun in question. Your Required Successes to hit someone is usually four, and you only ever do a level 1 wound if you have 0 Bonus Successes, so you need to have at least five to be able to snap shot and actually land a solid hit. You can also aim if you're firing single shots or burst fire. Each phase you aim gives you two dice. If you aim for three round, you get all six dice plus your entire Perception as a bonus. This will give you a fuck ton more dice, enough to have a chance to hit anything you want.

are orientations a thing in this, like under the melee attack rules it says you can only declare red, so if a close range melee encounter happens does it default to the orientation rules from SoS?

thank you for the help by the way.

Yes. If for some reason people bring out the swords, you can run it in SoS. That includes orientations. The best way is to keep it simple and just use basic attack and defense maneuvers, the weapons in Ballad, and the Ballad hit locations and armor.

Last question I think, the attributes are ,mostly combined to make values right as in they don't get rolled right?

Correct. One could conceivably make a raw strength test to bend bars or a raw endurance test to resist torture, and a few Agility and Health tests come up in combat, but attributes for the most part either are derived into compound attributes, are combined with skills, or set the Required Successes of other skills (Like how Stealth requires beating the enemy's Perception in successes and the RS of a Persuasion roll is the other guy's Will.)

He doesn't know if she leads an army of her fellow elves.

Although I read the description since then, so I now know that she doesn't use Din.

What was your take on allowing a virtual noncombat character to have a champion?

Some of them might be Din, but in general it seems like a collection of goofballs who would just be useful for weird encounters.

>oh fug the PCs are attacking the bakery
>Ah-hah! I have disgruntled housewife with rolling pin card! Nice try God!

I once made the mistake of having a ridiculously low Combat pool of 8 (3 prof 5 adr) in a game while loading up on money and skills. The thought being that I just needed to survive the first two games and then I could up it on the cheap while everyone else bought up their skills. I "died" in the first session when I had to use all 8 dice to parry an aztec warriors spear from killing our Guide and his friend got in a good solid thrust on my thigh. The lesson learned is you can't advance if you can't survive

If you loaded up on money and didn't encase yourself in mooks and steel, you didn't money correctly.

I had 100 men and plate mail. Doesn't stop 14 dice uncontested

Did anyone else notice that the Kickstarter fails to discuss the magic compendium? It's there as a reward and stretch goal, but no info on what it is. Hell, I don't even know myself, despite being here for years, although of course I can make some pretty educated guesses.

Anyway what I'm getting at is that when Bones or whomever makes the next update, in addition to talking about the adventure stretch goal and weekday that's all about, he should also spend a paragraph or two on what will by then be in the next stretch goal pair. Tell us what's in it, why is a separate book, what the current design status is, and etcetera, just like with the adventure. Then after that goal is reached, the next update (since apparently they're done by pairs of stretch goals) will be all about announcing the mystery stretch goal and whatever anteceding stretch goals have been decided upon at that time.

Mistakes were made, and I'm still not convinced it was your build.

Who among the human states in vosca has the most/most advanced firearms?

That 1.2 is the EDITED version?

Edited and formatted. Preposterous, right?

We know the Dacians mass produce really cheap, shitty firearms, but they also accidentally figured out iron sights.
The highest quality guns are probably from the Kaselreich or Illegon, the former because Germany is always the best, and the latter because the Ruvian Legions pack pistols, which are actually some pretty cutting edge stuff for military use in this time period (quasi-15th century)

My disgust is palpable.

Literally palpable. I could cut my vomit into slices and sell it as meatloaf (buy it by the tonne).

1.2 is whatever Veeky Forums version of Song of Swords that was being worked on over a year ago.

1.9.9 & the Latex are the most up to date playtest.

Okay, which is which?

Don't protect other people who built 0cp characters is the mistake. I surround myself with murderhobos these days. I think this game happened 5 years ago desu so like actual 1.2

It's clear. The Australian needs to go.

What happened to that page or two of edited content that Jimmy showed off months ago? Wasn't that what the game was supposed to be like? Has the Australian actually been embezzling money this entire time?

>possibly being anything but Sark