I need vikings and viking accessories
Character art : Vikings
The guy in your picture doesn't look like a genuine viking.
Have a shield maiden.
I'll try and give you what I've got
Some ladies for variety
>ywn marry a QT3.14 robust Dane woman who will bear you powerful children in the off season and act as your personal squire as you raid.
I don't want to live
back to the guys
and that about wraps it up.
Does anybody have young noblemen who might be vampiric in nature?
Anybody got unarmed fighters? Preferably bloodied from a fight. Bonus points for a smile or a smirk. Please and all my thanks, I've been searching all day. I could only find like, 3 women and 1 guy.
Punchies coming up
So far, she's the only woman Kumi-Pumi has not drawn naked yet.
I could go for some camp follower/team mascot art, if you've got any lying around.
Hold the sexual, if you don't mind.
that's about it for me
Awful Vikings in this thread, I'm ashamed Veeky Forums
Anyone have any artwork of a female giant? Preferably with a bow and arrow.
I have countless historically accurate viking pics but fantasy barbarians are fun. Don't be autistic.
>half-naked in a snowstorm
sorry it's for ants
nevermind, got it mixed up with another picture
I need fiddlers, specifically fiddlers being tempted by devils.
The Norse were fairly multicultural for their time. Their thralls could buy their own freedom and where them often welcome to stay and become part of society. These were overwhelmingly Celtic and Slavic people, but wherever the Vikings happened to raid they'd being people back with them.
Here's the follow up.
Requesting viking-ish looking orcs.
I need art! Art of Fenrir, or other giant wolves!
He's technically IN the picture. . .
I think you mean that they were more meritocratic than most.
I'm playing an Aarakocra sage in a campaign my buddy is running.
Issue is, all my Aarakocra pictures are of men, and I'm playing a woman.
Anybody care to help me out?
Anyone have a pic of someone thats like a young Odin witn two ravens & a missing eye ideally? Or a pic of a hedge knight with a greatsword?
would a female aarakocra look any different from a male?
maybe just muted colours - that's the only obvious visual difference between male/female birds that i know of
I'm pretty sure there aren't any records of Vikings using two-handed swords. Which makes sense, because somewhat longer reach wouldn't be worth the risk of getting peppered with arrows.
Dont forget they had spears and dane axes too
Can I get some combat nuns? and the like. In exchange have a small dump
Cool owl lancer
Can I have some medieval female spy / rogue, charismatic, with blonde hair?
Anime huge swords are retarded but I'm such a sucker for impossibly-sized maces/hammers.
It's always peculiar to me how medieval weapons in fantasy artwork are fuckhuge but IRL they are mostly very tiny bits on a stick. I'm pretty sure that I have a claw hammer laying around that looks more fearsome than the axe in his belt.
I'm retarded. That axe is probably for throwing. Nvm.
>There are still danish people around
>denmark is filled with women
Why are u complaining user? Get buff and find a qt gf
No, but it does look like a viking whose armor has influences from samurai armor. Well, besides that it's made of leather.
>ywn have a Dishonored game where the warriors have mixed armor and weapons from all three cultures
Cool Owl Cossack
>ywn have an owl-themed Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
Well, you won't, but I will.
Ladies with rapiers or sabers or pokey sticks?
I gotchu senpai
Too big?
Would anyone happen to have source of this picture before it was changed into this
Because you have to carry that shit for a while. Fantasy art weapons would be so fucking heavy it's ridiculous.
Dude took a left turn and landed in the wrong setting.
This guy's got a point. Gender differences in birds are mostly size and muted/vibrant coloration
(do you want a bird with tits, faggot?)
Requesting some dark skinned knights. Specifically need a bald black guy in armor if anyone has any. Google keeps giving me Bane.
God dammit man.
Requesting any pictures of people in yellow/orange with hats.
Yellow/orange what?