Redpill me on why you like these Vampire Cunts from Warhammer.
All I know is that they are for tourneyfags and everyone hates them.
Redpill me on why you like these Vampire Cunts from Warhammer.
All I know is that they are for tourneyfags and everyone hates them.
>Redpill me
Shoo, go away
Vampires and gothic horror is fun.
Wait, can images be posted here?
Oh, and Mannfred is a little bitch who ruined everything.
I like to think that the current writers are the little bitches that ruined everything.
Well yes, that's obvious. Mannfred is the avatar or their bitchiness.
We could have had Eternal Emperor Vlad if Mannfred hadn't been a bitch.
depends on the line
Abhorash and Vashanesh are high-tier, Ushoran and W'Soran are mid-tier and Neferata is scum that should have died ages ago by dwarven hands
raped ages ago by dwarven cocks*
Is redpill just the way fedoralords try to say "enlighten" without coming off as pretentious fucking faggots now?
It doesn't work.
Get with the times, grampa.
Yeah it sounds aweful. I hate to see it spewed here.
>getting upset over meme words
Vampire counts in 6th edition was an absolutely wonderful army book full of flavour with the 5 bloodlines and the option to make a necromancer army. Later in this edition came the cairns army and the pirate zombies in the WD too.
Started a necrarch army back then, I still play them in KoW nowadays.
Keep /pol/ on /pol/.
I don't think that even 1% of Veeky Forums users read the rules. I also seem to recall that meta discussions are against the rules.
>you can't use meme words from other boards
Whoa, does that mean i can't banepost here?
It could of been worse. They could of used a Pepe vampire with the word redpilled.
They take all the best elements of vampires in fiction and build on them their strength.
Also the fact that their base is the original Dracula by Stocker and has all the gothic horror elements with them, then ask yourself why they are awesome.
Aby good VC books to recommend for newcomers?
Your memes are inferior. Where did you get them, the toilet store?
The first two Ulrika books and Vampireslayer, which left me going '...this is actually kinda hot' as far as vampirism corruption goes.