What are compelling reasons for angels to fall, assuming they're born literal definitions of good?
What are compelling reasons for angels to fall, assuming they're born literal definitions of good?
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The definition of good becomes changed.
Angels are the avatars and servants of previous gods, who have been disposed by the current ruling deity or the ruling pantheon.
They gain free will and the right to choose between good and evil.
If they have been given free will - basically any human temptations,, except grander
angels are made as agents of their god. once they grow to have a difference of opinion from that god they will inevitably splinter off and go rogue. a fallen angel is usually seen as an evil angel but that is really dependent on how you view the god. gods are generally tyrannical and will not tolerate dissent.
perhaps the god must do something for the greater good which the angel can not comprehend. killing millions of people seems evil if you are not aware of the worse alternative. an angel of pure heart will reject the idea that there is no other way and having become over confident in it's own judgement will turn against the god.
source: my dad once knew a guy.
One of my favourites is conflict between divine ideals of Good and the more emotional, visceral drives of benevolence and compassion. A God may speak on high that some act of evil must be done for a greater Good, and an Angel might blanch at it. They know the God is right, that it is their duty to obey... But find themselves struggling with their own goodness, the more personal compassion that would drive them to disobey.
They grow prideful, and begin to desire rulership over servitude.
So basically pride and selfishness.
An impossible choice.
It has to choose between two good causes, but choosing one will doom the other.
Could be a choice between between saving a nation or some other big cause vs. saving specific life.
Possibly the angel falls in love with someone (love is the greatest good of all after all, right?) or that person falls in love with the angel and gives it part of the persons soul, giving it free will in the process.
However as good as love is it is not for angels as it is a selfish thing as you will put your love of the individual over the love of all, but the angelic hosts taking pity on the angel decides that rather than destroying it for essentially a good thing it is better instead to cast it out.
If you want the angel to turn evil you could say that the angel wasn't prepared for what not being part of the hosts entails. Suddenly being mortal, having free will, feeling true pain and suffering, no longer having knowledge of the great design... All of it is too much and the angel starts giving in to negative feelings; fear, anger, despair. In the end it comes to hate the hosts for casting it out when the angel couldn't have known or understood what that would mean.
Sympathy with humanity leading them to go against the divine plan. One of the motives given for the fall of the Grigori, aside from the classic one of them being consumed by lust for humanity, was that they genuinely fell in love with the humans they seduced and wanted to do well by them. It was in God's plan for humanity to discover the arts and sciences on their own, but the Grigori saw that mankind was suffering in ignorance right now and were not willing to wait. So they taught humanity astronomy, mathematics, literacy, chemistry, and metal working, and raised a great civilization. But this was not in the plan, and so they were condemned by God.
They start asking perfectly legitimate questions about human nature and the only answers they get are requests for more tea from some senile old man.
God being an asshole and changes his mind about things.
That can't happen, angles do not have free will like humans, they are tied to god's truth that is the only thing they are capable of. This can only happen if someone of free will but higher authority commands them like Lucifer did.
Broken wing
The taint of insanity beyond rational explanation
to be clear, he would have come around to the idea of having a continent sized vegetable/flower patch tended by lash flogged slaves before too long, and didn't only because of the short timeframe in question. Then again, by the same logic cheese is inevitably aligned with Melkor to a greater or lesser extent because it is a product of mold, but the matter is of no consequence.
I stick my foot out.
Reminder that Zamasu could have went for a perfect body.
Suppose they are created to protect against the Old Gods, the Outsiders. The more he fights though, the more he learns about the Old Gods. And that's where insanity lies.
>Angel decides to do what is right instead of what is "good"
>Angel misinterperets a command
>Angel takes evil means to accomplish a good end
>Angel cut off from communication with their god, and accidentally disobeys them
>Angel ordered to fall to become a puppet antagonist of their god
>Angel acquires information or dirt on their god that causes them to question
Underrated post.
Also, flak artillery.
Love is a classic.
Death of their God.
It Was All Part Of God's Plan(tm)
Successful plotting on the hands of some baddie; corruption/leading astray/trickery
Losing side of a divine war
Rewarded as waifu/husbando to some mortal follower, falls to some run of the mill mortal failing.
Yeah well, you're a lesbian
>Yeah well, you're a lesbian
I wish...
Says the double nigger.
>That can't happen, angles do not have free will like humans, they are tied to god's truth that is the only thing they are capable of. This can only happen if someone of free will but higher authority commands them like Lucifer did.
Wow you're a retarded shit lord.
Angels DO sin, god merely forgives them.
And in Revelations, it states that some angels will choose to follow Satan.
Diablo 2 and 3 did angels as good as it gets. Debate me, and you will lose.
>You will never be gifted an angel waifu by God
Daniel 10:5-6
“I looked up and there before me was a man dressed in linen, with a belt of fine gold from Uphaz around his waist. His body was like topaz, his face like lightning, his eyes like flaming torches, his arms and legs like the gleam of burnished bronze, and his voice like the sound of a multitude.”
Not even close to being as awesome as in the bible, and that was written thousands of years ago.
He may be taking Islam's version which makes them unthinking machines that sit on your shoulders and snitch on you to God if you do anything bad.
Protecting someone good from the evil around them. Then as time progresses they have to do more and more questionable acts to keep that good safe, until they commit sinful acts.
The progress is so slow that even the angel doesn't notice.
They do not understand The Plan, and so they seek to show their master the error in his choice. But the rebellion failed. They've come to embrace their sentence and the role it entails for them
Except one.
they find out god is not aligned exclusively to good
>they're born literal definitions of good
No, they aren't. They're born literal definitions of divinity, and are considered fallible. Depending on the kind of angel, they can be terrifying, loving, or awe-inspiring.
The quality of them embodying "goodness", "beauty", and "purity" is due to people interpreting and projecting onto them.
They would just as likely level an entire city as they would defend a single individual.
Most typically, I would say that they rebel against god, to join the growing legion of hell.
>muh greater good
>muh immediate good
pretty much the only excuse is a philosophical disagreement with their God