What the actual heck happened to RPG.Net? I used to frequent it constantly 4-5 years ago (back when Exalted 2e was just starting to fall out of favour) and it looks like the mods have gone absolutely bonkers.
What the actual heck happened to RPG.Net...
While we're at it, what Veeky Forums thinks about this place?
Same thing as what has happened to Veeky Forums and the world - whiny little bitches run rampant.
It's shit.
Also, checked.
I distinctly remember a thread on RPG.net where someone said "there's a player in our group that's really nice and friendly, but I looked on his Facebook profile and he posts pro-GamerGate stuff and has Vivian James as a background thing, what should I do?".
The replies went something among the lines of:
>Ask him why he is so intimidated about women in gaming
>Kick him the fuck out or directly confront him about supporting a hate group, make sure it's during or immediately before the game too
>He's trouble brewing, don't be fooled by him being a genuinely nice person even to the women in the group
I was never emotionally invested in GamerGate or all the garbage that surrounded it, but that thread pretty much turned me away from that awful shit site forever. There was so much hypocrisy concentrated in one thread that it was the straw that broke the dire camel's back.
Oh yeah and apparently one of their mods, and plenty of their users apparently, think
Golarion, Pathfinder's default setting, is racist. Which is kinda laughable if you know what kinda political climate Paizo staff and writers tend to latch onto.
Better than RPG.net, but way too obsessed over 3.5 and Pathfinder for me to really go there more than once in a red moon.
Other than Veeky Forums, are there other places to talk about tabletop games that aren't piles of shit?
dakkadakka, but it obviously has its subject biases.
You basically have to choose between sites dominated by neo nazis and sites dominated by SJWs. Given that you're already on Veeky Forums, probably the neo nazis are the lesser evil in your book.
I've found Veeky Forums's culture to be crass but overall fairly inclusive, actually. It's weird.
I don't think Veeky Forums is really that nazi though.
There's just always been a subset of people who come here to troll and shitpost, and now instead of needing even rudimentary levels of topic awareness they can just say nigger or cuck and get the attention they want.
Personally I come here due to the speed of posting and not having to suck the dick of famous posters 24/7 so people will take my opinions seriously.
Yeah I think Veeky Forums is the best you can get honestly. I've seen /pol/acks get shouted down just as much as the SJW-bait posters. Obviously anonymity results in a lower signal-to-noise ratio with lots of trolls and bait, but you just have to know not to feed the trolls.
The only other place I can think of are hyper-focused reddit subs like /r/minipainting. People just post their miniatures and get criticism and there's no bullshit about politics / current affairs, just hobby-talk.
Eh, you don't notice because you're used to it, but in everyday life people don't really use "jew" as a verb or take any opportunity to go on their own tangents about the dangers to the white race.
There's an interesting phenomenon these days, people who are insincere Nazis doing it as a game rather than out of sincere belief. I saw a twitter rant about how this actually grew out of gamergate, let me dig it up...
theRPGsite is okay, if slow.
The whole issue of how major neo nazis have managed to mobilize essentially apolitical 30somethings is interesting...
Well I did say 'fairly'. Despite the frequent use of 'Jew' as a adjective or derogatory term (along with faggot etc) I've not really seen anyone who wasn't an obvious troll or autist (woop there i go) saying something like women/black people/whatever shouldn't play games. Actually, now that I think of it, most threads starting with "omg how do i treat this girl that joined my college group" normally go along the lines of "have you tried speaking to her like a human being", followed by calling each other virgins, then someone brings up anarcho-feminism and the thread goes to shit.
Veeky Forums is only nazi in that our political activists are nazis
likewise tumblr is only SJW in that their political activists are SJW
The large majority of each site is mostly just artists and perverts and pervert artists, but you can't write a clickbait article about 'drawfag makes fat possum waifu, userbase amazed/appalled' so the screeching political cancer gets all the attention
Because the entire political machine these days is oriented around the fact that scared old people are the demographic who vote the most, so usually the winner is whoever can scare the most old people to their side
Veeky Forums isn't inclusive, it's culturally strong.
>Think ancient China:
Native culture doesn't change, even when conquered.
Visitors are welcome, but visitors adapt. Quickly.
(forgot image, crap)
But gamergate, which lead directly into the rise of neo nazis being a big thing in politics and getting Mr Tiny Hands elected, managed to politicize the average middle class white gamer, a usually apolitical group.
So the current political machine has no way to handle them; Gamergate and its descendants have focused on politics as a tool to amuse yourself and indulge in cruelty for fun, rather than something you should actually care about and believe in, and the traditional right and the left have no way to appeal the same way, so far.
Heinlein put it best, I think. "Easier to get people to hate than to get them to love."
Very well put, I wouldn't have thought of that analogy but it's perfect.
And, despite the claims of Veeky Forums not being that Nazi, Veeky Forums follows this exact same pattern, of attacking and infiltrating "SJW" spaces for entertainment rather than out of belief. See the image; people tried to equate pedophelia with nonbinary gender identification and legitimize it through leftist language, entirely as a way to discredit and mock the left.
It's just a really interesting and very new development in politics, and no one's really got any idea of how to handle it.
That's actually backwards from what I was saying friendo.
At least here on Veeky Forums, it's not that GG galvanized a bunch of nerds into bitter white nationalists so much as politics has given shitposters the fucking philosopher's stone of shitposting.
/po/ vs SJW is the easiest fucking thing to rile people up with because everyone now has super thin skin and a hair trigger. You don't need to actually be familiar with a board's topic now to cause everyone to sperg out. Just call someone a nigger, say women suck on a particular topic, bring up Muslims, etc and presto, you can rack up a maxed out or closed thread faster than any skub fight or edition warring.
Veeky Forums gets hit hard by this because for years we've been posting screencaps saying we're untrollable combined with our autistic impulses to be right and win every argument. You won't see shit like this on /a/ because they shut that shit down quickly or ignore it.
I love Veeky Forums. I've loved it for soon to be 9 years now, but you fucks need to learn to report, hide, and move on with your lives or you're going to encourage more shit in the name of (you)s.
>writing a novel in a 140-character format
>everyone now has super thin skin and a hair trigger
Some do, but a lot of it is trolls trolling trolls.
because it's there
I think it's not so much about SJW spaces as it is about to enturbulating self-righteous hypocrites. Look how much the site loved trolling Scientology, or hell, all the flak old Veeky Forums gave conservative moralfaggotry.
It's kind of a feedback thing, the thing Morgan there brought up plus the thing you bring up, each getting the other climbing higher until it determined who won the goddamn US Presidential election.
What I think is interesting is Veeky Forums's flaw, the compulsive need to be right, is exactly what tumblr has too, plus the superiority complex. tumblr and Veeky Forums is actually a fascinating symbiotic relationship because Veeky Forums thrives on starting drama and can't be happy unless it has someone to bully, while tumblr thrives on following drama and can't be happy unless it feels like the underdog against the evil empire.
Well, if you already have a significant follower count, it makes sense. Also, people are more likely to read twenty individual 140 character messages than one 2800 character rant.
See, that's the original point; they're essentially apolitical, they'll attack whoever's an easy target to rile up for their own amusement, not because they actually believe in the rhetoric they spew.
You're telling me the relationship between Veeky Forums and tumblr is S&M?
tumblr and Veeky Forums are essentially mirrors. Yin and Yang of internet losers. Both websites for the societally marginalized and mentally unwell, both focus on fiction and sex (and often combining the two) and both with fringe socio-political views. But tumblr is feminine and loves identity politics, while Veeky Forums is masculine and anonymous. While tumblr focuses on what the world should be (and assumes it should change to accommodate what people are like), Veeky Forums focuses on what it is, and assumes people should change to function in the world. The problems are the same, the perspectives and solutions are opposite.
tumblr has a concept, called Kismesitude, coming from this comic a lot of them like. It's essentially a sexual relationship defined by mutual hatred rather than love. This type of relationship is represented by a spade(
Frenemy isn't usually sexual, and the concept implies something deeper than that, a hatred and rivalry that comes to define you, to the point where it's as important as any normal relationship is, and you wouldn't know what to do if you actually won. Like if Batman and the Joker were acting essentially the same, but also fucking.
It's from a comic that has a lot of nonsense words like that, too.
They do the same thing on tvtropes. Go over on to /m/ and say the word Macross Missile Massacre, and it'll instantly out you as a newfag.
The proper term is Itano Circus.
Oh fuck. Apparently this concept goes back to 2010. Not only is there fanart and fanfiction about the two hatefucking, it has its own ship name, 4chumblr.
Christ, it's been that long? I thought our primary boogeyman at that time was reddit.
Sure, but reddit is more like Veeky Forums's embarassing sibling. Tumblr is opposite of Veeky Forums in all the ways pointed out, and of course, this way we can draw them as a straight couple.
This makes me wonder, were these respective attitudes inevitable because of the nature of our sites, or could we have ended up the same, or even reversed?
I don't know anything about tumblr's creator(s), but Veeky Forums was created so a 16 year old misanthrope could get easy access to chinese toon porn.
I'd say our fate was sealed from day one.
This twitter thread is bullshit if only for the fact that according to all the polls people have done, Gamergate comes out as mostly liberal and way more in support of Bernie than Trump.
Gamergate isn't the alt-right - they just share a similar genesis in opposition to the growing hegemony of 'social justice' politics. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction, and when academia and segments of 'geek culture' took a turn for the far left, there was a counteracting push to the right.
And since both extremes are completely unwilling to compromise the polarisation is going to keep getting worse.
I think the attitudes were more or less inevitable, and they fell the way they did because of the nature of the sites. Veeky Forums was among the first of her kind, but non-anonymous sites held similar attitudes even if they don't fit it so well, and you'd better believe that tumblr isn't the first site for identity-oriented bloggers. The parts that were, perhaps, less inevitable are the things that grew in concert among both paradigms. Those stem from economic and generational causes, I think.
The other of the big three is reddit, but it's not really the same. Those people are (generally speaking) mentally healthy. Normalfags, if you will. At least comparatively speaking.
It's the nature of the sites. With tumblr, you're able to group yourself with other like-minded people, which creates clusters that usually correspond to the various identities/fandoms/whatever. With Veeky Forums, the anonymous nature means that you're judging the vast majority of users by their current actions, rather than traits and past actions, creating a focus on "what are we doing RIGHT NOW".
There's an interesting similarity to how Veeky Forums's structure causes it to generate more/stronger memes. By it's very nature, Veeky Forums actively benefits memes, as you can't just say "oh look that's a fun post lemme share it", you have to save the meme and repost it, which allows a single infected to spread the meme over a longer time than infected on tumblr. Combine this with the limited archive creating a pressure of "get reposted or die" on memes, Veeky Forums memes are produced more rapidly and spread faster on the site than tumblr memes.
/pol/ will come for us one day you know that right? Treasure what we have while you can.
something I long ago learned when it comes to being on moderated forums, is you need to think before you post, also be polite to the site staff even if you disagree with them
TLDR: apply common sense when on other sites
probably helps that I'm not really bothered by "SJW" stuff, honestly for all that people on this site like to mock "SJW" types for being easy to trigger, Veeky Forums people are in some respects even easier to trigger
also this site would be massively improved if /pol/ and /b/ were purged
We probably wouldn't be having this probably if moot didn't decide to bring /pol/ back to life a 3rd fucking time, seriously what the fuck was he thinking, but now we're kinda stuck with it because they're large enough at this point a purge would just flood the rest of the site with cancer. Instead we just get the water slowly rise and hope somebody finds the drain plug before we all drown.
RPGnet goes far beyond the scope of 'easily triggered SJWs' and into the realms of 'would-be maoist red guards'.
I'm not joking, the extent of the groupthink and disturbing power dynamics is frankly terrifying. The accepted facts are based entirely on consensus rather than evidence and dissent gets you banned immediately.
There was a time when they'd have to find an excuse to ban you by citing rules about personal attacks or cross-site drama. These days they'll just knock you off if they feel you're trying bring nuggets of truth into their constructed reality. Reading some of the more heated threads is like being a fly on the wall in a cult compound.
Dunno, I stick to the D&D subforum
That's probably the safest, and shouldn't expose you to much. On the other hand, last time I checked their anything goes forum (Tangency), they had an image thread about how great punching nazis is.
Care to elaborate? I go on there from time to time. It's definitely a lefty site of the "Respect my pronouns!" flavor, but as far as I can tell they don't expect you to use gender-neutral language or anything too far beyond the pale of normal communication.
I don't really go on Tangency, though. I did pop in to a thread on French suburbs and how French Muslim men had started de facto gender segregating cafes, and there was a lot of apologism that bugged the hell out of me. The most glaring issue being that it was French *MUSLIM WOMEN* who were pointing out that this was a problem that was fucking up French society, but everyone in the thread was doing the "Not all Muslims, there's assholes in every religion," routine and basically down playing the problem as equivalent to male-dominated English pubs where everyone watches sports all day. You know, because a bunch of guys drinking beer and being crude is exactly the same thing as being aggressive and threatening to a woman who tries to order a coffee near where you're sitting.
Shit because of horribly biased moderation. It took years for Giacomo to get banned while people who argued with him got banned left and right. People who gave constructive criticism in the homebrew forums got banned for that, too.
The thing that really turned me off of RPG.net was when people started getting banned for 'talking back to the moderators', except that 'talking back' was being polite and posting links to articles or papers proving their point.
I don't care much for the left/right thing and I'm not a political animal, but there's a lot of hypocrisy and favouritism for long-time. left-leaning posters that makes me stay away. It's a real shame because RPG.net's forums used to be the axis that online RPG discussion revolved around for years and year.
Well have you ever actually punched a nazi before?
Have they?
Oh course not.
As for the topic at hand. I have used ENWorld on occasion if I needed an odd D&D related inquiry answered or discussed, but I still stick to Veeky Forums just because here there isn't such an obsession with who is posting, but rather what is being stated and posted. Even if the discussion can be pretty retarded.
>but now we're kinda stuck with it because they're large enough at this point a purge would just flood the rest of the site with cancer
just permaban/IP ban everyone who's posted on either board within the last 6 months or so
as someone who regularly goes there I'm really not seeing that anywhere
>It's definitely a lefty site of the "Respect my pronouns!" flavor
honestly I see no real problem in that
at that point it goes from "trying to prove a point" to "provoking the bull", if a mod tells you to stop you should just stop, even if you feel you're right
Obviously you've never heard the phrase you're more worthless then a ban on Veeky Forums before.
The madmin mod on this board removes posts and bans people for stupid shit all the time, just because he does it Phantom of the Opera style rather than in an open, permanently recorded format we're not living in a utopia.
We're living in a utopia because he can't catch us all
Seems like Veeky Forums isn't the site for you. Have you tried >>>r/numales?
while it's true a lot of people would be able to circumvent it, enough people would be lazy/stupid enough to not do so that it'd be an overall improvement to the site's atmosphere
they really need to figure out how to remotely brick devices that are used by someone who's been permabanned, like rather than tell them they've been permabanned the moment they try and access the site their computer gets flooded with viruses and malware
been here for years actually and I'm just fine with it, even with the upsurge of idiots in the last couple of years
>honestly I see no real problem in that
Me neither, desu. I find the "Ze ze zim" shit annoying, but I've never seen rpg.net mods try to enforce that sort of thing. Frankly it's nearly impossible to determine someone's gender status through a forum unless they're really upfront about it.
Did you forget that people post from phones now?
That's actually fairly trivial to do if you have control of the website in question, but I don't think an hiro would risk jail time to fuck up a few /pol/acks computers.
I do recall getting banned a month ago for implying a poster who was degrading women was in fact only doing so because the only woman who would kiss them is their own mother, and even then it was with fake plastic novelty lips.
Honestly I kinda deserved that one.
Also, I came here expecting to see 60 posts of shitting on RPG.net and instead I found thoughtful captivating discussion.
This is why I keep coming here.
You don't see it because generally, anyone who steps outside certain boundaries gets infracted and either scared off, or does it again and gets banned. They appear fairly tranquil because anything that goes against the groupthink is just removed.
It's terrible, but still probably not as aggressively bad as the somethingawful tradgames forum.
Yeah, except it's revisionist horseshit.
At the end of the day, most of GG really was just consumer activism, with outlying troll assholes.
The consumer activists got what they wanted, and went home.
The troll assholes stayed around being troll assholes, but were in such small numbers that they could be easily ignored.
Except a certain goddamn useless subgroup of leftists finds it convenient to have boogeymen around to complain about, so they've pretended that GG remained a viable concern long after they didn't matter.
Guess what? Gamergate didn't stop anybody from, say, going to vote in the 2014 midterms, but I'm pretty sure the left got their asses handed to them. It's almost like progressives decided they cared less about the actual political situation, and more about tilting at every goddamned windmill they could find.
And somehow, that's the fault of 'illiterate adolescents'. Yeah.
the 4E community is ok, mostly because it might as well not be a part of GitP proper.
On the point of why RPG.net is a far-left shithole, unless they've changed the policy since I last visited, there's an explicit rule not to question any woman's account of sexism, which besides creating obvious perverse incentives has ramifications when the most blatant horse shit is posted, since you end up in a situation where people are banned for pointing out that things like that "white male terrorism" article consist of the biggest shitthatneverhappened.txt in the world.
Eh, Veeky Forums is probably one of the most mellow board on the site. Even homos on /lgbt/ are way more /pol/.
People here hate rpg.net since forever though. You may disagree with their politics but it's not a bad place to discuss rpgs especially less popular ones. There a lot of sage greybeards there who really know their shit, just stay out of Tangency and you're golden.
RPG.net is a good place to get ideas and ask people questions and for a different kind of engagement than what you get on here.
Antagonizing the moderators of literally any site thats useful is stupid if you want to maintain access. Free speech isn't a thing on the Internet and your peen doesn't get bigger because you got banned for calling someone a faggot off Veeky Forums.
Make use of it. Hang out here. Literally everybody wins.
What's the point of joining a site with the intentions of discussion when you can be banned for doing so much as stating the "wrong" opinion on something?
Say what you will about Veeky Forums but at least I can call people faggots for reckless faggotry and not have to worry about a reputation or the moderators shitting on me for not being PC enough.
RPGnet was always shit
Fuck off, SJW
>/po/ vs SJW
Those origamifags are at it again.
>>It's definitely a lefty site of the "Respect my pronouns!" flavor
>honestly I see no real problem in that
Well well, a cuck among the wolves.
What's the point of political grandstanding on a forum about pretending to be an elf?
>Those origamifags are at it again.
Maybe they've had enough of people calling their hobby cultural appropriation...
>there's an explicit rule not to question any woman's account of sexism,
So if a woman accused RPG.net of blatant sexism, their mods couldn't question it without getting banned?
You've made the mistake of thinking they're not massive hypocrites.
They don't follow their own rules.
Long live the utopia and long may the mods not reign
Didn't they forbid all discussion of Deadlands on RPG.net by virtue of it portraying the Confederacy as somewhat sympathetic, claiming the setting was racist even though the Confederacy in Deadlands abolished slavery and the game outright says not to focus on the racism and sexism that was common in that era unless you really want to?
Veeky Forums had a massive swing to the right in the last couple of years.
Hell, we were /d/lite, /totally gay/
We often had bara generals and the like
No, they banned it because it's a product from a competing company.
Has that changed?
We don't have bara generals because they're off-topic, not because we've become prudish conservatives or something.
I'm glad that shit is done with. Remember, the majority of people aren't fags. Now that the pendulum has swung back, it's back in the closet with you homos.
It's because /pol/ has supplanted /b/ as gateways to Veeky Forums.
In days of yore, most people entered Veeky Forums through /b/, which had no agenda, no morality, no culture, no nothing, other than being mostly opposed to mainstream and being offensive and also that being an asshole to cats (and most animals) wasn't okay. You were just as likely to catch a kitty cat pictures thread, as you were to get burned corpses or shitty incest porn comics, which was all in good fun. It was all about do whatever the fuck you want and not about having a consistent board opinion and community.
Now people come in through /pol/ and they think the entire site shares those same interests or opinions. They think every other board is just a subforum for /pol/ to talk about dem damn kikes and homogays ruining everything forever, damn lefties. Say what you want about those faggots from /lgbt/, but at least they don't bring their cockmongling ways into every discussion and make it all about that. And it's not about being a thin-skinned leftist tranny faggot, I'm just sick and fucking tired that every place is shat up with this kind of stuff. You can't throw a lighthearted jab at either direction anymore without instantly getting caught up in a shouting match or being banned from more heavily moderated places.
So basically, Tangency is rpg.net's /pol/?
If they're the flavor of internet hypocrites I'm used to, she'd get called a dude, or accused of internalized misogyny, or gently and very patronizingly 'educated' on the subject (if they don't shut her up with the good old not-my-job-to-educate-you).
>Say what you want about those faggots from /lgbt/, but at least they don't bring their cockmongling ways into every discussion and make it all about that.
/lgbt/ is hilariously /pol/ except on a few gay/trans issues though. It's uncanny.
>So basically, Tangency is rpg.net's /pol/?
Kinda, but they are nowhere close to the "looking to be offended and demand for blood" level of crazy that /pol/ and some parts of tumblr are into.
>>He's trouble brewing, don't be fooled by him being a genuinely nice person even to the women in the group
that had to be bait/falseflag
Veeky Forums is also a pile of shit
If that's true, then the /lgbt/pol/ ship is all the more appropriate. In what way are they similar.
What do you mean "other than Veeky Forums"?
>In what way are they similar.
It mostly manifests in homos and trannies calling the other kinds of homos in trannies that they don't approve of degenerates, campaigning for "traditional relationships" (as in one masculine homo/tranny and one feminine homo/tranny) and general racism. Shit's bizarre.
Yeah, which isn't surprising when the regressive Left wants to import people that want to fucking murder them.
Still, they don't go into every thread with "WHAT IF HE WAS SUCKING COCK, THO?"
Turns out that being homosexual, bisexual or transexual doesn't make you an automatic proponent of inviting uneducated, undeveloped people with no intention of applying themselves in a positive way to society. Sexual preferences and political and societal opinions aren't linked.
An incredible number of /pol/tards are also not white.
Reason why Veeky Forums isn't as magical realm as it used to be is that moderators are more prone to delete NSFW content. It has nothing to do with politics really and magical realm is still relatively common.
>I want equality for every member of LGBT!
>No, only if they think and act in manners that I deem appropriate!
Horseshoe theory, I love it.
I've always said that /pol/ and SJWs are two sides of the same shit covered coin.
I want to know what TTRPG boards are dominated by neo-nazis cause I haven't really found anything like that. It would be interesting to see do they actually play MYFAROG and RaHoWa.
Except /pol/ doesn't riot, burn down neighborhoods, destroy businesses, and murder people. SJWs do. Big difference.