If you've never created a small business splitting ladders and selling them as pairs of 10-foot poles or quarterstaffs, you don't know SHIT about traditional games.
If you've never created a small business splitting ladders and selling them as pairs of 10-foot poles or quarterstaffs...
But it's unprofitable. I lose about 1 sp per piece.
What do you do with the rungs of the ladder?
Paint, sell as enchanted 'movable rods'.
Sharpen into special vampire killing weaponry.
instant nunchucks, just add length of chain
Drumsticks. Sell them to orc bards because they won't know better.
>After months of treacherous adventuring become ruler of forested province
>Use incredible superhuman strength plus some magical assistance to quickly harvest some lumber
>Turn lumber into various wooden tools and sell at market price for profit
>Sit smugly knowing that the money will just come rolling in
>Realize that this is just a totally normal business
>mfw Dungeons & Dragons is more popular than Gear & Goyims
Sell them as firewood.
It's either goyim or goys, user. But not goyims.
goyim is the plural of goy, there is no goys
seriously? so goyims doesn't exist either? thank you, never knew.
You'll make that up in volume.
>Cost: nothing
>Hey, my ten foot pole is full of holes! I want my money back!
No, no, sir, they're SUPPOSED to be there. Where else do you put your dungeon snacks. Perfect size for my brand new snack: Noodle Cup. Now in Original and Noodle flavors! They're the noodleiest!
Actually, as a member of the 10-foot-pole-Makers' Guild, I can inform you that the quality of the wood used to manufacture a 10-foot-pole is drastically better than what you can get away with using in a common domestic-use ladder; 10-foot-poles have to be strong, flexible, and lightweight enough for all the various purposes (generally poking things) the average adventurer puts them to.
What you're describing is 10-foot-pole fraud, and if you aren't brought into court by one of your customers first, you'll eventually be receiving a visit from some Guild representatives to explain to you how we generally don't take kindly to some two-bit Rogue/Bard multiclass or whatever the fuck you are who thinks just cause he's got a 14 in Int he's outsmarted the adventuring economy.
Then they'll hit you with quarterstaffs.
>I'm literally just a Druid trained in woodcraft
Good luck finding my address, asshole!
I'd just like to interject for moment. What you're refering to as wood, is in fact, TREE/Pole, or as I've recently taken to calling it, TREE plus Pole. Pole is not a good base for a Guild unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning TREE system made useful by the TREE corelibs, forest utilities and vital ecosystem components comprising a full landscape as defined by BBROSS.
Many Guild members run a modified version of the TREE system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of TREE which is widely used today is often called Pole, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the TREE system, developed by Silvanus.
There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called Linux distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux!
Fucking kek but you forgot to edit the last bit so I'm afraid all I can give you is an 8/10