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Press F for all the decks the Link Summoning has rendered irrelevant
They all told me I was mad for running Noble Knights. Well who's laughing now??
Not me because fuck Kaijus
>decks the Link Summoning has rendered irrelevant
Will this meme ever die? Only poorly constructed r4nk spam is dead. If your deck needs more than 2 extra mons at a time to function then maybe quit being degenerate.
this game is so fucking awful
Enjoy another format of tier 0 Kozmos.
Considering how much bitching I've seen in magic threads here of late magic isn't doing much better of late.
We still find it fun.
It's amazing how many people use the excuse of "it's fun" to excuse something shit. Just because it's fun, doesn't excuse something from being fucking awful at it's core. This is the problem. People are satisfied with shit so they keep getting given shit. No desire to improve.
Yeah, user. Magic being shit totally makes YGO not shit.
Make a better game then m8, I promise I'll play
Nice strawman. Get a better set of standards for the game you play. It's why things like yu-gi-oh and 40K are in the state they are.
It's like Konami and Wizards are racing each other to the drain.
I'm well aware it has massive, gaping flaws, I still enjoy playing it though so they don't bother me as much. I'm just as willing as you to point out that only a few decks at a time are really viable in the meta but I don't really play the meta, I just stick around the bottom tiers playing my shitty themed or experimental decks and having fun seeing what strategies people have come up with.
Fuck pendulums though, they can suck a dick.
Magic is doing pretty well right now actually. Unless you count the constant bitching over card prices, but that never stops because everyone thinks they NEED a perfect mana base. Power is finally creeping back up in Standard, we have an Egyptian set to look forward to, and there's going to be new art for Snapcaster Mage and some other staples in MM3.
anyone got a good deck list for this archetype, seems like it'd be fun
no F from me, I'm glad about it for the most part, game's gotten ridiculous since Synchros became a thing
I wish they would release a set that look like the Egyptian tablets, even if it were just a collectable.
Images are down so i'll just post the deck list
>3 of each of the skull servant cards
obviously the key cards of the deck used to support the king
>3 Mezuki
used to revive things from the graveyard
>3 Shiranui Solitaire
for going into uni-zombie turn 1 to do prince and omega plays
>1 Shiranui spiritmaster
Literally just for dumping with swallow slash to blow up an extra card on the field
>1 glow up blub
For random syncro plays including Crystal Wing and naturia beast
>3 allure of darkness'
Draw power plus you can use them in combos with Weightmare for extra plays
> 1 Soul Charge
Nice to have if you can draw it and want to go really crazy with synchro stuff
>1 Foolish Bural
for dumping prince or Mezuki
>1 twin twister
for backrow removal and to get cards out of your hand
>3 Shiranui style swallow's slash
blows up at least 2 usually 3 cards on the field for pretty much free since you can use it to tribute useless cards or cards like prince that will give you more advantage
>3 needlebug nest
for dumping a shit ton of cards at once
Extra deck
>1 Void ogre dragon
can be useful and is pretty easy to get out and use its effect since you should be dumping your hand ASAP
>1 crystal wing dragon
Great card you can get out pretty easily with glow up bulb
>1 scarlight red dragon archfeind
Big beater + useful effect that can burn for game
>2 Psy-frame lord omega
Your best friend. You want this guy on the field ASAP to recycle Mezuki
>1 stardust spark
It can come in handy
>1 clear wing sycnhro dragon
Good effect plus its a stepping stone for going into cystal wing
>1 oif both Black rose dragons
Just a handy way to blow up the field
>1 naturia beast
Just a good synchro to have
>1 castel
Yeah you should know what this guy does
>1 Minerva
for deck thinning
>1 leviar
for throwing out banished things onto the field
>1 dante
deck thinning
>1 sylvan princessprite
best rank 1 to have
missing two cards
That card has some of the best art I've seen in Yugioh. Not because it's particularly nice or anything, but because it perfectly conveys what the card's purpose is: it draws strength from dead Skull Servants. Besides this card, the best I can think of that does something like that for a monster is Mine Golem.
>open deck box from some 4 years ago
>Gem-knights, dual terminal series meaning that they were released here in the HA packs meaning they're all foiled.
>the foils are curved to hell and back
>the non-foils curved with them because of the pressure from the curling
>that deck cost me like 100 bucks.
>can't even post an image
Is it possible to make/is there a good deck that doesn't rely on the Extra Deck?
I forgot to post the 3 uni-zombies I use (the deck total is 41 cards but you can drop Glow up and Crystal wing / Naturia beast if you find them too gimmicky
>skull servant deck
>extra deck support
>having an extra deck at all
Uni-zombie is by far the best way to dump the cards you need in the graveyard (see Mezuki and Prince) and that perfectly sets up an Omega play that will literally pay for itself right away.
You would be retarded to not do it
>not giving yourself options at the very least
Soon it will once again be the POKEMON TCG era. Praise.
I don't feel good beating up kids though.
>Ehther, Pantheism and Stormforth at 1.
Seems good to me.
I haven't played for some time
So Synchro, Fusion and Xyz are irrelevant now?
What about Pendulum and Rituals?
Saying this now
> Rituals
Since when has exodia been relevant?
When Chicken Game was at 3.
Topped nats a few years ago IIRC.
Here's the thing about card games:
You get all of the good cards out in the first or second releases.
After that, you need to come up with progressively more bullshit cards with progressively more bizarre and esoteric crap on them to be original.
Then, because all the new cards are worse than all the old cards, you need to ban all the old cards from play.
Here's a (You)
Not , but he's right you know? Look at HS, it's taking the same path of YGO and MTG: UTTER CRAP
Except Yugioh has been getting better. VRAINS isn't out yet, so I can't say if the game will get better or worse.
Are there any good decks currently that aren't centered around an archetype?
How can I play YGO online since DN has been shut down? I've been out of the game for a long time.
Define centered.
Cause lately they've been mashups of two or three not really anything pure.
Its infinitely better than DN ever was. Cause its automatic.
And there's always tradecardsonline too which is exactly like DN in everyway but it has other card games along with yu-gi.
Well, in the past, stuff like chaos/DaD didn't rely on an archetype but was still very good. Same thing for virus for example.
thanks lads
I'd switch Synchro and Ritual, but only because I'm a nostalgiafag. Otherwise, good list.
well, to get better that the absolute mess it was isn't that great of an achievement
Old guard here, what's the difference between advanced and traditional format?
Can any of the egyptian gods be made viable or have a deck built around them?
I'm looking at Ra or Obelisk since Slifer is pretty useless
>Ra or Obelisk since Slifer is pretty useless
>the one that kills anything that's summoned with 2K attack or less and reduces anything above that margin by 2K
>is useless
>not Ra the worst real life god card
But anyway.
Maybe you can tech one copy of Obelisk in Monarchs.
As long as you are just playing a casual game against friends you could make a dedicated Slifer deck that works.
And in the meta people are side decking Sphere mode cause its a three monster Kaiju.
I shall teach you the ways of the ball.
Calm down Sora
>Ra the worst
But the sphere has a pretty good effect, doesn't it?
How is its ATK/DEF determined while it's on the field though?
You ready for tranny mummies and gay sphinxes? So hyped!
It doesn't have the anime's "gain attack equal to the tributed monsters" thing.
Its either it has 0 atk and you can use its destroy effect or you pay all but 100LP and to give it that much ATK. You can't choose how much you pay its always to 100.
Ontop of not having the same protection Obelisk or even the small amount Slifer has.
No I meant the sphere, how is its ATK/DEF determined since its effect doesn't state anything about that.
>not having the same protection
Aren't all god cards unaffected by spells and traps, though? Or was there a change?
I mean, I hadn't thought of it but I suppose I am. I was also excited for Shadows Over Innistrad, but I was wrong about that.
Nope. Obelisks has always had as part of his protection, in real life, that he can't be targeted and hes the only god card that has that protection.
He can still be dark holed.
>Beating up kids
>Not getting beaten by kids and parents
Nigger, have you even read the fucking things?
Immortal Phoenix is unaffected by card effects
>Aren't all god cards unaffected by spells and traps, though?
Only ones that target, and only when they're being summoned (iirc obelisk has the most immunity while ra/slifer are easier to nuke)
It's not a mess unless you're a retard. Even children can understand the rules.
To be fair.
Some of Konami's rulings are retarded and contradict game mechanics.
Is there anywhere to find relatively high res versions of cards like this?
>other staples in MM3
They've only spoiled the packaging art. All of which are under $10 cards on a 9.99 premium product. Griselbrand being the only thing that see's play in niche modern decks. Domri at 5, Angel at 2 and Grisel at 8. Those are not the reprints anyone needs. Also that box art has not been confirmed to be snapcaster yet.
Magic is garbo because literally everyone who plays it talks like they know anything but they're all actually retarded.
You have a point. The OCG publishes rulings regularly, don't know why the TCG doesn't do the same.
>that kid who's parents give him way too much money and you get shitstomped by his deck.
There's this 13 year old at locals with high rarity Zoodiac. It must be nice having rich parents that buy you the latest meta deck
it wasnt tier 1 but the deck was still decent before those cards even came out.
Advanced Format: Limited/Forbidden list in effect.
Traditional format: Limit of 3 of any kind of card, Limted/forbidden list NOT ENFORCED.
You got that wrong.
Traditional is just that there are no banned cards.
Banned cards are limited instead. Everything else is the same.
oh, well, close enough.
who the fuck plays traditional format anyway?
>Konami will never rerelease the sets in order starting with LOB while spacing out the releases and creating a format just for nostalgiafags
Why even live?
>wanting to relive staples; the format
What game is that mate?
I'm gonna miss playing pure Gem-Knights.
At least Brilliant Fusion isn't going to get limited now because of Seraphinite now.
How the fuck did you accomplish that in three turns without Lawnmowing Next Door or whatever its stupid english name is?
So, how long is it until people stop being stupid about Senet Switch and Ojama King and realize that the best card is Mind Control? Cause you can take your opponent's link monster and use it to summon your extra deck shit without wasting the resources to make a link monster of your own.
Exodia is the most magical deck in Yugioh. It will rarely be a big name, but it is always, always relevant. As time goes on, power creep in other cards can mean that Exodia gets unusual buffs, usually in the form of increasingly elaborate ways to shut down and stall, or look for pieces. It's total RNG, but it's magical to see how some decks utterly fall apart from the stall alone, let alone the wincon looming over them.
Don't forget the direct support its gotten lately.
>Play some yugioh back in the day
>Assemble an Exodia deck
>Rek shit everywhere, kids don't know how to TCG.
>Years pass
>Friends have spent hundreds of dollars keeping their decks "relevant" over the years
>I have spent maybe 20-30 on stall or fishing cards
>I have maintained about a 50-60% win rate the whole time
Exodia is Love. Exodia is Life.
>yugioh players
>ever not memeing
People are STILL trying to recreate this magical piece, despite the fact that it's never getting topped.
Makes me want to try playing Exodia
Where should I start?
One of every piece. Three Incarnate. Three Obliterate!!! And fill the rest out with draw, stall, and a few ways to get the pieces you send to the graveyard back.
Is Necross useful?
He's just a worse harder to summon version of Incarnate.
Its a free simulator
I got lucky and blind allured into a few needlebug nests
Because TCG's administrators are of the opinion that only judges are allowed to know how the game works.
I am not joking.
Not even judges, yo.
I became a judge years and years ago with an old email address.
When I logged into it this year I had like three emails from Konami and MAYBE one of them was about ruling changes or updates.
The judge facebook (and probably the old forums although I haven't checked them in ages) are where most rulings are posted.
Another problem is that the Head Judge of any given TCG event can arbitrarily decide to enforce his own rulings instead of the ones commonly agreed upon.
This game is so much better handled in OCG it's not even funny.
>Head Judge of any given TCG event can arbitrarily decide to enforce his own rulings instead of the ones commonly agreed upon
That explains the sangan xyz debacle.
Some Judge probably got a fuckton of Tour Guide back when they were like 30 bucks before xyzs were announced and wanted to sell them for an outrageous price.