Jund 'Em Out Edition


>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices.

>Another resource for commander discussion; they have an entire forum dedicated to discussing decks. People often make primers, which go into detail about how they built and play their deck.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity.


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface.

>Thread Question
What is your favorite beater?
>pic related, it's also my favorite card ever

Other urls found in this thread:


probably this guy, great in counter synergy decks and a pretty strong/durable threat into the lategame

fuck yea. him and broodmate are my favorites

>favorite beaters
Atarka and Ruric Thar.

What's the most fun way to build shu yun? I was thinking of just spammimg cantrips and double strike enablers with the occasional dick ass beater or urabrask.

>What is your favorite beater?
OG Kozilek and Ulamog for putting massive dents in both life totals AND boardstates.

>Jund 'Em Out Edition
How the hell do you into Jund? I love the colors, I just can't figure out a commander I can get behind building.

Kresh and a bunch of Fight-type mechanics. Never tried building it, but it sounds fun.

>What is your favorite beater?
This guy. Fuckin' love Dragons and extra combat



there is one card from a planewalker deck that puts a one on creatures. I feel like thats a safe assumption, but I personally wouldnt jump the gun unless I was fine with losing money

Mike may be reprinted in mm17 so I wouldn't.




>Wedges again
After Khans that will never happen.

We'll get shards first

I'm really hoping for shards or mono.

They'll be mono or dual. They don't do wedges very often, and we just had tri-color as a 'thing' a few sets ago.


Shards will be next set, watch.

Grixis is a shard, and we're getting the bolas god then

Bolas will be a walker, not a creature

You mean when standard was good?!

Meant for

naya or temur for cat goddess for cat puns.

but hear me out, what if four colors? and bolas gets a fourth color by the end of this block?

You mean when it was All Rhinos, All the Time?

38 rhinos, perhaps more!

This whole thing was foreshadowed in theros with Xenagos becoming a god. Bolas wants to regain his oldwalker power level. They're telegraphing this shit almost as hard as they did with Emrakul.

What are some good token creators in gruul, besides goblins and the usual eldrazi shit?

>What is your favorite beater?

a n t q u e e n

Daddy Mycoloth.

Ulasht? Sekki?

avenger of zendikar, nissa voice of zendikar, DRAGON LAIR FUCKING SPIDER

Dragon Broodmother

Do you want a lot of tokens at once, or a constant supply?
Explosive: avenger of zendikar, waiting in the weeds, tempt with vengeance, one dozen eyes, Wort the Raidmother is spicy
Consistent: Nissa Voice of Zendikar, Xenagos the Reveler, any thalid, jade mage, feed the pack, elemental mastery, blade of selves especially on anything that makes tokens on ETB

liliana's planeswalker deck + ability was leaked on reddit and it puts a -1/-1 counter on a creature

Both, I'm gonna build Thromok. But these are all very useful, many thanks.

wouldn't he lose power becoming a god? or did elspeth go ungod mode before getting ganked by heliod?

on another note, how do i round this up? anything i should cut?


Considering that Walkers now are just powerful mages that can Planeswalk, not the nigh immortal monsters of the past, bolas is just coasting on his elder dragon abilities. He wants more power, at least the ability to be as powerful as before. Nights reach was pretty close to old Walker level of power and she was a god, so I guess I would start there.

Mi negro amigo. Ogre battledriver, goblin bushwhacker, and reckless bushwhacker for haste enablers, and pathbreaker ibex for trample are all MVPs for helping with the alternate wincon of going wide. Don't sac all your creatures to Thromok just because you can, 6 or 7 will usually do, less with doubling season or primal vigor. Having a 225/225 Thromok is satisfying for sure, but you can too easily be undone by your hubris.

Thanks for the advice bonum amicum. While the idea of unleashing my inner Jimmy to create a Thromok that has millions of P/T, I'll be sure to let my inner spike talk some sense into me during those moments.

Why does Kaho only have 35 decks on EDHREC?
I think I might be missing something, because at a first glace she seems really good.

For example, you can use Whir of Invention to tutor for artifacts every turn. Because the spell has improvise, you can tap the artifacts you fetch to help pay for even more artifacts. It seems like this could get out of hand rather quickly.

Once you tutor for Paradox Engine, it's basically game over. You can use Rewind to counter every spell your opponents cast. Or you could mill through your entire deck with Frantic Search and then win with Laboratory Maniac.
You could also use Reset or Turnabout for infinite man, and use that in any way you want to win the game.

Kaho only costs a couple of dollars. I would have thought that such a versatile and cheap commander would be quite popular, but she seems rather ignored.

My hipster instincts make me want to use an obscure commander, but a card as obscure and (seemingly) powerful as Kaho is almost a little too good to be true.

I'm quite new to magic so I suspect Kaho must have some flaw that goes over my head. Why isn't she used?

You don't COPY the spells he exiles, user, you CAST them.

Ah shit, of course. That explains it.

Thanks mate.

But Xenagos could only become a God for two reasons:

There was a hole in the Theros Pantheon, and more importantly the makeup of that specific plane made it so Gods could spring up out of thin air. I highly doubt Amonkhet works the same way

Also, since you're doing it without paying the mana cost, X must be 0. If you put Whir on Kaho, she'll only ever find 0 drops.

To answer OP, all kraken, all the time.

>tfw no longer considering doggy choker for Tromokratis

I'll manage, but it could've been neat.

Could still be pretty fun to play with. Run a few ways to recycle cards from your 'yard back into your deck & ways to reliably bounce Kaho, and you've got a neat casual control commander.

She's quite far from busted, though.

For starters you probably need to read some rules, but essentially nothing you said works. Since kaho casts the spell it's not in exile anymore, it goes on the stack and then your graveyard. Second off x will always be 0 for whir in your example, because the x is always treated as 0 for spells of that nature when they are not on the stack.

Despite all this she could be good, but she has no haste so will get killed if you put anything too good into exile with her, and then you lose it forever since she is treated as a different object once you recast her.


Any suggestions? Heavy pillowfort and enchantment matters theme. Couple of cute combos with ruby but she's mainly used as vedalkan shackles on a body.

I was brewing up a deck with kaho that could win several ways, either by tutoring selective memory along with mana severance and winning with lab man or by something like rise from the tides.

>Because X is always treated as 0 for spells of that nature when they are not on the stack
Funny enough, not ALWAYS.

Not helpful, but odd how I keep thinking Merieke Ri Berit and Rubinia Soulsinger were only one card. Wonder if some crazy person out there has made a redless deck just so it'd be possible to run both.

Starfield feels dangerous, making your enchantment fort more vulnerable to removal. Maybe swap it with Asceticism?

I should remake her edh.

Is Dredge viable in EDH?

I'm not looking to make a degenerate combo deck or anything like that, just a relatively competitive graveyard deck, and dredge seems like a fun archetype that I've never had a chance to play around with.


i have dredge in my meren deck but thats just to get shit into the grave to reanimate

I have to say, this guy has been pretty solid in Xenagod. Could be pretty cash in a token build

It's "Viable" in the sense you can use a couple of the Dredge cards to repeatably get shit into your graveyard, but not in the sense of the Legacy or Modern archetypes.

seems really shit without other ways to make energy. like why not just play a 7/7 that does something your commander already doesnt do like give itself trample so it doesnt get rekted by a 1/1?

side note, if they ever do decide to bring energy back i am 100% certain energy decks will be broken as fuck

actually ignore me, im retarded and forgot it already has trample. still think their are better huge green creatures out there though

I mean, it literally provides itself with a shitload. If you play it with say, 6 other creatures out, and then attack with it next turn, that's a possible 21/21 swinging.

What kind of win cons work well with a demon tribal deck? Discard seems alright, but I think it takes too long to get going. Alternatively I can swing big but that almost never works out well with my group.

Tribal always have trouble winning. If you want to win, you have to sacrifice flavour. Demons are too expensive and too slow to fill out an entire deck

Shadowborn tho

>Says this shit
>Gives no examples

You got some splaining to do.

I'll give you a hint:

There is exactly one card in all of Magic that defies the rule.

then make a shizo deck with accelaration out the ass and have xboxhueg demons on turn 4 and be able to fetch more every turn because of shizo's ability

No thank you

Does the Gitgud Frog have to be a combo deck?

Rhinos were annoying but there decks that coils go under them and with cards like whip of erebos and UB being a good control deck then, things that could outgrind. Don't get me wrong, abzan was strong but it wasn't rally the ancestors or bant Coco levels

It's not silver-bordered. It's a regular, totally legal, black-bordered card.

it doesnt have to be
but it should be

Mimeoplasm self mill reanimator,

Not really. There's good payoffs for a fat graveyard that aren't combo. Think Lord of Extinction, Kessig Wolf Run, even something like Jarad throwing big green reanimated fatties

I tried building him non combo and it just doesn't feel good. The frog gets a huge target painted on him and your playgroup has to be bad if you want him out for more than a turn. So combo is the best way to get all the value you need out of him on that turn.

bumping for deck help

After throwing shit I had together to make one cause I love frogs, it's kind of hard for it not to be.


1.) Paradox Engine and a few mana rocks plus something with buyback
2.) Iso Septer + Dramatic Reversal is similar and you'll need mana rocks.

Once you get all of that mana, use Reito Lantern, selective instants, and one of the two above board states to cast spells forever to deck your opponent with a Blue Sun's Zenith, Mill them with Brain Freeze, or Lab Maniac yourself with draws.

Kaho is still super weak due to needing to untap on your turn (if you don't give it haste), needing to tutor instances (if burn responds or doom blade), costing a fair amount of mana in a non-accelerating color, and the difficulty of casting more than one spell with Kaho per turn.

>Kessig Wolf Run

user must've mixed up lands, since Wolf Run has literally nothing to do with the point.

Probably meant Kessig cage breakers

In xenagod, you can generally wind up with four to five creatures in play (mana dorks, utility creatures), even when you just want to be smashy with one guy.

When Basker hits the board, that's 29 damage.

Not too shabby

like why not just use atarka instead?

Yeah Atarka does seem a whole lot better.

>doubles any damage any creature does and stacks with double strike
>doubles dragon's damage only

I can't imagine Bolas being green or white. Well, maybe white if he really got into law and order but the dude is so god damn egocentric I can't see him being green or white since he only wants to focus on benefiting himself.

>slapping an Assault Suit on Ruhan
>ends up killing 2 players

I'm a goddamn genius. Everyone loves a big beater

>double one creatures' power
>give everything of a certain type double strike

what kinda cool shit can i do with this?

I guess you could make a deck that consists of nothing but mana dorks, but in that case you may as well be using Ezuri.

>a tribe that scion or zirilan do 10x better.

put it in trostani

>Thread Question
This smug fuck, probably my favorite card in all of magic

>Not incredibly sad because he failed to act on Mirrodin's blight, now all of his friends are dead.
His crime was silence, now he suffers it eternally.

What kind of cards do you play around him?

I said smug because of his expression but yeah his story is pretty sad. Thrun and Melira are besties now so he's trying to make up for it at least

Swords, Umbra's, Rancor, Batterskull, Loxodon Warhammer, Epic Proportions, ect. Anything to make him huge. Right now he's in my Atraxa to go all in on with counters. I've been toying with the idea of doing a mono green voltron with him and stuff like dungrove elder

Oh duh and eldrazi conscription

How would this guy work as a commander? Aura voltron? I usually see him as part of the 99

Yeah pretty much. Just ramp up and slap as much equipment and auras on him as you can. That's the idea anyway, right now I have him in atraxa to dump counters but I want to make it

I've been really interested in trying Tasigur, but again, I don't want to make a combo deck. Does dredge work with him? What are some fun ways to build around him?

That's a shame. Might still try it. He seems pretty cool.