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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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>Google Drive
>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
>Last Thread
metal gear solid and rising
Earth Defense Force
Mold zombies are gross.
if anyone needs it
Jump #10: Lovecraft
>Have you ever lived in a bad neighbourhood, so you just kind of keep your head down and hope the terrifying people don’t care about you and your place of business? Because this was the cosmic equivalent to that for me. I spent the ten years moving around the world, briefly opening the shop in one place, only to shut down a week later and move to Antarctica. At times, I fought off Shoggoths for the XP, Materials, and because they were trying to kill people, but for the most part I talked less, Smiled More, and tried not to get eaten
Digital Devil Saga
The God of Highschool.
>Fan-Fucking-Tastic. This was my first forray into the Shin Megami Tensei Universe, and it was about as fun as one would expect. I started off trying to be as heroic as possible and slating my hunger for flesh, which lasted for all of an hour before the first cluster of Angels Demons. They were fairly easy to fight off, but I realized that it might not be the best idea, a thought punctuated by Angel sending another cluster. It was at this point I realized that leaving a powerful genius with a grudge against me alone might not be the best idea. While early attempts to damage her powerbase lead to stabbing on the wrong end of the equation, I quickly managed to form an army of ragtag misfits with reason to dislike her, and tried to use outside influence to evolve them in beneficial ways, but only ended up causing minor changes in strength due to the oddity of Demonic Biology. My Attempt to create a Shoggoth Unit were fairly Successful, if inefficient, and giving the Soldiers Stands was met with Mild Success and few casualties, if with very few outstanding specimens. After a few months, I was ready to mount a siege on her base.
>While starting off I was at a rather heavy numbers disadvantage, after a few minutes Sayaka came in the with the Cavalry and brought a swift and bloody end to her minions. After her minions were gone, defeated by an array of outside context powers, it took a while to fight her alone. In the end, we managed to beat her using the Red Stone of Aja. From there, it was smooth sailing, aside from the Four Holy Beasts and Huang Long, who my benefactor informed me that I was supposed to fight. Genbu fell fairly easily, Seiryu ended up maiming me before Sayaka managed to get some good hits in, Suzaku took a while to beat but was manageable, and Byakko clawed my left eye out before one of my subordinates managed to use one of the Anti Alien weapons I made in world eight. At this point, I was just tired, so I took a while to sleep. Of course, this is when Huang Long decided to make an entrance and try to disintegrate me. After a few hours, several litres of healing potions, me dying and having to regenerate from a Soul Gem, and a variety of Almighty attacks from both sides, he was dead, and I could move onto the next… What!? Oh, you unbelievable-
Jump #11.5, DDS Part II, same Pastebin
Fucking Hell, More of this Bullshit? I spent the ten years alternating between Vigilantism, expanding my faction, running my store, Heavy Swearing, and eating demons. I saved some people, and I think I made a positive impact on the world, even if I wasn’t all that happy at any point in this godforsaken world. I swear to god, if there's a part three I'm going to just start crying and never stop.
Next Jump is Batman!
Val, do you still have DNA with a bardadium body?
Greek myth
Monster 1000 years old
Terrifying visage free
Beast beyond nature 800
Myth of a monster 500 (unbreakable skin/scales)
Receptive doves 400
Demigod -100
Cornucopia -200
Raidable farm free
Achilles heel 0
Does this look good? I couldnt tell if you picked your monster form or what so I became a hydra.
Added and thank you.
Hey Val, would Anathema from Smite bypass the Taboo?
please tell me there's whole set
The answer to all of these questions seems to be "your body is functionally the same except massively more durable" so I'd assume do.
Wait until tomorrow, Red just chased her out of the IRC because she can't take a joke.
That one comes down to wank, unless Valeria is also Somefaggit.
Possibly. Probably. Up to you really, though the Barbadium itself isn't genetic if you decide to go with that.
No idea.
What do Jumpers do when they're sad?
>Not just using an inhuman alt-form to bypass it on a technicality
She is tho. Quite one.
Either destroy some shit or save some shit.
Just remember to be careful around hungry rust monsters.
Make babies then use nikamoths fure emblem jumps to toss them into a baby dimension where they grow up fast so I can let them take over the world
I hang out with SCP-999.
I assume barbadium is non-oxidizing.
What are some perks that help you convince people to take you on as their apprentice? I know of the one in The Princess Bride and the one in Generic Xianxia, but I could have sworn that there was at least a few more.
While rust monsters prefer ferrous metals to other metals, but their power doesn't care and they're still quite happy to eat the latter too.
God of High School has one.
Well brood, hang out with my companions, then endure my various companions attempts to cheer me up. They mean well but it leads to a lot of misadventures and shenanigans
Still has to oxidize to rust, user. Plenty of non-ferrous metals oxidize.
Street Fighter Issues.
Combat Method perk gives you knowledge of a Martial Art, but it is a mundane one only unless you are from the Shotokan Background.
But the other backgrounds have high end perks that are supernatural Martial Arts.
Like Guru, Soul Power, & Senjutsu Apprentice in Drop In, Psycho Power in Criminal, Energy Sponge in Law Enforcement, Traditional Ninja (With Street Fighter) in Rouge, Muscle Power (with Street Fighter) in Fighter.
I think the Supernatural Capstone in each background should lift the limitation as well.
Also, The Ki Manipulation is implied on some higher end perks, but only Senjutsu is called out as granting its effects. What about Energy Sponge, among others. It seems like Ki manipulation in an implicit part of the ability.
Elemental Affinity, can you learn it within the setting? Can you train from the first level to the 2nd level?
That sounds like more of an entropy kind of thing and metal probably has an advantage over flesh in that regard.
Yes it is limited to mundane stuff. That is because all those others are capstones. Not free/100cp perks. Shotokan costs more to make up for the difference, among other things. Fail to see the issue here.
What limitation? Why would buying a capstone let you then buy other capstones for just 100cp?
If it doesn't say it grants it, it doesn't. Energy Sponge isn't Ki Manipulation in general, it's a specific power.
You could potentially learn it in setting but you'd need to find someone to teach you.
Uh, user, Rust Monsters don't operate according to RL physics.
Any metal they touch corrodes, even magical metals just take fractionally longer to succumb (unless used to damage the rust monster, in which case not even that).
And as an Ex ability, it's not even magic, it's just a cute little adorifying rust monster giving a sheer fuck-you to physics.
i think there's one in rick and morty.
So why do you still talk to Red anyway? She's a self-centered bitch with thin skin and ego issues, and if she's driving you off because her feefees got hurt she's got no right to bother you.
Then they shouldn't be called rust monsters, if they don't rust things. They're metal corrosion monsters. You can't blame me for assuming that something does what it says in the name. It's like having a "fire monster" that shoots lightning, and saying it's fine because fire is something different in the universe it comes from. No, fuck you, use the terms that make sense to your audience.
Birds of a feather, user. Val's a self-centered bitch with thin skin and ego issues, too, so they get along well.
We are thinking of two different Vals then, because she BTFOs anyone who gives her shit. Plus Val makes better jumps.
I'm thinking of the Val who insults people for not sharing her interpretations of canon and runs away from IRC whenever calls her out on what a bitch she's being. Probably not the one you're talking about, though, because the one I'm thinking of has never made a good jump in her life.
Heh, I actually suspect they might be called rust monsters just in part to annoy people who insist on a fantasy universe obeying RL physics.
In-setting though I expect it's because "rust" is what it looks like to your average dumb fighter who used Int as their dump stat and that's what they told all their friends, not because that's what's actually happening.
Does stuff you do to the Serene Mountain carry over to the mountain found on later jumps. I am torn between being the Enlightened Sage on the mountain, or being Kage of the Hidden Ninja Village.
So I am leaning toward getting the mountain and making the abandoned sprawling stone temple into a monastery, recruiting people there to train into Ninja Monks I can be Kage of. I am hoping my efforts will carry over into later jumps. Not the exact same people, but an inhabited monastery filled with people as skilled and well trained in my teachings as I left behind.
I love it when I see a shitposter talking to himself, it makes me feel so much better about my social life.
I was about to ask if boosted Tandem Style could be used to make Power of Nothingness and Satsui no Hado play nice with each other, but then I realized that getting it all costs 100 CP more than the maximum you can get.
Good jump, by the way. Having trouble deciding what I want to do.
Girls, girls, you're both pretty (fucked up assholes)
>Girls, girls, you're both pretty
Has saying that to a pair of girls ever actually worked?
No, there's two of us. He hates Red, and likes Val. I like Red, and hate Val. It's the yin and yang of shitposting, eternally opposed and yet needing each other to be complete.
Yeah, changes carries over. You could also just start with them combined the ninja village and mountain if you want, same with any of the property stuff you buy in the jump.
It can combine them if you had all three but yeah, seems it costs too much.
Glad to hear.
Are there any ways to become immune to the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception (Tohno & Ryougi)?
So you're Red falseflagging. Good of you to admit how sad your envy of Val has made you.
Perks that prevent you from being mystically sensed and scanned (I know there's one in Exalted: Infernals, just off the top of my head, but I'm sure there are others) should prevent the Eyes from being able to see your death lines.
Maybe if the fight was about "I'm pretty, you're ugly!" "No, I'm pretty, you're ugly!"
Oh, no, I'm not falseflagging for Red. I don't envy Val. I genuinely hate her. She's been pretty bitchy to me and has exhausted any good will her jumps have engendered. Not that there was much, after they consumed thread after thread with bullshit conversation about terrible settings. The jumps might be quality work, but there's only so much you can polish a turd. And when said turd-polisher is a huge bitch, well...
Would plucking out his eyes before he can react work? I don't know the setting, but it sounds to me like that should work.
Tohno is easy, if you're hard enough to kill he has an aneurysm before he can understand your concept of death. Ryougi is a bit trickier, but can be held off by similar methods.
Basically just make it really hard to end you via normal methods. This is one of those times that the Avatar Cycle perk is actually worth something, considering that the bones of a monk who gained enlightenment were enough to give Ryougi trouble.
I'm calling YOU Red being a whiny bitch about Val being better than you by a mile.
There's also one in Death Note, called Private.
Private from Death Note might work given that it stops people from getting information about you supernaturally.
Whatever you say, Val. Accuse others of sockpuppeting, I'm sure that will deflect attention from your own. Is it sad to know that the only reason anyone likes you is because you give them easy opportunities for powerwanking?
Name a setting you think is good?
>a monk who gained enlightenment
I'm springboarding here a bit, but what exactly does it mean to gain enlightenment? I keep hearing that thrown around in a lot of bullshit-anime contexts, but I don't know what that entails in practical terms.
Usually I eat something and spend somewhere between an afternoon and a month veging out with my Companions
So, I'd like to bring up the question of Crusader Kings again.
The original claimant has had no communication since 4 months ago. Before then, I completed Jumps of the other 4 games of the 5 game series it is a part of.
As such, I'm asking to take over the jump. Attached is my WiP.
Or am I interrupting something?
How much of the plot of cyber sleuth can be solved by killing rie/crusadermon asap?
Just the weirdest figurehead shitposting I've ever seen.
Be glad to have the last of the paradox series at last.
Mistborn, Actraiser, Eclipse Phase, Rick and Morty, Kamen Rider, Evangelion, Half-Life, SimAnt...really, the list of settings I think are good is much larger than the ones I think are bad. It's pretty much Nasuverse, 40K, and Gundam 00 that I hate. Anything else is tolerable at worst, but those three are shit. I have never met someone who liked them that wasn't an absolute cretin.
>still no divine blood perk
Cena, I am disappoint.
>No perk to found a dynasty of sapient horses
The plot changes a whole bunch, but the core problem is still there. Fuckin EATERS man, eating stuff.
I'm fine with it, personally. I don't know why everyone gets so hard on you about memes, plenty of other jumps have them.
Give it six months and if nobody peeps by then call time of death.
Basically fully comprehending yourself and the situation you're in. Letting go of all biases and seeing the world as it truly is with no preconceptions or prior beliefs affecting you. Enlightenment means understanding the world as it truly is.
Start here. Work your way down.
What's a good way to kill their asses and rescue Yuugo?
Hey guys. Been out of the country a few months, anything new and interesting come out since November?
>Salvation Through Descruction
Should probably note they can't be repositories you've built or caused to be built, otherwise you can just have people build dozens of libraries to farm breakthroughs.
>implying Veeky Forums is PEOPLE
I for one welcome our new Eastern Roman Empire overlords.
I like them so long as they're not stale and don't overtake the rest of the jump, but most people seemed really upset last time this came up so I didn't say anything.
Mistborn is pretty good. A jump for the Stormlight Archive would be cool when there's enough books out.
In real world dharmic religions, it means internalizing the truths of the cosmos. In Hinduism, that means understanding that you are God (and so is everyone and everything else) who is only dreaming that you're you. In Buddhism it means understanding that there is no you and realizing the falsehoods of the twelve links of the chain of dependent arising.
That all gets muddled by the popularity of Chan/Zen Buddhism in Japan, and hence anime. Chan Buddhism was founded by Chinese guys who were reading poor translations of Buddhist scriptures and trying to turn that into a coherent religion with a single consistent theology (which was impossible, because the texts were full of contradictions due to actually being a bunch of Indian theologians arguing with each other rather than a canon of sacred truths.) So you get weird bullshit like enlightenment understanding nonsense like "what is the sound of one hand clapping."
Then add to that pop culture trying to include monks with supernatural powers in cosmologies where that doesn't make any sense, just like vampires being weak to crosses in works where Christianity isn't real. So "enlightenment" may as well be "high wisdom score + divine magic" in most settings.
From me: Finished Metroid, finished the Lyrical Nanoha WIP after Ancilla passed it along, Kamen Rider Gaim, Kamen Rider Neo-Heisei Part 3, Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z got released as non-endjumps (had some help and approval from the floof), and then I helped Digger with a Kamen Rider Decade gauntlet/endjump shortly after making Kamen Rider Ryuki as a gauntlet.
Couple of questions about Greed:
Does it take a conscious effort to keep it active or could it stay active while you sleep?
If you wanted to use it on something like a Worm power or an Exaltation could you have it eat the host or would you need to capture and eat the Shard/Exaltation? And would it then switch over to being powered by life energy?
Jumpchain was declared illegal while you were gone, this is a honeypot and the feds will be at your door in 30 seconds.
Not sure if that's actually something you can do in the game. Probably is.
Will fix.
Probably doing the same as in the plot and ganking Queen Eater in the Digital World, I think. I didn't actually finish the game, got to the part just before the Digital World part at the top of the skyscraper and didn't end up progressing any farther due to reasons.
Aren't you worried you're eventually going to just break if you keep doing do much shit?
Or did it already happen and that's why you CAN'T STOP WON'T STOP?
I don't know if you could grab an Exaltation that way (though considering that Exaltations are really hard to grab a hold of if they don't want you to use them, it would be tricky), but an Entity shard isn't in the host. They've just got a little antenna in their brain allowing them to connect to it. I don't think you could gain Worm powers from eating parahumans, you'd need the shards themselves.
I don't believe it takes conscious effort but there's not really much info either way.
No, if the power source is external you need to eat that external source. In series Greed gets the powers of other Charyeok by eating those Charyeok, rather then just the user. Though sometimes it just eats both. Either way, for stuff like that, you'll need to make sure Greed swallows the source of the power, not just the recipient.
So something like being omnimon in the regular digimon jump for some firepower, and then just murderizing them?
What about Yuugo? Any way to rip him out before killing them?
Woah. Infinite reincarnation through your legal heir in all future jumps ain't kosher as a reward for the optional victory condition.
Seeing as I appear to have satisfied all the previous issues with my jump, I have posted the Peter Pan jump on the Google Drive.
I'm more worried about the fact I can't remember when I did most of these things.
I also did Kamen Rider Kabuto and Madoka: Wraith Timeline.
I think I did most of these in a single month.
Send help.
New Fate Stay
Fate Zero
Cluster Truck
God of Highschool
Street Fighter
Kamer Rider Decade Gauntlet
Madoka Wraith Timeline
Distant Sky Gauntlet
Superman the Animated Series
Digital Dvil Saga part 2
Dragonball Z
Dragonball AF
Dragonball Multiverse
How to Train Your Dragon
Infinite Stratos
World of Cultivation
Probably some more that I'm missing.
Did I leave that in?
Will fix.