Looking for combat focused RPG

Is there any rpg available that has the following:

- combat focused
- no meta currency
- classless
- no paths, fate, career, lusts and other meta character building
- really big bestiary, ready out of the box content with no tweaking.

No luck so far. Any help? Can be any theme/setting, becouse most systems do not meet those points.

Other urls found in this thread:


What the hell is "meta character building" supposed to mean?

Sorry, I meant character building that is not meant for combat or performing tasks.

Such as?
You examples tell me nothing.


Four out of five ain't bad

Can't post the pdf directly because Veeky Forums thinks it has an embedded file.

For example:
jobs in Warhammer 2ed rpg
destiny/desires points, jobs, civilisation origin in Runequest

Does it have huge bestiary?

I said four out of five.

BLOODP.O.U.C.H. also has the great names chart. When I played I was Spikestrike.
