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Grand Azyrheim edition
>General's Handbook pdf!DxRGmTZL!x_L0eobCjr4qrF7enhVlZ2DffTtRa3hdDrc5RctcAbE
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I have trouble figuring out how the Bloodbound Dark Feast battalion works:
>Feeding Frenzy: The Slaughterpriest can incite the Dark Feast to a terrible feeding
frenzy – as long as he is alive, add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of any melee
weapons used by a unit from this battalion whenever it is selected to attack.
Does this mean that i can add 1 attack each time the unit gets selected? So if i select them the first time i add 1, then i select them another time the next turn and add another 1 for a total of 2 extra attacks? Does the bonus stick or does it go away?
Raw yes, it's exponential and add an attack each time the unit is selected to attack, with those attacks only going away with the Slaughterpriest dying.
But everyone I have see playint that just add a single attack.
But most people play it
Is that the World That Was up there in the top right with the ring around it?
First for the Kroak! And Serphon Master Race!
Face shield guy again, I wasn't happy with the shields so I've started redoing them, and I'm already liking them better. Also pictured is gems on the chaos dorfs, as they are gonna have gems made from the ashes of their slain enemies all over em like gaudy assholes. You wouldn't believe how fucking hard it was to properly cast those gems and even then they aren't perfect, but I'm happy with em.
played my first game AOS, /aosg/!
I lost but I had fun!
What's left of it, yes.
Huh? I thought it crumbled into nothingness with Sigmar clinging to its Sigmarite core or someshit?
That's been every game I have done since I started back at christmas time.
Nice faceshield!
Which army did you play? And against?
Yes. Hence what's left of it.
No, not stackable. You select your unit in the melee phase and add 1 attack, so basically every unit in this battalion has 1 attack more, as long as he is alive.
I hate Skaven so fucking much.
Fuck off from Chaos already.
My FLGS owner gave me a set of the Stormcast from the Stormcast side of Order Vs Chaos starter boxset.
I was playing with those, I just assembled them, and my session was against Sylvaneth, it was supposed to be an Intro game but I feel the guy really wanted to win, which was weird. (he even got a little upset when I smashed his Branch Witch's face in with my Prosecutors after a 11" charge roll (needing 11")
But the rules were simple, I liked the aesthetic, I had a blast, got another game tomorrow
>that guy who gets mad over dice rolling tabletop games
why can't they just stick to playing competitive vidya games or something
>was supposed to be an Intro game but I feel the guy really wanted to win
This is a very strange but not uncommon complaint.
I remember having an intro game of infinity and the guy fucking thrashed me... He then pulled out his ipad after the game
"whats that?"
>just updating my W/L/D figures
Hello, could you guys help me with something? Couldn't find WHFBg, so I came here to ask...
Well, suppose I'm criticising WHFB for clustering fluffs over fluffs but not resolving anything, what examples could I use?
Since everybody and their dog is starting a Hinterlands campaign, how's this for a warband idea?
Ulbeck Meros had always been fascinated with strength and savagery ever since he was a child. But, sadly, his physical deformities and frail stature had always prevented him from becoming a warrior himself. On the other hand, his aggressive sense of business and savage exploits of opportunities allowed him to amass a fortune as the driving force of Fuminicum's shadier areas, in particular as owner of the arena and slave market.
When a stroke of luck one day brought a crippled, near-death khorgorath was brought in for the arena, Ulbeck became obsessed with the wounded creature that so embodied his ideals. Vast sums of his fortune and a great number of slaves were secretly used to ensure the creature would survive and recover.
During this time he decided that if he himself could not be strong, then this creature would be his strentgh. No champion of the arena would ever stand above it. So whenever possible he goads the creature into the wilds of the Ghurlands or even into the unguarded areas in or around Fulminicum to feed and train the beast.
The god on the throne of skulls was obviously pleased by this and granted Ulbeck his mark, ensuring that the beasts of Khorne would never harm him. He also sent the fleshhound Goreburst to guard the slavemaster.
Bloodstoker (Ulbeck Meros) - 40
Khorgorath (the Crimson Fiend) - 80
Fleshhound (Goreburst) - 20
Basically, I still have the Bloodbound portion of the AoS starter lying around gathering dust, so I might as well use that.
Thoughts and opinions?
What do people think about the Chaos sorcerers description in the New warhammer quest
Not your personal army.
Just further proof that no one but turbo autists think Slaanesh is getting squatted.
Neat idea, I like it
I love how slaanesh is getting a lot of hidden teases in pretty much every release. Maybe well geht our updated keeper of secrets soon
scream it into the aether for the thousandth time...
Elves when?
Later the year.
AOS fans don't (usually) have any bad feelings towards WHFB. Sad its gone but AOS is fun and a good recipient of the fantasy inheritance.
Sometimes people who had/have a hard time letting go of their WHFB setting are bitter and lash out at AOS but they deserve pity not scorn.
How would you guys feel if instead of the pain/pleasure aspect of Slaneesh they focused more on the excess part? I feel people equate Slaneesh too much as just a sex god. I really like the Noise marines from 40k and if Slaneesh does a come back I hope we get something similar in that vein, artists who take their works to strange, twisted new levels, like a sculpter who molds flesh or a painter or massive gluttonous chef searching for new delicacies?
Get ready for the Second Coming of the Tomb Kangz
Recent Russian hack of TW: Warhammer shows that they are next after Bretonia release. If sales are good enough and interest is there, it wouldn't surprise me if GW repackaged and rereleased Tomb Kings
>they deserve pity not scorn
Not necessarily. Some of them are grognards who're always trying to kill anything new and prevent any progress from happening to their holy cow. These people deserve all the scorn you can get.
>Get ready for the Second Coming of the Tomb Kangz
you realize they got nerfed hard right? The preview of GHB 2.0 was brutal for TK but it did tip GW's hand in so much as it revealed that TK will be playable in Matched Play moving forward.
TK aren't going anywhere but they are being deliberately crippled so as not to take the spotlight away from the new releases of model lines.
You don't need to go any farther than the local GW shop to see that the interest is there. I'm not even asking for the whole range to come back. At least bring back the Necrosphynx.
Motherfukking Settra comes to smash Nagash's shit (and then Mannfred, for being a little piece of shit)
Well, I thought AoS is kind of sequal to WHFB so people who played FB might have moved to here. Not really relating to AoS or anything.
>You don't need to go any farther than the local GW shop to see that the interest is there.
That has a lot to do with TK wiping the floor with everyone at major tournaments that got a lot of attention. GW turned around and nerfed TK into the ground by releasing a preview of TK with some really harsh points increases for the army.
I think if you give it another 6 months for the points changes to sink in people won't give a shit about TK just like they didn't give a shit about TK for decades at the end of WHFB.
The point increases aren't so much harsh as they are fair. They are still an extremely competitive army just like most. Before however they were indeed broken.
have you playtested the new point values?
have you seen these changes? it isn't 20 point adjustments... this is 100+ point changes per unit. I don't know how you can look at these and see anything but a brutal nerf.
So no?
Seen it and tested them as a tk. MUCH better.
That's encouraging.
since the only change on the list I could speak to personally was the Shadowblade change and since no one ever uses Shadowblade even at 120 points the adjustment to 160 made zero sense. By extension It seemed likely to TK adjustments were also over-reactions.
There's your problem right there. People form their opinions without playtesting anything. Stuf is declared OP/UP before the release of said stuff.
yeah but shadowblade? that was just uncalled for.
GW balance team secretly hates elves
SCE pdf version, enjoy! Seriously, how to convert epub3 to pdf?
We can only hope
for now the realm of metal is still lacking its golden bodied incarnate/god
we all know who's deserving of the spot
BTW, when will Hastings STFU about his source bullshit.
>realm of metal
>iron maiden cover
You cheeky cunt
that IS the sigmarite core
it's being mined to produce the stormcast
Oh god please tell me it wasn't my friend, was someone playing a 40k game next to you? The sykvaneth army was totally unpainted? You're in SoCal?
When will hastings just piss off. The whole cult around them on Warseer was some of the cringiest shit in the world. And his shtick of pretending to know all the inside details but cloaking it in vague bullshit was fcking idiotic.
Where is he posting on nowadays?
> was someone playing a 40k game next to you?
>The sykvaneth army was totally unpainted?
>You're in SoCal?
Ah, wrong Continent
War of Sigmar. Thankfully Atia and Bob are both genuinely pleasant.
We got SoCal anons here? What part?
As a poster or just a commenter?
Oh thank god I thought it was my friend you were playing against and I would have strangled him.
Huh, never noticed him. What kind of stuff does he post? Has he finally revealed where his 'rumors' come from. Wasn't he the guy that came it with the Bubblehammer bullshit?
Ah hell. I always forget how big an area "SoCal" actually encompasses.
I was gonna type "la county" but yea everything is so friggin massive
If you can ever swing by Gw in glendale I highly recommend it
I would love this, since it's the aspect of Slaanesh that is at least to me infinitely more interesting that the age of dicks and tittehs.
The question then is, how do you reflect excess in tabletop war game units? You have some good ideas, but those sound more like hero units. Unless you make the chaff just daemonettes.
Fat guys with lots of food, more elaborate and decadent looking things, pic related is the perfect example of excess. The fat guy eating eyeballs no doubt because regular food doesn't satisfy or interest him anymore, people making merry in elaborate ways because everyday things have become boring
Do you go to the GW in Glendale? Doesn't Caire run that store?
Rather than heroes that buff units why not units that buff heroes or certain units?
You could have a pariticular strong single model to act as a focus being supported by devotees, a celebrity and his fans. Like how Prince Sigvald has warriors with mirror shields to admire himself in.
Might have been the guy before, the managers name right now is shad
He recently predicted Cthulhu Elves.
The nerf didn't cripple them, they are still going to be top tier
It just means people can't run settra + 9 necropolis knights AND a necro/royal sphinx
>TK aren't going anywhere but they are being deliberately crippled so as not to take the spotlight away from the new releases of model lines.
Nah, its because they are massively undercosted for how powerful they are. Necro Knights at 160 were strictly better than a lot of 180 monstrous cavalry even before you consider all the buffs they can get and their ressurection mechanic.
Did he give a source or anything? I just fucking hate that we could never fact check him cuz his shit was always so vague he could always deflect with some vague ass rumor that he 'got right'.
Spill the beans and give us solid info or get the hell out.
If it doesn't say "for the rest of the battle" then it goes away.
This weeks rumour engine is a close up of something, as per usual
Looks fantasy like
Looks either Chaosy or Orky to me.
ok so that's the armpit guard of a heavy-armored dude who doesn't take care of his stuff and is really badass cause he's got chains and maybe a cape
gonna say it's a nurglite
I've noticed the last few Rumor Engines have been unpainted.
Also, I feel like this is AoS, since the next big 40k release (Marine Triumvirate) is already known.
What is the Chaos sorcerers description?
Rules as written suggests it stacks as it does not specify an end phase for the attacks.
So each time they are selected to attack, they add another while the Priest is around.
Given that the rule is called "Feeding Frenzy" it makes sense in a fluff standpoint that they would get more attacks as they go on.
If these were Blood Warriors or everchosen or something ridiculous then I could understand the other user's salt. But since we're talking about Bloodreavers, the likelihood of them surviving more than two rounds of combat to really benefit from it is small.
Kind of strikes me as the attached bit of reins. Like the ornate piece that hangs off a bit in the mouth.
I'm all for new cav, I love me some mounted units
Oh, I'm thinking of a different store. Shad's cool, you guys have the huge Ghal Maraz replica right?
Strangle him anyways, user.
Cool idea, but the hinterlands scenarios are all about grabbing tokens and leaving the map with them, so only having 3 models will put you at the big disadvantage. Is drop the khorgorath and bring more cheaper animals and some other dudes. Keep the bloodstoker, that's cool
Slaaneshi sorcerer that thinks he found a way to awaken his sleeping god
Yessir, I think we are in the process of getting a chains word replica (non functioning of course).
Shads definitely chill, the only negative things about it are it's a gw store, so it's gotten rules that come with it (not that I don't understand why those are in place but I've scrapped many a conversion idea because it uses their party).
Where's your haunt at? At Ease games?
AoS is a sequel, and a continuation of the story. But a lot of whfb people don't like the sequel and refuse to acknowledge it happened.
Neat. I am almost getting excited for the return of the Slaanesh.
>I'm all for new cav, I love me some mounted units
So far SC ride mini dragons and griffon things so next is SC riding what, lions?
Who said anything about SC? I just like calvary, if I played chaos I'd use the Shit out of knights. The narrative aspect of a line breaking charge as your units impale hapless infantry is super cool
Or themselves being gored on pikes
Or just that gw does pretty sweet mounts in general (except dragons, they suck at those for the most part)
please be free people knights
I'd totally be up for a FW lord commander on elder star drake model t b h
Have been away for last week - did I miss something?
We've gotten more details on the new WHQ, but nothing new announced
Yeah, AoS has been a little slow lately. I think it's because GW is focusing on Gathering Storm at the moment.
so I just recently got into AoS, and I gotta ask, what is with the Spire of Dawn set? seems like they released it then immediately rendered those armies pointless, particularly the Elves.
Whoa beautiful, thanks man! I read the first couple pages of the epub in readium and I am totally stoked to read it on my kindle, which doesnt handle the epubs.
Just whatever new SCE kits that have come out.
They are re-boxing of the old Fantasy starter.
spire of dawn is a AoS reboxing of the old warhammer fantasy battles starter box, with severe price reduction. you get 2 decently sized armies for the prize of a SC Box.
they arent the most powerful armies atm but there will be a big elves vs slaanesh update soon making the elves relevant and skaven (especially pestilens and skryre) are pretty good already