Does the Imperium use genetic engineering to improve the quality and appearance of its citizens?
Does the Imperium use genetic engineering to improve the quality and appearance of its citizens?
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Why does her vagina have a rebreather? Did they swap her vagina with her mouth?
... why is there a rebreather plugged into her swimsuit zone?
So the baby can breath
Babies breath liquid dude
Haven't you seen the adeptus mechanicus? if those aren't mechanical augmentations to appearance I don't know what is.
As for Genetic augmentation... well if there standard of beauty is the Emprah, then all space marines count as this.
I hope you're joking.
Well, there was this one time they engineered a bunch of guys who accidentally the galaxy.
Wow, this is a whole new level of stupid.
sauce? this looks... mmmm... juicy... mmmmm
Widely? No. Although there are genetic experiments that happen.
I miss when people on Veeky Forums weren't retarded.
The worst part is, someone's probably going to either accuse me of being or else post some permutation of "only pretending" instead of just taking a moment to breathe, realize that not everyone on the Internet is trying to troll them, and reflecting on their life choices up to this point.
You can hardly blame us for immediately assuming troll. We're products of our environment.
>I was only pretending
>So the baby can breath
It's: So the baby can breathe.
Your whole post could hace been replaced with
for the sam effect.
Pretty sure mucking with genes in the Imperium is fine.
As long as you don't try to insert xenogenes in there.
Back in my time this was called a joke, not a troll.
And in good days we would get some homebrw about intra-uterine commandos.
>it's the "muh good old teej" meme again
There was a golden age of about two and a half, maybe three years for this board. Veeky Forums has been shit much longer than it's been good.
Of course not. That would be totaly different and heretic
>Veeky Forums has been shit much longer than it's been good.
Fixed it for you buddy.
No. Purity of the human form is one of the Emperor's central tenants.
Friendly reminder
>There was a golden age of about two and a half, maybe three years for this board. Veeky Forums has been shit much longer than it's been good.
No argument there. 2007-2010 was a delight. 2011 was when we got Nazimod.
No they dont. They dont clone either
Are you sure?
In obscure 40k trivia, there was a cloning project where they tried to clone all of the imperium's greatest heroes and legends (non space marine) and put them in one regiment. It proved to be a success, as they became one of the most effective kill-teams the Guard has ever had, except they were cursed. Each one would fulfill their mission to great effect, and through what seemed to be horrible terrible luck, they were killed.
I forget what they are called. But they were definitely clones.
OP allow me to say. If you look at the fluff, and what humans are capable of surviving and doing, realize that some form of genetic change must have been undertaken. It is most likely natural, but long-lasting artificial enhancement all the way back from the Age of Technology (awesome time) would make sense. Stuff like melta guns fire beams hotter than the core of a star. And there's no "Gets Hot" roll on that. Humans must have advanced genetically one way or the other. Mind you though, any artificial enhancements would be from Age of Technology times. For the modern fluff has practically no mention of gene manipulation in regular humans besides advancing to a Space Marine.
No. The wealthy elite may have access to treatments that can reverse or retard age, and grunt work slaves can be engineered for a task. But generally the imperium does not genetically enhance it's population
Probably. Don't see why not. One of the missions of the Dialogus is to mix n match noble breeding stock.
I mean, you're asking if the empire that lets people buy clinical immortality let's people look prettier. Seems obvious.
they do, or at least did, to improve survivability, growth rate and adaptability.
humans are stock, they don't need to look pretty or live good, just live.
Humans can and have been genetically modified, but usually by engineering new organs for implantation.
Those creatures that are directly enhanced are usually developed as servitors or pack animals. Biologis may sometimes enhance themselves and others, but even they toe the line of heresy. For the most part, genetic engineering is a forbidden science because of its potential to go disastrously wrong. Same with AI. Basically, these kinds of things are pulp scifi tropes that lead to evil horribleness and the Imperium wants none of that anymore.
But, yes, humanity of 40k is genetically changed. What might have happened in the Dark Age could have changed them, medical advances and the like, but one of the most significant developments was the emergence of psykers, and with that the epidemic of horrific mutation that comes with it. Also humans adapting to the extreme environments of their homeworlds, growing big and strong or stout and hardy from high gravity, pale and gaunt from low-gravity, or some other quirk of evolution that gives them a distinctive appearance or an odd adaptation, even so far as classifying them as abhumans.
you know, a stupidly humerous thought came to me.
What if all the humans that currently exist were actually smaller than regular humans and the Emperor and the Primarchs were actually the size of normal humans hence their giant sizes in comparison.
I am pretty sure that over half the Kriegs guard is either geneticly enginered, cloned or both.
Psykers weren't a dark age thing, just evolution. You're thinking of navigators.
I though the issues with cloning was that they didn't actually have a soul and thus were super fucking unlucky.
Hence being kriegers!
In the eisenhorn ravenor books a lot of random characters are gene modified, an inquisitor has got a goatlike head to scare people- i remember a scene at a space port too where everyone and their nan has had some surgery
Would you consider beeing born a Kriegsguardsman a lucky event?
>It proved to be a success
it's called the Afriel Strain, and it wasn't a success.
THEORETICALLY they were the greatest soldiers in the guard. But in practice they got fucked because of circumstances outside of their control.
>Afriel Strain
THATS what it was called. Jeeze I've been racking my brain trying to remember what they were called. Now I can sleep tonight, thankyou.
To my knowledge they are just vat-accelerated/matured with some biological hardening against toxins.
Instead of a 9 month pregnancy and rekonvalescens for the mother with 1-2 children they can cut it to 2-3 months, remove the babies and dump them in a tank to finish maturing, thus also allows them to "safely" go with up to a dozen or so embyos per woman.
To prevent the fluid from being absorbed via the lining of the rectum and vagina, as well as to facilitate access to the fetus in the event they need to.
This here
Krieg makes use of vitae-womb technology to accelerate birth rates. It's kind of a gray area within the Imperium but the Administratum doesn't bother to follow up on it as long as soldiers keep flowing in.
The 40k universe despises clones and will actively shit on them.
Possibly also to make in-vitro alterations to the offspring?
They Used To, But Chaos Happened, So They Stopped.
The imperium cloned a bunch of heroes of mankind. All of the aforementioned clones have *abyssal* luck, and Die Horribly accomplishing *nothing* and actually being detrimental to the Imperium in the process. Cloning stopped (read: it's a big fucking galaxy with wildly variable tech levels so someone somewhere is probably dumb enough to still be doing it on the grounds that 40k is consistent in it's ambient level of bad decisions) within the imperium.
Kriegers are not, officially, clones, the few glances into the life of Kriegers "civilians" suggest that 100% of the (visible) adult females are pregnant at any given time. However, after the revolution and subsequent scouring of Krieg, the base population was extremely reduced, so, there *may* be some kind of non-heretical fuckery going on with eugenics to prevent mutation.
I am so fucking wrong and remember nothing right.
The population is probably already enhanced to the teeth by DAoT biotech. When people can adapt to death worlds, lug autocannons arounds, and gain nothing more than a few tentacles from massice radiation exposure, they're probably not regular humans anymore.
yes, and?