Post your favorite kirbashes and alterations to your models in game systems (you) play
I'll start with my canoptek scorpion
Post your favorite kirbashes and alterations to your models in game systems (you) play
I'll start with my canoptek scorpion
None of mine are fully done, every time I get close to finishing I get inspiration for aomething else
This here is my dakkajet
Closeup of the pilot
The legs
that's bitching
Warbuggies/grot tanks
Kitbashed LC terminator, was meant to be a Belial, but I quit Dark Angels
my favorite troll.
Terminator chaplain with crozius
And finally this dude, no clue what he could be in-game but I just thought he looked cool as fuck, maybe a Yarrick? If I played IG
Forgot pic
Currently building a counts as knight from an ebay defiler. Pretty happy with how it's turnin out.
How did you make that, where are the bits from? I want to make a Scoria model for my Heresy Mechanicum, he's an evil Magos with a scorpion body, and that would be about perfect if I added some Arachnarok Spider parts in here and there.
Looks much better than the original, awesome work user.
Not bad user, it looks a little clean and symmetrical for an ork plane though.
Turned a kitbashed Wolf Priest into a kitbashed Wulfen.
Love the dude on the left, very grotty.
I like the helmet on the first image.
Classic dread shoulder pads, lookin good!
its literally just the canoptek wraith kit and nothing else, ive seen where some people replace the tail with a talos tail but otherwise its all one kit that makes 3
just google canoptek scorpion and be ready to cut and shave at some bits
is that a f4u corsair model? that's cool as hell
Nice, I'll have a look. Add some mandibles with evil Nartheciums on them and add the magos top half and it'll be perfect.
Thanks, I thought about adding some makeshift plating, but I had to put it in storage along with the rest of my 40k stuff until I have space for it
Thanks, I was really inspired when I made those little guys
Yeah I got the idea from a friend who has done most of his orks in a ww2 aesthetic, it was cool as hell so I decided to copy it
I am still inordinately proud of this fucker...
Everybody hates the head, but there are solutions to that issue even within the kit.
Just apply some plasticard and greenstuff and use the provided head in a unusual manner. You'll even get a neat pauldron out of it.
That's the corpse from Space Hulk, right?
Do you count him as anything? Because that looks pretty rad
Yeah, he's the space hulk dude. I got a miscast version with a damaged head from a friend and inspiration struck, so i made him my chapter master.
That's a big ork.
Looks pretty great like its just sstepped out of the forge straight into combat missing its armour
Woah, changing the head position makes these models 10x better! I want some now! Any tips for doing the conversion?
Here's one of my conversions, the 2nd guy is a goblin shaman. Got some bits from elsewhere plus a bit of green stuff. Needs finishing. Sorry about the bad photo! 1/3
Fairly big, yes.
Here's another pic of the 3rd guy. He's a goblin town dude changed to represent a Gundabad Blackshield. Plasticard and green stuff. Also the 4th guy in that photo is actually a conversion too, a grimhammer+Dwalin's alt arms.
Based Borkposting