What sort of controversy would bring down Games Workshop completely and forever?
What sort of controversy would bring down Games Workshop completely and forever?
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A pedophilia scandal involving pizza and minis.
Why would a miniatures company ever get involved in a controversy?
>Why would a miniatures company ever get involved in a controversy?
Toxic-paint cover-up leading to death of beloved child-actor etc.
It's the UK we're talking about, they'll get seats in the parliament if they get involved in a pedo ring.
>promoting pedos
It pays to have blackmailable friends in high places.
Go wank off somewhere else.
Frankly, GW just isn't big enough to warrant controversy at this point. The worst that could happen would be massive embezzlement but the actual embezzlement would be more damaging than the scandal. People just don't care about GW enough to care about their ethics.
The CEO is a taufag and the Greater Good will prevail.
GW sabotaging the printing industry to avoid 3D printers becoming commonplace in every household?
Publicly going against the Bogandofs
A nuke hitting Nottingham would probably inconvenience them pretty badly.
Siding with PETA
Protesters go to planets fighting tyranids to complain abut institucionalized violence against animals. PETA genestealer protesters?
Re-distribution of Warhammer Fantasy miniatures, but exclusively in ISIS controlled territories.
Considering how damaging the PewDiePie smear was to his career, just doing a piece on GW where you paint them as Nazis would probably be effective. It wouldn't even be hard - it would be much easier to misrepresent them than it was in the above case, and it's been shown that normies will always jump on the bandwagon before they stop to think.
It doesn't help that many of GW's fans are incapable of understanding the point of 40k and believe the more Naziesque elements of the Imperium/the Emperor are things we're supposed to cheer for. Probably the easiest way to make everyone believe that the boys at Nottingham are neo-nazis would be to interview a handful of fans and just let them sperg out about the merits of xenophobia.
Seriously, it wouldn't be hard at all. The only reason it hasn't happened is that GW is too smalltime to be worth the effort.
Can you give me a quick rundown?
>would bring down Games Workshop completely and forever?
Impossible. GW will outlast even the nerdy hobby industry, since there will always be Spess Mahreen video games and the like.
>Re-distribution of Warhammer Fantasy miniatures, but exclusively in ISIS controlled territories.
For what purpose?
>implying GW has that kind of pull
>implying anyone actually gives a fuck about 3D printing
normies won't care about that for 30 years at best, when the prices come down and different materials can be printed in the same object.
Insider trading and embezzlement, maybe.
It'd be funny if GW was Kodak and invented the technology then did nothing with it for fear it'd replace their main business.
>captain amerorka
Would Red Skull be a Khornate Berserker?
What sort of assfaggotry would stop OP being such a retarded little bitch?
Not going to lie, the Imperium being militaristic is part of what makes them cool to me. However, militarism doesn't necessarily equate to National Socialism.
Really, what's important is the ability to distinguish between fiction and reality. While I like the militaristic nature of the Imperium, that doesn't mean I would support a genocidal dictatorship in real life.
It's like Star Wars. I have supported the Empire since age four, and think they're awesome to this day. They're militaristic, austere, have a cool aesthetic (and helmets), and one of their leaders is Darth Vader. That doesn't mean I would support the destruction of an entire country's population in reality.
It would happen immediately if you were somehow able to ignore threads that you dislike.
But since you'll never be able to ignore threads that you dislike, OP will continue to be a retarded little bitch.
No, his ideology doesn't match Khorne in any way.
RIFTS had more direct and better in every way Nazis anyway.
>However, militarism doesn't necessarily equate to National Socialism.
Yeah, but there are clear parallels. The Aquila, the policies of racial supremacy, the policies of genetic purity, the use of slave labor by undesirables, the idea that mankind needs the entire setting as lebensraum, etc. The Imperium is a mishmash of terrible regimes, but it has a lot of clear Nazis influences.
And yeah, what's important is the ability to distinguish between reality and fantasy. What I'm saying though is that unfortunately our fanbase is full of spergs who can't do that or don't understand/accept that the Imperium is a parodical dystopia, and if put on camera would be super easy to demonise GW with.
The difference between you and these people is that you recognize that the Imperium would be an awful place to live in and that they're not the 'good guys'. But it would be very easy for a spin team to gloss over views like yours and focus on the retards.
Funny you should mention that
It's simple.
They re-release the middle-east setting with Crusaders portrayed as the good guys and the not!Arabs portrayed as the bad guys.
Just watch them get jailed for fantasy hate-crimes.
Anything to piss off UK kebab actually.
Or supporting/decrying Brexit. Pretty sure their HQ would get burned down either way.
Aw shit Brexit is going to make their shit even more expensive
Pewdiepie's career is fine, he's done nothing that he hasn't done for years. He comes from /v/ and used to make rape and Hitler jokes endlessly. They're lashing out at him without understanding that he transcends their bullshit. He doesn't need Disney or any one else, he's a millionaire and his viewer base aren't triggered by some kike screaming anti-semite nazi at him. They find that humour funny and laugh at old people being upset over nothing.
None of those things are Nazish in the slightest. They're base values of any human society, it's only a sick society that doesn't understand not all humans should be having kids. When you live in a society with Disgenic values good solid moral values seem bad, but that is slowly reversing in culture.
Brexit will likely make it cheaper. The problem with Brexit right now is that the politicians are jerking off trying to avoid it as much as possible so we have no stability. This means no one can really invest as everything is still up in the air. Once it settles we're likely to see prices fall and sales sky rocket over seas.
GW don't give a fuck, they don't talk about or get involved in politics and tell others who try to drag them in to fuck off. I would imagine at base value GW is likely center right wing, conservatives without the Blaire style Neo con core. This is one good part to GW's bubble world, they don't engage in other shit, so while they ignore us, they also ignore the retards screaming at them.
Or cheaper.
Depends on how their economy goes. Which is really just how bitter French and German governments/businesses are. Or if they somehow insult Donny, he's thin-skinned enough to punish a country for a sleight.
What about that alt right guy who said literally everything awful to applause until commenting on the positives of boipussy?
We allbenefit when your currency is low.
If the pund is worthless, Forgeworld will be cheap.
>I have supported the Empire since age four
How does it feel to have failed to understand morality plays for children your whole life
>Pewdiepie's career is fine, he's done nothing that he hasn't done for years
Oh yeah, he'll be fine. He doesn't need Disney, but he would have probably increased his income by a third with them. He has definitely been shorted out of millions of dollars. GW could not survive if a damaging article like that destroyed a new venture that they were banking millions on. That would be a crushing blow to them.
>None of those things are Nazish in the slightest. They're base values of any human society
Yeah, see, you're exactly the kind of person you could construct an effective smear campaign around. "Xenophobia and ethnic cleansing are good solid morals, Hitler did nothing wrong" is not a message that flies outside of /pol/.
Feels Loyalist as fuck.
Look, if Catalyst Game Labs got away with it I'm sure GW wouldn't even break a sweat.
GW have had smears aimed at them over the last few years, they just ignore them and they go away. A lack of response just means there's no drama.
Have you paid any attention to politics lately? Every where in the West is becoming xenophobic. They are sick and tired of multiracial bullshit and want their society to function again. You're the one projecting Hitler onto things, not I. I'm saying those values aren't Nazi values which is true.
Its the cultural pendulum. Every generation shifts lib or con.
Its a rejection of what came before. Nothing more.
Next gen will be liberal. Then conservative again.
Embezzlement in Veeky Forums industries never result in anything more than getting a new porch on the company's dime and a """sincere""" apology to all the fans who aren't getting whatever products had their funds drained and the freelancers who aren't getting paid for their work.
Which isn't true. We haven't seen a right wing push in almost 100 years now. We're seen Left wingers co opting right.
>not a message that flies outside of /pol/.
How does it feel to not understand the real world?
>Which isn't true. We haven't seen a right wing push in almost 100 years now.
Yeah, the McCarthy era is well-known as one of the most liberal times in American history.
>GW have had smears aimed at them over the last few years
Tiny articles on joke websites. Nothing as well put together and manipulative as the shit done to PPP.
>Every where in the West is becoming xenophobic. They are sick and tired of multiracial bullshit and want their society to function again.
We've had similar populist movements pop up all over the 21st century, in response to similar things. None of them have successfully diverted the inertia of society's current direction, because that direction is beyond politics, and because, for all the whining, our society is more prosperous than it has ever been.
And either way, most of the people that don't want more immigrants are still going to call you a Nazi and shit on you when you start trying to justify ethnic cleansing.
>I'm saying those values aren't Nazi values which is true.
It's a truer statement than 'these are the base values of society', which is just conjecture that suits your bias. They're not exclusively Nazis views, but they are indeed views touted by Nazism.
But user, don't you understand that unless we're actively purging the gene pool we're literally just commie SJWs?
Not wanting more immigrants is very different from thinking Hitler was right and [insert ethnicity] should be cleansed.
It's considered the same thing by most people on the left these days. Haven't you been reading the mainstream news about Trump?
Good man
>30's through mid 40's
>50's through mid-60's
>80's through early 90's
>00's through mid 00's
>late 10's through ???
That's because he wants to keep out people more skilled than there are at home.
Fucks sake, they're trying to keep doctors out and keep Alabama in.
Yeah, but if you pretend those eras were all left-wing, then user is correct.
Have any of these rightist pushes had lasting impacts? At best, they've all been temporary retardations of overwhelmingly leftward trends.
It's considered the same thing by people on the far end of the horseshoe.
Yeah, a lot of tumblrtards call Trump a Nazi. Actual news is more concerned with his dubious competence, his mixing of business and policy, and the illegal things he and his advisors have done. I mean, I know you desperately want him to truly be Kek Incarnate, but the shit he gets has been brought on by his mistakes and the mistakes of his people. He was never going to get an unconstitutional law passed and he shouldn't have tried. Having clandestine talks with Russia during a hostile period was a bad idea. Making up fake terrorist attacks and trying to predict them somehow was always going to get him mocked.
People have always ribbed politicians for doing stupid shit, left or right. Fuck, we took to piss out of Milliband simply for looking a bit weird when he drank a glass of water.
That's a complete lie. Yes, some of those people are skilled, and yes, they could find good work here.
No, they are not "more skilled" than their American equivalents, and no, we aren't desperate for them to come save us from ourselves.
You're the one projecting genocide not me. You've built a Nazi strawman and refuse to let it go.
You do understand Neo cons aren't right wing correct? Why do you think they're called cuckservatives? It's not right wing to carry on the progressive programs while making no attempt to conserve anything.
Again, cultural pendulum.
Every generation swings the other way in protest.
Society as a whole keeps the more liberal changes (ending Jim Crow, allowing married couples to sleep in the same bed and toilets to flush on television, jazz instruments with mutes (Hitler fucking hated that sound and outlawed it), and so on.
The point is he didn't make exceptions for people who have value.
Pendulum of a sort, but don't you find it odd that only the swings to the left have lasting effects?
Who said anything about neocons?
Conservative politics in America are mostly economic with buildup of armed forces, and in all of those periods we saw military proliferation and deregulation.
Do you really think that toilets should be censored like Muhammed?
Maybe the ideas that were kept were actually good and sensible?
>You're the one projecting genocide not me. You've built a Nazi strawman and refuse to let it go.
Mate, I brought up genocide as one of the core tenets of the Imperium and how the modern media machine could easily use that to brand GW neo-Nazis.
You then claimed that the tenets I mentioned are the basic characteristics of a healthy human society. There's no other way to interpret your statement unless I assume that you're being selective without saying it. In which case, why didn't you say it?
>Teach kids to play 40k, and they'll never have money to fund terrorism?
Its not that cut and dry.
Republicans in America enjoy ample support from Libertarians, who are very socially liberal in the sense they want derrgulation of society. So the social conservatives face united liberal opposition and their own fellow economic conservatives.
As the2016 Libertarian for president stated in his acceptance speech, "(I) want to see lesbians buy more land to maintain a pot farm and defend it with a tank."
It's not odd.
The swings to the left, as another user has pointed out, are not simply a consequence of politics. They're a consequence of technology, of increasingly efficient communications and travel, of scientific discovery, etc. The pendulum will never swing further right unless the right embraces technological and scientific regressionism (much like the Imperium) and finds away to enforce it on a large scale.
>He was never going to get an unconstitutional law passed and he shouldn't have tried.
You're quite ignorant of the actual facts, probably from watching too much CNN and BBC.
1. It's wasn't a law, it was an executive order.
2. It wasn't unconstitutional. The US Constitution clearly reserves this role for the executive in a plenary capacity.
3. Congress has passed laws authorizing the president to do what he did.
4. The district judge in question who authorized the case against the EO was acting unconstitutionally - in direct violation of the supremacy clause - and did not provide any legal evidence for his stay.
5. The district judge's and circuit appeal court's verdict would have been thrown out by any sane superior judge... but this would have taken months and Trump wants quick results, so the EO v1.0 was dropped and EO v2.0 is on the way. This is faster than waiting for the inevitable smackdown of these poorly-reasoning judges.
But I shouldn't waste my time talking to fools on 4chins.
The problem is that the right won't punish their enemies while the left does over and over. When the right gets in power it doesn't do anything with it, it simply holds what is happening. Then the left come in, trash the right's stability and continue shoving everything more to the left.
Then you end up with a situation like the UK where you have commie labour as the left and progressive conservatives as the right. There is no actual right wing option for culture, only vary shades of the left.
A healthy human society isn't some pussified little bitch that hide behind it's walls. It's aggressive and proud of expanding it's reach.
Not true. The more open communication is the more right wing the group with it becomes. The more you value safety the more left wing you go, which is often connected to technology but not entirely.
Why do people want GW to fail?
Because they're a shit company for wankers, #shitcompanyforwankers.
>The more open communication is the more right wing the group with it becomes
Why doesn't that happen in real life
I'm sure you can point to several concrete examples of societies becoming more conservative after experiencing communication revolutions
>A healthy human society isn't some pussified little bitch that hide behind it's walls. It's aggressive and proud of expanding it's reach.
Not the user you're talking to, but this right here is why people call you a nazi.