A bunch of chaos worshippers crammed into a particularly large ship fall through the warp and end somehow they themselves into an uninhabited planet halfway across the universe, (strangely the warp is just as potent out here as it was back home) With nobody around but them, its time to do as the amish did and colonize.
Can chaos worshipers function as their own civilization?
Other urls found in this thread:
If they don't kill each other first, know how to farm, have something to farm, don't explode into daemons, etc.
There are strong suggestions that, although prone to a higher rate of failure, self-sustaining Chaos civilisations can and do exist, if a little warped by the use/exposure to the Warp and general mentally unstable nature of the elders. In your particular instance I'd say there's a decent possibility, but the planet would have to be quite habitable and kind to Humans, as without many DarkMech individuals or dedicated colonisation equipment/installations they're going to have to go full techno-barbarian pretty fast to survive anywhere less accommodating.
If you're really looking for an additional excuse then remember that Chaos does weird things and breaks laws, from a writing perspective it's best to keep this limited and gently expand your options around reason instead of 'lolitjusthappens' shenanigans.
There are the sabbat worlds, there were the Laer too...
Slaaneshi cult of perfection dedicated to farming would be the ultimate in a functional food society.
A khorne society built on honour would make an amazing world because everyone would always be trying to be the best version of themselves. They would rival the greatest humanity has ever seen through pure pride and good conduct.
Tzeench needs a world to keep an army in 10 thousand years so he sends off a cult who worship him to a back water planet. It grows and thrives until it all but forgets how it started, then one day the army arrives as their prophecy always said it would and it feeds them then continues as an outpost for Chaos renegades needing a port in the storm.
>Can chaos worshipers function as their own civilization?
Short answer: Yes.
I recommend you browse through the location fluff in the Black Crusade supplement books published by FFG.
>Slaaneshi cult of perfection dedicated to farming would be the ultimate in a functional food society.
Maybe initially, but Slaanesh's 'perfection' doesn't entirely correlate with effectiveness or efficiency, otherwise Slaaneshis would be the best at everything they put their lives to. What happens when they want to make the plants they're growing more aesthetic to make them 'perfect'? Chances are these newer plants won't be as efficient as the previous ones for growing a colony.
Still, I could see a pretty believable story about some pseudo-Slaaneshis who went full perfectionism on a colony's development and it gets out of hand, becoming some sort of nightmare perfectionist Chaos amalgam that's sanity-defying to outsiders but makes perfect, agonisingly imperfect sense to the insiders.
Yeah, it's a possibility, there's lots of Chaos worlds out there, some are moreso just planets which haven't been touched by the light of the Imperium or have been living under the rule of Chaos force long enough for it to become the norm. It's fair to mention that the more obvious the Chaos presence on the planet, the more spontaneous and heretical the entire planet is from civilizations to scenery, growing to represent the warp it mirrors until it eventually just becomes a daemon world, implodes for some reason or becomes a chaos warband and moves out.
Have you ever checked out the Daemon World novel, by Ben Counter? Not a bad read, and you get a really big WH Fantasy vibe in the earlier parts of it.
Black Crusade and it's expansions devote considerable space to describing Chaos-centered societies for the PCs to adventure in.
Or to come from given a few advanced archetypes.
Well, that's basically the definition of the Deldar so...
Yeah, there's tons of examples of them. The Alpha Legion fought a pretty stable chaos civilization in their Horus Heresy book. The main thing that showed they were chaos was their creepy religious practices, but other than that they had a stable, normal civilization. Their equivalent to "God Bless You" was something like "May Chaos Devour Your Soul For All Eternity".
Chaos can make their own civilization, we know this because thats what the warp is.
Its a vicious place little better then the Deldar's home, where might makes right but even on a abandoned world the abbility to perform rituals openly would likely be able to provide them sustanence from the favor of their dark gods.
Ultimately however i think their patrons will be bored of the endless festivals in their name and set then to work on pirating outer worlds or killing them for not doing so.
There are a couple older 40k novels that have functional chaos controlled worlds. They suck to live on, but so do most imperial worlds. Main difference is an increase in the bare possibility of social advancement, but also a strong increase in the chance of horrible death.
Check out Daemon World and Pawns Of Chaos.
The real question is if tyranids can
Nope, they can't without handwaving lots of inherent issues such society will face.
Yeah dude look at Suuni muslims for example
No because who would build the roads?
No, niggers can't do anything without outside assistance.
I think Tzeentchians, in all honesty could probably set up a fairly prosperous anarcho-capitalist society.
>Can chaos worshipers function as their own civilization?
That depends solely on what form their culture takes. Chaos cults are not created equal and can have vastly divergent theologies and practices.
According to fluff from around 4thish edition, our galaxy was apparently so hardcore that Tyranids had developed rudimentary agriculture. Thanks, Kryptman.
The answer is yes and there are tons of examples in the fluff. So I'd expect Veeky Forums to answer "of course not"
This link might be of interest to some of you newer anons.
Traitor General was a good book, provided great exploration to a world under Chaos. How there are many chances given to the conquered to join the faith and world.
theres a civilization in during the great crusade that was worshiping chaos before the alpha legion fucked shit. up
>Slaaneshi cult of perfection dedicated to farming
farm bananas to stick into their ass
>A khorne society
Today the plants grows an inch. Yesssss, exactly as planned.
of all of the possible god-themed related worlds, besides a world undivided, the most successful and longest lasting would have to be a Slaaneshi world. I can see a world with shining towers and pleasure centers everywhere, the elite taking and running things in a way that keeps even the basest citizens wanting to work harder and make their way to those positions themselves, kinda like a giant Las Vegas really. Unlike a world rotting under Nurgle's care, blazing with psykery like Tzeentch, or a giant slaughter-fest through Khorne, a Slaanesh world could even sit snugly under imperial radar for a good while. I even see churches and cathedrals working rather well, kinda like how the Laer ran things, with opiates and orgy pits strewn around. Of course I really just love Slaanesh so my combat-drug tinted glasses are prolly on a little too tight.
Farming with Chaos Gods when
Davin. Pandorax. Sabbat Worlds. Eye of Terror. Meaelstrom.
They would have the perfect anarcho-capitalist utopia.
>He doesn't know of Q'Sal.
How I would imagine a society based on specific god would be
Nurgle- Surprisingly the Necromongers would fit well under Nurgle. Rather than being beautiful people who've religiously sterlized themselves they would be afflicted individuals who band together to glorify their affliction and seek to find and join others to their ranks and work to spread the ideals of their god. Probably composed of a few Imperial Regiments and a few Navy ships that were infected and stuck together knowing the Munitorium and Inquistion would cleans them post-haste.
Tzeentch: A moon or something of the like dedicated to becoming a library of knowledge. People are born into or become slaves and are given simple tasks such as copying these lines of text and burning the older versions or moving a series of books in a certain way every few months. Over time their children do this until it becomes a cultural norm that is done with no understanding of why. No one knows who's truly in charge but they know they have to complete these tasks or something bad might happen.
Khorne: Might makes right. Period. Everything is approached from the position of power. If the leader is weak then you are obligated to kill and replace him with the emphasis on replace him least you become next on the chopping block. relationships are done with this in mind. Your name and legacy is surrendered to those better than you so men must fight their women to take her name and give her his least he takes her family name and they are legally in charge of all resources of both families. If you don't want to be killed on the whim of another you must be strong otherwise you are no better than the cattle kept to be slaughtered for food.
Slaanesh: see
I imagine Chaos Undivided world must be most world where the World Bearers have a significant presence. Probably very religious and spend most of their time building big fuck-off statues to the gods.
*Word Bearers