>respect the antlers Xd
I hate this cunt.
>respect the antlers Xd
I hate this cunt.
Literally who?
Let me guess, we're supposed to go on some tirade about gamer grrlz, devolving into some bullshit sjw vs antisjw proskub antiskub argument like we have something invested in the debate
who the fuck cares
pro skub 4 lyf
Fuck off, skub is shit and so are you.
Hypergamy cock carousel women are whores who won't have sex with me I'm a nice guy etc
No, I just hate that cunt.
I hate this cunt, too.
Is it confirmed she's cucking Matt with Talisman?
Underrated post.
Didn't Jon Snow kill her? What's she doing back alive?
Pretend people here have a life that is interesting enough that they have no idea who this cunt is. Teach these poor ignorant fools so they can know if she's worthy of your wrath or if you're just another pathetic sperglord sperging the good sperg.
Every thread we have about Critical Role we always agree she's objectively the worst player and character.
Honestly we need some new... why do we never discuss HarmonQuest, or repeatedly mock whatever Wheaton is doing?
Bless you sir.
Can we not.
Yeah, nevermind, fuck that. The last thing we need is some shithead to VargyBeige-post Wheaton.
Literally who?
And why should I care?
I mean fuck Harmon.
Dude's a fucking psychopath and the fact that people associate with him says some rather worrying things about them.
By the way you should check out Myfgaro, by me, totally not Chisrtani
Cool blogpost, bro! You're really bringing Veeky Forums's quality up! People need to know about how you "hate this cunt!"
(Literally who?)
What's wrong with him?
Oh, I do! I shove the rulebook up my ass every day! It's such a great system it deserves to fuck me.
Wait what? A psychopath? I don't get that vibe at all. Harmon is a pretty cool dude and HarmonQuest is hilarious. The worst you can say about the guy is that he has a drinking problem.
bitch from a DnD show called critical role. she is universally considered the worst cast member in every category
Is this the place to bitch about the Nerd Poker archives being behind a paywall now?
>Is this the place to bitch about...
Fuck you I spit my drink
This thread is still up? Who the fuck cares? Why are we discussing this?
Is he transforming into Keith Richards?
Okay good.
I am unhappy that the Nerd Poker archives are now behind a paywall.
>What's wrong with him?
Well apart from a huge fucking cunt, there's his habit of just straight up spending hours trying to destroy people's self esteem because it amuses him.
It would be worrying if it wasn't obvious he's just just projecting.
Well check out some of his fucking antics, like spending hours bullying and encouraging the suicide of fans for saying he was being a dick to another guy.
Including looks? I want to watch this supposed D&D show filled with bikini models.
Well no, only four of the other cast members are more attractive than her, tops.
the hell do you people watch other people play DnD. You're watching people roll dice and give stupid english accents (in fantasy worlds where the english language doesn't exist).
1. hide thread
2. gain xp for clever use of skill to defeat the encounter
3. ?
4. profit
The only (remaining)character whose accent could be called English-esque is Grog, and he's fantastic to listen to.
The entire cast are professional voice-actors
for a while it was actually a really good show and then it started being about mary sue who is fucking who bullshit with a 4 hours dragon fight ever 2 weeks
Fucking kek.
Is this the one who plays that obnoxious elven bitch who thinks she's all hot stuff and needs to prove herself and shit? I tried to sit through the character introductions, got through the half-orc pleasantly, hit her and ended up closing the window.
Grog is actually a Goliath, he and the Gnome Bard are really the two strongest arguments for watching the show.
Particularly when they're teamed up together.
Is it just me or is Vox Machina becoming bigger assholes than they already were?
Murderhobos gonna murderhobo.
Nope, it's more a return to form before the show started with their home game.
They basically have done to Terry what they've done to their guards to find the best. That's how Jarrett came about.
They're not murder hobos at all
>e-celeb threads on Veeky Forums
How long has the cancer been here, and is it still treatable?
The gnome bard left the party, perhaps partly because of how much the rest of them were fucking him over and not paying attention to his chance at role playing some more character development (although his Deception and shit is so high that it's almost mechanically impossible for them to know).
Now he's playing a new character, who is basically fantasy Artificer Gilderoy Lockhart.
It's ok user, after all there are at least 50 other threads you could be reading instead
Oh shit the whole fucking house lost it to this. 10 outta 10 my nigga.
Found the anti skub faggot.
I don't get this. Do you have players speaking elvish at your table or coming up with accents in "common" that are nothing any any real world accented English.
I see it was whatever works. Common is just the language everyone at the table speaks if that is Spanish or Mandarin so be it. If one of the players wants to give their character a regional dialect similar to a real world example then fuck do I care. Just because there is no New Zealand in the fantasy game I'm running doesn't mean a region in the game wouldn't pronounce "be-" as "bi-".
At least it's better than that Love & Kreig shit
as someone who watches episodes only here and there mostly because i find her an annoying pain. Story time?
She's not as far as anybody knows, they're just very good friends (all three of them are probably the closest friends of the entire group).
Some sperglord user just likes to come in and go on and on about cuckoldry every time somebody brings the CR stream up though.
ah fuck i just googled the other guy and realised he's the other asshole that stops me watching that show
Yeah. Let's not.
Is it so strange that studio space is rented out for productions?
What's the problem, user?
The expression of the one in the middle. He's just realized what the damp patch is he is sitting in is.
Chevy please go
I don't get it.
I like how it has a small red circle at the bottom corner of the couch, when you can just look at the entire thing and make a comparison.
Is there some sauce on the above pic?
>Better than board OC.
How many times were you dropped as a child, user?
Why is the bottom left of the couch circled red?
Is there a Wheaton stain there or something?
>newest of newfags detected
Good job pointing all of that out. The most important thing isn't that a discussion happens, but your ability to feel superior to both sides of the discussion without contributing anything to it and de facto supporting the status quo by silencing any discussion on the subject.
You say this like this is going to be an intelligent and deeply philosophical discussion.
He called it out for what it is, a retarded strawman shitfest that isn't going to bring anything of worth by talking about it.
Wait, we're going to discuss alignments and/or the term BBEG again?
old commercial for japanese band
I believe they're talking about Marisha being an insufferable cunt. Which is true, but there's not need for a thread dedicated to discussing it.
Proof? You do also realize that he's a comedian by trade, right?
>by trade
Oh yeah? Where's his Fools Guild license?
Samantha Saint
>Implying circlejerking namefags isn't just e-celeb lite
Yes, but at least they made something. Here we praise them by their contributions, not because they're just a face or a name.
Come now, the man had too much to drink on an airplane and decided to shit on someone for insulting him. It was over the top, but if that makes you a psychopath then I'm afraid you chose the wrong site to vent on, my friend. Some people here will shit on you for having the wrong kind of fun.
>Having fun at all
That's your problem right there.
The Original
And then Improved.
Source: spoonfeeding
What's the sauce? I knew before but for the life of me I can't remember.
I'm sorry, I didn't realise this was /a/.
Critical Role sucks. The only reason to watch it is to lose your last miniscule speck of faith in humanity before killing yourself. It is a gathering of hipster nu-males and screeching whores they plop at a table, add a ton of boring shit on the screen, and then proceed to laugh autistically over inane shit for 2.5 hours. It is basically a RoosterTeeth video, except with a D&D session attached. These people are the biggest faggots on the planet. Matt Mercer's homebrew is shit, he's passable at best as a DM, and the women can't do anything except make fart / period jokes because they are disgusting whores. The other fat-asses aren't much better and are likely just there for the free attention and a chance at scoring with used up voice actress cunts.
If you spend your free time watching D&D, it is because you are a fucking social reject. Because you clearly cannot find a game. Because if you could find a game you would not be watching 2 to 3 hour episodes of these fags' "banter". I cannot think of anything more boring than watching some other people I don't give a fuck about, playing D&D. I'd rather paint my toenails with my dick cheese. What a fucking waste of time. I seriously hope Critical Role charters a bus and the bus crashes and they all fucking die. I am not even memeing, I fucking hate these cocksuckers, they are more obxnoious than the Yogscast/Roosterteeth, and they are flooding our hobby with these autistic youtube gaming addicts who will fuck up your D&D campaign and whine that it should be more like Skyrim.
>Hypergamy cock carousel women are whores
> who won't have sex with me I'm a nice guy etc
He literally said he wasn't drunk and that anyone using that an excuse was a moron who didn't know him during the most pathetic of his tirades.
Spending entire days ranting at random fans trying to get them to commit suicide isn't shitposting, it's fucking mental.
Literally google it.
Here's someone who posted some of his sad shit from october 2015.
But he does this shit like every other week.
And if he's trying to be funny, he's fucking shit at it.
New friend
Literally the only murderhobo qualification they don't meet is that they somehow managed to acquire a Keep full of servants they conveniently "forget" to pay.
> tfw Jeff Bryan Davis will never guest star on Critical Role as Bone Weevil
HarmonQuest was the definition of "ok" (DM rolling ALL the dice? How much do you have to suck) but he played a pretty great lil gobbo. I'd pay to watch a one-shot where Matt DMs for Jeff, Sam and Travis. Maybe Laura, she's growing on me.
Too bad the elf twins are such edge-lords.
Sam has transcended to a new level of roleplaying. His dialogue before Scanlan left gave me chills.
Taliesin has his cringe moments but there are also times when Percy is pretty rad. One thing I would have loved to see was Percy vs Grog because of the skull back when Emon was first attacked by the dragons.
What tabletop episode is that?
The start of the Conclave-arc was the best part. After they decided to not gamble with the skull it became an year of fucking nothing.
Someone called wil out about how it looked like the couch they were using was used in a porn. Wil admitted that the studio and couch were used to film porn but they flipped the cushions so "it was ok" (me paraphrasing). The circle is highlighting a stain on the couch show that the cushions actually weren't flipped.