This is how I druid.
This is how I druid
Other urls found in this thread:
This is profoundly impressive as its stupid.
This is how I cleric
>dat hat
who is this fluid druid
This how I witch.
something something drow, something something Ed Greenwood's magical realm
This is how I DM when the party decides to murderhobo
This is how I artificer
I hear Nazi science was really bizarre -- what was it actually like?
As in it was really flashy but in the end accomplished nothing? Yes, very yes.
Imagine Willy Wonka but with slightly more blood than chocolate and also sewing the Oompa Loompas together to make conjoined twins.
This is how I gnome sorcerer
This is how I druid
sucy succ me plz
She probably gives the driest BJs
this is how I druid
My fucking dick.
>I hear Nazi science was really bizarre -- what was it actually like?
Take everything completely unethical in modern science and do it.
Like sewing twins together to see if they developed mind powers.
The """""scientist""""" Josef Mengele who did the twins experiments was absolutely obsessed with twins well beyond the bounds of sanity and his experiments were the stuff of nightmares.
And he fled to Cândido Godói in Brazil. A town famous for it's freakishly high number of twins.
This is how I knowledge: forbidden lore
I don't know why this arouses me
This is how I bard:
They didn't accomplish anything they set out for (except culling), but Mengele *did* make many advances in surgery.
This is how I paladin
oh c'mon at least give me the author, I'm drawing blanks
This is how I druid.
This is how I gunbunny.
Thread should still be up on /aco/
Gotta respect the man, he got what he wanted.
Found it and, well... can't say I didn't get what was on the label.
You know how Japan tends to moe-ify everything?
oh, and that's how I cleric
Thark a cute!
I wanna cuddle the Thark!
This is how I Dark Heresy.
Two nukes weren't enough.
WWhat would Cyril and Pam be in this scenario?
Seneschal and ogryness
OK, but what about Coked Up Hot Season 5 Pam?
This is how I MinMax
ogryness daemonhost
They discovered the hidden benefits of milk.
Well, America's(and likely Russia's) space program would have never gotten off the ground without Nazi scientists.
Also, we wouldn't know as much about hypothermia.
little witch academia
>How I wizard
>The Beast
Thats how I World of Darkness
the majority of it is fake, just wartime propaganda. the japanese are the ones who did vivisections and intentionally inoculated people with bubonic plague
Well isn't this one peachy Promethean: The Created hook.
Google does nothing. Sauce?
holy shit shes so obnoxious
It was not really science half the time. The nazis were not much better than the commies who tryed to create the robot with a dogs head. Bat-shit crazy
I'm lonely enough and possibly white enough to date her if she was available.
Plot twist, it turns out you're playing 2E
>image now becomes "how I cleric"
>Plot twist, it turns out you're playing 2E
Not even /osrg/ likes 2e.
I do. I like spiders .
Now play the same file back in reverse!
This is how I druid
I remember this thread
Invented the rocket engine and jet engine.
>achieves nothing
You're never going to live long enough to get your venom immunity, are you?