So how do Sisters of Battle stack up compared to other armies?
Angel Bailey
What's a cute color scheme for Guard?
Robert Diaz
Austin Clark
Why are these threads are so low quality.
Brody Carter
Started Skitarii a while ago, looking at building and magnetizing the Knight I need to finish the War Convocation. How's the strength of that in practice? I know it's damn good, but would a fairly basic one hold up OK against Eldar, mechanized/summoning GSC and Tau and such, and also the new Death Guard rules because I don't want to be a dick.
Grayson Jones
Asking again, would a Heroes Path formation be okay with a mostly barebones war convocation with Cawl? Doing it for fluff reasons.
Nathaniel Jenkins
Orange-blue Kriegers.
Logan Cook
Tfw you actually get to use your armor save
Jayden Hughes
I don't generally go Forgeworld but I .ike the Outriders far better than the standard bikes so I thought I would get them. I don't use bikes to often so I'm not sure if I should get one set of three or two sets for a total of six. Is three enough for occasional bike use?
Joseph Wright
Heroes path is a group of three lone wolves, it doesn't matter what you ally them on to.
Jaxson Smith
Is the degenerate slut still around?
Evan Gutierrez
Warconvo is very powerful when optimized and wielded right. But neither is exactly easy in the first place.
Daniel Gomez
Knights are always good, and will fit well in any army.
Tyler Evans
They'd be better if new Celestine was a SoB
Jack Anderson
Realized maybe a pic of an outrider might help.
Logan Brooks
They fall short against MEQ races. Hordes are nothing to them. Mechanised MSUs are nothing to them. Exorcists are good for killing MCs, but suck against vehicles tougher than a Dreadnought.
Parker Parker
Do you have images of the scheme? I was thinking something along the lines of Purple-Orange, but I feel like it could clash.
Also, it would be regular Guard. Krieg is just too expensive.
Jacob Ramirez
What are you guys working on? Just finished this venom
Asher Wright
> t: I Dont Play SoB
Ryder Williams
Bikes are best in large numbers, get at least 6.
Liam Lee
Wut? What are you on about mate?
Aiden Miller
Converting sisters.
Luke Walker
Helpful, always nice to have a tourney formation that does actually require a little skill. So assuming I'm pretty new to this, played what, 15 games? Can I feasibly fight my more experienced Death Guard friend without rolling over him? Heard CSM were fairly bad.
Easton Diaz
Death Guard are the strongest CSM subfaction.
Christian Collins
Nah. New DG is hideously tough and able to resist most damage you throw against them. Should be even matches. But you should encourage your opponents to all-out against you. WC is that good.
Luke Baker
I know it's very situational, but say if you're out of melta range on a vehicle, and there's a vehicle that will fuck something up definitely or a squad of MEQs in range ready to charge you, should you try to take out that vehicle or try to kill off at least some of the MEQs? Basically, how do I prioritize targets
Wyatt Harris
Excellent, the Occlusiad shall march!
Levi King
that dark elf looks pretty shocked to be riding that venom
Nicholas Murphy
Do you?
Nolan Sanchez
Skitarii player here. The thing about war convo is that it Peters out. You hit like a truck for the first two turns. If you get first turn your alpha strike can be ungodly, but by turn three or four you start to run out of steam. You've used your good Doctrina and Canticles and you've probably had a decent chunk of your army shot off the table. War convo is strong, because of the free gear, but it's inflexible. It really only does one thing, shit out firepower, and if you can't get enough of a lead off of that to win then you lose.
Easton Brooks
>be me >warboss, been around for a lotta years, been in a lot of fights >some git walks up to me >complains about the heat, wonders why it's so hot >I can tell he's a extra stupid git, tell him it comes from the sun >he asks if we could krump the sun >mfw
Kayden Jenkins
Shitposts as far as the eye can see
Grayson White
Hi there new friend. This is a land of anonymous shit posting and Jimmy rustling. Why don't you head back on over to your "high quality" sites like dakkdakka.
Jason Phillips
Painting a mess of marines for a basic Chaos squad. Last thing I really need to take care of for my force aside from Daemons and stuff that needs priming in better weather.
Gabriel Anderson
Blow up the vehicle. If you kill some Meqs, they'll still charge you and the tank will go off to do whatever to the rest of your army. Kill the tank, and you'll still get wrapped up in combat
Benjamin Price
What's a great way to stomp Ravenwing as Guard? (Black Knight Spam)
Getting absolutely crushed every match isn't fun.
Asher Walker
Not related to the guy asking earlier, but what's the best knight to roll solo with skitarii/light CultMech support? I'm not going War Convo because the Battle Maniple just rubs me the wrong way.
Nathaniel Walker
Ignore cover basilisks
Nolan Hernandez
what else are you running, are you going anti-horde or anti-MC/vehicle with the rest of your army
Ian Reyes
All SoB units have Act of Faith In order for Act of Faith to work everyone must have a version of an AoF
New Celestine does not have an AoF even if her rules are carbon copy of her former AoF.
If Celestines attaches to let's say a Unit of Seraphim (the traditional Celestine escort since she exist) can no longer use their AoF.
That is the origin of the meme. The new SoB model prevents SoB from doing their thing
Welcome to GW son
Luis Lopez
What are the first must-buys for Dark Angels? I've already got two tactical squads from Dark Vengeance.
Angel Flores
Pictures? Or just the traditional Dream Forge?
Grayson Robinson
Friendly reminder csm can't do shit right in the fluff
Rebasing a shitload of nids, eventually going to paint my hierophant
Ayden Lee
they make for INCREDIBLE ravenwing conversions
Grayson Ramirez
Rolled 9 (1d10)
So my old, poorly painted Cadians are drowning in Dettol like their homeworld in the Warp and I'm going to make a new regiment as I get back into it.
Let's get rolling to see who they are.
Michael Howard
Rolled 30 (1d100)
Militia hmmm.
Demographic time
Gabriel Long
Rolled 2 (1d10)
So a militia drawn from the warrior caste, seems fitting.
Now for their nature
Joseph Myers
Everyone fails in their own codex except Tau
Bentley Stewart
can you reccomend me some good necron Black library novel so far i have: Dead men's walking shield of baal
Ryder Thomas
Rolled 94 (1d100)
The elite tithe, warrior caste militia.
Where do they hail from?
Robert Phillips
Mother fucker
Jaxon Robinson
Hardly ever. I do have ~1500pts immolator-spam but I hardly play them since playing War Convocation is much more fun and reminds me more about how old Act of Faith system used to work.
Carter Carter
Hey i know that genestealer!
Dominic Allen
Yeah I know. Losing shred once per game. How terrible
Brandon Reyes
Rolled 66 (1d100)
So now we have no home, sadness.
What was it like though?
Carter Hall
This was in the nids dex, it's really strange actually, because in the timelines they basically win every fucking battle, but in every battle with a story aside from anphelion project they get DESTROYED
Blake Bell
Rolled 6 (1d100)
I suppose no one misses the wasteland even if it was home.
What's the core of the survivors?
Henry White
Rolled 2 (1d10)
Infantry makes sense.
What's the specialisation?
Andrew Ward
Not dream forge. Recast sisters of silence.
Christian Hernandez
This. Convo's thing is also that they are able to weather first turn alphas pretty well if they get the first turn. Pop Stealth/Shrouded canticle and suddenly your whole army pretty much has 2+ cover save.
New tech for War Convocation is taking haemathrope generator and then max out 10pts plasmacannon-servitors in elite slots. Suddenly you have largeblast plasma cannons and 5 more units for canticles. Who cares if they work only on 4+, they are 10pts S7 ap2 Large Blasts.
Christian Myers
Rolled 2 (1d10)
Counter? Counter what?
How loyal are we?
Jordan Lee
>win every battle
Our spiritual liege would like a word with you
Landon Scott
Guard user who uses 50 man infantry blob with 5 lascannons. What do you shoot at? I'm going to be doing a blob of 30 with lascannons but I'm not sure what the target priority is of the unit. MCs is obvious but if there aren't any what then? Vehicles?
Samuel Bailey
That shred with 2 pairs of flame pistols is magical.
Like anything in the SoB codex. Throw them at something kill it. Then die on the enemy turn. If they some how survive the payed for them self.
Gavin Jenkins
Rolled 25 (1d100)
Fanatics, that works.
Let's see what special shit we still have
Connor Garcia
OK, shiny. I guess I need to keep out of melee at all times or I'm pretty fucked. He has that Daemon Knight thing, though, which is a massive pain with D at +1 and Shrouded.
Yeah, guessed as much. Hoping the Sicarians can help a bit there, and probably best to save the real dakka for T2 just so I can get to range with a few more units.
Excellent, sounds fun. Haven't got a Haemotrope or any Servitors at the moment, may get one soon. Also building a bunch of Heresy conversions, so hopefully I can tack some of those on if they're decent in IA14.
Thomas Perez
Fancy lasguns eh? Bet they'll be being phased out seeing as home is gone.
Let's get some creeeeeeeeeeeed
Sebastian Williams
MFW my Tau friend always says he wins from "muh strategy". MFW "muh strategy" is sitting in the back shooting without using the movement phase for five turns.
Wyatt Hernandez
Rolled 12 (1d100)
Forgot that roll
Lucas Bell
Rolled 21 (1d100)
For the homeworld, seems a bit redundant. But hey-ho on we go.
Let's see those friends
Adam Reyes
Up until macragge behemoth was on a fucking rampage, only really stopped by them detonating an emperor class battleship, and if they hadn't Macragge would've fallen
Bentley Richardson
get Wyverns or whirlwinds and call it a day
Julian Roberts
Sicarians have to be used right. If you don't then they are going to feel useless. I recommend keeping the Ruststalkersr hidden until he gets close enough and then using them in a defensive charge to keep his units off of you. If you try and run them at him they will die, no questions asked. Infiltrators can be used a couple of different ways. An important thing to be aware of is their aura. Positioning that right can really swing things in your favor.
How do you have them kitted out?
Ryan Bennett
Rolled 73 (1d100)
Some specific Spehss Marines
Who do we hate
Anthony Edwards
My taufriend does the same shit, which is why he loses, because if you're letting nids get close to you you're fucking up
Logan Nguyen
How do I beat Tau with SoB?
My opponent plays a mobile Crisis suit-heavy list with some Pathfinders here and there for objectives/markerlights.
My transports tend to get annihilated unless I huddle behind buildings.
Jeremiah Johnson
These bikes are pure sex. Even my father (who is a huge motorcycle nerd) liked their design even if it's a bit unrealistic.
William Walker
so he gets objectives how? and you can't run transports through to his side?
Luis Robinson
Sometimes I like to go to youtube and see if there is new videos of games with the imperial guard but lately the amount of games with them seem to have diminished, do they suck that much?
David Harris
Melta his suits and instant-death them.
Rhino Rush flamers onto his Pathfinders or ping at them with heavy bolters.
Andrew Evans
>tournament at local club >All the WAAC faggots have signed up >Pretty much all play scatbike bullshit >Bring my emperor's wrath artillery company and fucking stomp them >Every time
Is there a better feel than crushing OP garbage with a mid tier army?
William Murphy
They're too for an overwhelming victory and not weak enough for a desperate underdog story Guard are just boring
Kayden Smith
When your superior tactics involves you standing still. Not even moving back to keep range?
Kayden Gonzalez
I am pure shitfaced drunk and am about to play my m8 at his basement dungeon wherein we will get even more drunk, so I just made this list on the fly out of models I already have to come at him. I don't know what he will be bringing (dude has several glass cases of armies) but I suspect space yiffs or imperial guard, maaayyybbbeee tyranids.
I built these models as parts of other lists and you helped me Veeky Forums, don't steer me wrong this time. Will I get butt plundered?
Evan Parker
I'm currently just at 1k points, running a barebones 10-man Vanguard squad, two 5-man Rangers with 1 arquebus each, one normal Onager and one Icarus Onager, a Dominus and one squad of each kataphron flavour. Going upwards in points I really fancy stacking more Vanguards, in transports if we do get them, maybe a squad of each Secutarii flavour.
Lucas Walker
Too mild*
Isaiah Ramirez
Right so we are a militia drawn from the warrior caste, who were the elite tithe of our now lost homeworld which was a miserable wasteland. Obviously they're infantry based and specialise in what I assume is counter attacking, and are fanatically loyal to the Imperium. Equipped with fancy lasguns they fight on for the honour of the lost world with the help of a specific chapter of space marines. And the special enemy is a specific chaos daemon.
So I'm thinking maybe their homeworld was a recruiting planet for their space marine allies which attracted the attention of a daemon prince who decided to wipe it out. The marines evacuated who they could to keep a small pool of recruits for the chapter and keep them equipped with decent lasguns as an allied fighting force.
Does that sound alright? Anyone got better ideas? Or any comments/advice at all?
Gabriel Cook
What the fuck is wrong with you? The daemonkin codex is filled with victories against he Tyranids.
One group of Warp Talons soled multiple Hive Fleets on their own. Tyranids can't fight for shiz. Theuy only rely on numbers. Against skilled opponents with preptime to counter their numbers, the nids will always lose.
Owen Bennett
Give me the truth Veeky Forumss, is a DA demi-company competitive? I'm talking 3 full tac squads, 1 dev with lasguns and a 5 man assault squad w flamer.
Me and my friends are going full competitive and I've been building my army following the detachment in the codex, but now I'm not so sure.
Wyatt Adams
I wouldn't say destroyed. Even when losing, the Tyranids inflict an heinous toll (Iyanden) on the other side, and it's all pointless as it is just scout Fleets.
Austin Evans
They also did so to Malan'tai.
Julian Brooks
What can be done with Tau fluff to make them not the most despised of all 40k armies?
Robert Smith
>One group of Warp Talons soled multiple Hive Fleets on their own I wish Warp Talons were this good. Or even good enough that they could solo multiple Imperial Guard Infantry Squads...
Henry Peterson
Re-invent the entirety of 40k's fanbase?
That's where most of the problems are at as far as I'm concerned.
Owen White
Delete them? Pointless faction iiwtbqhwy
Mason Phillips
Is there anything worth putting in a dreadclaw? I'm allying some chaos space men with my renegades and I'm not really familiar with drop tactics, cost makes me wary but it sounds kinda fun.
Chase Wilson
nothing, because that is a meme and most people who play 40k don't hate tau outside of Veeky Forums
in the last 2 years I have played 40k all over the US from wisconsin to virginia to texas and states in between, double digit numbers of stores, plus some conventions, and in my anecdotes 40k is a very casual hobby. most people do not give a shit about cheese or are even unaware of it, I would say the bulk of players are perfectly fine running helbrutes and flash gits and don't know that on the internet, eldar and tau are the worst thing ever. because most people don't run war crime tier lists, they play with the models they like.
Angel Bailey
Not before you get the other half of the battle company.