- out of the box expierience, no tweaking - massive bestiary, preferable weaponry and itemry also(as in not kickstarter/singleton book crap with 30 monsters) - no rigid classes, anyone can pick locks, stealth, maybe magic
I don't think there is an RPG that matches all of your criteria to the letter. The "massive bestiary" is the biggest stumbling block, as D&D and OSR derivatives are essentially the only systems I can think of which regularly churns out dozens of bestiary entries, and those are obviously class-based.
Next closest thing, maybe BRP or D6, but those need tweaking.
Jaxson Williams
Anything FFG pumps out has enough stat blocks to rival dnd.
They make "core" lines for a setting, then release splat books for those line but make them teniously connected so they might be able to use together. Kinda like the mess that was oWoD and the clan, tradition and tribe books.
Hunter Morales
Classes are ok, but i don't like the fact that warrior for example can't sneak past something or pick locks. Like in baldurs gate. How is OSR with that? Or maybe some DnD edition that is less rigid with class roles.
Samuel Hall
Oh, so you just want any D&D that isn't 3.PF.
Jayden Young
What is a : stat block splat book
Justin Brown
Lurk moar or google them.
Daniel Flores
Oh, nice. So should i grab DnD 2,4, or 5? What will fill the out of the box experience to the fullest, with not much tweaking.
What are some good OSR games?
Ayden Wilson
Probably B/X.
Xavier Johnson
Brayden Campbell
Mutants and masterminds
Eli Williams
Nice answer, thx. I didn't specify theme, but that's my fault becouse I didn't think somebody would make huge system with big bestiary based on american superpants heroes.
Elijah Martinez
Ok , disregard the last point fellow /tg anons.
Only those do apply now: - out of the box expierience, no tweaking - massive bestiary, preferable weaponry and itemry also(as in not kickstarter/singleton book crap with 30 monsters)
Eli Perry
Dungeon World.
Nathaniel Butler
Does it have massive bestiary that is detailed? With what books should i start if I want to play ASAP? Is it good for minis?
Lincoln Reed
>Does it have massive bestiary that is detailed? Yes.
With what books should i start if I want to play ASAP? Dungeon World.
Is it good for minis? No.
Dominic Flores
It sure does. My last session my warrior wrestled a vampire out of the window. That's real roleplaying right there.