A close friend just recently lost a friend to... infuriating circumstances. I'd like to cheer him up and/or just distract him from what happened. What kind of game should I run? We all know a few systems so system doesn't matter.
Grieving friend what do
have a moderate fistfight with him, it helps
>infuriating circumstances
Go on.
She went to a party and someone spiked her drink with rohypnol. She had a severe allergic reaction and died. They have no idea who did it.
Wrong board. Seriously.
Go to /adv/ if you're just begging for sympathy.
Asking for what kind of plot in a /traditional game/ to run for people is entirely Veeky Forums related.
Run Ten Candles
Because we all die sooner or later.
Not if you're only doing so as lipservice in order to post here. Notice how you replied just to talk more about not-traditional games, instead of ignoring that post.
Now, stop being stupid and pretending you can just make any thread here as long as you say "what system should I run" or "stat me" or all those other bullshit topics just so you can post offtopic shit here.
This ain't your blog.
Run a Grimbright game about the toppling of oppressive oligarchies and the resurgence of culture. Basically a renaissance with a little warfare just before it.
Golden Sky Stories.
Or Ryuutama.
Or nothing at all, just gather around, and talk about it.
That's fucking rough, holy shit. I hope the fucker who did it gets leprosy.
As for a game, maybe a big ol' orc-slaying, dark lord-toppling, demon-smiting, high fantasy romp, cheese it up, have a giggle, give it flair.
Imagine if every idiot acted like you. There's more than a thousand people who post on Veeky Forums every day, and imagine if every time anything happened they would come here, make a thread to beg for sympathy, and otherwise act like a spoiled, entitled brat.
Everyone has issues, problems, tragedies. That's what /adv/ is for.
A basic and straightforward dungeon crawl. The dungeon is spooky, the monsters are thoroughly evil, and the loot is baller.
You should probably leave out poison
My condolences. Ignore the soulless neckbeards. Though I don't think running a game is the correct response. This is likely too early in the grieving process to try to "cheer them up". If they want to open up about it, commiserate with them. But don't try to make them be happy. That'll just make everything worse.
Where's the fun in that?
>Though I don't think running a game is the correct response.
OP already knows that, you moron. He just needed some way to keep his thread from being automatically deleted. And, if you want to just give him advice, encourage him to go to /adv/, because it's clear that the kind of advice he needs isn't game advice.
Don't encourage the idiot just because you want to be a bleeding heart.
Here's what you're begging for.
I concur with this man. Be there for them, be supportive, but maybe reconsider trying to drag them into happiness. I know that personally my first instinct is always to try and fix things, so i can understand where you are coming from, but not everything is something you can fix and resolve. If they wanna game, then just run a normal game for them. If they don't wanna game, then they don't wanna game. See what they want.
It *really* depends on the individual. It turns out that I'm the kind of person that needs something to distract them after something horrible happens. Like, I wouldn't bring your dice and a bag of chips to the funeral, but not everyone needs to lock themselves in a room for almost a week.
OP, go with what you think the friend actually needs. Some people need space and time to grieve while others need some help breaking back into regular life.
If you're just here to give offtopic advice to an offtopic advice seeker, the best advice you can give him is to go to /adv/.
"I agree."
> 222
> Witnessed
Your friend is in a better place, and she's not hurting anymore. It hurts, and the pain will never go away, but eventually it will pass. I'll pray for you user, and I'm sorry for your loss. One day, the bastard that poisoned your friend will die, he can't hide what he's done from God almighty and on that day he'll answer for it.
As for a game, have you considered playing Dawn Of Worlds and having a campaign in the resulting world? I've done it before, it's pretty fun and everyone gets a say in the worldbuilding process, which is neat. The pdf is free online, and I'd recommend it.
Don't talk shit like I'm not here, dude
Not with a picture like that you aren't.
Female peacocks (or peahens) mating selection of their mates is partially determined upon the size, quality and color of their tail (or train). Number of eye spots on the train strongly predict mating success. Furthermore, the more offspring of peacocks with more elaborately ornamented trains, showed better survival rates and weight when differences from maternal care were controlled for. While the train itself is not the sole determinant (as angle of the eyes in courtship dance, overall physical health etc. play a role), it is a strong predictor of mating success.
Now that said, when you come across a white peacock (or leucistic peacock), due to their plumage they can struggle to acquire a mating partner in the wild or without human interaction. Which kinda leads to a lonely life.
>Imagine if every idiot acted like you.
So 2009 Veeky Forums? back before the creative people and the people who got shit done got chased off by the onslaught of normies, redditors, and Nazimod?
The best parts of Veeky Forums were not the offtopic shitposters, it was the people who stayed on topic despite that.
Those days are gone now, because the catalog system makes it so that the OP of a thread is extremely important, and offtopic bullshit like these threads do not contribute anything except killing off actual Veeky Forums threads.
Since it allows everything, it can't fail.
Go out-all out.
Ramp up RIFT's ridiculous world a hundred times more. MAKE THAT SHIT HILARIOUS
and that's all I got, good luck
Rifts is actually a good choice as long as you don't follow the rules to the letter.
Have a real life adventure to find the person who did it.
Holy shit, a ghost! Quick, who killed you?