Would you?
Other urls found in this thread:
Purge the blood mage scum from my city? Yes.
Dragon Age 2 was so much wasted potential.
Don't bring a skub topic here.
I don't want my thread being /v/'s butthurt incarnate.
Yeah i would. Meredith was based as fuck.
> My thread
Nigga, where do you think you are
...A Veeky Forums thread that could be deleted very easily?
It's not like the thread can sink any lower with that OP. If you don't want /v/ garbage on Veeky Forums, don't post threads about /v/ garbage on Veeky Forums.
And if you really must discuss /v/ topics on Veeky Forums, at least make them actually Veeky Forums-related and not just "hurr wud u?"
Would I?
Fight her again? Hell yes, that's one of my favourite boss fights ever
I didn't like even a single installment of Dragon Age or Mass Effect series. Fite me.
Bioware has really gone down the drain after the original Neverwinter Nights release, which was one of the best computer RPG toolkits ever made bundled with a meh campaign.
In general, Bioware games since, I dunno, Mass Effect, I guess?, don't warrant more of a reaction than "meh".
Would the Hero of Ferelden rend the flesh from her bones and throw her marrow into the wind?
Yes. Very yes.
>tfw BioSHITE will never bring back the Hero of Ferelden in any meaningful way
Goddamn I just want to see what a fucking monster the Warden has become. I had to put the game on Nightmare mode just to get a challenge because my Mage(Arcane Warrior/Blood Mage/Battle Mage) build was too fucking strong.
Then again, I doubt they'd bother to code in all the different specializations a Warden could pick up in the DAO games and expansions, so they'd probably turn my 70+ Magic/Strength Mage wearing full Massive Armour and using a 2h Greatsword into a robed wizard with a staff.
>not using Sword'n'board as Arcane Warrior
Dragon Age 2 was three games and it couldn't decide what plot it wanted to focus on.
New Subject(s): What's your favorite shit in Thedas and why?
What shit do you hate and why?
Favorite: Dwarves and their lore on how to make golems. My dream game is set in a dwarven kingdom working for that far off dwarven kingdom you hear about occasionally to reclaim the deep roads and lost Thaigs.
Thing you hate the most: The Qun, they're unclear. Sten seems to present some highly strict theocracy, in 2 seems to again, support a strange alien theocratic culture, 3 turns them into communists basically.
What exactly fucking are they? Also not being able to wear special helms in 3 as a Qunari is fucking annoying.
There is no point in using a warrior, when a mage with the arcane warrior/blood mage combo can outperform a warrior in terms of damage AND durability.
Since an arcane warrior/blood mage only needs to pump points in Magic, and their Magic doubles as a Strength value, they can wear the heaviest armour and use the heaviest weapons. They don't need Wisdom, because they can use their Hitpoints as additional Mana, which means they can put ALL their points into Magic. Because they can wear the heaviest armours, they'll hardly ever get hurt, which means they can pretty much run around with maybe 10% of their health safely, with ALL sustain abilities on, and still have enough mana left to cast nuke spells.
The whole clusterfuck around the Darkspawn, the Fade, the Maker, the Grey Wardens, the Old Gods, and the Ancient Elves.
That's frankly all I care about in DA lore.
no. ladyknights are all prude virgins
I rather enjoyed Mass Effect all three games despite its obvious flaws, but yeah Dragon Age is pure garbage. The first had the advantage of being released in a period where there weren't really any good mainstream RPGs and having some decent writing in parts, but beyond that there's really nothing worthwhile about the franchise.
I like all the backstory shit about the Chantry.
I hate the whole Darkspawn thing. It's just pure stupid from pretty much any angle, whether it's the Darkspawn themselves or how people deal with them.
The Qun thing is mostly caused by Bioware's writers being fucktards. Instead of building upon previous games and expanding what they already have, they just go "hey wouldn't it be cool if X were like Z" and just ignore everything that doesn't fit their "artistic vision".
well lets be honest here Dragon Age is one of the better IPs (before Bioware started shitting it up by not keeping managers on hand whose job it is to keep things unfucked. I'm developing a game, our manager slaps us upside the head and tells us to stop being retarded when we get retarded. You need a person to do that during Dev, confirmation bias is a hell of a drug) to come out of the period and it's literally just WHFB with the serial numbers filed off.
Dark Spawn are chaos, Blight is Chaos taint and red lyrium just makes that connection stronger.
That shit with the Elven gods being Elven Warlords and Solas is Fenrir and he banished all the gods and created the veil came out of left field though.
Who the fuck ends their game's main plot in a DLC?
That is undoubtedly the most over powered and fun way to play DA:O.
You start out as an escapee of the Circle, fearful and alone and weak.
By the end you are some sort of God of Death and War. You stride forth and armies get unmade and reduced to ashes. The Blight ends so quickly it never really stood a chance and the Archdemon dies of suffocation when you kick it in the balls so hard they get stuck in it's throat.
It's a great story of rags to ridiculous power.
Also out of all Dragon Age companions they were all better than Vivien. Vivien was most insufferable bitch. Closely followed by Sara.
Viv's entire interaction with other characters is to shit down their throat.
Sara at least has some give and take even if she's a fucking mouthbreather who isn't even good breeding stock.
Christ Dorian was a better bitchy girl than Vivian was, at least he had some decent word sparring potential.
There should have been an option to tell her to piss off after she has joined the Inquisition because you don't know quite how insufferable she is until some time has past.
It's not even that she looks down on people. Cassandra and Dorian both look down on almost everyone and they are way more likable. Vivian looks down on people and shits on them because she can and considers the serving classes as things rather than people.
But the weirdest thing is that they gave us the option of booting Sara out of the party. I'm guessing the writers realized that many would find her annoying. Why was there no option for Vivian?
In DA2 you got to kill Anders if you so chose. In DA:O there was options to kill a bunch of your companions if shit went one way or the other. All I wanted was the option to tell Vivian that if she called us "dear" or "darling" one more fucking time I was going to stick a knife through her head.
The companions in DA were so good. Especially Alistair. Some people think he's a dumb side character that exists just as a romance object for the girls playing it, but I really liked his role in the party.
I played my arcane warrior/bloodmage/battlemage as a good guy who decided to just become a living weapon. Which meant that I had to do some fucked up shit to get more power. I used blood magic to get in the dreams of that noble boy, promised a demon that it could possess that noble boy for knowledge on blood magic (and immediately betrayed that demon to seal it away). I drank that potion made through the torture of fellow Grey Wardens that grants immortality and empowers your Warden powers. Probably did a lot more shady shit.
And each time, Alistair would comment on it, angry. But there was always an option to defuse the situation. Sometimes it was to remember Alistair of what Duncan said about how Grey Wardens have to make difficult or even bad choices. Sometimes it was about telling him he's a Warden, not a Templar. But the best one was when you tell him to trust you, because you're friends.
Now that's a good way to build characters up.
Sera and Blackwall needed to always be in the same party.
But really who didnt drink the "bad potion". I tried to do a "light side" guy, like i do in every game, but that potion is super powerful
The one in the DLC tower with the possessed zombie warden?
Fuck yes I don't think anybody refused that brew. What would be the point? You are a Warden and so probably going to die before long term health complications kick in anyway and everyone involved with the creation of that potion is dead so there is nothing to be gained for anyone by refusing it.
Also you need to be as powerful as possible to end the blight. Any moral ramifications kind of pale in comparison to "the world is going to get murdered and/or raped to death" as a consequence of failure.
I don't understand why the West seems to have such terrible designs. I mean, you can put her side-by-side with a CGI female knight from any Japanese game ever, and I guarantee that the latter will be more attractive.
Is it a deliberate thing?
Christ, that's some Borderlands-tier "humor" writing.
>Is it a deliberate thing?
Knowing Bioware? Probably.
blood magic one of her templars to double team her with me to
> I don't understand why the West seems to have such terrible designs.
You just play all the wrong western games. Besides, it's likely deliberate to invoke the feeling of realism. The thing with Japanese designs, the only attractive people are the ones who revolve around the protagonist.
What do you want instead? A loli with an oversized sword? Meredith is not meant to be attractive, she's an aging woman, probably in her fifties.
Nevermind that she probably spend all night chanting and praying to a demonic chunk of crystalized hell.
It isn't just her, it's the entire cast. At least The Witcher had sexy women. I'd take anime girls over the hags here any day - part of the reason why I never bought the DA series.
How is it Veeky Forums related?
Hags or slags?
Careful, depending on your answer I might have to kick your ass.
I was thinking of a "stat me Veeky Forums" thread, but then I realised I posted it on /v/.
It was an accident.
Some of us prefer to keep our masturbation and gaming separate, so that we might more fully enjoy each for not having watered down the other.
>That ending.
Okay I laughed, angel witch.
The issue is when even the Dev Manager has drunk their own Kool-Aid.
Crop the halfway point between the wizard turning into the princess.
yeah well that's indicative of a company hiring policy. Mine says 'fuck it can you actually do your job and get along with your coworkers? great." Leads to diverse viewpoints that clash and make the creative side of things work better because everyone is challenging eachother's viewpoints.
when you create an echochamber that values skincolor or sex over viewpoint you've fucked your creative process.
It wasn't his fault. It was Justice!
Hurry up and delete your shitty /v/ thread then OP.
Okay, how?
I would deinstall and play a better game.
It's the song of angels in adoration compared to anything said by Vivian.
For example?
Would i.. what, play the shittiest shit ever shat out of the proverbial anus? No.
Fuck you Anders. Your argument would be more compelling if awakening didn't have both Anders and justice to show us who the instegator is. Also, your plan was fucking stupid
The Witcher Series is the adult RPG that the angsty teen Dragon Age secretly wishes that it grows up to be.
>that face
Can you give me a run down of her and her order?
Knight-commander powered by crystals.
Templar order that drinks a weaker variant for anti-magic power, mage police basically.
Mages in the Dragon Age setting are connected to a hellish dreamscape where demons live. Whenever they use their magic, break their concentration, get a little bit emotional about something, or do none of the above but happen to be extremely unlucky anyway, they're at risk of being possessed by demons or acting as a conduit to summon demons into the physical world or sometimes completely fuck with the fabric of reality in general. Basically, mages in the DA setting were a mistake. And even worse, people are just randomly born with magic, so it's not like it's even a conscious decision people make to end up with it.
So because of all this shit, the Templar order keeps mages locked up in towers and hunts down rogue mages that refuse to cooperate. They still let the mages practice their magic but it has to be supervised and they'll put down anyone at risk of DEMONS, though they prefer to just lobotomize them to remove their magic potential instead of actually killing them, which is arguably just as bad. The funny thing is that the mages themselves are mostly thankful for being treated this way because even they realize that magic is awful and needs to be contained.
Templar in the OP is portrayed as this really strict mage hating bitch who is literally Hitler and treats mages even worse than they deserve to be treated and just kills them indiscriminately. She's pretty easy to hate at first, but then you start to notice that literally every single mage you encounter in DA2 ends up abusing their powers or selling their souls to demons (including your own party members) and generally just proving her point. Then you actually meet her personally in the later half of the game and realize she's actually a very reasonable person but with a really shitty job, and she even goes out of her way to shut down the actual Nazi tier Templars and keep things as fair as possible.
> The Viscount bows to Meredith
> In contact with the Divine
> Possesses magic-like abilities
> Rules Kirkwall with an iron, but fair fist.
>meredith and templar order pre-hawke bringing red lyrium into kirkwall
absolutely justifed at being stricter than a normal cicle with Anders running around freeing every mage he can get his hands on, who then proceed to turn to blood magic right after getting out of the circle. seriously, 75% of the things you fight in DAII are non circle mages that just happen to use blood magic. Kirkwall is flush with them. she could have maybe been a bit less heavy handed and more effective in her command of the templars, but circumstances prevented her from taking a lenient stance
>post hawke and red lyrium
crazy batshit paranoid woman who think that every mage, even the ones inside the circle are blood mages. the First enchanter wants to prove to her that they are not using blood magic. by then immediately turning to blood magic and becoming a demon. after her suspisions are proved true, she goes full-er crazy, turns into a giant red crystal monster that you have to kill.
all of this post lyrium stuff happens with a mage bombs and killes the local head of the Chantry. for mage rights. because JUSTICEeven though at this point he is mostly abomination and is just motivaded by VENGANCE
this is only partially true. you can have templar powers and abilites, but the regular lyrium just super charges them
>you start to notice that literally every single mage you encounter in DA2 ends up abusing their powers or selling their souls to demons (including your own party members)
What about Bethany, mage Hawkeye, and their dad? But yeah, Kirkwall is pretty much thedas version of a hell mouth
>He doesn't imprison his sister in the circle and when he sides with the Templars, saves her
Gay Warden route is shit. Turns her into a bitch for no reason.
There is no peace with compromise!
But mHawke's voice actor is so much worse than fHawke
>The Witcher Series
>Adult RPG
It literally feels like what an older teen dev would make.
The Hawke family has protagonist privilege. I can't remember a single non-Hawke in DA2 that didn't go full retard. I guess there's technically Flemeth but she's a bit more than just a mage, so I don't really count her.
bloodmage, but a decent one
>Mage Hawke
can be a blooodmage who may or may not consort with demons. you can also not be a mage and still consort with demons
too pure and cute for this world. should be paired with sebastian for maximum cute
literally an abomination
her entire character is centered around her dealing with demons
warden life is a hard life
fuck you anders, i literally had everything under control then your bitch ass comes up and ruins all of thedas
Well, not if you nuke the fantasy Pope with a magic fantasy nuke, no
They just didn't know what the fuck to do with the Qunari.
>Zevran: Hm. Yes. Well, I've heard that the Qunari actually put the elves in charge? Over the humans? Is that true?
>Sten: Some of them.
>Zevran: Only some? Which ones are they?
>Sten: The ones who belong in charge. That is the way of the Qun.
>Zevran: How does this Qun determine who belongs in charge?
>Sten: The tamassrans evaluate everyone and place them where their talents merit.
>Shale: Would its "qun" accept a convert that was a golem?
>Sten: I do not know. It has never happened. We accept beings of all walks of life, so long as they are willing to accept their place in the world.
>Sten: You have been offended by such men, so your bloodlust can be forgiven. But these ones you speak of are to be pitied. Even so, they must serve, just as any other must serve. All must find their place within the Qun.
>Sten: All who accept the Qun have their place, as any other. In the lands we occupy, even the Elves have come to embrace this concept.
>Shale: And if this place is at the bottom?
>Sten: If that is where one belongs, then that is where one should be.
>Sten: It is not done. There is no more to it.
>Leliana: Do you mean your people have no female mages or warriors?
>Sten: Of course not. Why would our women wish to be men?
>Leliana: What are you talking about? They don't wish to be men.
>Sten: They shouldn't. That can only lead to frustration.
>Sten: Warden, did I ever tell you about the Qun?
>It teaches that all must accept their place in life and strive to be the best at what they were given. Unless you're a tranny, then go right ahead and do what you want.
>They are good friends.
Really stimulates your cognitive abilities
Of the kidnapped daughters who are eventually possessed? That flemeth?
>tfw No lust demons ever
They could have made "male" versions if they wanted equality...
The entire franchise went to shit, and removal of desire demons is the only thing that bothers you?
I never even recruited Sera. I told her to fuck off right after meeting her. Probably the best decision I made in that whole boring ass game.
I loved DA:O, the setting is pretty generic, but the world is well-made. The companions were interesting characters you actually cared about.
DA2 was just rushed and wasted potential.
DA3 just went full SJW, just to appease tumblr.
Iron Bull's real name literally translates to Liar, his job is professional back stabbed and bullshitter and he has serve psychological damage. Don't take what he says at face value.
Glad someone got the joke.
>DA3 just went full SJW, just to appease tumblr.
The most SJW part of da:I (keen) was one of the m more tolerable. It was shit because they tried their own lore and made a single player mmo
Papa hawke only used blood magic on Corypheus's prison while being blackmailed. Other than that he's a simple apostate.
>Templar in the OP is ... lls them indiscriminately. She's pretty easy to hate at first, but then you start to notice that literally every single mage you encounter in DA2 ends up abus ... rally just proving her point. Then you actually meet her personally in the later half of the game and realize she's actually a very reasonable person but with a really shitty job, and she even goes out of her way to shut down the actual Nazi tier Templars and keep things as fair as possible.
That's EA fucking up the story.
The game was supposed to be about the ghosts of the past (all the bloodshed from Kirkwall's past) coming back to haunt the present by slowly making mages and templars both paranoid and murderous like some kind of medieval Gotham City while Meredith goes all psycho-demon-possessed Colonel Kurtz on the city.
EA thought it was too weird for an ending and wanted some clear-cut "pick templar ending or mage ending" choice. Hence why the game suddenly becomes retarded in the ending. EA decided that locking the Meredith boss fight behind the mage ending, and the First Enchanter boss fight behind the templar ending was still too sparse for the ending (we want the action RPG, not the boring RPG! we need more bossfights), so both endings feature both bosses. Which completely make the choice for a templar or mage ending useless, because it always results in the same events. Just changes the cannonfodder enemies.
You can tell the First Enchanter boss fight is complete bullshit because the First Enchanter turns out to be a blood mage out of the blue, AND he transforms himself into a Harvester.
The First Enchanter is an ELF. And Harvesters are made by binding a demon inside the flesh of dead DWARVES and requires a whole Dwarven thaig worth of magitech and workers. He just turns in a Harvester in a little cutscene. It took the Dwarves weeks, maybe months to build the Harvester. It's clearly just a shitty filler boss battle with leftover assets. Fuck EA.
They shat on the good bits they established in the name of pandering.
All the information he gave on the Qunari lifestyle at Haven was just as good as what Sten gave.
And the conversations with the Arishok in 2 were always great.
>Anything said by Vivienne.
>The one mage who seems to understand how dangerous mages are and how much they need to be kept under control.
Vivienne is the Divine Thedas needs.
>ywn have the choice to side with the Arishok
feels bad man
Me and my bro will end this game real quick. Take the pirate slut, impose some fucking order around here.
The fact they made Vivienne black is weirdly on the nose, because she is the epitome of an uncle tom or house slave. So ingrained into the system and privileged by it she'd rather keep her spot as a pampered pet at the expense of her fellows.
Except she knows that the system is in place because of the power and threat she and all other mages wield.
Last time mages went out of control Tevinter and Corypheus became things.
Besides, she's not an Elf inquisitor yelling about restoring the church PRAISE ANDRASTE!
>Order distributed by the state at the cost of freedom to do what you want
Isabela escapes if you give her to the Arishok, which is more embarrassing. Reforming her is better.
> Uncle Tom
> Privilege
Opinion discarded.
>Besides, she's not an Elf inquisitor yelling about restoring the church PRAISE ANDRASTE!
I loved being an Elf and telling everyone YES, I AM THE PROPHET OF ANDRASTE while also saying I didn't believe in Andraste JUST to fuck with people. Being queen of the elf dicks was magical.
>I am the prophet of andraste! I believe in the Dalish gods and you should too! Andraste says so!
Wouldn't be so bad if Bull had said something like "it translates loosely to third gender".
The Qunari are like some weird Middle-Eastern/Far-Eastern mix, and in the Far-East there are a number of countries that feature a third (maybe even a fourth gender).
Right now, it is pretty much pandering - it's just there to be there. It doesn't really add anything to the atmosphere of the Qunari.
Now, to be fair, there are a few cultures where you can be "born wrong" like that.
IIRC Bantu culture has a thing where basically a tomboy is the spirit of a man in a woman's body. She's taught to fight and hunt and farm and be a warrior and all that. She even takes wives because "Why would you want dick, that'd be gay dude."
They pretty much removed the "bull people in shimmering steel plates and weapons" look for a more tribal looking aesthetic by the second game. It looks distinctive but spear chuckers aren't the look of a people that brings empires into its knees.
>bioware make a point of being inclusive and give representation for marginalised groups
>the game's big bisexual character is a hyper-sexualised mountain of muscle with a Mach 5 sex drive who fucks anything and anyone
Thanks, BioWare. I sure feel better now.
The choices for Divine are
Casandra - Take the Chantry back to it's roots before all the bullshit. This is good because it imposes order and law and some sensibleness on the bullshit. It's bad because there is nothing to stop all this shit happening again. It won't happen whilst she is on the Sunburst Throne but in a hundred or a few hundred years it will happen.
Leliana - Take the Chantry forwards. Make it a refuge and sanctuary and such but stop dipping dick in politics. Stop enforcing the circle but keep the Circles as an educational and training institute. Keep the Templars to hunt down the abusers of the system rather than oppressors of the masses.
Vivienne - Got rich of the old system and lived a life of comfort. Lets build the old system back up and change nothing because it was good for her.
Out of the three the least shit option, although potentially the most risky, is Leliana's. The least risky is Cassandra's.
The worst is Vivienne's because it doesn't even pretend to address the problems that were fucking all things up and refuses to even acknowledge that there were problems.
Vivienne was a pampered fop who lucked out and managed to bounce on Duke dick to get what she wanted. The dumb thing is that Morrigan managed to steal her position at court by just waltzing in and being demonstrably better at magic and more learned in weird lore than she was, no social maneuvering there. And then Morrigan gets a senior position in the Inquisition, just like Vivienne.
There was nothing that Vivienne could do that was irreplaceable except be insulting and her own flavor of ignorant.
>the game's big bisexual character is a hyper-sexualised mountain of muscle with a Mach 5 sex drive who fucks anything and anyone
I want a game with him and Isabela in the party.
The sheer amount of sexual tension between the two would be amazing.
To be fair they had gunpowder, and ironclad ships with cannons.
I'm more shocked we didn't see Qunari with flintlocks, but I suspect they hold that shit in reserve so foreigners won't get their hands on it.
So effectively, the reason Qunari are wielding comparable weapons and armor at all is for purposes of preventing the leak of equipment and knowledge.
He's obvious an appeal to the Bara type
I always assumed it was a "If you're born in the qun there is ZERO chance of you ending up like that, because of the way our society works, where if you aren't content with the life you got, you turn yourself in and they "fix" you.
The opposite being Krem, who (if they were to join the Qun) would join as warrior class, because that's what they're good at and that's all the Qun cares about.
Don't forget "Ewww, female dwarves is basically pedophilia", "No female qunari LI because that would be fetishistic", and "No romance will Cole, because it's basically the mentality of a child - btw here's a DLC where Cole has a romance arc with an NPC" (apparently, can't personally vouch for that one)
I didn't realise how much I wanted this until now.
I quite liked the look of the Qunari in DA2. It was, I thought, about the only thing they did well. Made them look like living statues and notably less human.
Then they fucked it up in DA:I and made them big grey humans with horns.
Two terrible characters being terrible together
I think almost all of that second point was from a single writer though, so there's probably a bit of wiggle room there.
>Ewww, female dwarves is basically pedophilia
Doesn't Inquisition actually have a romanceable dwarf? The scout or something.
Scout Harding/Male Qunari Inquisitor would have been objectively best pairing.
Female Qunari/Male Slum Elf Inquisitor (dominant partner) 2nd best. Sadly no slum elf option.
No Tranquil option either. Would very much have liked to play as a tranquil.