Does Veeky Forums unironically like MYFAROG?
Does Veeky Forums unironically like MYFAROG?
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No. Please stop making these threads.
Anyone who bumps this thread is just a troll.
post a PDF
Is that yours? Did you actually buy it?
can someone explain the joke to me? i see a thread like the go up at least once a week
Someone called Varg makes a rulebook, he has a checkered past involving murder and church burning.
Butthurt loser cry about his past and I have yet to see a review or factual comment on his rule-book in these threads.
After 20 threads I don;t even know what dice the game uses.
No. Stop trying to bump this thread with bullshit conversation. Just go into the archive and figure it out for yourself. There's a hundred+ of these shit threads.
>church burning.
He will pay for that, In this life or the next.
Quit it. If you want to just talk about an attention whore, go over to /pol/.
It's ok, not a masterpiece but not as horrible as people on this board would have you believe.
hey fuck face, sage your post if you're that butthurt like i do
>can someone explain the joke to me? i see a thread like the go up at least once a week
Basically, OP made a boring fantasy heartbreaker with a veneer of WE WUZ VIKANGZ. Nobody really wanted a copy, so he makes a thread on Veeky Forums every few days because living in France is boring, I guess. Whether or not OP is actually Christian (the game's creator) or just someone who figured out that Veeky Forums doesn't like people spamming the same thread over and over without providing a PDF is a who point.
OP never delivers a PDF because that would mean nobody would have any incentive to buy his game. If you read through the archived threads (and there are dozens at this point), you'll notice the same posting patterns in all the threads: someone who claims to have bought a copy gives a "review" that's basically "It's okay, nothing special, lol y u so triggered teej" in just about every thread.
By this point, most of the regular Veeky Forums userbase has seen enough iterations of this thread to know exactly what's going to happen, hence the MYFARGO game On the off chance that you're actually not the OP, here are the archived threads:
>yet to see a review or factual comment on his rule-book in these threads.
We did those, about a hundred threads back. Now fuck off.
Oh hey, I think that's a new picture. These threads are almost fun for me at this point, keep it up Varg.
sounds like a huge waste of time to be honest, aren't there better things to shit post? like fatal?
Post the PDF and we'll judge for ourselves, Christian.
what the fuck, why the hell is this shitpost thread more active than mine!
Because shitposters know the mods have stopped deleting vargposting threads for some reason?
Well, it seems like Christian doesn't have a lot to do besides while away the time living in France, so he probably considers it a good use of his time.
I imagine him sitting in a cafe in Paris scowling at the dirty foreigners who were actually born in that country, leaning forward to hide the MYFAROG v. 2.7 pdf he's working on every time someone walks past so none of them will see it and beat him up.
>Oh hey, I think that's a new picture.
It's not; he used it in November 2015:
You're damn right baby!
I have the game and it is pretty decent desu, I have all the books except the coming expansion.
I would like to scan it but I feel too lazy
>Implying Varg wouldn't kill in self-defence the second someone looked over his shoulder.
its not often you see the mods posting around, since i got you here.
do you like being a mod?
how long do you spend on here daily?
i might as well get something useful out of the thread right.
Much like any mod I love sucking long objects, such as my usb collection of screen-capped bans.
Anyone who makes a political or humorous statement I dislike, I will ban without hesitation because I have no other power in my sad pathetic life.
I'm afraid we'll never know. I ordered a copy but when I finally got my hands on it, well, it spontaneously burnt itself down to ash. I feel fortunate nobody was murdered.
My copy literally just came in minutes ago, AMA
What dice does it primarily use?
>and then self-defensively stab them 16 times in the back, twice in the head, and five times in the neck!
>You know one more than that guy from that other band arrested for murder did, just to one-up him
>wait, I mean he, uh, fell on some glass, your honor!
D20 and D6
Will you scan it or are you just going to tease everyone like every other dude who says he has a copy?
Most rolls are 3D6 but it also uses the standard array of tabletop dice
If the scanner in the university library lets me easily scan all of it into one big file, sure
Be careful. Everyone who ever said they were going to post a scan has vanished from the ken of man before they could post it.
Obviously, Varg came after them because they were planning to kill him/ share his game/ kill him and share the kill.
In that case, I don't think it's worth asking you anything until you post the PDF.
This isn't the first time someone's done what you're doing, and all they've done is act like a shill, answer things vaguely, and generally just do nothing but try and keep these threads bumped. Sorry, but the benefit of the doubt no longer applies to you.
>If the scanner in the university library lets me easily scan all of it into one big file
Fuck it, just scan into files, pack it, and throw it on dropbox or whatever, even if it's bad we'll clean it up and put it into the RPG hoard.
If anyone has a question about a specific rule I'll post a picture of the page
will do
Varg lives in Corrèze.
>same thread as every 2 weeks
>38 replies
>fumble rules
Of course, bad game design 101. Let's see that shit!
i second this
Why is the throwing axe seperate and why is it a throwing axe specifically? Why not throwing knives as well?
They are two fundamentally different weapons.
This is worse than I thought. This guy is a moron.
Character Roles I assume are the stand in for Class, so let's have a peak at that
He probably watched that Lindybeige video saying it's impossible to throw a knife and believed it.
>fumble on a nat 3 or 4
What the fuck happens on a 1 or 2?
I think it's 3d6 m8, 3 is the lowest you can roll
This happens
Overly complicated, in this case to a ridiculous extent, and yet it adds nothing of value whatsoever. Yep, that's bad game design.
It's an optional rule I presume based on the stories that a francisca would bounce around and thus be very effective against formations
It's a 3D6 roll
But that only really works in writing, in speech you have to say the whole thing. Has Varg actually ever talked about this game with anyone, or played with anyone in person?
Indeed they are
on the next page are the bard and sorcerer
Wot the fok am I even reading
>Yep, that's bad game design.
Were you really expecting anything else?
Varg is watching this right now probably, Get his attention, the commentor posted the thread.
I don't think he was but seeing it with your own real eyes is another matter to just knowing it will be garbage. Now it's quantifiable.
>Wot the fok am I even reading
>A fantasy heartbreaker is, essentially, a Dungeons & Dragons knock-off. Ron Edwards coined the term to describe a species of games published in the RPG boom of the 1990s, long after their purported innovations could be considered original. The term usefully describes games which are mired in preconceptions arising from the D&D paradigm. A criticism of the term is that it implies dismissal of the idea you can make "D&D, but better," which might be a desirable goal for some designers.
>when you were the one who created MYFARGO and get to see it become the commonplace term for Wolfie VikingGuy's shitpile
Varg needs to read all 2,234 threads we've had about MYFAROG
Generally I actually sort of like the game and I think they have some value if you want a wilderness, pre-medieval, survival-y kind of game, but this is definitely one of the low points of the rules. I much prefer a more open/abstract approach to critical misses and hits, where the DM can make something up to fit the situation, rather than having something slow and unnecessary like seen here.
Has it burst into flames yet?
(Asking for a friend.)
Why does a viking live in the most Occitan of French places?
I mean I understand intellectually what it's supposed to be but I feel like I'm reading some euclidean geometric language or something.
is your mom hot?
>Varg might literally be reading my posts
holy shit
I'm a big fan
She looks like a pretty typical middle-age woman but you can tell she was back in the day
Because not even vikings can resist the comfiest part of France.
He moved in with his wife.
>axes are just like rugby balls
You can tell Varg has played a lot of rugby and has a lot of axe experience.
>mêlée is abbreviated as MÊ
What even?
Also, these rules are just going to make combat seem like it's slapstick.
>axe hits the ground and bounces like a rugby ball
At least this retardation is optional.
What's that about bullets and missile weapons on the top of the image?
>varg is anti-vacc
I shouldn't even be surprised. So he really believes that ancient man lived better and was stronger, without modern medicine or modern nutritional standards?
It reads as if someone took a GURPS homebrew and dropped it on its head.
You sound pretty mad, take a deep breath friend.
>about every 1 in 100 swings with any weapon, be it a bastard sword or Milbarog the demon forged blade, you have a chance of breaking it
I love it, I love every retarded who thinks that fumbling has a chance of physically destroying your own weapon and decides that is an event that should happen in a game of playing pretend.
This is awful, even by amateur standards.
I mean, thanks for telling me the scientific name of the juniper tree, but we've got vague roles that rely on us innately understanding what he means by "stereotypical" while also having pointless overlaps. We've got three entries that couldn't even be described as half-assed, and the rest of the entries are bizarre corruptions of clashing mythologies.
Now I understand why there was so much hesitation to post this stuff.
My sides are in fucking orbit
Varg actually thinks ancient people were healthier than modern people because "MUH VIKANGZ MAGIC" or some shit
Something actually rather interesting
>She looks like a pretty typical middle-age woman but you can tell she was back in the day
prove it
>you need at least two people to form a "line"
Wow, real groundbreaking stuff here
Thanks user, keep it coming. This shit is comedy gold.
>What's Veeky Forums?
Stop lying Christian you know full damn well you've been shilling this game here
>It is not possible to shoot or throw anything through a line to hit anyone behind it, unless the target or shooter is on elevated ground
What if, like, you just, like, threw it ABOVE their heads?
Did he write this entire thing in a vacuum?
>(there are never more than one in a community)
What happens if that line is crossed? What sort of checks and balances are in place to prevent a higher density of Bacchantes?
I mean, what if my town already has a resident Bacchante, but I have a religious experience and now I fanatically love FraujuR, ivy, donkeys and the colour blue? Do we fight to the death? Does one of us need to leave?
These are things I need answered.
Also, I love how these guys who fanatically believe in their own immortality are really prone to hanging themselves. Seems kind of counter-intuitive.
These guys also think dark blue is sacred, so I kind of wonder where the sacred blue/sacred dark blue divide is.
Thank me niggers
You're the best user
>Did he write this entire thing in a vacuum?
That's essentially how all fantasy heart-breakers are written, and this is no exception.
You're my hero, user.
I will post the book if you guys make Varg do a Q and A on this board.
Only need 1 expansion for all the books
Wait, isn't this the same guy who claimed that the Sumerians and Egyptians were descended from Norsemen?
Does the game reflect his batshit worldviews?
He has 'sun vitamin debuffs'
if you're not white, you get a debuff
Yes, and yes.
>Varg literally kills people
>doesn't have the badassitude to take the next step down chaotic evil and make the original copy of his book out of human skin
>its made out of fucking papyrus
fuck you varg, you can't balance a game worth shit and papyrus is gay.
>it's not possible to do something unless it's logical that it should be possible
Thanks Varg.
I mean, formations are kind of neat for a game with a certain tone and setting, but it doesn't really do anything. All it says is that it prevent people from being shot unless it would be possible to shoot them. Which I would sort of assume to be the case in any situation.
Formations themselves are neat, it just feels like they should have some greater mechanical importance. Right now it's just kind of shit.
What are the movement rules like? This makes more sense it things are heavily grid-based.
>I will post the book if
Eh, fuck off if you're not going to just post it. At least university-user is giving us comedy gold.
I'm legitimately curious what kind of curse this is going to inflict on you
Holy shit, I'm French and I still balk at this faggotry.
Just post it. Varg is a retard who wouldn't agree to that anyway, it would hurt his VIKANGZ pride.
The curse is that he was Varg all along.
And by the way, changing your name from Kristian (completely normal name in his country) to Varg (Wolf) because you're upset about Christianity is something I'd expect from a furry fedora tipper.