Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

Ovipositors for dead guard players edition.

>Dank Dweekend Duncan

>40k rules reference in wiki format. 204% Organized

>Rules and such. Use Readium for epubs. Sorry, it's shit, but it'll read 3s.

>Latest GW teases

>Latest GW attempts to fuck up your list

>40K 7th Edition Quick Reference Sheets:

>Here's the list builder, but if you've actually bothered to read this far, ask for it anyway!

>Another roster making program that may or may not be a broken piece of shit

>Forge World Book Index:

>The Black Library (Dark eldar now welcome)

Other urls found in this thread:


First for Fallen are loyal

second for guilliman

First for orks

Primarchs for 40k in March.

>I 2

Remember to field a 1500 point army consisting entirely of tyranid warriors.

Priests don't count towards the required HQ choice according to the sisters of battle codex. And no, I'm not gonna be the first in my meta to bring the Gathering Storm bullshit into a game.
I'll keep your recommendation in mind though.
Also I don't own half the models in that list yet, I'm just brainstorming on what to buy next.

I tried watching that but I fell asleep because it was so boring. "Static" trailer might be more accurate.
Besides everyone knew a Primarch was coming back since three weeks ago or whenever they showed Girlyman's model.

some pdfs

Oh shut up.

I'm so sorry that it wasn't a blockbuster trailer with explosions and shit.

I shall not fail, no! It is the Abbadon who shall taste the greatest of them all. As you know most of our spiritual liege is stationed in stasis ready to defreeze.

Could I get the Imperial Agents codex as a .pdf?

>whenever they showed Girlyman's model.
I haven't seen it. What does it look like?

>not using the superior 1850 tournament list

Not even that but there's literally nothing to be excited about
"Woo GW is ruining the game even further"
"Woo news we heard in more detail a month ago"
I don't have the picture but he looks like a thousand son with downs syndrome.

I'll upload it, check the link in a few minutes

Our plot armour has been prepared in the event that our jobbers should be so bold and so foolish. We have place numerous deus ex machina allowing for multiple, simultanious and devastating defensive ass pulls.

How's this for a list

Guess which

Priests count as HQs as per Imperial Agents.

Just curious. I've never seen someone field a list like this. How does it do in casual games?

I'm thinking of starting tyranids, and this looks like fun.

I think this is actually worse than fielding Rhubrics.

>1850 pts.
>12 models on the field
You don't want to win objective games, do you? The only thing you'll win is kill team and only against anything that can't table you. Heck, a full Imperial Knights army will beat you even in kill team.

Oh, and any drop pod/alpha strike army will have you neutered before you play a turn. Have fun with that.

>kill team
Kill points. Fuck me sideways with a chainaxe.


It does in Imperial Agents.

Sororitas command squads are elite in IA but are HQ in the FoC formation.

It just proves that GW just copy pasted everything in IA.

I need help, Veeky Forums, I need a Dark Angels successor that's easy to paint.

My "community" plays some shitty format where only 1/2 the objectives are worth points. I thought that bringing nothing but high aw would've been interesting since the local meta is full of waac-ing and rule jewing.

Wait until rules for Cypher and the new fallen come out, then paint them all black.


Symbol will be a bitch to freehand but what the fuck do you expect. I think this is about as simple as you're gonna get mate.

>all white

have you ever tried painting an all-white army senpai

Is there a list of iron hands successors with paint schemes?

hey Veeky Forums wanted to ask a rule question

played a game against a chaos player the other day and he had a flying daemon prince which charged me the same turn that it switched flying modes and i was wondering if there is some sort of rule that allows them to do that?

You declair at the start of the turn if its flying or on the groud. if it on the floor it can change if its in the air it cant
simple brah

That's retarded. You should kill them and wear them as a warning.

You'll never see someone field that kind of army, it's like $500+ worth of the worst troops choice and worst HQ.

In an actual game the CC warriors would get shot to shit and they're the only hope for killing TEQ or vehicles, the shooting warriors would be outstanding VS blob infantry but worthless VS anything else.

It would be fun to see, but would probably serve to highlight how bad warriors are.

>Sororitas command squads are elite in IA but are HQ in the FoC formation.
>It just proves that GW just copy pasted everything in IA.

Based user.
So which one am I supposed to use? The only difference between Codex: Sororitas and IA seems to be that there are no restriction with the "secondary" characters like priests and command squads. And why would you want a sororitas army led by a leprous priest?

It's bone, not white, and bone's pretty easy so long as you use a white primer. Trust me, I have Deathwing.

As for white armour, the secret is to use white only for highlights, and paint the actual bulk of the armour in an extremely pale colour like Pallid Wych Flesh.

Thanks for that.

At least I know why I've never seen anyone run that kind of list. The standard lists I've seen always had the flying hive tyrants, and I don't think I've ever seen the warriors used.

I guess I was hoping that there was something different that was semi-viable.

Alpha Legion are loyal

And the lack of Celestine in IA

However, the official ruling is that you can use either.

You can kinda pull a DE with the priest and use it as a 35pt dump HQ so you can take more shit.

my friend is either retarded or i am retarded.
A space marine has both boltgun and bolt pistol in his wargear right? He can't choose to have only bolt pistol or boltgun right?

They have both.

actually 'brah' the rules state in the book that it cannot declare a charge in the same turn that it changed flight mode so how bout doing some reading before replying

thanks a lot, user, pretty sure he's trolling by this point, because he's still sure that they can't have both, because he thinks that a model can only have one shooting weapon and forgets that marines still need something for CQC

pff, reading is for thousand sons brah

The oficial totally GW approved ruling is use either.

You can use Adepta Sororitas, Inquisition and Imperial Agents. Since the SoB and Inquisition are the same faction in IA (respectively) you can mix and match units from either codex.

You can run an IA Inquisitor while using an Inquisition Henchmen squad.

In other words no FoC Priest, Servo skulls and 10 points Psykers are still a thing.

A tyranid warrior costs 30 points base, (more than 2 tactical marines) and is objectively worse at everything except assault and is only slightly better at that.

What Alpha Legion? Never heard of them. Are they some kind of GENESTEALERS?

Did you know there actually ARE Genestealers on Terra? Everything from Purestrain to Gen 4 almost human mutants.

Any model can carry as many weapons as they want. I think in 30k some charakters can stak up to 13 pistols, guns, volkites, combiweapons, needlepistols, relics etc. its just no very useful

If a model with stealth is inside a vehicle, doors it give the vehicle a better cover save as well?

If i put my dick inside invisible unit, can i still see it?

Well, I mean, it's a planet-spanning hive city. I'd be surprised if there weren't.

a-user, that's lewd, but also a correct answer to other user's question

How do you model a csm sorcerer on a bike? do you have to kitbash something or is there actually a model?

Lewd you say?

It also depends how the invisibility is achieved

Cover a biker in sorcerery bits or glue the top half of your sorcerer onto a biker's legs.

You greenstuff a wizard hat onto a regular biker kit.

That sucks. Especially since they are such a great looking model. Hopefully they get rebalanced in 8th edition.

Primaris Psyker managing to cast Invisibility on allied Sisters of Battle without perils.


When will GW start putting out models for the rest of the primarchs?

Special characters don't count for me, I always avoid them if I can, unless it's something like Belial who unlocks terminators as troops. Or at least used to, his special rule could be that he makes cotton candy for the enemy these days and I wouldn't know.

We're not going to get models for all of them. We're only getting Magnus and Roboute now because they're involved in the plot.

Belial just stops his unit from scattering when deepstriking now. And is better than a generic captain in challenges. Deathwing are just taken through formations now.

I use those models as psykers with my SoB army. Penitent Psyker are kind of thematic.

Why lewd? Well because it triggers some people.

when will we get an Adeptus Sororitas Start Collecting! Box?


Does it make your neckbeard tickle with excitement? Those don't look like 40k models at all.
Nice to know if I ever end up going back to Dark Angels.

Never as GW think girls are gross. Same reason why IG, Ork and Nids don't get new stuff. They are girly armies

thanks. I suppose the same goes for the chaos lord?

No, just a small giggle at best. I can't properly waac. So everything helps when facing non retarded waac players

Well obviously you don't WAAC if you play sisters of battle. But I think thematically I think it would be more appropriate to have naked men as psykers
Being lead by a cockleash

You need a plastic range first

so can someone clarify here? does a chaos prince have some sort of rule which allows them to charge when changing flight mode? or did i get fucked over? help?

That kinda mystifies me actually, GW made a plastic sister to sit on the turret of the immolator, so why the zog not a basic infantry unit?

>girly armies
What did he mean by this?

All female army having male models?
I'm not following.

Even trying to get female Acolytes and priest.

Banter and calling the other players coward for not going within Flamer range. Since they are scare of girls. Helps a lot. Some times people fall for it and make stupid mistakes trying to counter my silly claims

All female army craving for cock

Beside Nids girls usually play IG, Orks and SoB.

Eldar from time to time, but that army is mostly for closet homos

Heresy! They only crave vibrating chainswords

Try harder user.

Why do you think what he said is bait?

He's right, y'know

Men in uniform is a thing you know.
Orks are asexual
SoB have power armour corset and some girls dig that.

Eldar being gay is an old as fuck joke.

Ah i know, you took offense in him saying Eldar players are mostly closet homos. I agree that this is not true, most of them are openly gay

why wont girls space marines

Being this out of touch.

Are you from GW?

Boring? It can happen but if we go shitty psychology 101, marine are a male power fantasy. There is very little for a girl in marines, beside turning them more girly.

what about necrons?

Same reason they wont date you
Boring, bland, bad social skills

Same thing as marine they do not offer much. Unless they have a crush for mechanical shit and Egypt themes.

AM and GSC no idea since they are rather new army.

If I run three squads of repentias, at least one of them should get into CC right?

>There is very little for a girl in marines
Unless they are awful fujoshis way into bara.

I've never met a woman who plays Skitarii or Admech in general

Yeah, I wonder what a woman could get out of Genestealer Cults too . . .
