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Innocent Tau player gets bullied by Orkfags edition

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Claimed for the XVII

>being a puppet to your own chaplain

For the Reborn!

4th for the 1st

What do y'all think?

What is the most This Guy faction?

Should get more artillery, Emperor's Wrath is the best anything these days.

Imperial Guard or Orkz

I'm not sure what's better. Use a Tech-Priest Dominus with 2 Kataphron Destroyer Units in a CAD or War Congregation OR use a Holy Requisitioner.
Other half is gonna be a Dominus Maniple with a 5-man squad.

Going to be a 850 point tournament.

I actually don't see anything wrong with giving a DP the Axe of Blind Fury. Most things that have a chance at hurting it are WS5+ anyways, which means that they'll hit WS8 or 9 on a 4+ anyways, and anything WS4 or less was already going to die. Being S9 on the charge means that it can also wreck the day of any vehicle in the game due to the massive amounts of attacks it can generate as well. The only real downside is what happens if you roll a 1 on Daemon Weapon, but other than that, if you're already taking an extremely killy HQ, why not take guarantee it slaughters everything?

oddly enough in whfb 8th fiends or seekers had poison attacks, it's different in whfb since poison is an automatic wound on 6s to hit. slaanesh plague drones (how about renaming them love bugs instead?) now move 12", assault move 2d6 and run 6+ rerollable d6.

if i was going to redo the weapons plague sword becomes rending, death's head becomes lash of despair, rot proboscis is rending on 5s, venom sting gives hit/run maybe

no idea about screamers

I am unaware of this meme

educate me as to what 'This Guy' is

the opposite of "That Guy"

The Nice guy, fun to play with. Overall enjoyable while not a push over. Antithesis to That Guy.

The Mace can instant death things with Eternal warrior for just a few more points. A Daemon Prince is quite a points investment in the first place.

Also, why are you not taking a traitor legion's daemon prince anyway?

as in someone fun to play who uses a fluffy or entertaining game? daemons. my daemon vs daemon game was really memorable over some tau games. we both played rather casual

Ah I see

Having played a few hundred games in the last couple of years, my best experiences come from Imperial Guard, Vanilla Muhrines, and Nids

I would say Orkz, but I play Orkz and I'm the only guy in the entirety of Mid-Missouri that does apparently.

Orks, fluffy Black Templars and from my experiencr BAngles.

Honestly, just mostly the armies that have been seriously fucked hard by GW to the point of their players just admitting defeat and rolling with it.

>Tzeentch Daemons are on the same tier as Gladius Marines.

Love bugs is a pretty good name. I think they get Rending by default, so trading that off for poison should be fine. It is also exchanging slow and purposeful for the opposite, so that's another upside. I think the Lash might be too many shots compared to the heads, but I could adjust that.

I like the ideas though. I'm less worried about the Screamers, as I don't think they gain or lose much.

I'd say a battle congregation, it let's you use destroyers, use canticles twice and re-roll your warlord trait

>The Mace can instant death things with Eternal warrior for just a few more points. A Daemon Prince is quite a points investment in the first place.
True enough, but honestly, I just really love the idea, mostly. A single, massive, unit able to slay anything in the game? That's cool. And pretty balanced, with it's point cost and inability to use psyker cheese or shooting phase stuff.

>Also, why are you not taking a traitor legion's daemon prince anyway?

I like giving my NL Nurgle Prince either shred or +d6 attacks, personally.

Alright, was my gut feeling as well.
Just not sure if a Canticle reuse is better or worse than having ObSec on those Destroyers, since I only have 4 Cult units.

Traitor legions gives everything with Veterans of the Long War stuff. Aside from all the free stuff you get, you also get legion specific relics.

I'm not sure if anything legions get are as good as the mace, but I quite like my Bolt Plate Tzeentch daemon prince.

Oh! I play Word Bearers, so nothing in my army gets anything that effects them other than free VotLW, and DPs have that stock.

Also the WB relics are meh/10.

rate my list

like i said, we were both casual. he was nurgle heavy and i was mostly slaanesh. i might hit like a trunk in melee but i'm usually pulling off oodles of daemons each turn due to enemy shooting

squad of 3 love bugs with lashes puts out 6 to 36 shots. yeah that's a bit much but i don't put a lot of faith in bs3 s3 attacks doing much. also slaanesh units have better ws and bs, but i would keep them as ws/bs 3

maybe give screamers ws4 as losing rerollable 1s is big

What makes IG so cool?

Why do people take Fateweaver CAD with a shitty Heralds Anarchic formation instead of getting alot more WC for summoning a BT or soulgrinder with a stacked Heralds Anarchic formation?
Without Kairos and compulsories you have the points for a good allied formation like a palanquin sorc with a relic rhino for seizing the initiative and a fire raptor so you can do something with your flyer aside from hide it in a corner. LVO winners take Kairos so there must be a reason

user from yesterday who had a game with a girl today.

Update: She never showed up.

>summoning a BT or soulgrinder

Cause those are worse than the stuff Tzeentch CAD summons?

you already posted this

Nothing that made IG cool are in the book anymore. Don't bother.

Want to start space marines but have no idea what I'm doing. Is this an okay direction?

Is the Rolling Fortress in 1d4chan good or does it just get OTKed?

That's what everyone summons via demonology..

Not fluffy for Tzeentch?

I mean, fluff-wise Soulgrinders are hated by everyone except mortals, but Daemons don't care about mortals.

But I dunno.

if it makes you feel better my date last friday ghosted me as well

Thanks for informing about it. What a rude woman.

Just make sure not to act like a salty faggot next time you see her and immediately bring it up.

Why do people do this?

You had better be taking that to a tournament because that's some serious WAACfaggotry. I hope an Ork player crushes you with his Nobz In Nauts.

Land Raiders and Terminators are fun but neither are good enough for competitive play.

Also, no reason for that Drop Pod on the Termies. They can deep strike anyway.

>Purity Seal twintails
I approve.

oh, that was a mistake, that drop pod is for the other tacticals and the raider is for the termies

>no reason for that Drop Pod on the Termies. They can deep strike anyway.

Termies are expensive for what they do. Typically they just eat up points and don't do much cause their Land Raider dies.

Don't do 10 men tac squads. You end up with 5 dudes standing around so the missile launcher can fire. Just go 5 man tacs with a special and maybe a combi weapon that matches and have them drop on a target or objective.

Then if you want to go infantry-heavy take Command Squads for lots of special weapons and Devastators for heavies.

Bikes are really good, especially with grav, but personally I find them kinda gay.

If you want some melee take a Shadowstrike Kill team (scouts and vanguard vets) or a Skyhammer (2 assault squads, 2 dev squads, 2 drop pods and ass squads take jump packs). Both formations let you charge immediately, though Skyhammer is way more powerful (and way too cheesy for many metas).

Because you were the worse option

I see, makes sense.

But yeah, in general it should work out as a casual starting army. Just don't expect to win any tournaments with it.

Anyone got a link for gathering storm 2?

well, you don't owe people anything you don't want to. it's easier to just avoid people and issues. the idea is the other person will get the hint and you found a better way to spend time

it's a shitty thing everyone does, and while it's not honorable ya gotta grow a thicker skin.

Not really expecting to. My first army (and only right now) is orks.

How's my list?

Not this guy you were quoting.

I am planning on doing salamanders.

Would you do all 5 man squads with either flamers or meltaguns with combimelt/flame for a sarge in each?

Should I save my multimeltas for devistator squads?

Well, the army itself isn't very strong and there aren't many annoying units in it, so it's not an obnoxious army to play against in any manner. They are weak enough that you can just barely win with a fun list.

And the players tend to be a bit relaxed. The worst you get from an IG player is some autist that won't shut up about WW1 or WW2 or tanks.


A Salamander Skyhammer with flamer assault squads + MM dev squads would be powerful, fun, and probably not tooooooo cheesy unless you're fighting Orks (in which case just take it as a CAD).

I actually prefer this things to stormravens, might pick one up and shave off as much of the wolf iconography as I can for my OC donut steel army thats in dire need of air support

how good are both variations gameplay wise?


Thread Question:What are the player stereotypes in 8th Edition.

Well, I did say there aren't many. Wyverns and Vendettas are probably the most obnoxious. The rest isn't so bad.

>Betrayal at Calth helmets look better than the numerous resin Mk IV heads already on my models


Maybe I can safely remove the heads and update them, but I doubt it. I've damaged shoulders and backpacks attempting this.

IG players are the worst when it comes to recommendations for new players' factions though, as they shill the hardest for IG in every way and its actually really fucking annoying.

>playing 1000 point game against gsc
>my army consists of 4 units
>2 of those units are characters
>turn 1
>lost a 10 man csm squad
>his patriarch returns to the shadow
>his turn again he rolls a 6
>puts his guy hq squad infront of my termie squad that consisted of Abaddon and a sorcerer
>he charges and declares a challenge
>I accept with Abaddon
>he does two wounds to Abaddon
>roll a 5 for Drach'nyen
>Abaddon wipes out the patriarch and his entire squad
>Abaddon then continues to wipe out every squad on the battlefield
>his face when

Same as they have been the past three editions
Sadfags who are angry on the inside that they got utterly fucked by the edition changes and then doubly shat on by their codex nerf, they quietly bring Wraithknights to games ever since scatbikes were made illegal again. Triggered by the sight of an Imperial Knight
Insufferable WAACunts
>Chaos Astartes
STILL bitching about how they don't get drop pods
If he plays Khorne he's either chill or a bandwagoner. Nurgle is bro-tier and Tzeentch players are rare.

Orkz finally get a massive buff to the point where they dumpster Eldar players and suddenly all the bro tier Ork players become the biggest dickbags around and we all complain about them.

Sisters get buffed to be Celestine tier and everyone complains they are more durable than Necrons. They get plastics and all the hidden beta faggots come out to play them. Suddenly there are lot more tranny Sisters players.

Guard grows mildly strong going from low mid to low high and suddenly the humanity fuck yeah and hold the line dumpsters grow louder and louder. Then one Guard player wins one tournament and all the Guard players brag about that one list for about 17 months and use it as ammunition for why Guard are actually a secret top tier army.

Space Marine players of any variety are still idiots and we don't like them just like every edition.


Theyre held on with superglue. Put the models in the fridge, then take a pair of ships, grip the model by the head and snap it off. Youll trash the resin helmet but itll come off clean

I am really only planning on running one assault squad.

What should I do with my 15 unbuilt tactical marines?

Who needs ork bits

ive got about 3 pounds

Yeah. Lashes are usually for characters in order to be shooting for the whole squad. Having more than one is a bit much.

This has given me a lot to think on though. I think I'll take another look at it in the morning.

Do bangel terminators have combat squads?

Don't want to freeze dry the rest of the model's joins.

>but I quite like my Bolt Plate Tzeentch daemon prince.

My winged Emperors Children DP with Shriekwave is the epitome of MAXIMUM FUCK to anything not AV14 and within 12" of it For one turn at least

Also, the relic that grants D3 Combat Drug rolls is also fun. A ML3 T7 S7 W5 Daemon Prince that flies, has Fleet, and Rending, and draws all of its powers from Discipline of Slaanesh is far from something you want to be near to.


Some of their FW shit is pretty obnoxious. The Malcador Infernus is just fucking retarded and absolutely unfun to play against, for example.
>mfw accidentally countered the Infernus player by bringing a Stormraven full of Termies and my trusty Ironclad

While I'm at it, the Stormsword is pretty faggotrocious on paper, but I've never seen anyone actually use one since everyone builds Baneblades and Shadowswords.

Speaking of FW, R&H players have become a new breed of cunt recently. I blame the LVO action, but their lists weren't exactly fun to play against beforehand since it's basically
>and now I'm going to fire my 20th quad mortar
>by the way can I borrow all your templates? I need to mark all this difficult terrain

wouldnt happen to have a spare claw from the new meganobz kit for making a big mek

pic related

So, the meme about ork players who gave up on life is true after all. Really gets that grey matter going.

What about Space Druchii?
Or are we just in the "Doesn't exist" category?

How much for all of it, finishing up my nids and I need more pain

>implying they're not superfriends with aeldari
>adarki aeldari

I'm with you on the bikes thing; I've avoided getting them with my Orks.

I will definately keep in mind the whole "4 random marines doing nothing with a heavy weapon guy" thing.

I guess this is a hold over from my Ork experience, but I like the idea of a HQ with his squad as a melee beat stick. Unfortunately I have no idea how to set up the wargear for the command squad but am definately up for replacing the assault termies with them.

Will also look into the shadowstrike kill team, assaulting out of deep strike looks really cool. I'm looking at vanguard vets and they've got so damn many melee options. Also don't mind scouts, just bothered by their helmet-less heads. Snipers aren't that good on scouts right?

i'd like some ork bitz, p-pretty please...

I'm the newbie from two 40k generals back earlier today who posted his horribly inefficient list. I've been revising it, but I'm committed to keeping the orky spirit alive and have lots of boyz, stormboyz, and conversions all around. I promise your bitz wont go to waste!!

>not making your entire army spore mines

yea actually

Drukhari are part of the Aeldari faction. By popular demand, though:

>Astra Militarum
Faggots who insist their army isn't cheese just because it's not top-tier. Think Necron players or delusional Taufags in this edition.

>Adepta Sororitas
Special snowflakes who insist upon the Imperial Inquisition dataslate being a fully functional codex.

They used to be as pessimistic as ever, until the latest Cruddex hit. Now they are extinct.

>Anecronsi insert witty trademarkable faction name my mind is drawing a blank
Took a hit with the removal of Decurion so you don't see them around much anymore. Those who do still play are the dark horses of their group.

R8 my list out of 28


Codex: Deathwatch
Unbound 1850


28x Deathwatch Terminator [1,820]
[1x terminator [power fist, storm bolter, cyclone missile launcher]]

1x Deathwatch Bike [30]
[1x biker [chainsword, bolt pistol]]

Would bring a Riptide against/10

Well yeah FW is never fun to play against. I'm just talking about normal IG. Not the OP garbage people army that is R&H.

How do you do anti-infantry in a Chaos Space Marines army?

I'm looking to get into 40k and I have been using the mathhammer website to determine how much different weapon loadouts kill stuff, and it seems like bolters don't really have great numbers when you factor in cover and such. Since I haven't played a game it's hard for me to visualize exactly what "good anti-infantry" looks like, and I don't want to drop money on models just to be disappointed since I know the codex is already considered underpowered (I will probably get the Traitor Legions book though.)

A lot of people at my store seem to play lots of blob armies so I'm probably gonna need to be able to take out buckets of weenies. So far it looks like:

>bikers with flamers, since they also have twin-linked bolters and relentless
>noise marines with sonic blasters

Anything else? I was also wondering if it would work to have an army with lots of rhinos and take a havoc launcher on each one.

Don't even fucking joke.

>FW is never fun to play against
But that's wrong.

>I'm just talking about normal IG. Not the OP garbage people army that is R&H
There's a lot of overspill. A lot.

You're an idiot and you don't matter. Opinion invalidated.

You tell him, fuck OP forgeworld fuckery. Some guy brought in a rapier and I just packed up my wraithknights and warp spiders and left.

>it's the fag who gets triggered by people not irrationally hating FW anymore
Since you're STILL living in 2003, do me a favor and tell past me not to hit on the blonde girl. He'll know the one.

>IG players
>ever obnoxious
I dont think its possible, the IG has been a good army for exactly one edition, and it required you to be mech most of the time

>removal of Decurion
I haven't really paid attention to sleepy skeletons in a while, but what?

I know what you mean.
Some guy brought a Death Korps of Krieg Siege Army to the table. I refused even humor the idea of playing my Skyhammer Annihilation Force or my Gladius against that bullshit.

Edition changes can change a person, user. Taufags used to be bros.

forgeworld raped my warboss, killed my orks, and stole my heart!