Moments in rpgs where players were you simply killed players characters

ITT post times that you simply killed placers characters for any reason.

ill start

>be me
>gm'ing 40k only war rpg
>one of the players characters has somehow survived multiple campaigns
>his character is a decked out veteran that leads the other players in most of the battles
>is always a pillar of strength for the rest of players and npc's
>decide to fuck that up
>one battle i introduce a commissar saying that he will be evaluating the players since he has heard of the heroics of the veteran guardsman and his unit
>really its just a ploy so that the commissar can witness his failure
>during the battle they are bum rushed by a swarm of blood crazed cultists
> see the fear in the players eye as he could very possibly loose his decked out veterna
> decides to retreat to save his characters life
> commissar rolls in with his unit moments later to witness this cowardice and blow away the cultists with his men
>after the battle the player is interrogated by the commissar for cowardice
>tries to bluff saying that he was moving to a more advantageous position
>rolls nat 1
>commissar shoots him in the face in front of everyone to set an example
>this character literally survived multiple grueling campaigns just to be shot in the face like a bitch for slipping up once

You sound like a terrible, inept overall shitty GM.

On charges of cowardice, you are sentenced to death!

I dont have any stories of being a shitty GM killing players cause im jealous & insecure. I did kill one players character because the player made the choice to sacrifice himself to hold off some ogres, letting others escape, before the castle they were in exploded. He knew doing so was suicide, I told him upfront, but he wanted to test out a new character concept & he felt fulfilled with the story of his dead character.

Rolling a nat 1 in Only War is a good thing you fucking faggot

>One-off game of Dark Heresy
>Only two players, heretical tech-priest and drug-overdosed psyker
>Planet is in the midst of an apocalyptic daemon summoning
>Two of them have to break into a puritan Inquisitorial vault and find an ancient AI spirit that can fight back the daemons.
>With the help of some underhive mutants, they succeed in getting into the vault and finding the device.
>It's about the size of a human brain.
>"You peer within it and can see an infinite number of platinum triangles, spinning like three-toothed gears. You can sense the great consciousness spinning away within."
>Tech-Priest: "I immediately wire it directly into my brain!"
>Me: "Really?"
>Tech-Priest: "Really."
>Me: This will almost assuredly overpower your consciousness and possess you."
>Tech-Priest: "I know."
>Me: "Alright...Make a Willpower check, minus 50."
>He fails. His mind is replaced by the AI entity. His body reforming to a platinum skeleton in the AI's image The player leans back and relaxes. He is very happy with the results.
>Rest of the game involves leading the AI-controlled Tech-Priest to the daemon summoning pit, where he promptly jumps right into it.
>Greater daemon is summoned, but is slowly being consumed by the AI from the inside, weakening it every turn.
>Psyker just has to survive six rounds.
>He makes it to five before burning his last fate point and being crushed by the daemon.
>Daemon is dissolved away by the AI the following turn
>AI turns world into techno-magical hellscape
>Planet is exterminatus-ed three days later.

>running an Enerron game
>party ignore story and just dungeon delve
>give up and make dungeons
>6th level and they start to branch out
>get word of town sacked by dragon and lizard folk
>immediately go, do no research on dragon
>ignore any talk by lizardfolk, attack
>go into aquifer nearby looking for nest
>same day find the village and attack more of them
>bruised battered and tired they go for the dragon farther in cave system
>find nest, spend 5 rounds in open preparing spells

Three rounds, it took an adult black dragon three rounds to kill them all. They used no form of energy resistance, the rogue charged him after barbarian got ripped to piece and the two mages and ranger stood and fought.

I kept asking if they were sure about going there, made several statements about how long they had been active and how wounds itched from the lizardfolk fight. They just kept walking, minds glued to dragon treasure.

In this thread: things that never happened and adavanced baiting.

In this ^ post, shit that has been said since 2010 to make oneself seem cooler.

Shut up newfaggot, this is a bait thread plain as day to anyone not a retard.

Here's how I know you're lying.

In Only War Nat 1 is the best you can get on your roll. Legitimately that Commissar should have praised him and set him up for a promotion, likely never scrutinizing him again.

Learn the system before you try to BS us.

This seems to be a common theme for one-off Dark Heresy games.

>be me
>be gm for a psychotic homebrew
>spent 4 months balancing classes and races
>using a dice system self created that everyone likes
>game starts
>players start arguing on what to do
>One player overpowers another
>literally rapes other player
>other 2 players get physical with city guards trying to stop rape
>kick sigh into maximum overdrive
>send in elite guards to get back on track and fix the rape
>players stand no chance
>fights elites anyway
>campaign over
>can't help but laugh
>you live and you learn

>be me
>running ow campaign
>group finds undamaged land speeder left behind by some space marines
>idea was for them to salavge the speeder for parts and ammo
>one person suggests they use it to assault the orks
>even though they are totally untrained for this type of machine, one person manages to peer pressure everyone else into going along with his crazy plan
>somehow he manages to roll under 10 and is able to steer the speeder in the direction of the orks
>start shooting at and wrecking the orks
>first obstacle comes up
>rolls to steer the speeder in a new direction
>fails by 8 degrees of failure
>speeder slams into a wrecked tank and explodes
>3 /5 of killed instantly on the initial impact
> the other two are ejected and scatter
> one scatters away from the orks, but is impaled onto some fortifications and dies instantly
> the last guy scatter towards the orks and lands behind their lines, lying in a cirppled heap
> orks roll up and rip him into pieces

should not have allowed them to pilot the land speeder but i did anyways because why the hell not.

I'm pretty sure this post falls under "Shit that never happened"

Or just "Shit"

> Running Last Breath of Ashenport
> Players watch as NPC attempts to escape via rowboat
> Half mile into the ocean red tentacles whip out of the water and smash/drag the boat and NPCs into the water
> One player decides to investigate
> He wants to investigate by swimming out there alone
> AreYouSure?.jpg, AreYouReallySure?.jpg, DidYouSeeWhatJustHappened?.jpg, ArentYouGettingTheHint?.jpg
> Player is really sure, literally swims out there with nothing but his sword strapped on
> End up using the stats of the boss creature, easily wipe the player
> Everyone is upset at me for the PK

It's like they thought fighting a unknown creature with giant tentacles in the ocean alone was a good idea

I hate to break the news but your players might be clinically retarded

I can just imagine a land speeder storm but instead of being driven by scouts having a bunch of asshole IG trying to pilot it

god thats hillarious

A commissar evaluating the players could have introduced an interesting plot twist.
Perhaps the commissar was not impressed with their courage and reassigns the squad to a penal legion -> There you go, enjoy a Last Chancers style story arc.
You had an opportunity to advance the story and develop the characters. Perhaps this commissar could have turned into a minor antagonist for the players?

All of those possibilities are closed off now because you shot a PC in the face.

and i enjoyed ever second of it

watching his sorrow was like bathing in warm sunlight on spring day.

Is this only for GMs, or does in-party murder count?

>5E homebrew setting
>party happens across a ruined village as night starts to fall
>start setting up camp outside
>party warlock has been possessed by a devil in his past
>starts hearing whispers in his head
>starts wandering into the village
>half the party starts following to try to get him back to camp
>my blood hunter is sensing a significant fiend presence
>fuck it, I'm still following them

>follow the warlock into an inn
>it's trying to play it smooth, invites us to dinner
>barely even need perception rolls for that one
>try to politely decline invitation, want to leave so we can return in full force
>devil senses I'm a blood hunter
>"Y-yeah, so you'd better back off..."
>things haven't quite gone to shit yet
>party sorcerer gets up in the devil's face and taunts it
>NOW things have gone to shit

Continued next post...

>fight begins
>devil is beefy, but there's still enough of us that we should be able to scrape by
>monk takes friendly fire AoE from the warlock (they don't like each other)
>monk takes friendly fire AoE from second sorcerer, who is a new player, was already in the village, and doesn't know us ICly yet
>monk says fuck this shit and literally runs off, leaving the party forever (player was tired of the character anyway)
>imp reinforcements show up
>we're so fucked

>there's a lull in the fighting
>devil tells us he'll let us go if we give him the first sorcerer
>party bickering begins
>eventually just throw my hands up in the air and start to leave
>"Figure it out for yourselves!"
>secretly hoping the sorcerer turns himself invisible and manages to escape
>can't do anything for him, though, we can't fight and none of us have the utility to save him
>sorcerer turns himself invisible and tries to escape before any of us can leave
>devil magically seals the exit, tells us either the sorcerer dies or we all die
>my character is pissed off, actively helps to look for him at this point
>eventually we find him
>start kicking him to death
>we actually whiff half the attacks
>after a long, frustrating and humiliating beatdown (for all of us) he's a bloody pile on the floor
>devil scoops up the remains and tells us we're free to go.

>we return to the rest of the party outside the village
>we gotta lotta 'splainin' to do
>DM, trying not to laugh, informs us that everyone who participated in the beating is now one step closer to Evil
>mfw I was already NE

It's a fun campaign, but my god that entire encounter was a trainwreck from start to finish.

>my character is pissed off, actively helps to look for him at this point
>eventually we find him
>start kicking him to death

Not me, but a game I played in years ago.

>Late 70s, D&D in college, pretty casual
>Oops I'm dead, Level 5 better retire, where's my sheet
>Laughs, beers, & pizza
>Invite over another group
>They show up, books, 3-ring binders, costumes (!!!)
>Power players, min-max PCs, munchkins
>They use AD&D, we don't.
>Game starts, homebrew dungeon crawl
>Game is BORING, power players BORING
>+2 this, +4 that, ring of this, wand of that
>Enter room, fight, kill, loot, heal, repeat
>Power gamers really snide, this game/DM sux
>Enter room, ARROW TRAP
>DM rolls behind screen
>Uh oh, it went through your eye slot.
>Uh oh, it's poisoned too.
>You're dead.
>Screaming starts. Show me the die!
>DM picks up die, rolls it in his finger until crit number shows
>Screaming really starts
>Tears flow.
>We're leaving.
>Toddlers stomp out.
>Open new beers, start game over, laugh.

In our defense the sorcerer had repeatedly shown himself to be a complete idiot, and not a very personable one at that (ICly, that is). I don't think my character ever saw him being useful. Ever.

Player took it well in stride, though. Was even laughing when the beatdown happened.