How do you find a game online that isn't full of complete autists? Roll20 lfg seems to be cesspool. I DM a session already, I just want to play the game.
How do you find a game online that isn't full of complete autists? Roll20 lfg seems to be cesspool...
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Check the gamefinder thread here on Veeky Forums.
Check out reddit too, depending on your game of choice.
>inb4 reddit
Go to the boards/threads that focus on that specific topic and you're fine.
Networking. Networking networking networking.
Get to know people, make friends, try shit out. Join games without getting too invested because they'll probably suck or fall through but as long as you meet one other player you get on with, it's worth it.
Keep doing this. Keep in touch, keep searching until you get a circle of people who get along, share your preferences and are fun to game with.
It's how I did it. Took a long time and for me it wasn't exactly intentional, wandering between drama filled IRC hub channels and various other communities, finding cool people amongst the shitheads along the way until I dragged them all together into a community which, so far, has been pretty fucking awesome for me.
Just made a post on the game finder thread. Cheers.
I wish this didn't make so much sense.
I wish I could just find a game with normal fucking people.
Honestly, at this point I'm probably part of the problem. Now that I've got a group of people together who don't suck, I'm very leery on letting new people in unless they're known and trusted by someone who is already a member of the community.
I imagine a lot of groups are like this, relatively closed systems who've found people they enjoy playing with and just kinda stopped there. Which means the only games actively recruiting are very likely to be shitty GMs and shitty players who can't keep a consistent group. You can find the occasional good one, with luck, but I'd never bank on it.
I like mythweavers, but that's mainly geared towards Play by Post games. I think they have lessened their rules recently and allow for hybrid games though.
Here's the deal:
Good groups are having fun, and anyone in a good group's not going to leave that group.
Bad groups aren't having fun, and people in a bad group aren't probably going to stay in it very long.
Hence, bad groups have a higher turnaround and more openings than good groups. You're going to mostly find invitations from bad groups wherever you go.
There are a couple cool looking games on Roll 20, got interviews with a few of the DMs, but got cut, told it was close tho. I guess the wait goes on. What systems do you guys play?
Yeah, I understand, I guess I'm just getting frustrated with wading through all of the bullshit on Roll 20. I just want to find a fucking game.
A pretty big variety. Off the top of my head we've had games of Pathfinder, 4e, Legends of the Wulin, Rogue Trader, Through the Breach, Iron Kingdoms RPG and probably more I can't remember.
>Rogue Trader
Fuck I'm so jealous. My friend kept talking about how he was going to DM a game of RT, then it never happened. My friends like tabletops, but they're all to beta or have ADHD and can't DM anything for more than 2 sessions.
With one notable exception involving getting suckered into correcting a fem autist's smut, I've had really good luck with roll20. Only issue I've found is volatility. We'll get a few sessions in and the DM stops showing up, or one of the groups ends up canceling. Roommate met her current boyfriend through it, though.
Dude, how do you wade through the shit? Half of the games are 12 players or some stupid homebrew shit with a million typos. I realize I sound really salty, so I apologize for that.
Keep trying, I've found several really good groups on roll20, but you can't be dissuaded by the several dozen games that either don't go anywhere, or are full of absolute human cancer. You need to decide whether the effort is worth it.
I believe it is, since those good groups I mentioned have ended up playing campaigns that lasted years. But you kind of just have to be lucky.
Also, I know you said you wanted to just play, but for those who DM/GM games, interview your players and make it clear that you won't be adding anybody for a certain amount of time. You can usually eliminate some clear problem players, and depending on how long you look for a group, get a decent selection of players to choose from.
>game online that isn't full of complete autists
shit anonymous, your battle was over before it began
Oh god yes, even as a player, I don't sign up for games that aren't doing interviews. It weeds out most of the betas that are scared of social interaction.
Bury me with me PHB and the character sheet I will never get to use.
No worries, man.
I'm just selective with what I apply to. It helps that the main games I'm applying for are Shadowrun, Pathfinder, and VtM (so I'm getting a ton of hits), but I just make sure to read it carefully before I apply.
9 players for a Shadowrun game? I'll fucking pass. Hook is all of five words, half of which are misspelled? I'll pass. "I'm 14, but I wanna run-" Noooooope!
It often takes a while before I get accepted to any of the good games, but especially with the site's growing popularity, I check back every couple of days to see what new games have been posted since.
That said, I'm not the shining example here. I've been in five groups using roll20, four of which wound up collapsing (though two didn't collapse until more than 8 months in), and one of which I wound up leaving after aforementioned fem autist smut incident. I think it's just the nature of online gaming; people are less dedicated if they don't know the people they're letting down.
Thinking about it, it probably doesn't help that I'm playing babbies first RPG. I should probably find a new system, but I'm in love with 5e right now. It's simple enough that I can focus on roleplay, but not so simple that I fall asleep.
I've been having a lot of fun with D&D 5e, myself. A lot of interesting ideas and simplifications. It makes it less complex, which somewhat limits the weird bullshit you can pull off, but it also means I don't have to page through the DMG for ten minutes to find the goddamn grappling table again.
Only downside to it being really accessible is that it's really accessible to idiots.
That's always been the case for D&D, though. 9 times out of 10, it's the first PnP someone's going to pick up, so if you're looking for a group of rando's, you have a good chance of getting people who don't know the etiquette, or haven't been dipshits enough to have been shunned from the community wholesale.
Each PnP has its own problems. VtM attracts That Guy who wants to be a dark, brooding motherfucker, and play an evil bastard without real consequence. Shadowrun attracts MinMaxers en masse whose entire goal is to break the game, not to actually have fun with playing in the group (or people who've never played before and inevitably want to play the decker/technomancer and slow the game to a CRAWL). D&D attracts dipshits who think it's the only tabletop around, and still don't have a grasp of how to behave at the metaphorical table.
Just a matter of wading through the shit, in any game. The good games are out there, man. Just keep at it, you'll find 'em.
Thanks user. gonna stop for tonight before I show a screwdriver in my eye. I'll continue my quest tomorrow.
>Post a looking for players add on Roll20
>99% of applicants obvious autists, asking to play super-special-snowflake races ('I want to be an elemental/awakened ooze/treant')
That place is pure cancer
I recently found out that text only games usally have more intelligent non cancer players in it.
Gamefinder thread is also cancer.
Case and point is to find a good game online you must wade through all the shit to find a dimond.
You need to up your luck stat mang.
Last time I looked for a 5e game on Roll20, I joined a random game with totally new people I had never played before and it turned out to be one of, if not the best group I've played with so far.
No That Guy, no main-guy syndrome spastics and the GM is also pretty good.
And the kicker is that the GM also accepted the first three people that asked to join his game... and if I am correct, we are also the best group he currently has on Roll20.
So yeah, sacrifice a cow or something to Nuffle and jump to it.
>or people who've never played before and inevitably want to play the decker/technomancer and slow the game to a CRAWL
Fuck, you caught me. I've gotten better though, I swear. I even have a sheet that lists all the matrix actions and their opposed rolls so the GM doesn't have to look anything up.
Same, my first online game was the best role play experience I ever had.