Story time. I'd like to hear your “I shouldn't be alive” stories that you're most proud of...

Story time. I'd like to hear your “I shouldn't be alive” stories that you're most proud of. Mostly looking for players getting clever. Miracle Crits can come too, but are you really PROUD of that?

I'll start.

>Playing SR3 after breaking out of forever-DM
>New DM is shit, but I'll take it
>Group all rolls characters. I roll decker/rigger because holy shit resource A was broken
>More money than I could ever need, start tricking out my safehouse
>Secret underground garage to store cars and illegal shit
>Garage let out into a secret passage into the Ork Underground, giving me a good escape route
>Helipad on the roof, because I can
>Building was built old as fuck, still had lead in the walls

Did a few runs. The team got pretty close, looking to me as their leader. Equal parts me knowing the system best, coming up with good (and occasionally funny) plans, and them being used to listening to forever-DM.

>Just got out of a run gone bad
>Tried to kidnap a sim-sense star to screw MegaMedia, one runner and the starlet got killed when Police kicked down the door
>Recovering, get a meetup with another Mr. Johnson
>He's working for MegaMedia
>Wants us to do a run for him for free to make it up to him
>Tell him to frag off; we work, we get paid
>Pulls out character's real name
>I call bullshit; we've fucked up, but never enough for them to have my name
>”I have contacts. I know things”
>Yeah, ok, whatever. So GM is upset that we don't want to do this run
>He offers to pay us a pittance, I tell him to fuck off
>He threatens us, I tell him to try it, and then head back to the safe house
>I play it of cocky, but I'm freaking out


>”Alright, so there's people we need to kill, we're going to need to find a new safe house, and-”
>Commlink rings. It's our Fixer
>”You guys turned him down?!”
>GM's still mad we turned down his job. Fuck him, we're off the rails
>”Yeah, and next time you want to give us a job, get us something that will PAY.”
>Packing up, just got my team into the secret garage. Commlink rings again
>”What do you want this time, Fixer?”
>”Look outside.”

For those unfamiliar, in 3rd Edition, KE was the big guys on the block for corp security, backed by the megacorp specializing in big boom. And they were surrounding my fucking safe house because I turned down a job. God Dammit.

>”They've promised to call them off if you do this run.”
>”...alright. And you can't negotiate them down?”
>”They're really on you about this.”
>”NO SHIT. Alright... They win. Have them send someone to meet with me at workshop.”
>GM has this smug fucking look on his face. He thinks he's won. He's wrong.
>”Alright, they'll send Mr. Johnson, and-”
>”Fuck that. Have them send someone who can actually make decisions. If I'm negotiating my freedom here, I don't want to be talking to the courier.”
>They wind up sending the fucking VP of MegaMedia. Flying over in a helicopter
>Jesus GM was smug. He thought he had us over a barrel
>Meanwhile, I'm prepping
>Send my team out in my favorite car through the secret exit
>As far as the GM is aware, they're just leaving bugging out so they don't get seen
>In reality, they're making sure a path is clear for me and my motorcycle after shit hits the fan


Continue. Sounds interesting.

>I'm keeping my plans secret. If GM had the chance to plan around me, he'd come up with more bullshit
>Do simple shit. “Can we assume I have silver spray paint?” “Can I take apart the remote to my Trideo Projector?” “Can I disassemble my computer?” “I still have my biomonitor, right?”
>GM thinks this is odd, but doesn't see how this could help me, OK's it. Still thinks he's won.

>VP arrives. Meet him in my apartment above the workshop. I'm all ready. I have a notecard I prepped to flip.
>”I'm glad you've decided to do the smart thing.”
>”So am I. Which is why you'll be leaving, and giving a general order to delete my records from your database.”
>”Fixer said you were taking the job.”
>”Yeah, I lied to Fixer. You're going to do what I say here.”
>”We have the building surrounded, and my bodyguard could kill you before you get two shots off with whatever pistol you have.”
>I laugh. GM has been cheesy this whole damn campaign. It was my turn
>”You don't understand. I'm not trapped in here with you. You're trapped in here with me!”
>Flip the notecard, explaining what I had. I'd taken a memory tube from my computer, spray-painted it silver, and glued a button from my remote onto the end and a biomonitor onto the other end.
>I'd made a fake detonator and just pulled it out


>”If I do this run for you, I'm a pocket runner for the rest of my life. If I don't, I get shot, or hunted down with my real name.”
>”Either way, I'm dead. I have no problems taking you all out with me. If I press this button, this city block goes up. If my heartrate dips, this city block goes up.”
>”You want to walk out of here alive, VP, you're going to give that order.”
>GM pipes up. “They scanned the building! They know there's no expl-”
>”Old building, remember? All sorts of lead in it. They got shit for readings.”
>GM thinking of another way to railroad us, but at this point, he realizes he's been beaten
>The VP wants to live, and has no reason to doubt my character's being serious
>They're not getting a good look at the detonator to see that it's fake
>He gives the order and leaves. As he's going back to his helipad, I fuck off down my tunnel to our new safe house
>And promptly sever all contact with that damn fixer who may or may not have set us up.

And that's the story of how my character won by calling in a fake bomb threat to his place of business.

Jesus christ your GM was a faggot.


Did the GM get better afterwards?

>my character's a half-orc Barbarian in a 5e game
>in the last adventure he found a Lightbringer mace, which is +1 and also deals 1d6 radiant damage to undead
>the party is now exploring a temple full of cultists of Talona
>after killing cultists and other nasties, I used up all my rage for the day
>also contracted a sickness so that I can't regain health with short or long rests
>still exploring the temple, my character opens a wooden door, different from the stone slabs that we encountered up until now
>as soon as my companion sets foot in the room, the door slams close behind me, pushing me into the room with the fighter and the cleric
>there's not enough time to check the door, because from the sarchopagi in the room two mummies claw their way out
>we engage them
>I go first, hit with my two attacks one of the mummies for half of it's health thanks to good rolls
>cleric tries to bash mummy with nonmagical weapon: doesn't work
>mummy glares at me
>wisdom save is shit
>mummy attacks, crits
>con save is +6, I should be good right?
>nat 1 the con save, now I have mummy's rot
>still paralyzed, cleric is getting beaten up by other mummy, fighter does a bit of damage because of shitty rolls
>I can't do shit because I'm paralyzed
>mummy attacks again, hits, I go into negatives
>use half-orc racial which allows me to stay at 1 HP
>mummy attacks again
>fighter misses everything, nuffle hated him
>cleric is dealing with his own Amumu still
>my turn, finally free of paralysis
>swing, swing
>miss, miss
>mummy attacks again
>have an inspiration card the GM gave me the first session "Tenacity": when I hit 0 HP, I'm allowed one free attack before I go unconscious
>hit twice
>mummy dissolves into dust at the same time as I hit the ground

The others rolled better and killed the second mummy... in the next session we will have to go and deal with an adult black Dragon at level 5: wish me luck!

>Playing 3.x D&D
>Psionics theme game
>Group is two psions -- a noble girl kineticist with a deep desire to be away from home who roped the rest of us into helping/bodyguarding her and an Elan astral construct specialist shaper with a hatred of Illithids that rivaled your average Githzerai (me); an aggressively proselytizing cleric of the God of Fire; and a half-goblin Soulknife/Fighter gestalt that was mostly like Belkar from OotS with mind blades
>We'd been gleefully going off the rails without even realizing it. Kill when we should talk, talk when we should kill, missing clues and chasing non-clues. It was fun but it was high time we got ourselves back to the 'a' plot according to the GM.
>GM sets up an encounter intended to defeat and capture the party. It's a fairly balanced, decently optimized group 6 EL higher than our average party level, which should be a curb stomp
>The GM's mistake was going at Psions when we were fresh.
>Goblin Belkar wins initiative and goes toe to toe with the Paladin. Cleric comes next, serves the God of Hellfire and brings us a wall of Fire nicely separating the remaining enemies into left, right, the paladin in front, and the ones in the ring.
>Psions go nova in their own ways. Protip: Maximum force Kineticist powers HURT. Big, strength-sapping Astral Construct appears to take over the right to handle the enemy dwarf followed by crystal shards being jammed into whatever needs killing.
>Left side of the map, with an enemy ranger and wizard that came around from the back burn to death between powers and flame strike.
>Paladin and Belkar still fighting it out, but Belkar is a trip-AoO fiend who's just keeping paladin on the floor and building damage.
>Dwarf on the right falls down.
>Enemy cleric chick forces her way through the wall of fire, taking a ton of damage.
>Shaper starts Ego Whipping her

>All focus collapses on the Paladin. Soulknife has cut him good, energy bolts start landing along with inflict and the astral construct lumbers over.
>Gets cured by the enemy cleric but we are still bursting like hell. I think he finally dies to a construct critical.
>Shaper blows his very last PP on another Ego Whip which rolls max damage and reduces the cleric to 0 CHA unconciousness.
>End of combat the enemy team is very dead except for their healslut who's not able to fight back. Our team is one totally out of gas Psion, one Psion with maybe a power or two left to her name, a Cleric with a couple low-level spells, and Belkar who's basically at full strength. We're out of gas but didn't really get hurt or threatened with death, much less capture.
>GM seriously needs a moment to contemplate WTF just happened and regain composure.

Reading over what I've written I guess it's a bit of 'you had to be there' but the tldr is that we manhandled an encounter that should have just wiped the floor with us thanks to tactics and the unparalleled ability of 3.x Psions to go nuts and spam max power moves if they really have to, and instead of getting captured and having to make a daring escape we took the last survivor of the capture team prisoner and ended up 'marooning' her on the Astral Plane (figuring it would be tough but not impossible for her to get home from there) when we were done asking our own questions.


Corp VP: "We have your name, address, and the name of your first pet. Cross us and we'll kill you.
Me: *Holding fake detonator* DELET THIS

A bit. I went back to DMing not long after that, which got the party back together (I hadn't realized at the time that they were leaving because they were sick of his shit). He's running a D&D 5e game, but we're only two sessions in. It's tough to tell if he's gotten better.

Ah, the inverse miracle crit. "WHY CAN'T I ROLL ABOVE A 2?!" Good times.

Good luck with that Adult Black Dragon, user! If you try real hard, he might choke on your bones!

Neat, either way. Surprised you didn't just have heal slut heal your party and then kill her. Marooning her on another plane seems like one of those "fates worse than death" deals.

Nah. He meant well, but he was a first-time gm. He fell into the "Me vs. The Players" trap. I did too, my first couple of sessions.

Alright, OP here. Let's breathe a little life back into this thread with a shameless self-bump.

>Be me, different campaign, different GM
>Playing through a HEAVILY modified Temple of Elemental Evil, with a fuck-ton of house rules
>Playing heal slut/support caster Priest of Hermes. Chaotic Neutral because I can

>Early on in the campaign, buying horses
>One of our Blade Singers buys the meanest horse they have
>Giant black fucker, has returned five times to town without rider, literally named “The Devil”
>Smells of sulfur. Looks directly at all of us at once. Detects Neutral Evil. Not sure what the fuck is up with it
>Blade Singer buys it happily
>The Devil actually saves our asses once or twice. Kicks down a chained-shut tavern door to let the party save my dumb ass from getting jumped by our rivals
>Eventually, Blade Singer leaves the group, Devil reappears with a newbie ranger we brought in
>Killed newbie's escorts, agreed to be newbie's pet, possessed a blink dog, then proceeded to appear randomly for the next 8 sessions or so, breathing fire and shit
>Pretty cool pet to give the newbie, NotEvenMad.jpg
>It does seem to listen in on our conversations even when it's not here, though

>Meanwhile, I'm getting nervous
>I'm piecing together everything, why the big bad is fighting with the other big bad, et cetera
>Trying to figure out why a NE entity gives a shit about a LE and CE feud
>Eventually settle on an eventual “Curse your Sudden but Inevitable Betrayal” moment
>Share this with the party, party gets pissed
>”Why the fuck would you say that? Do you want to piss off the best member of this party? What the fuck, man?”
>Devil appears. Looks at me. Suddenly get visions of hellscape, then back where I was. Devil still looking at me
>I shrug, say “I'm not wrong, here, but I'm out voted,” and we proceed

>Two sessions later, we've just rested up from a fight. Devil's been quiet. I'm suspicious, get a piece of paper, put a glyph of warding aimed at Evil Outsiders on it, OK it with the DM, he isn't paying much attention
>Also prep a mundane message on it. I have a plan
>Turned out I was fucking lucky I got paranoid when I did
>Devil shows up in blink dog form after rest, informs us that since we don't want him with us, we would have to fight him to prove we could handle ourselves
>Strike down my form, and I'll leave you be.
>Party tries to throw me under the bus. “No, no, it was all OP! He's the only one who doubted you!”
>I even point out I was unanimously voted down
>Too bad. You all act as a team, or you die as a team
>Attacks. Rogue and Ranger refuse to fight him, stand in the corner with their weapons away, hoping he'll spare them
>Take some harsh damage from fire-breathing blink dog, but manage to kill it
>Wait, why are we still in initiative?
>Shows back up with most powerful enemy in the general area. Forget its name, but we called it the super beholder
>Had a death ray eye (that only worked once, because GM didn't want us calling TOO much foul on his TPK)
>Also force push, cause light harm, Acid Arrow, and anti-magic beam out of his main eye. Fucking neato
>First round, Ranger gets teleported away (still don't know what the fuck, he left soon after) and rogue is death ray's target
>”How's not being with me working out for you now, bitch?”
>Fighting hard, pretty sure GM buffed the monster's HP hard core
>Party falling, I keep getting targeted by Anti-magic ray so I can't just bring them back up
>Berserker is fucking its day up, forcing it to choose between holding the rest of the party at bay, or holding him at bay
>Eventually Berserker falls. Everyone is in negs except me and our other blade singer
>The Devil offers us surrender

>”When I win, I'm going to resurrect your comrades. The only difference is whether you experience death first or not.”
>”And if we win?”
>”Then obviously you don't need my help, and I'll leave them dead.”
>Blade Singers are oath-bound to defend elves, half our party are elves, he surrenders
>Fuck that, I'm not compromising myself, but I have a plan
>”Alright, Devil, I'm not surrendering, but I'm not an idiot. I'm going to drop a note on the ground. Deliver it to Blade Singer after I die, but DO NOT READ IT. It's for his eyes alone.”
>Devil agrees. Rips out my intestines with his teeth
>Delivers the note to Blade Singer. Player looks at the note, looks up at me
>”DUDE! I thought we were having a moment there! What the fuck, man?! We were cool!”
>DM curious, Blade Singer refuses to show it
>Specifies the beholder extends an eye stalk over to look at the note
>I cackle, Blade Singer sighs and hands the note over

>On the bottom was the note to the Blade Singer
>”Blade Singer, I ask that you be the casket-bearer at my funeral. I'd like that you could let me down one last time.”
>At the top of the note:
>”I thought I told you not to read this?”

>Glyph goes off. Electrical Damage, which I knew the Blade Singer had crazy resistances to
>Blade Singer saves. The Devil doesn't
>23 damage. The Devil had 13 left.
>Get dragged off with the rest of the party to go get Resurrected. Don't hear from the Devil again

And that's the story of how I found out that the pen IS mightier than the sword.


That was a fantastic read.

Lucky, clever, and funny. Good work.

>>also contracted a sickness so that I can't regain health with short or long rests
>>bad rolls

my fighter had a similar experience. 18 AC and spent an entire night getting annihilated by enemies that were only +3 to hit. I literally only managed to dodge one attack the entire night.

Partway through the session, we encounter a bunch of rats. We kill the rats fast enough that only one has a chance to attack me, but that was somehow enough. With 18 AC, this rat with +3 to hit manages to bite me, but not only that, I fail the DC 10 con save against disease despite being +5. Now I can't can HP from short or long rests, or from Second Wind. Party is currently trapped in a giant spoopy haunted castle and no one is high enough level to cure diseases.